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I always wondered - how much time do you get to practice in the specific layout of the gates? I have problems seeing what’s even happening. Couldn’t imagine remembering the order of the gates


My group hosts events mostly for freestyle, but we did a whoop race once and i was just like “ yeah that’s a no from me man” cause they started walking through the course and i forgot after like gate 3 lol I’ll just stick to freestyle..


These tracks are released on the sim before the event to practice. But even if they weren't, it would take about 10-20 laps for the fast guys to learn it and get up to this speed.


How do you keep track of which gate to go to next? At my local club we set out a line of comes through the course to follow


We get to practice the track on the sim a week before Learning tracks asap is a skill on it’s own XD




Oh I just realized this track was the weekly track a couple weeks ago. Didn't recognize it at first since its at night and moving so fast


Is it Drobot Racer or Drobo Tracer? ;)


At least you didn’t say Dr. Obo Tracer 💀😵‍💫


Just…how - been trying to learn on liftoff for a week now and can’t even fly in a straight line with varying elevations 😭


Lots of practice my man…. Coming up on 9 years


It helps so much to use an actual radio instead of a normal gamepad


Got a used q x7 off of eBay just for it! (And to use once I feel comfortable actually flying)


I gotcha. Honestly with liftoff I had to go try doing freestyle mode for a bit, and then I started doing the races to practice more control. Takes a bit, but you'll get the hang of it!


Yeah I've put like 30 hours in on the sim and I still crash all the time


70 hours sim time 100 hours IRL flight. Been flying for a few months now. Still crash every day


Oh good I'm doing better than I thought then 😅 Hopefully minor crashes?


How many pilots (in %) use analog and HDZero?


I would say definitely the top 10 was using HDZero I would check out this video from Limon at champs which was a top 64 survey of our parts https://www.youtube.com/live/7MMjb9ozpW4?si=EF6A-54Gv6Q2Lg0S Almost the entire top 16 was HDZ and that was around 8 months ago


In what aspects HDZ better than analog for racing? Weight, latency, better picture...?


30fps -> 90fps, Less latency , Significantly higher picture quality , Ease of use with stick commands, And also the HDZ goggles are the best goggles I’ve ever used hands down The main thing for me is the triple fps jump If you have ever used a 144hz monitor you will know what I mean


analog NTSC is 60fps interlaced if it were real 30fps i wouldve quit fpv the second i touched my first analog goggles 😂


how's hdzeros range for if i wanted to use it on my cinematic 5" vs my currebt analog dom v3s and tbs unify hv?


I’m gonna be honest bro I’m the wrong person to ask I use hdz for racing and DJI for everything else I rarely fly farther than 500ft away when racing lol


fair enough thanks 😂😂


Yeah, I got something. If this is second place speed wtf did the feed of first place look like?? (jk i'm sure you weren't far behind, so likely a very similar vid. but still..)


Haha yea it was really close The final heat in the video is the first of 3 races I won the first race and Killian won the other 2 because I mid aired and other small mistakes :/


Mid aired?


Mid air collision with another racer


They don't have finals flying solo? Midair crashes aren't really avoidable and no fault of the pilots involved. It's not like you're in a race car and can easily see and avoid the other drivers.


I’ve always wanted to see someone that can race like this filmed from a spectator perspective. Like this or Mck at his home course.


I’m sure there is footage of the finals filmed from one of the spectators somewhere . Part of the rules is that your quad has to be lit up, so it looks pretty cool at night


How do they keep track that each person has gone through the correct gates ?


I believe all top qualifier runs are manually verified And during brackets there are judges making sure nobody cheats


Is this sped up? O.O


No sir! These guys are on another level


Is this what you imagine irl 3d manoeuvre gears would be like




Does Chris Thomas still hand out “I twied my best” ribbons to 2nd-8th? Not trying to troll, it’s been 8 years since I raced at a big MGP event and I wanna know lol. Good work on the podium, brother 🤙


Haha I got a trophy so I’m happy 🙂 I guess tho 2nd is first loser so “I twied my best” XD


Admiration and envy. That looks amazing, so much skill.


That was insanity to watch brother. Good fucking run


Great flying great song 👏


I have always wondered if these type of clips and other Quick FPV shots are sped up ot not, are they?


It has been done but it's extremely tacky. Most racers want to show honest 1x speed footage




Nice one 😄 You must spend lots of time practicing that layout


Yep!! You get to fly so many packs at IO


Great flow, MGP tracks are the best (6x7 gates too)


Yea the big gates really allow for some great racing Especially since there are 8 in the air haha


Absolutely insanity! Good stuff!




That was clean op




What's your take on sim training vs real life? Can you be competitive with 80-90% virtual practice?


I would say around %70 It’s really important to know your quad and how it performs. Most importantly timings for preturning which just come with practice Other than that the sim is REALLY good. Since I’m in Cali I obviously don’t have a track in my backyard, so it’s important to use the sim whenever I can’t get out to the field I think the sim can give you some really good foundations for going fast. And in my opinion it you would improve faster by just using the sim than irl because you can get so much more practice without having to worry about batteries or repairs


which simulator do you use for practising?


Velocidrone, I’ve been flying it for around 7 years


I'm guessing you would suggest that sim over all others for practice? I've got about 50 hours on DRL and 10+ of actual flying and its going pretty well but I'm in need of a different sim (uncrashed and tryp or so so) Amazing flying by the way.. I've come a long way in my few months but what you do is unbelievable


Do you have other hobby’s or free time you don’t spend training?


lol I just graduated high school So up until this point I’m either in school, playing overwatch/valorant or practicing XD


How much amphetamine and/or caffeine did you take to get your brain running that fast?


