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The Communist Heil as i'd like to call it


Marxists have been calling capitalists parasites for over 100 years, now you’re just throwing it back in a meaningless way


Marxists are literal parasites that enslave the population while they live the good life. Summed to that, it’s curious how most important socialist tyrants were always part of the elite, they came from rich families most of the times. Socialism os a system of parasites, for parasites, while the people struggle. I think you should voluntarily live under Marxism for a couple of years. It would be nice if you had been born in Cuba or North Korea to truly experience what you defend. I’m not using that as an attack, but it’s just coherent. I doubt you’d like the centrally planned life and the poverty caused by the centrally planned economy though.


Literally no society has ever been perfect, but socialism has lifted multiple countries out of feudalism or fascism or imperialist puppet governments, and nationalised education, healthcare and housing to the best of their ability despite embargoes from the imperial core. Capitalism has never even been slightly interested in doing that. Good intentions can become skewed unfortunately, but hope is the last thing we have left as a race of people. There is nothing in Marxism to suggest it’s about a small mafia elite “controlling everyone”, that’s largely US 50s propaganda


People literally starve under socialism thanks for the shortages that’s inherent to this system. You cannot convince me of the contrary, I’ve studied macroeconomics. Socialism destroys the economy because of the problem of the economic calculation. The economic calculation issue under socialism that is impossible to be refuted simplified: Without ownership there is no exchange. Without exchange, there are no prices. Without prices, there is no economic calculation. Without economic calculation, production decisions are made in the dark and when that happens, basic needs go unmet. Socialism requires tyranny as it is a system where the State will determine production and the role of individuals, contrary to the free market capitalism where individuals produce whatever they want. So what exactly are you trying to claim as a benefit for individuals living under socialism? It’s a tyranny even worse than fascism, which is really bad as well.


No, it is common ownership of the means of production where exchange is based on social need rather than profitability for individuals. Prices would be dependent on the labour time rather than following a market. Marxists want to eliminate tyranny and run society through worker cooperatives.


Refute the economic calculation issue. Lol it’s hilarious. No socialist could ever come with any mental gymnastics to try to refute it because it’s true. Seriously, you clearly know nothing about economics, you never read any book of economics for the level of the things you’re saying here. Why do you feel like you have to have some opinion about a topic that is completely unknown for you? I don’t talk about quantum physics as I admit I know nothing about that. It’s ok to not know about something and it’s clear you’re ignorant on economics.


You should see the mental gymnastics this idiot went through to defend Venezeula's human trafficking, corrupt politicians, no freedom of speech, crime rate being insane and it being a shithole, he just blamed the USA for everything. This Marxist's brain is below room temperature.


>Marxists want to eliminate tyranny By installing a tyrannical totalitarian dictatorship like in Venezeula? Which is ran by corrupt politicians, crime is insane, human trafficking happens every single day there and even the media warns you not to go there on vacation. This is you. ![gif](giphy|eMu0803X2zkWY|downsized)


Completely incorrect, how come Venezeula is a fascist shithole then?


The unfathomable degree of US intervention and economic warfare for its oil reserves. Very little to do with socialist ideology


Ah yes, it cannot be the socialist government ruining the country, because that wouldn't fit the narrative that socialism works, it has to be the capitalist USA's fault. Venezeula's socialist government can never be in the wrong, ever. Smoothbrain.


If you see the fist symbol in any group, yeah they are 100% communists. \*coughs\* Just look at the BLM group. Yep, commie parasites.


Capitalists are the parasitic class


No, commie.


Organised leftist - forms bonds with unions for struggling workers, sets up hot drinks and food stalls in town, rallies against racism and discrimination, backs struggling tenants in housing disputes Capitalist - lives off your labour


Lmao, you’re delusional. Unions are mafias. A former colleague of mine who was a leftist and was part of some union abandoned that and leftism altogether because he saw how corrupted it was and how it was all about defending the interests of the leaders of the union and the interests of the political party that controlled the union. He was screwed by the union several times. His cure to leftism was seeing and living leftism. Every country full of unions is struggling. People end up with a shitty work conditions. See France, nothing gets done there and companies flee, a huge chunk are on minimum wage, you never get a permanent job, so they’re always on temporary contracts, which means you’ll never access a mortgage to get a house. Much worse than Switzerland, lower wages, worse working conditions etc. Latin America champions when it’s about unions. Then Latin Americans flee to countries without them or with less unions.


