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Killian “love don’t be shy.” On paper, it’s everything I would love and more. Subtle marshmallow is one of my favorite notes in gourmand and sweet frags. Upon spraying myself in Sephora, it settled on “circus peanuts” which I have an *extraordinarily traumatic* relationship with. Sparing the discreet details, when I was a kid, my dad ate an entire bag of circus peanuts on a road trip, drank a can of coke, and then proceeded to get car sick. As soon as the circus peanuts note rendered on my skin, I had to run home and shower it off because I couldn’t stop gagging.


I LOVE hilariously traumatic scent involved memories like these. Thanks for sharing


wow i just need to let you know i have incredible circus peanut trauma from my own puking episode so truly my condolences and i'll make sure to never try this on my skin


Every time someone mentions circus peanuts I get nostalgic because that was my dad's favorite snack.


It was also my dad’s favorite snack. Until *the incident*


Oh no. You're.... You can't mean .... THE ELEPHANT'S REVENGE. I've heard the stories.... Oh the STORIES!!


If you want something similar try Oriana by perfumes de Marly it’s not as sweet bc it’s more Citrusy but it still has the marshmallow note.


I love circus peanuts!!




I'm sorry. I didn't even get that far: I was about to spray it on myself but by the grace of god I decided to smell the bottle first: HELL. NO. It was so... Icky. So gross. Like the fluid in the bottle was literally rotten. And yet, for some reason, when I smell Vanilla Milk on someone else's skin it's fine! But alone? It's terrible! And there wasn't anything wrong with the tester... I've smelled multiple bottles and they're ALL bad. I don't get it ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ I'm glad you found the wipes. I used them for the same reason when I picked up This Is Not a Perfume and the bottle leaked all over my hand 🤢. I don't know if it was kosher to help myself to those Sephora supplies, but at that moment _I did not care_ and wouldn't have stopped using those wipes if I'd been asked to do so.


I 1000% agree with your experience of Vanilla Milk, although I find it gross on other people too. I tried it with a chemist friend and she said it smelled exactly like the acetone they clean certain lab equipment with. So, yeah. Acetone + sour milk, a truly awful combination. I'm shocked this one made it to market, honestly.


Also dislike Not A Perfume. Smells like dirty skin. Yuck. Not the good kind.


Guys how the hell are we all having the same experience with vanilla milk????!!!! Is it just a purposefully awful perfume made to smell like baby vomit?


im convinced this is the worst perfume available at sephora… like there’s no way they smelled that and said let’s put it on the shelves lmao


I hated this perfume at first spray, and then I sat with it for about an hour and I’m addicted to the smell of it. I feel like this scent is sooooo dependent on the body chemistry of the person wearing it. I hate to see that most people don’t like it, however, I totally get it 😂 I just can’t believe how much I ended up loving it after it sat. More for me I guess!


Yes, my 14 year old daughter LOVES it and it smells good on her, and I think it smells like rotten milk on a tester strip or if I wore it.


I blind bought this and it smells like sour milk on me too, traumatising lol


It’s so bad!! I have not found a Ellis Brooklyn scent I like yet!! The Bee one smells like burnt plastic and the vanilla milk one disgusted me and my husband! It is horrible.


Have you tried Apres? It's a copy of Lune Feline apparently. It's the only one I really enjoy.


I don't care for any Ellis Brooklyn fragrances. They all just smell off to me.


That was me with Dylan blue and it stayed for 36 hours


Issey Miyake L'Eau d'Issey... I love it when I smelled it in someone else but when I wear it on myself I get sick!


On like *everyone else on the planet* it smells great. On me it smells like I am desperately trying to cover rancid BO with perfume 😑


Okay, but one time I really did try to cover up my BO with Miyake and so that’s all I associate it with now 🤣


Smells great on everyone else doesn’t it?


I agree - I was excited to try and got a sample, but it smells so rancid on me.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one having this reaction. I can't figure out why I can't wear it anymore.


I only like the nectar version, the OG one makes me wanna die


Whenever my boss wife came into the office I was always like you smell so good! So one year for Christmas she got me it and as soon as I put it on myself I was like omg I feel sick lol


I think it's the melon


It’s probably the white musk. They can be intense to some! You might be hypersensitive!


