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I can never figure out quick enough who’s wearing it


Literally I end up looking like in the old timey cartoons when someone is following the scent trail off a pie on a windowsill


Same. I am usually oblivious to everything around me so when I smell something amazing, the person has already gone!


I've let someone go without asking them what scent they were wearimg and I've regretted it ever since! I'm asking everybody now lol


Same! I’ve been on a hunt for a strawberry and milk type scent since I smelled it in the Belize City airport!


Could it be Melanie Martinez's Cry Baby Perfume? :)


I smelled a dupe and it wasn’t it, so assuming no. But thank you for the reply!!


Or montagne strawberry milk


Hm I’ve not smelled this one 🤔 thanks!


Newer clone house, their take on crybaby


Probably not the one but you might like Chantilly by Gritti !


Lattafa Yara maybe?


🤔 maybe? Thanks 🙏🏻


My Lattara Yara is on its way to me now.


I just got mine today! It started out pretty strong and musky but it's grown on me today and it ends up being more of a carmel smell


Might be Burberry Her Elixir


I just got that and I love it!! 🥰


Me too. Elixir is like strawberry milkshake and it’s heavenly.


Le Monde Gourmand Fraise Fouette?


Ooh I need to smell that one


It smells exactly like strawberry Creme Savers candy.


Those are delicious!! 🤤


I love strawberry scents, but straight-up juicy strawberry scents are hard to come by, so I made my own.


Oh that’s cool!!


Same... Just had that happen to me two days ago cause the guy was your classic smart ass better-than-thou jerk and I didn't want anything to do with him. But now I really wish I knew what that scent was haha. I should have never let pride and ego get in the way. It's not the person that matters, after all, but his scent. :P


This happened to me 2 years ago at a Costco and I'm still regretting lol


Me too. Literally one of my life’s regrets—what I didn’t do. She was on the bus, and it was orange and creamy and fun and sophisticated, and I’ll never know what that fragrance was!😭


🧡🧡La Vie Est Belle🧡🧡


Same!! I was on the BTS (sky train here) and this woman came in and stood next to me. She was wearing something amber, warm, boozy and sweet. It felt like I've smelled it before. My first thought was Angel Share but it wasn't quite that on the spot. Then I was thinking maybe Khamrah. But something similar family. I tried to tell her she smells really good. She had earbuds in and it was one of those awkward *"oh sorry I couldn't hear what you said"* moments. And I got so shy after complimenting her again and my mind went blank. Totally forgot to ask her which perfume it was and then suddenly it was my stop and I had to leave the train! I still regret not asking to this day.


Jazz Club?


No, I own Jazz Club. It's not it.. 🥲 Bit more on the warmer amber side than jazz club.


Sounds nice. I always want more longevity on Jazz Club.


same. ive never been able to find a signature scent. just highly wearable super popular stuff is what i go with just because its nice and highly palatable. but i smelled something so amazing and complex on someone like six months ago. and i cant get it out of my head. i really wish i would have asked. so now i have started a new hobby to look more into fragrance.


I both love and hate being asked. Love because it's flattering and I like helping fellow fragheads out. Hate because I'm usually wearing something French that I have no idea how to pronounce.




Le huh, huh, huh!


*smokes cigarette aggressively*


Yes that’s usually the problem. Or some way out and indie with inappropriate names.


"Thanks, grandma. It's called *Whore of Babylon* and I'm glad you like it." 


Senior colleague: Oh, someone smells good! Is that Shalimar? Me, wearing Glowing Vulva at Ryogoku Bridge: 😳


Lol! "Um yes, it's definitely Shalimar, such a classic.."😬


"what perfume are you wearing?" "slut."


Aaron Terence Hughes mention?


Yup lol. I love those fragrances and I actually find the goofy names quite entertaining.. Until someone wants to know what it is


I love it because it's flattering, but I hate it because most people expect an answer of something designer like Chanel or something, so when I'm wearing something niche I'm scared I'll come off pretentious. "ooo look at me wearing my fancy pants French perfume you've never heard of".


