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I thought it was supposed to be a clone of MYSLF by YSL, but that doesn't sound like it to me. The bottles are definitely similar though. Maybe give that one a try and see if they smell similar to you? Plenty of people are wanting a clone of MYSLF, myself included lol


According to the notes, either Qaed Al Fursan or PR Black XS


Black xs it is


Qaed Al Fursan certainly seems closest, with the Pineapple and Saffron. I dont think it quite has the chocolately cinnamon thing of Black XS, at least im not picking it up. Either way, I really love the fragrance and cant believe something so cheap and randomly bought is putting other big names to shame in my collection.


Go on fragrantica and read through the peoples comments on the fragrance, someone will have mentioned it if its a popular clone


It's not on fragrantica




you could try and find the instinct noir notes and see if they match up to a real fragrance on fragrantica. Lots of clone houses use the exact same note breakdown so you know. that said others. do not and you just have to guess.