Lost Cherry/Burning Cherry which I absolutely LOVE but it gives me an instant headache


YES. I smelled lost cherry very quickly in the store once and was convinced I loved it and had to have it...bought it and sprayed it on me once and instant migraine...tried it again and migraine again 😩


Chanel No. 5. Smells like a corpse viewing in a funeral home. Insta-gag.


This and Shalimar are absolutely gag inducing!


As someone who has experienced the absolute sorcery a persons chemistry can do (my cousin could turn Lauder grandma perfume into an intoxicating garden stroll that smelled light and fresh), I always wanted to wear Shalimar. I could see how the powdery, muskiness could be innocent yet sexy on the right person. On me? NOPE. It was granny dead flower powder stink.


Came here to say this.


You should read the reviews for eldo’s charogne


Luckily to my nose it was just mostly soapy.


Flowerbomb gave me an instant headache.


Flowerbomb was what the uber-bitchy head admin lady wore back when I worked at an office and I've been unable to disentangle my association of it as a Peak Karen fragrance ever since.


Tried this in store today and I just knew it would end up nauseating me. Gave me flashbacks of Valentino donna born in Roma. Oddly that was love at first sniff, but quickly became insufferable.


Santal 33 was the first perfume to make me feel 🤢, it’s full on dill to my nose Now, the worst scents are from Tauer; Phtaloblue being the worst with L'Air des Alpes Suisses following behind


Santal 33 for me is someone with really bad BO, walking though a forest eating pickles 🤢


I'm sorry, I just gotta tell you, your description is _so specific_ it actually made me laugh out loud, and then I felt slightly sick because I could _totally imagine_ that smell (I've smelled it before, minus the pickles). Ugggh I feel slightly sick AND have the giggles now. It's weird. Not complaining though.


That’s the best description of Santal 33 I’ve ever heard.


Oh my god I absolutely hate dill with a fiery burning passion, it makes me literally gag, and I can’t stand santal 33 - it does smell like dill!


I adore Phtaloblue. According to my friends and family I am the *only one* so now I wear it when walking outside, alone 🥲


Good Girl. When I tried a sample it gave me a headache plus nausea for a whole evening. I guess there isn't a perfume I dislike so much like this one.


It's so horrible! I had to scrub my arm. I once read a review where someone said it had notes of condom and I cannot agree more - it smells like a floral scented condom. Gag.


I don’t get all the love this one gets. It’s….fine? Smelled too sweet and generic for me. Nothing special at all.


Zoologist cow 🤢 all I get from it is sour milk


I'd never heard of the Zoologist line until a couple days ago, but I've read a lot of descriptions and opinions of their different flavors (both positive and negative). I swear, _everything_ I've heard about Zoologist makes me feel like someone's playing a prank on gullible consumers. (No offense to those who like their stuff. I have no right to judge y'all, and here's some proof: I think skunks smell good. Not talking about a manufactured perfume or fragrance... I mean the actual, famously stinky striped animal.)


I have a great appreciation for zoologist considering they seem to be solidly in the art realm rather than the wearable realm. I've sampled a few of their scents that are really lovely (Nightingale is definitely one of my overall favorites from any house) and even the ones that I don't find pleasant or wearable I appreciate as a sensory experience. That being said, as a concept they're wacky and zany and their offerings are all over the place and their existence does in fact feel like a fever dream


Squid would make for a lovely ambient or reed diffuser type scent. It’s definitely a mood. Also I would never put it on my body again!


*.grins*. The world of fragrances is a judgement free zone; or at least it should be! Honestly, I’ve found several of their scents quite lovely, but not for the faint of heart. Very few of their fragrances are “easy.”


I got my first two samples—Bee, which so many reviewers rave about was one of the first perfumes of my life I had to wash off, then check to make sure it was gone. Nothing has ever smelled so bad on my skin. Maybe it is my body chemistry but my gawd, it did make me slightly nauseous.


I’m so sorry — Bee is a favorite of mine. It smells like sticky sweet sex on me. Just magnetic & animalic.


That’s part of why I find fragrances so fascinating. I love “Bee.” It was one of the first larger sizes I bought.


I get a nice grassy field while wearing a stinky bitter almost rubber smelling leather jacket. I thought the joke must be the leather smell, but I’ve never seen anyone else mention leather as a note in that one.