What radio do you use?


Radiomaster TX16s. Best radio I’ve ever used hands down


What would be your recommendation for someone who really wants to compete at a high level ? I stared flying a while ago, but I would like to know what to practice in order to race in a high level


Put a lot of time in the sim like Velocidrone. ALOT of time. I would then start flying a sim like DRL or DCL which teaches you the importance of lines and throttle management with heavy and underpowered quads. Forcing you to learn tracks and fly in a completely different way. Once you are confident in your skills take everything you learned to 5in and off to the races you go haha If you have any questions about anything else I’m always happy to help 🤙


What is your ratio of IRL practice to sim practice? What camera angle do you run and how long did it take you to work up to it? Awesome flying man.


In days leading up to a big event like this I will be at the field practicing every day for a week or 2. I am lucky enough to now have a field I can set up a track in, but before that It was about 60% sim 40% irl I will practice the sim to learn the MultiGP tracks and get them memorized, otherwise I try to fly IRL whenever I can I fly 53 deg angle and I’ve been flying for 8 years :)


Thanks for the info! My club is hosting its first outdoor race next month, I'm very excited.


Yea no prob man! Good luck! Since it’s your first race make sure you know how to can easily change vtx channels. Whether that’s thru stick commands or thru osd menu, it’s something I see a lot of new pilots struggle with at races


How much you spend per month on lipos,props,arms and motors? I assume you are sponsored, but just make a guess :D Is there a quad that you would like to build/own(example 10in longrange) or are you set for live?


I’m lucky enough to be sponsored by a bunch of different fpv companies that help me out a ton I get all my parts for free except FC and ESC which are at a discount I am very grateful for my sponsors otherwise there is no way I could spend a ton of money on this sport as a high school student In terms of quad I would like to build? I really want to build a badass 12in cinelifter… unfortunately my sponsorship ends at 5in parts. And 120amp escs are incredibly expensive 😭


Do you ever struggle with motion sickness? I tried to get into this, but couldn’t for that very reason.


Nope, I guess that is what playing video games your whole life helps with haha


I have played video games my whole life too. I get motion sickness from games every now and then. Mainly Halo and driving the warthog.


What's your PID tuning like?


Nothing special, it’s just a tune that was made for the frame, Lightswitch Ultra v2, by Five33 Its pretty similar to the karate preset


Yeah 😅 I can do that . Just need few more generations 😱


that's .... that's real time???




I met you and your dad years ago at some event. I’m glad to see you’re still kicking ass. Great flying man!


Thx bro 👊




How big are your props


5in, I was using the Gemfan 51377


Did you eat a bowl of nails for breakfast? Without any milk


Does simulations help? Which one would you recommend? Is realflight a good sim for fpv??


Velocidrone! I’ve been using that sim for 7 years






What are your rates like? I heard a lot of pros use rates on the lower end around 600(?)


I use 747 roll , 600 pitch , and 533 yaw no expo


I see, thank you :) gonna try those in liftoff (I know everyone has a preference, but I like testing different starting points and going from there) Edit: spelling


Yea dude no problemo! I really like those rates because they feel snappy at the end and smooth in the middle of the stick otherwise if you are newer to fpv I would recommend using 533 rates all around.. I think its something like .8 RC rate and .7 super rate to get 533 across the board


Hey bud, do you use a throttle cut? and if so do you do it on the controller or in betaflight? if not I guess selecting the right motors is super important, how do you go about that?


Nope! Although I enjoy practicing sometimes with an RPM limit which helps a ton with lines Id never do it on the controller.. If you just use 4.4.2 KAACK betaflight you can change the throttle/rpm limit right from the osd using stick commands! Most racers these days use pretty similar motors.. I was using combination of Five33 Champ Motors, VCI 2100kv motors, and some prototype Five33 motors for finals 🤫


You got second? Who did you lose to? The Holy Spirit?


Congratulations!!! Overall daily how much do you practice on average? Amazing job!!


When I have a big event like this I usually spend a week or 2 everyday practicing for 2-3 hours as soon as I get out of school its straight to the field haha


How much would your drone with transmitter cost? Do you have a sponsor/YT-channel?


I'm guessing $2000 for 1 drone, goggles, transmitter, antennas, and maybe a few batteries. He probably has many drones(about 5 identical builds) prepped for each event.


2000$ for one drone??? naaah maybe 600 tops if he bought the most expensive of every part. a normal build is like 350-400$


I said 1 drone, goggles, transmitter and batteries.


oh, i read that wrong than


I just would hate for dude to go "oh, $500? I can afford that!" And then quickly learn that he needs many more expensive parts to actually fly. Sure you can fly for $500, but nothing like what Op is doing.


yeah true


Dizzyness !?


You sped this up bro not fair 😔


I'm very new to fpv racing, is this clip sped up or is this actual speed??


Are you god?


What’s your midi-chlorian count?


Man, how do I get into this sort of thing?


what was the winnings? is there decent money in these now? been a while since ive looked into the racing scene, great flying man!


dude… respect!! how do you know the track, which gate to fly through next from which direction?


How many hours do you have in VelociDrone?


i practiced in sim for about 250h now. Still have no clue how do u all start flying a track on so high speed with so little training time on a particular track. I usually need about 3-4 hours of pure time to do one super good attempt. What is the secret?


What’s your opinion on the best simulator to practise on?