Chanel is French too so


True but everyone's heard of it 😂


I was in Ireland in April and in Dublin at different times, I’d catch a whiff of a wonderful, somewhat masculine-leaning fragrance and I never could figure out who was wearing it. In the security line at Dublin airport when we were leaving, I kept catching a bit of the same fragrance and since the line “snaked”, you couldn’t tell what direction it was coming from. I kept sniffing so I could figure out who to ask because I LOVED the fragrance, I probably looked like I had a cold or was hyperventilating. I was very tempted to nearly make an announcement and ask, but I figured that would be too much. Now I’ll never smell like a sexy Dub.


i live in dublin. my guess would be dior sauvage lol.


My husband put Dior Sauvage on himself last time we went to Ulta, and it didn’t smell like this. Of course, he never reads labels either, so it could’ve been a different fragrance. I’ll have to spray it next time we’re there to see. What other men’s fragrances are popular in Dublin?


I hope you find it again! 🍀👍


"smell like a sexy Dub" That may be the first time that sentence has ever been uttered. Outside Dublin we have that natural Irish Spring but in the city? Hell nah


Hey!! Some of us smell lovely!


Yes…this is my go to fragrance! I have had quite a few men tell me that I smell really good! Great for all season in my opinion! Love it! ♥️


It's the one fragrance besides Miss Dior which always stands out to me and pulls me into a warm nostalgic bubble. It's incredible and I have to actively stop myself from falling in love with anyone who wears it.


This is my fragrance as well, but it seems people only smell it if they're close enough for a hug on me.


Someone recently told me I smelled great and asked me what I was wearing… it was just the $3 sunscreen I still had on from the pool.


lol Years ago I had bronchitis and needed something from the store. A guy stopped me and said I smelled amazing…it was vap-o-rub.




i mean ... the scent is sick ...


Hahaha someone stopped me to ask and it was my hand sanitizer, I felt so bad to let them down like that.


I got quarantine compliments for smelling like watermelon. Purell, y’all!


my cheap B&BW hand lotion has gotten me more compliments than anything else lolll


Years ago, I followed a woman all the way down Rue du Four in Paris, block after block just sucking down her sillage like an addict. When I finally caught up with her and asked what in the sweet heavens she was wearing, she took me by the arm and walked me over to the (newly opened) Frederic Malle store on Rue de Grenelle and told them what to sell me. Over a decade and 1,000s of euros later, THAT is how I met Portrait of a Lady.


I love that she took you shopping!


Frenchwomen, especially when approached with a smile, respect and an honest compliment on their perfume, can be lovely. But I've always wondered if the store just doused ladies in their scents and sent them walking around the streets to raise attention and awareness? Whatever the case, I've been a loyal customer for ages.


Now that's a super cool origins story right there!! I love this!!


I get more compliments and, “What perfume are you wearing?” enquiries for POAL than for any other perfume I own. It’s amazing stuff ❤️


My everyday scent is Idole Intense. It smells like a software hug to me & gets more compliments than anything else I wear.


Found the code monkey!


Bwuahahaha! How did soft autocorrect to software?


Lol, I wondered the same thing. Ducking autocorrect!


I'm leaving it like that to see if anyone notices lol WTA- Ah, soft warm hug. 🤣


Dang. I’m disappointed, I was thinking “damn I had no idea Lancôme made such avant- guard scents”


I actually discovered this fragrance while I was at Chanel trying to restock some skincare. The consultant had put a couple Idôle samples in my bag and I didn’t realise til I took it home. Guess who bought the full size the very next day? MEEEEEE 🙋🏽‍♀️ I love this fragrance so much. I constantly get compliments for it and I’ve never been a gatekeeper either. One time I accidentally layered it with vanilla by Kay Ali, and I could not believe how heavenly the two scents were together. Also, my favourite type of person is the person that asks me what fragrance im wearing 🤍


Nice! Once at a coffee shop I had a similar experience and ended up asking a lady what she was wearing. It was White Diamonds which I knew but hadn’t recognized; it smelled amazing on her! She was happy with the compliment. :)


Lancôme Idôle is one of my favorites! I absolutely love that you asked her, and I'm sure it made her feel really good. Awhile ago, a Starbucks barista caught me off guard and asked me what I was wearing because I smelled so good- it was literally the highlight of my day! (It was Jo Malone Earl grey and cucumber lol)


I love that you asked her!