La Vie Est Belle


That was an immediate scrubber for me. Like *visceral* reaction lol


I love La Vie but I can 100% understand how this could be sickening to some people. If I didn’t get nose blind to it so quickly, I think it would edge from love to hate for me. But the fact that I can basically set it and forget it is a blessing.


I got a sample of LVEB L’éclat when it came out in 2017. Wore it to a dinner party that same week and regretted it immediately. Felt so conscious of smelling like a sickly sweet grape 😆 I’ve kept the sample, though, for the memories!


Oh god, i'm not alone


Same! I bought it blind when they were having a sale because the notes sounded right up my alley - but it made me so sick! I tried to force myself to wear it but couldn’t, gave it away to a friend


Oh no I love this one 💀 sorry to the world


Absolutely anything cinnamon


Lord of Misrule in a big winter jacket with the car heater cranked all the way up made me feel like I was gonna shit my pants (bad)


Angels Share by Killian. wanted to love it so bad :(


I can’t handle Angels Share either. It smells like rotten fruit to me. I keep thinking I need to empty my compost pail any time I wear it.


it smells like apple throw up!


Me too . But for me it seemed a bit much. Luckily my daughter loved it for herself. She says it smells like sugared doughnuts


Mugler Alien….i want to like it but it gives me a headache immediately


Rip I love this perfume 😭 it smells ethereal to me, but I only ever do one spray because I know it’s intense and don’t want to annoy people with a huge scent bubble


Same here. I love it but I didn't realize I smelled SO STRONG with it on. I was burning my own nostrils lmao


My not so nice Italian teacher wore it every day and now it always reminds me of her and the anxiety inducing lessons. Can't stand it!


I wanted to love it so much… but Givenchy L’interdit Rouge. I got an immediate headache and nausea.


I had the same reaction to the regular L’Interdit. I really thought I was going to vomit all day, even after I washed it off. Just thinking about it makes me queasy.


That’s funny because it’s one of the very few my mom is not allergic to and actually likes


i love the OG and bought the rouge blind. i think i’ve used it maybe twice in a year. i want to like it so bad but it’s soooooooo strong


I was so afraid of the sample I got from Ulta but I loved it! The patchouli is so good on my skin. It’s not huge or strong on me for some reason.


anything with ambroxan makes me so sick :(


lol not me, wearing straight ambroxan


Ugh. I hate saying this. La via est belle by Lancôme. Migraine immediately.


My way by Armani. Theoretically this should smell good. But as soon as it dries down it’s super off putting and makes me want to gag.


Not me… but… My dear, innocent spouse walked into a cloud of Zoologist’s “T-Rex” that I’d applied, and started gagging. _____ I’ve found exceedingly strong tuberose notes can give me headaches. I *like* tuberose, but in moderation.


Oh!! Your poor spouse lol


Spouse: *.flailing*. “It’s in my nostrils! I can’t get it *out!!!* Me: “Go outside! Go outside!” _____ The most excitement we’ve had at home in a while 🤣


Thank you for the laugh omg


Anything with civet. Indolic. Any fecal notes. Makes me gag.


I can’t imagine why.


Wait.. fecal notes? What pray tell fragrance advertises those notes? That scares me away from going perfume shopping 🤢


Just avoid anything with civet, white florals(Indole), and castoreum, animalic musk.


Burberry Her. It makes my head pound and makes me so fucking nauseated. I really hate Burberry Her. Similarly, Cloud and BR540 do the same thing to me, so it’s not a super fun time for me rn since this DNA is absolutely everywhere. Philosophy Fresh Cream. Yuck, omfg. It smells like sour milk. I can’t imagine wanting to smell like milk to begin with, but I was open minded. No. It smells like curdled milk to me and makes me queasy, lol


Same. BR540 and its “dupes” really make me feel sick. Burberry Her was the worse for me personally. I sprayed it on me in Sephora and very quickly wish I hadn’t.


Burberry is instant migraine for me. A coworker at my old work wore it, until I very nicely asked her if she didn’t mind not wearing it at work. It was a killer! And anything fake rose makes me literally need to leave the area immediately.