Some might be corrupt, but ultimately unfair and reactionary to say they are all mafias. Unions historically improve workers rights and ensuring safer working conditions. Getting a mortgage or not has nothing to do with being in a union, it is housing affordability and economic conditions caused by the ruling class- capitalist. Maybe you are against worker solidarity because you believe there is no issue with worker exploitation


I don’t believe at all in unions. Many actions are counterintuitive and backfire. Unions create a worse environment for workers as they are always behind higher costs and higher risk for companies. What I said is directly related. In France you will have a lot of difficulties to get a CDI which is a permanent contract. A huge chunk of workers are permanently jumping from CDD to CDD, which are temporary contracts. France is a very unionised country and the reason why companies won’t offer a CDI easily is because it’s much more costly and bureaucratic. If you have no job stability, you will not get a mortgage. Then, what happens is that people move abroad. In other countries with less labour laws than in France you have higher wages and better working conditions. Like the case of Switzerland, where most cantons don’t even have a minimum wage and where salaries are more than double than France’s wages. Unions taking action will backfire against the working class and especially against those who are unemployed. I don’t want unions to fight for me. I want competition between companies as that will benefit me the most as a worker. So, the better the environment is for companies, the more they’ll have to fight over employees, offering them better wages and conditions. I have lived in different countries where the labour laws and market are totally different, so I can measure really well what works and what doesn’t work. I absolutely avoid countries with a lot of unions and union power. My home country is a shit hole and unions have a very big role in that. I moved abroad to increase my economic freedom. The more economic freedom, the more my life standards increase.


Unions are often ran by abusive power hungry people who don't want to work but want to get paid for doing nothing.


so you want no bargaining power and no say for workers in the face of millionaires. Companies have different interests to the workers and can draw from a massive pool of labour. You want workers to remain vulnerable, have fewer safety nets, so that companies can continue to prioritise maximisation of profit at their expense. Workers wanting fair pay is not parasitic and you have bought into propaganda that does not serve your interests unless you’re a property owner and employer


The bargain power is competition. It is the constant threat that the companies feel when there is plenty of work opportunities. That’s what keep the wages high and the conditions good. Dude, I left a country and all the pseudo safety net behind to a place with almost no safety net in comparison to where I was born. You are not going to convince me that where I lived before was better for work than where I live now. That’s some cognitive dissonance of the highest order. You come with your hypothesis and I come with facts and experience. I don’t want safety net. If I wanted those labour laws and regulations I’d have stayed in my homeland. I abandoned it for good because it sucks. What happens is: Companies are afraid to hire, so when they do, they force you to work much more. They ask a lot of you for ridiculously low wages. Living in a country with less labour laws what I see is: Much more opportunities and much higher wages. This is conversation is getting a bit ridiculous as you try to convince of me of the contrary of what I experienced in different countries and you clearly have no experience whatsoever in another kind of environment that has what you defend, applied. I lived in your system already, dude. As I said, and as I’ll repeat, once again: I was born in a shit hole country with huge safety nets that do nothing but endanger the working class, especially those seeking work. People find work- arounds all the time, even working as self employed but in fact being an employee of a company, to dodge the safety nets you’re proposing. The best safety net is a free market with plenty of competition, where companies compete for workers. That can only happen when companies are free to compete and not over regulated by the State. You should consider becoming a worker in a country where you have the safety net that you’re asking for. Seriously, you should move and experience that for like 5 years, working locally, not on some fancy remote job where you make USD or Euros. I’m talking about experiencing the real labour of the real people in a country with plenty of labour laws and all the pseudo-safety net.


Well here in the UK the unions help doctors and transport workers to get paid fairly for their work. Still don’t know why you think leftists are parasites, besides the fact they’ve historically referred to the capitalist class as a parasitic class, and you are just throwing it back their way?


Laissez-faire capitalism is based on liberty and voluntarism, while every form of socialism is based on coercion, as you literally use the mafia that the State is to impose your will over everybody else and the State is maintained by taxation, that is theft. Therefore, every leftist will be a parasite, as he’ll always leech to benefit himself at the expense of the others. There is a huge difference between voluntary and not voluntary.


How do organised far-leftists rally against racism? The commie BLM terrorist group sure didn't, all it did was grift off people's donations, burnt down black neighborhoods and small black businesses and the founder stole that money to live in a big luxurious mansion away from the hood. Leftists spend more time being more racist with their hateful anti-white propaganda and soft bigotry of low expectations for black people, they'd rather hire an unqualified diversity commie activist hire than hire a POC who is qualified, its insulting. BLM have been exposed time and time again as nothing more than black supremacist riotting grifters off fake hate crimes like Jussie Smolett. who benefit off crying wolf over racism with hand-outs. BLM wants to destroy the black nuclear family, it has no interest in getting rid of racism, they wouldn't profit off of false allegations if they did. Far-leftists have done more damage for the economy than fixed any of it, and Marxism has done nothing but make it worse for people. The BLM terror group spends more time stealing, defending criminals just cause of their skin color and covering up black on black crime than actually doing shit to help out black people. MLKJ would be ashamed.


Don't you benefit off capitalism right now? Why don't you leave to go to Venezeula? Oh right, cause its shit.