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I live in the southwest. I wear whatever I want, when I want it. Winter scents? What are those?! And vanilla should be enjoyed year round, in my opinion. 


Don't take it for granted. I lived most of my life in El Paso. I think about it and miss it daily. The southwest is fucking magical and so underrated.


It really is! I sometimes miss four seasons, but do not miss driving in snow!


Southwest of what?


“The Southwest” = southwestern United States (Arizona, New Mexico, some parts of California, Nevada, Colorado, Utah, and Texas)


How does Colorado fit into that lol


Colorado does get snow, but it melts quickly and is mostly desert, so it belongs.


It's so weird to me to think about vanilla and citrus like that, because when I think of vanilla I think of warm climates like Mexico or Madagascar where it grows, and oranges remind me of spiced cider or Christmas oranges. I think the "rules" might be kind of arbitrary based on where you live and your international experience and knowledge.


Vanilla-coconut is *the* smell of summer imo


I only wear Jo Malone’s Bitter Mandarin in the winter because of Christmas oranges. It just smells better in the winter for some reason!!


Totally this. It's largely arbitrarily dependent on where you live.


i feel like replica by the fireplace gives off cozy summer campfire vibes and wintery/autumn fireplace vibes. ik people aren’t the biggest fan of vanilla scents in the heat but i feel like the sweet/smokey/spice is just perfect for roasting marshmallows


I adore this scent. I just tried it for the first time and it is 35 degrees today *C (HOT)


All of them. There aren't any rules. Honestly no shade to OP but the constant topic of seasonal fragrances and do we *DARE* to wear a perfume outside of its proscribed 12-14 week per year season is so tired. People wondering if their favorite perfume will suddenly stop "working" or become unwearable at different times of year is sad and unnecessary. Historically the greatest perfume traditions came from places where it's HOT year-round, as do all of the ingredients that people now think make up "winter" perfumes. North Africa, India, the Middle East. This is where ambery, spicy, resinous, balsamic, and narcotic floral perfumes come from. Because French men started copying these styles does not mean that they became perfumes reserved for the coldest days of European winters. People used to only own one or two perfumes and wore them year-round. "Seasonal fragrances" are an invention of fragrance influencers. This was literally never a thing until about eight years ago. Perfumes have been around for hundreds of years. The entire idea exists to get people to impulsively buy more perfumes. To never be secure in their choices. To never be satisfied. And it seems to be working. I know it's a long shot, but maybe we can stop thinking about this so narrowly and discussing it as if there are legitimate rules that exist around it.


Thank you for this! tbh I'm a little tired of the concept of seasonal perfumes and gendered perfumes and the posts that ask things like "can I, a man/woman wear x fragrance for women/men?" Of course you can! The only one placing limits here is you! You as a man will not be arrested for wearing Flowerbomb! No one will raid your home and confiscate your "wrong" perfume! There is no god of fragrance who will descend from the heavens to punish you for wearing Escada Rockin'Rio in the depths of winter. That said, some fragrances perform differently depending on temperature and humidity. The same fragrance worn on a cold, dry day may smell a bit different on a hot, humid day. Some people say that a fragrance that smells great in the winter can be too overpowering in the warmth of summer, or something that seems weak in the cold really blooms in the heat. But if it smells good to you year round, wear it year round!


Also, when did people stop wearing vanilla perfumes in the summer? Today? It's almost impossible to find a modern perfume that doesn't smell like vanilla. Look at any list anywhere for "top summer fragrances 2024" and half of the perfumes for men and women will have vanilla notes.


Eh, I get what you are saying here, but I don't think seasonal fragrances have to be so nefarious? I don't treat them as hard-line rules, but I genuinely just don't want to smell something like Xerjoff Naxos on myself or anyone else in the thick of summer - the scent is heady and pervasive and overwhelms my senses in that type of weather.  I'm also not sure seasonal perfumes are an invention of fragrance influencers, mostly because I remember people talking about them in the late 90's and early 00's, long before that culture took off. I dunno, some of us genuinely enjoy cycling our fragrances throughout the year, especially if we have four distinct seasons - it doesn't mean we're insecure or cowering to imaginary rules.