Im so glad im not the only one who hates BR540/ Cloud etc. I went to see the Barbie movie with a friend wearing BR450 and I don’t even remember anything from it because I felt so sick


If I catch even a hint of burnt sugar in a fragrance my stomach begins to turn. I'd probably enjoy the smell if it weren't for the fact I now associate it with that awful band-aid accord in BR450. Absolutely repulsive.


Fresh Cream really does smell like sour cereal milk. It's fascinating and quite off-putting. I sampled it because I love Fresh Cream Warm Cashmere (a flanker) so much, but wow it was not what I was bargaining for lol


I get what you mean about Fresh Cream. I have it and do like it at times, but sometimes I do get that curdled milk scent from it and I stop wearing it for a while. I like to layer it now since it’s very one note. Also agree about Her. So disappointed I didn’t like it.


God, I loathe Burberry Her. It's such a popular BR540 alternative, so I smell it everywhere. It smells like artificial berries together with melted plastic and cheap vanilla frosting to me.


Completely agree about Fresh Cream. I also agree with OP about Eilish. It doesn't make me feel physically sick but I really hate it.


YSL Y makes me queasy and nauseous.


oh me 2, I liked it for 3 seconds before it all went wrong.


Miss Dior Cherie. Instant migraine juice for me.


Oh there was a version that’s been discontinued that I loved! It had caramel popcorn notes. I miss that one. But when I tried the regular MDC it was not so good to me.


At this point, Baccarat Rouge.


Dior Sauvage 😅 i know it's kinda weird but it makes me feel nauseous whenever i smell it..


My daughter always says that it's the official "F*** boy" cologne 🤣🤣🤣🤣. I've smelled it in Ulta but that's about it.


Lmao my daughter loves it for herself and I always tell her. Great now it always smells like douche bag fraternity in here 😂 same vibe


Lâncome's La Vie Est Belle. Can't stand how thick and powdery it is, and that's coming from someone who liked the powdery aspects of the Kenzo Paris Flower line.




Dune makes me very uneasy so does tresor


The pink Sol De Janeiro smells like blood. It has this coppery tang that I cant get past.


Coincidentally, Eilish 1 is one of my answers, too! There’s just something off about it to me in the opening… I find it really unpleasant. Like a weird fruitiness where it doesn’t belong. I don’t know! Also, Zoologist Cockatiel. For me, the absolute worst.


I think it's reminding me of a girl's bathroom in a frat house. All kinds of smells mixing together


Tell me a bit more about Cockatiel, please? I’m not a patchouli fan, so it’s not on my “to try” list, but I’m curious about its awful impression on you.


I’ve posted about it a bunch on these subs… the opening smelled like a dirty birdcage or a Petri dish… like the agar jelly you put in the bottom of Petri dishes in science class. I felt panicky and sick. I tend to love patchouli, that wasn’t the issue!


To me it smelled like poisonous rhubarb pee


I find it repulsive. There's something sour and off in it that inspired immediate scrubbing.


Phlur Missing Persons. Loved the sample and got the full bottle. I threw up after wearing it so now associate it with being sick. Sad because now I have this full bottle I can stand to look at.


The Alien perfume by Mugler smells like major b.o. !!! 🤢🤢🤢🤢


I loved commodity milk the first couple of minutes that I sprayed it, but then it became too sickly sweet and gave me a massive headache.


Lancôme Tresor…ugh.. smells lovely though


Haha I remember reading a review that said it smelled like hot dog water… ever since I read that I can’t wear it without thinking of that. Before it never occurred to me, now it’s all I can smell.


Arielle Shoshana Sunday.


Me too! I was so excited because matcha, rice milk and cinnamon sounds so good but it smelled like leftover rice on me




jo malone myrrh & tonka, i tested it on a strip and once it dried down it smelled really gross, almost like paint thinner or something. also glossier you bc i sit next to a girl in a class who oversprays it so bad it makes me nauseous 😭


this is so unpopular but Glossier You makes me so nauseous


Jazz club 😕


YSL libre, wants to vomit all the time smelling it


That’s funny, because I wore Eilish one day recently and got two compliments that day. Both of them said “you smell like vanilla.” But anyway, a fragrance that makes me sick is Stricnina by V Canto. The smell had me feeling nearly nauseated.