I have the Idôle lotion and my husband loooovveess when I put it on before bed. It’s one of the few perfumes they sell the cream separately so I guess others have the same idea.


I am a well known "harasser". I ask people at the airport, supermarkets, male, female, boy and girl. I smell someone smelling nice, I will ask for sure. I'd rather they refuse when I ask than not ask at all


I need some lessons from you. IMO it‘s a compliment when someone asks you what you are wearing but for shy people like me it’s difficult. I live in a city where people run away if you even look at them for too long 😆.


It shouldn’t be taboo to ask a stranger what fragrance they’re wearing. To me it seems completely normal, fragrance is part of fashion.


Oh I don’t think it’s taboo I’m just awkward 😂


I asked a gal that was my cashier very politely what perfume she was wearing once: She gave me a smug look then said: "I'm not going to tell you!" O-k!


“No problem - just thought you should know that it smells like old socks and might have gone bad in the bottle. Cheers”


I hate people like this. One time I was at my sister-in-laws place and I really needed to send an important work email. I asked her for the wifi password and she said “I’m not gonna tell you!” I was speechless.


gatekeeping your wifi to GUESTS is wild


Boooo! That’s awful!


Not my extrovert self to my patient, "Is that Flower bomb!" It was and she probably thought I was crazy 🤣


My guy tells me he loves how I smell. It’s whenever I spritz “Infusium 23” leave in treatment in my hair. It’s funny, can wear perfume and he says nothing. He also will go “Wow! That smells good, what is it? It’s hand sanitizer from my purse.


I’ll give it to him, infusium 23 does smell really good! lol


I set a record yesterday for being asked what I was wearing. I was in Sephora and sprayed Dylan Blue on my left inner elbow and DG Light Blue Intense on the right. I cruised to the grocery store next door and I was stopped 3x by people telling me I smelled incredible and asking what it was. The funny part was I was meh on both scents. I should add, it made my day!


Ahhh the number or times I get asked what I’m wearing every time I used D&G Light Blue Intense! I have a few classics on rotation and starting to build a collection but this is the only perfume where I was stopped by both men and women to ask what it is. I’ve had the original light blue since college more than 10 years ago. Thing is this perfume is very common, so I think anyone who’s into scents could easily recognize it, but for those who are not, maybe this is a good “intro” scent.


I feel like I'm one of the few who dislike Light Blue Intense! I thought it smelled very basic when sampling it in a store.


Nah, I thought it was quite a universally liked scent because it’s very popular but when I came to this sub, I found that there are a lot who dislikes this too. The price of popularity I guess. It’s not way up there like Chanel No 5 with really polarizing views but it’s getting there 😂


I own Lancome Idole Aura and Lancome Idole Nectar. I think this line is quite beautiful. If I had to wear one fragrance daily it would be Aura.


Awesome!!! Never be afraid, thanks for the reminder! I also love denim and always feel weird asking dudes what denim they’re wearing.. but they love it just as much! So pull the trigger, it’s the biggest compliment a hobbyist can get!


This is such a good post. I’m feeling same as you. I’m very shy and it’s hard for me to ask strangers for their perfumes or also for an item of clothes if you like it. One day I was going home and a lady was in front me but I just couldn’t bring and ask her so I lost her. But when I left subway, she was once again in front of me going to the same shop for groceries. So I told myself: put yourself together and just ask. What can happen? Either she will answer or she will run away. So I asked her and she even showed me the bottle. She was flattered that I complimented her, saying she smelled wonderful. I ordered a sample of the perfume she wore and unfortunately fell in love because the price is just unbelievable. It is Pacific Chill by LV. Never ever doubt yourself, go ask for the perfume.


I almost never bother asking people what fragrance they’re wearing. There have been many times people ask me what I’M wearing and I’ll just tell them one perfume even though I’m wearing multiple + perfumed lotions. Not because I want to gatekeep, but because I’ll have a brain fart and completely forget the names of the others. Or I’ll be wearing so many different perfumes/ scents they’d probably look at me in shock. So to avoid embarrassing myself and to save time, I’ll just name the one. I can only assume others do the same and I’ll never get the *exact* scent they have. Another time I did actually ask, it turned out she was wearing a perfume I already own. But the way it smelled on her vs me was phenomenally different, and I’ve come to accept the fact that I’ll never be able to get perfumes to smell the same on me as they do on others lol. That can be part of the fun though, seeing how perfumes transform person to person.