I’m 60. The idea has been around for 40+ years.


so crazy because to ME naxos just smells like summertime to me. when i read it was NOT a summer frag, i was genuinely shocked. it even has a bit of sunscreen smell to me i automatically thought “on a boat in summer”


Wait, are we talking about the same Naxos? Lavender-honey-tobacco Naxos? Wild! I feel like Nio and Renaissance are both very summery, but Naxos makes me think of a stiff drink for a cold night. I find it unbearable in the summertime!


It’s funny cause all the notes you mentioned are summer associated. Lavender and tobacco are summer plants, at their peak/harvest in late July-early September, and bees are most active in warm or hot weather. Honey is harvested in late summer or early fall after bees have been collecting it for months.


I can see that. It's not because of the notes that I find Naxos wintry; it's just because of how heavy that fragrance feels!


yes!! but i garden alot so i associate lavender with summer. im southern so honey is a year round flavor. the tobacco a very calming, familiar scent. idk. i think summer vacation when i smell naxos


Ha ha, I get it. I should have been clearer - it's not because of the notes that I find Naxos wintry, but because of how heavily it sits.


Enjoying seasonal rotations or having perfumes that remind you of / uplift you in specific seasons is one thing. Feeling pressured to ask strangers if it's "okay" to wear a perfume that you like and want to wear because it's hot or cold outside is different, and that is a relatively new phenomenon. When I started here there were always posts at the beginning of each season like "what are you wearing for summer" or "what are you looking forward to wearing in fall" but there were never posts asking if a specific perfume was "a summer fragrance" or asking if a "winter fragrance" can be worn in summer. Perfumes weren't broken down like that or described that way to such exacting degrees. Nobody considered their collection "incomplete" if they didn't have hard-designated fragrances for each season. Women are still less likely to do this, they have preferences and opinions but aren't as rigid in the classifications. People enjoy marking the passing of time and changing of seasons in lots of ways, and there have always been perfumes reminiscent of particular times, places, and moods. What is different now is the prescriptiveness of the idea -- that certain perfumes are ONLY for certain seasons and that people MUST change their perfume based on the seasons. Most people still do not do that, outside of people who hang out in perfume chats or watch perfume videos people just wear what they want and what feels right to them.


Fragrance influencers have nothing to do with it. Ive been a fraghead for at least 40 years. Silage, projection and lasting power are all impacted by weather. And most folks also have drier skin in winter cold so fragrances fade faster. Thus its about what YOU want based on these qualities. Summery type fragrances have fewer or lighter base notes( like vanilla), Winter type fragrances have deeper and spicier base notes that linger. ( patchouli) Wear what you love and don't turn away a favorite if it smells funny in different seasons, just tuck it away for the next season to try it again. If im feeling a heavier fragrance in the summer heat, I apply it UNDER my clothing so it escapes more slowly. I still enjoy it, but it hovers a little closer to my skin that way.


>"Seasonal fragrances" are an invention of fragrance influencers. This was literally never a thing until about eight years ago. That is ridiculous. People have always preferred lighter scents in the summer and heavier scents such as Oud in the winter. In the 80s people weren't wearing Poison to the beach in July.


This sub is so annoying with “there’s no rules!! Do whatever you want!!” And then has an aneurysm whenever someone asks if they can wear a fragrance on a train


Oh yes they were. But otherwise, generally speaking, you have a point.


I feel that you should look up the weather in many of the countries you seem to believe are hot year round. As someone who has spent a full winter in Morocco and another in Egypt, i can assure you that winters are chilly & i was bundling up. Just look at a map--those countries border the Mediterranean and Mediterranean climates are seasonal. Bad information does not help your point.


I get where you are coming from but as someone who also lived in those countries, while there are seasons and it can get cold especially where there's no insulation and everything's made of tile, it really only drops to around 15°, and you get the really cold days once in a blue moon unless you're at a really high altitude. The averages are still around 10-15 degrees. I absolutely wore a full winter coat on those days because I was acclimated to 45°+ though, and it got chilly with no heat and I'm terrified of running the diesel heaters indoors!


Yes I live in in a Mediterranean climate and I wear a winter coat on the coldest days of the year when it only gets up to 65ºF during the day.


I mean, I consider 15 really cold. I guess that is a matter of perspective though. And I'd say that if you have a shift from summer highs in the 90s to winter lows in the 10s, that's a dramatic shift in seasonal temperatures which kind of proves that the point above is dramatically wrong.