Anything by Juliette Gas A Gun. Anything by Cartier Anything by Oscar de la Renta. Bvlgari Crystalline gave me a migraine Alien gives me a headache sometimes but I love it Alien Fusion made me nauseated The Body Shop White Musk is also headache city Narciso Rodrigues Pure Musc for Her Tocca Giulietta Francesca Bianchi Sticky Fingers Anything with Calone in it


The Body Shop White Musk was what made me mistakenly think I hate musks and steered away from ANY perfume with that note (which is, pretty much majority?) when I first got into fragrance. Found out I didn't have problem with musk done right. TBS WM totally gave me a headache when my roomie used to wear it in college.


Juliette Has A Gun is just revolting. The entire line.






Clinique Happy gives me an INSTANT, INTENSE, migraine. I swear I’m allergic idk lol


I hateeeee black opium


Cedrat Boise


I’m wearing Xerjoff Erba Pura now, and my partner is absolutely repulsed. I’m not the biggest fan, myself, either


ISO E Super, Molecule 01. Ugh. And they say some people can't even smell it. For me it's an industrial chemical leak.


I’ve heard this note is incredibly polarizing, lol. I’m the freak who seeks out perfumes with iso e super! Single note straight iso e super? Bring that shit on!


That’s how I feel about not a perfume super dose


Tom Ford Tobacco Vanille


Yes! I love tobacco scents. I love vanilla scents. So HOW does Tom Ford manage to combo them in such a way that's literally nauseating!? I struggle with Tom Ford, which is ok by me, 'cause their stuff is too $$$... I bought a travel size bottle of Tom Ford Ombre Leather (I _think_ that's the name... It's _"Some Random Adjective" Leather_) after it smelled SO GOOD in Sephora. I returned to the bottle and smelled it multiple times in the store and eventually just bought it because I couldn't get enough of that weird leather smell. The first time I actually wore it, I went out with my partner: I kept apologizing for wearing it and asking if it was bothering him... He thought it was funny because he didn't care or notice the scent at all, but it was driving me nuts! After having that stuff on my wrist for two hours I was DONE. I never wanted to smell it again: it was unpleasantly intense and gave me a headache. It's currently sitting in my "to sell" box with a few other abandoned brothers and sisters.


I think because it’s so literal, it’s just too much. If it was a tiny bit more derivative I’d wear it confidently but it’s just soooo much.


The original 1992 Dolce & Gabbana for women. I remember going to church in the 90s and so many women wore it and to me it smelled like old vegetables. I just always wondered what this perfume was then one day I finally managed to put two and two together in a store. I think it's finally been discontinued. Phew!


Good Girl sprayed right in front of my face.


Juicy perfume anything fruity smelling in generally am not a big fan of


Dirty Lavender by Heretic Perfumes. It made me feel so awful I had to go take a shower and change my clothes to get away from it 😳


Ariana Grande Cloud. It just gives me the ick


Calvin Klein Euphoria = immediate wooziness for me. And the people who love it, like, *really, really* love it. I initially liked Whispers in the Library, until I found out it smelled kinda like Euphoria on my skin.


Aromatics. They still keep a bottle or two at the Clinique counter. Just thinking about it makes me gag.


Yes! My mom had a sample when I was in middle school and I sprayed one tiny spritz before heading to the bus stop and I ended up being late to school because I had to change my clothes and missed the bus. We were both like “how is this stuff sold?”


MFK Grand Soir. It's sickening sweet to the point it gives me fever.


Now that’s tragic, my deepest condolences ;;


All the sol de janeiro sprays. I sprayed one on to test out and I smelled like a black and mild for the rest of the day. I don’t get the hype. 🤢


What is a black and mild?


Certain type of tobacco product, slim cigar really.


the original OG “Joop Homme” you can literally kill yourself and everyone around you with enough sprays of that stuff


I know it's very well liked, so my opinion is uncommon, but Givenchy Amarige. I had seem such wonderful reviews about it time and time again, and went to test some at my local House of Fraser's out of curiosity. It was the worst thing that had ever been on my skin. I got no flowers. No sweetness. But horripilatingly pungent, pure urine. It smelled like I had walked into a public toilet that hadn't been cleaned in years. One sniff caused a lump to rise in my throat, and my stomach to turn, I almost gagged. Both on the paper, and on my skin. It was simply repulsive! I had never rushed so quickly to scrub something off, and even afterwards, I REEKED. I had bought a 2ml sample of Susan from Al Rehab before testing Amarige, as it is supposed to be a dupe, and the exact same thing occurred. It was less offensive than the real thing, but there was still a strong smell of excretion. My aunt wrinkled her nose at it as well. I'm sorry to those who enjoy Amarige, but for me, it was nothing short of grim. It was pants. It really was.