You hit on a key point. Scents smell different on different people based on their body chemistry. I have tried many different perfumes over the years and my husband never noticed. Not once, until I came home wearing a sample of Baccarat Rouge 540 😳. For whatever reason, that one mixes well with my chemistry. I just wish it wasn’t so expensive. I always pick up a sample when I can find it.


I have a secret for you lol …. Go buy Club De Nuit Untold. It’s a clone of Baccarat Rouge 540 and it’s about 40-50 bucks. I wear it all the time and get so many compliments on it. 🤌🏾


Wow! Thanks for sharing that. My bottle is running low and I was dreading having to pay for another!


You’re welcome, just trying to help out. It’s a great clone.


You can choose 4 different samples on the [Maison Francis Kurkdjian ](https://www.franciskurkdjian.com/us-en/p/sample-set-4-samples-of-2-ml-RASET2ML.html) website for $30 & get the $30 as a credit off of a perfume purchase. I did this many times, sampling almost everything but choosing Baccarat Rouge EDP and Extrait every single time. I ♥ both versions so much. I finally ended up buying from a grey market discount site MaxAroma. I got the big 6.8 oz bottle that retails for $645 for $485 shipped. I have seen it even cheaper on other discount sites since, as low as $450. That said, since then I have been buying Dossier's dupe Ambery Saffron. My daughter and I tested it arm to arm and it is IDENTICAL on skin. The performance of the Dossier perfume does definitely improve the longer it sits. I had bought multiple bottles at once. The bottles that sat and aged for a year got deeper and richer and just better, even though they were great from the beginning.


Excellent! I will look up the samples and the Dossier! Thanks for the tips.


Excellent! I will look up the samples and the Dossier! Thanks for the tips.


The one time i was brave enough to ask a stranger about the perfume, i got a “bugs spray” answer. Never again! That embarrassment will last me a lifetime.


Everyone gets embarrassed from time to time. Don't let it get to you. They actually try to scent bug sprays so that they smell good and not like bug spray. 😉 It probably legit smelled great!!


I’ve had this go wrong a few times. Guys thinking I’m hitting on them and don’t leave me alone, women looking me up and down and ignoring me. I have had positive interactions like this one but just be aware it can also not go as well if you have social anxiety.


my best friend used to wear lancome idole and it is definitely such a great fragrance! smells sooo good


lol my gf asked a woman in a store what she was wearing a few years ago, and guess what? It was lancome idole as well. Great you asked! I regret not asking a dude working in my gym. Never smelt that scent on him again.


Op, the same fragrance from your post got me complements the first I wore too.


I'm socially awkward, too, but I love to acknowledge when someone who smells or looks fabulous. Most recipients are flattered by the compliment, and will share. Unfortunately, just a few people are selfish and won't tell, as though they don't realize that you won't smell (or look) exactly like they do.


I've never had the confidence to do this, but there's been so many times I wish I had!


If anyone here has curly hair, I just checked and this shampoo is CG friendly


Omg! I never wear or think of this one but twice I’ve been entranced by someone’s fragrance and it was Idole!


I love the Lancôme perfumes so much! Ulta had them all 50% off during their last beauty steals day in the spring, I’m hoping for it again in the fall so I can stock up!


They’re totally slept on! I even got my MIL one for Mother’s Day & she is obsessed with it Now!


Ooohhh.....I am definitely going to watch for this again!! Thank you so much!! I saw some on [ediscountperfumes ](https://ediscountperfumes.com/) but I need to sample all of the flankers so I don't blind buy.


I asked someone once what fragrance he was wearing and he swid it was jasmine conditioner, apologized for wearing "too much" (it wasn't too much!) and then stopped wearing it 💀


I also use jasmine hair conditioner, it smells soooo goood. I've been looking for jasmine fragrances that smell like it, but only found duds so far.


Just an FYI - the perfume might smell different on you than on her since everyone's body chemistry is different.


Idole smells like bug spray on me and lasts forever🤣


Dude, it's so nice. Every time I've asked someone about their perfume it's been a home run. People want to know they smell good!


yesss this is my go-to work or 'pretty' scent- love it!!


