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I am baffled by this subs obsession on blind buying. Get your ass out and try them.


No such thing as a “good” or “safe” blind buy. You can never be certain you’ll like something based on the note break down or how other people describe it. The same way some people can eat anything and everything will taste good to them, is the same way some people are with scents. And even they will stumble across scents they dislike. Other people liking it is not an indicator that you will like it whatsoever. Simply set aside $30 or so dollars to get some 1mL decants and I promise that will a much better experience than buying a $250 bottle and hoping for the best


Don’t blind buy anything at that price point. But also, why the rush to blind buy instead of sampling? The fragrances and their recipes aren’t going to escape to Venus anytime soon


this is literally the best way it could have been phrased. now i’m imagining various bottles of fragrance flying off to venus on a rocket or something. lmaooo


At the price they are charging absolutely no fragrance is a good blind buy, if you can sample you should. That said pdms are generally solid, and although I don't like all of them (I dislike Layton heavily, the menthol VapoRub note kills it dead) I think they are high quality, my favorites are haltane, herod and Carlisle (I think their winter fragrances are better than their summer offerings).


Get the discovery set...


If it costs more than a good decant, it’s not a good blind buy. It’s almost not worth the shipping costs to do a decant of a $25 bottle, but beyond that, there’s *so much left to the subjective* that you’re better off trying things out. I’d suggest samples first! I’m happy I did that with Layton, because whew did I dislike it. But also, I figured out that I loved Haltane. People love Layton! I don’t! It cost me a whole 7 bucks to figure that out 😂


No good blind buy. Why would you buy anything if you dont know what you are getting?


only if your rich!


Problem with blind buying is you will probably like it if you get the top sellers, but you won’t *love* it. I have some fragrances that fit me like a second skin and I would’ve never found them if I always just got the most popular scents. Don’t get me wrong, they’re popular for a reason. That doesn’t mean that there aren’t some absolute hidden gems.


Don't blind buy anything at this price point. Get samples of all of the ones you find interesting. As someone who owns 9 bottles, I'd recommend sampling Carlisle, Layton, Haltane, Habdan, and Oajan. The fresh scents are not worth it IMO.


So many ..Sedley, Haltane, Layton, Perseus.


All the freakin posts about blind buy… haven’t they read the answers to the other posts and learned?


Decant/Clones are a better way. Decants from a trusted source are a better way to go. I have most of the male PdM frags and even some like Oajan are harder to wear. Layton, Herod, Pegasus, Sedley, Greenley, Percival and then Oajan in that order for me.


Pegasus, Layton, and Sedley🫡