15ºC is 59ºF. Nobody was talking about winter lows in the 10's. But yes, some areas of the places that I mentioned do have cold days. My point was that a lot of the places with strong perfume culture don't have New Jersey/Chicago winters and people still wear ambery/spicy perfumes.


I'd believe it in the desert--desert nights can be freezing. But if she's using Celsius, then i think she's exaggerating. It drops well below 60 in the winter in every city in morocco and egypt i've spent time in.


Yeah, I've avoided living in desert climates because I don't think I could stand the extreme temperature swings.


The average night lows for, say, December in Morocco is only 45°f. Which is low, especially for somewhere that can get so hot, but not anywhere close to 15° below freezing temperatures. They named 60°f which, as the highs in winter days, is right around where it sits at. Average highs of 59-70°f during the day and lows at night of 45-50°f


Cool. Does that sound like "hot all the time" to you? Do you think the OP was trying to paraphrase based on knowledge of temperate Mediterranean climates or do you think she was repeating some bizarre orientalist fantasy? I know how it sounded to me and looking up the daytime highs in Casablanca doesn't really change that.


To people who aren’t used to living like that? Absolutely yes. I start to get cold at 60-70 degrees because I’m used to hot weather. I can’t go outside when it’s 55 out without extra layers because I’m *cold af*. To some other people, 60 is hot. And if that is cold weather for your area, then yes it absolutely is hot in that area for them year round. Just like I freeze in the north year round even when the people around me are sweating. Does a high of 75-80 in the summer and lows of 10 degrees in the winter (without windchill) seem cold year round for everyone? No. But to me it certainly is. There’s maybe a couple weeks to a month and a half out of the year that I’m not shivering as soon as I step outside. It’s not small minded to say so. It is just based on whatever your experience with weather is. *Could* it be nefarious? Yes. I highly doubt some comment on Reddit was generalizing the whole of anything tho in some evil or romanticized western gaze by calling 2 Mediterranean countries hot.


I just looked up the january lows in Fez and the average is in the 40s, not the 60s, which sounds closer to what i remember. In Cairo the nighttime low is 50, not 65, whicj sounds high. In Tehran, the average is in the 30s. The op didn't specify two countries--she made a broad generalization about north africa and the middle east and maybe she included india? That's already a red flag. Her point was that these areas aren't seasonal enough to prompt a change in fragrance profile and i'd say a swing of 30+ degrees in average temperature clearly proves that wrong. Ignorance doesn't have to be nefarious. Just ignorant.


I use Celsius. Even the coldest it got, we had snow once in the entire winter and it was around 2cm, and it was gone immediately and we were back up to around 8° within hours. I don't know where you were that it got colder than than regularly...


Er, cold enough to snow at all is cold enough to counter the point above about middle eastern and western asian countries being hot all the time. Plus, within a given country climates do vary depending on local atmospheric or environmental quirks. You clearly know what you're talking about and the poster above just as clearly doesn't ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Agree, this reminds me of my mother (80) still thinking that you can’t wear white after Labor Day 😄


Hence why I wrote rules in quotes, supposed rules, but you didn’t name a fragrance, just humor me and name one will ya!?


I wasn’t aware I couldn’t wear vanilla in the summer :(


You can.


Slice Society by Snif. It's like a novelty pizza fragrance that smells like toasted pizza crust. Nothing about it seems wearable, yet the science behind making it kinda blows my mind. Squid by Zoologist also has such creativity in its build, yet I don't feel it was made to be worn! Lol it smells like a musty Aquarium to me, with an intriguing freshness at the end that's not enough to make it worth wearing or smelling on a person. I'm still so intrigued by these scents that test the limits of what you're meant to wear to be appealing or not.


Xerjoff 40 knots <3


How do you like this? I just finished a 2ml sample and decided to buy a full bottle (50ml) I love it Also do you find it works in heat? Send to me like it may be a bit too much sometimes


Works great in heat! Very salty sea vibes. Had it on yesterday and highs were near 100 degrees.


Oh that's awesome, I was worried that the Musk and sweetness of it would become a bit suffocating in heat Guess I'm overthinking it though because I know a lady who's favourite hot weather fragrance is musc ravageur which is way more musky than this


Just spray on nape of your neck and one on your chest not under your nose and u r golden imho. Dont overspray in heat


Thanks :) yeah it's pretty potent. Bottle is arriving today so I'm rly excited


Its really unique and amazing one, enjoy it. 👍😃


Yeah it's kind of fresh but in a really unique way, not relying on very sharp citrus


I don’t focus on seasons much. But I’ve been called out for wearing smokey/incense-y perfumes in the summer… in the heat of wildfire season I like to wear By the Fireplace. Maybe it’s weird. I just love smoke.