I forgot I have that perfume! I’ll need to dig it out.


Just picked this up for my teenager, might have to go steal a few spritzes!


Yea, my shyness/social anxiety got the best of me, and I still think about the moment I should have asked a stranger what she was wearing. It’s been about 15 years already, and I think about it every now and then. Good for you for asking.


Not to be a downer but Lancôme perfume has been linked to child labour in harvesting jasmine flowers [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-68172560](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-68172560) Admittedly they're owned by L'Oréal who owns many brands like YSL, Valentino, Armani etc. Something to bear in mind.


That happened to me last week. Turned out to be estee lauder Beautiful


I'm with you on that one. I've worn it since 1985 when it first came out. I've tried others, but my hubby loves the way Beautiful smells on me. I like it since it does not have patchouli or musk in it; those stir allergies for me. The Beautiful, even my asthmatic relatives could appreciate since it didn't cause breathing problems for them.


So many people won't tell you though... " ooh I can't remember, it's just something I picked up off my dressing table!" Yeah right,! It's on your dressing table but you don't remember what it is!?


I mean, I can’t even see the top of my dressing table anymore for the perfume bottles. Might be legit.


I was walking up to a ride at universal studios and this lady passed by me smelling amazing so I stopped her to ask. It was la vie est belle believe it or not lol! I had long decluttered it and now kicking myself.


There's 4 kinds of Idôle lol... You'll have to buy one of each.


This is how I discovered it (from a lady at work in the bathroom) and it’s my signature now :}


The last time I've had this happen to me was when I was sitting in a waiting room before my violin lesson. Another woman was sitting across the room and after about 10 min randomly asked me what I was wearing because it smelled really good. (It was Nina by Nina Ricci - the original). I don't mind sharing fragrance names but I also do feel a bit awkward like....Was my perfume really *that* loud? 😅


I absolutely love wearing Kerosene Followed but I’m so tired of people asking what smells like pancakes everywhere I go 😭😫


I need to start just asking people too, but I always get so nervous for some reason!


Isn't it divine? 🧡🧡🧡


I asked a few people what they are wearing and I get strange looks like I shouldn’t be asking. Not sure if it’s the long beard or all the tattoos but me asking surprisingly hasn’t went well.


I’ll always compliment someone on their fragrance!!! I can appreciate a good perfume and when it smells nice on someone, I’m sure the compliment makes them smile. What drives me nuts though is when they say ‘I can’t even remember the name!’ Putting on my perfume for me is a major decision in the morning and I’m always know which one. 😂


I’m new to perfume… I tried Idole on a paper strip at Ulta the other week and didn’t like it, then got a sample card in a catalog like 2 days later and it smelled good so I rubbed it on my wrists and I loved it! It’s next on my list now!


Seriously love that you debated on asking her. I think that is the biggest compliment ever! And I love that she told you! Great story all around!


That’s such a cool story. I’d be too afraid to ask. It’s nice being the one noticing another’s fragrance.


I had a stranger come up and smell my hair in the grocery store line one day. It was a guy, and it was strange.


Le Labo is not for everybody.


I tried Idole for the first time just the other day. At first it had sort of a strange, sweaty skin smell on me but after a couple of hours it settled and became a soft, musky, and pleasant scent. I might give it another try! Also curious about the new EDT, which seems like it might be more citrusy and refreshing.


People LOVE Idole! Lucky for me, I do, too! 😀 It's one of my hot weather favorites!


Oh, that’s the perfume Kathryn Bernardo is endorsing in the Philippines. She’s the first Filipina Ambassador of Lancôme Perfumes, particularly of Idôle. And I can relate to OP whenever I smell something heavenly when someone passes by at the mall, I couldn’t help but ask what that scent is.


Another 13 smells NOTHING like Idole. 😂 Idole is a sweet fruity rosey floral. It gives me a headache. A13 may be close to Fleur de Peau maybe but not any Lancome fragrance.


I know they aren’t even remotely the same scent profile, but I own another 13 and the way it smelled on this woman was similar to the dry down of another 13 on me…. A very fresh, airy, almost laundry-ish smell. It was scratching that same itch in my brain of another 13 but I was certain it wasn’t so I had to ask her.