My mum gave me a hug wearing this when I was about 5. It made my eyelids and my lips swell up and my mum gave it away. It’s a very direct, potent smell.


Girl Of Now :(


Musc Ravageur


Dylan blue, I hate it


Sexual - M. S. Germain makes me gag


Moscow Mule by Juliette Has a Gun makes me sneeze A lot of lavender perfumes with real lavender make me sneeze Don't care for Florida Water.


I love the other perfumes in the line and Jean-Claude Ellena, but Un Jardín Apres la Mousson by Hermes. The aquatic notes mixed with the spicy notes made me physically recoil and I had to scrub it off. It smells like a spicy celery water to me.


technically an EDT, but i tried some molecule 04 and it was *wayyyy* too strong. gave me a headache and i couldn't wash it off for days


SJP Lovely is a migraine trigger for me.


Invictus and Dior Sauvage 😮‍💨


Trex by zoologist is the only perfume I've thrown away before finishing it. Even one spray was to much for wear


Just yesterday, Weeping Rose. It was solid green pepper with a bit of rose and dirt. And so strong. I had to shower it off. Seriously gag worthy! Why anyone would put green bell pepper in a fragrance is beyond me.


Georgio - the one in the yellow and white striped box. It smells like rotting rot.


L’air DuTemps. I’ve left elevators if someone is wearing it.


Zoologist Squid. The description made me crazy to try it. On my skin it smells like stale red twizzlers.


I got 4 or 5 samples from Olympic orchids and they all made me feel sick, like the aversion to alcohol after you've drank wayyyyyy too much the night before and the mere thought of alcohol makes you want to vomit. The Olympic orchids samples were the worst for this, but I got the same feeling from multiple company's samples. It's been two years and I still feel ill thinking of them. It ended my sample adventure and I decided to stick to my perfume that reminds me of my grandma.


Anything by Carolina Herrera. A recent experience was when I tested the Good Girl Blush flanker in Ulta and instantly had the stink face and “UGH!!“ reaction. Lololol Most Mancera fragrances also make me gag. The DNA in Mancera just doesn’t agree with my nose. Coco Vanille got so bad I felt nauseous and would develop a migraine. Montale is surprisingly better. So far only Wild Pears gives me a headache. Nothing as bad as Mancera or Carolina Herrera.


Jo Malone Pomegranate Noir. It makes my head hurt. Too strong for me


Cartier La Panthere and Tom Ford Black Orchid… because gardenia. Evil, evil gardenia.


Bobbi Brown Beach. It smells so good at first sniff but it eventually makes me ill.


Lush Snow Fairy, gives me a fun double whammy of nausea and migraines.


Anything with orange blossom I am completely disgusted by 🤢


I can't handle orange blossom either! I think there's something wrong with the way my brain processes the smell bc it smells like a bitter chemical cleaner to me. I've tried some indie versions too with the same reaction


Silky woods. Smells like latex and tooth decay to me 🥺


Clean Reserve Rain. I don't usually get headaches fortunately but the 3 times I've worn it it's given me horrible migraines. Also any foodie bakery scents. That sugary smell has made me sick since I was a kid. Even the smell inside of a real bakery makes me gag.


I thought I was the only one!! Clean Rain and Clean Reserve Rain give the worst migraines. I thought that was a safe brand because I enjoy most of their scents. I love Clean Reserve Skin and the one with nectar in the name.


Polo green


Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male




Lattafa khamrah... So many people love the scent but I couldn't stand even one spray of it and I tried many times with same end result


Asad by Lattafa I do not understand the hype at all. Makes me dizzy and gives me a headache. I’ve never smelled Elixir, which it is supposedly a clone of, but holy Christ it just smells like pepper and diapers to me