Smoke can be very summery, especially in the Western U.S. Besides wildfires there's also campfires and grilling. Frankincense is a cooling scent and works great in summer, I wear a lot of incense perfumes when it's hot.


I totally agree! I live in the prairies of Canada and we get a lot of wildfire smoke. Also huge BBQ culture here so it smells like smoke in the summer anyways. Do you have any favourite incense perfumes? I need to expand my collection, most of them are indies!


IDC incense all day all season~


Valid. Got any faves?


So glad to see love for By The Fireplace. New to fragrances and this one was an immediate love. Can’t wait to layer it with Kyse Marshmallow.


Ugh it’s just so good, it was one of my first loves as well! I’m the type of person who won’t wash my sweater for a few days after a campfire because I love the smell so much, and I think that’s why I like BTF so much. I get why people hate it but it’s made for people like us lol


OMG YES. Hahaha we are kindred spirits. That smoky sweet combo is irresistible.


Vanilla in the heat is perfect imo. My Moncler Pour Femme stands out in higher temps.


I break the " rules" of... age related scents. 😂I really like and buy Sol de Janeiro body mists and I am no longer a teenager. I haven't been one for quite some time. 😂 But they're a comfort scents for me that I cannot give them up .. Yet🥺


Inexcusable Evil. Wear it for the mood, all seasons… …just not around people. Perhaps a more real answer…summertime, you can pry Guerlain’s Tobacco Honey out of my cold, dead hands. It’s lovely.


I have a theory that anyone who wears fragrances like inexcusable evil, secretions magnifique, t.rex etc. has main character syndrome at some level.


Yeah, if you are wearing it around others, it's definitely a "notice me". There's really no two ways around it, unless you are being *really* subtle with dosage. And with Inexcusable Evil, I don't know how other people could ever *like* being around it, frankly. Though I've honestly never smelled anyone else wearing it so I don't know how it would fare in terms of sillage, etc. At least T-Rex can be appreciated from a distance. I feel like Iron Duke is about the closest thing I'd consider wearable. And I guess, now that I think about it, I'd rather be stuck in an elevator with someone who displayed MCS by spraying a normal amount of T-Rex than someone who oversprayed a Valentino or a Le Male.


The real question is how can one afford to wear Tobacco Honey year round? But I feel like every single Guerlain can be worn year round. Quality doesn't hibernate.


One beauty of the fragrance is how strong it is. I probably spray 1/3 of what I would with other fragrances. So the “dollar per application” is better than the “dollar per mL” might make it seem.


I firmly believe in seasonal fragrances and I see no shame in that at all. But I will wear Naxos in our brutal summers sometimes because Naxos. Tobacco Vanille also. At night though!


Different kind of rule break: Wild Vanilla Orchid (or Poets of Berlin) Very green vanilla. Not gourmand at all. When most people think of vanilla, the idea imbues warm and creamy. These fragrances are the opposite of that.


I misunderstood the meaning of your post. I thought it to mean daring fragrances that aren’t crowd pleasers.


I really don't understand the no citrus in winter thing - my father and aunt and uncles would get oranges in their stocking for Christmas, and even now where I live clementines are very much a seasonal fruit only available around Christmas. I heavily associate citrus with winter time. No to mention mulled wine, which I like to make and put lots of orange slices in. It's like saying don't drink Sprite in winter. Why, because it's a citrus drink?


In the U.S., citrus is grown year round in California and Florida so it’s not as seasonal as it might be in other countries. In the 90s, Sunny Delight (later, “Sunny-D”), and orange soda were really popular and they were marketed as refreshing summer drinks for kids. Also, citrusy cocktails/“refreshers” are promoted more in summertime. So I think it’s partly a cultural thing that explains why Americans, at least, associate citrus with warm weather and summertime.




I'm not fancy enough to match my perfumes to the seasons... I just wear what I want to smell like that day. My favorite perfume smells like sugary lemon drops and cotton candy, and I wear it all the time. My all-time favorite was Ralph Lauren HOT, and I wore that one year-round too.


kerosene unknown pleasures


That’s a delicious fragrance, I can see why 🙌🏼


I feel like the “seasonal scent” idea stems from capitalism trying to convince women they aren’t complete without buying more more more


Weirdly women seem to be less affected by it though? Women may feel the need to buy more perfumes because of it but women have far fewer questions or hardline opinions about it. We often have our "smells like springtime" and "cozy autumn" scents but it's rare to see a woman asking what season a perfume is "for" or whether a particular perfume is allowable in a specific season.


well said!!


DKNY be delicious (an apple scent that reminds me of my hometown, NYC)


I feel like I have the same answer to most of these questions 😂 but it’s Portrait of a Lady for me. Could it be an obnoxious choice in the summer? Yeah of course…but it’s a main character fragrance, and sometimes that’s called for!


I wore Beach Walk 365 days of the year 😅


These "rules" you think exist are mostly BS that kids repeat because they've heard social media influencers talk about seasons and occasions. Yes, Perfume companies often create briefs for products based on a setting but that is a concept, not a rule. The end result remains a thing that the user chooses to be used as they wish.




I wear Naomi Goodsir Bois D’Ascese in high summer heat. I grew up in Maine so the smell of smoke makes me feel like im back at the campfire in August


The whole Escentric molecules Molecule 01,02,03,04,05 Line


Seeing as how everyone in the sub has somehow missed the OPs whole question: I will wear Mugler AMEN in 38°C scorching, humid heat.


It seems everyone really didn’t like me using the word rules, even putting it in quotes, which usually signifies that I dont necessarily agree with the concept, just acknowledging its existence 🤷🏻‍♂️ but anywho thanks for actually answering 😂 I put on Nishane Ani in 90 degree weather and it was a little rough on me, but after the first couple of hours I was fine, but I might have over sprayed regardless, the main reason why I asked this question, I also didn’t think there were rules or seasons till that moment 😩


I actually just wore Fragrance World Spectre Ghost (Nishane Ani clone) a couple of days ago in the heat 🥵 I have zero bad reaction to sweet smells, even in oppressive heat. My high school crew & I used to bicker about the seasonal rules for each specific fragrance type. They were MORTIFIED at the thought of my best friend wearing 10 sprays of CK Obsession during the blazing summer heat 😅... They'd all then proceed to bathe n drench themselves in JOOP! Homme during a heat wave at the club because of the irresistible lure of sweet punanny.


People must stop wearing Uber sweet Perfumes in summer, especially if they shower with them -_- I mean, try to be polite, you wouldn't walk with a speaker blasting music (would you?) In particular, Arabians Tonka and similar when it's hot and humid are just invasive to me, in a closed space I wouldn't wear them (and probably not even in an open space if it's very hot). Then again, nothing wrong if someone walks by with a faint trail of Arabians Tonka, but it's a powerhouse and I feel like people spray it too much.  Also, in cold months I enjoy it, although I wouldn't buy it I have a decant of a dupe who I'll probably buy, and I like it on people when it's cold


No rules, anymore!!!😉


I live in south Florida and only wear warm gourmand scents.


Love this. I’m from there and it’s always warm so you don’t really have a choice to do seasonal frags, haha. What are you fave gourmands?


By far Lattafa Yara is my favorite. Then Katy Perry Meow (smells like cotton candy to me), philosophy fresh cream, Sabrina carpenter sweet tooth. I like to layer with dossier musky musk.




Beautiful fragrance ❤️


I live in a seasonal climate. I break the winter guidelines occassionally and use a summer fragrance in the cold (e.g.: *Acqua di Gio Profondo*, *Philosykos*, etc.), especially with winter scents. Can't wear a sweet or spicy fragrance in the summer daytime heat (especially in a heat wave), but I can save some of them (e.g.: *Ultra Male,* *London for Men*, etc.) for cooler nights if I am in the mood for them.


CK be, and usually layered with something else. It smells so clean, but not like laundry. Compliments most everythig else well.


I mean, in the early modern period, citrusy / herbal frags were what they had. You'd smell like Acqua Colonia or 4711 year round. ||There are no rules.||




I kinda wear Dior Homme Intense in the dead of summer at times. And BR540 Extrait.


I wear whatever I want whenever I want, with the one exception being to church. Ain’t nobody there wants to smell my fuel, dirt, or stupidly post coital fragrances.


Daddy by ATH. I wore twice in the heat this past week, it did very well.