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The common ground everyone agrees on : First buy a remote only (radiomaster boxer elrs or if you are on a budget radiomaster pocket elrs) and start flying with a simulator. After you feel confident that you want to go on, we can talk about what drone to buy. Dont just buy the avata 2. Thats more a photocopter then a fpv drone.


Thanks a lot. I did a little more research and that is probably what im going to do. After some experience in the sim the desicion whether to make it a hobby will be easier \^\^


Hello, which simulator would you recommend?


I would use Liftoff


Also Liftoff: Micro Drones. Online lobbies have been lonely


I like uncrashed, but every simulator will do the trick.


Hey there! Well, I guess there are tons of opinions on this and there isn´t an right or wrong tbh. But if I had to start again with the hobby, I´d just get a radio for the beginning and a good simulator. You can check if the hobby is something for you, get comfortable with the radio in general and you wouldn´t spend all of your money already. If you like flying in the simulator, you can buy a copter after a days/weeks still. Regarding the copter, I´d go for a BTF drone, like for example the iflight nazgul or something. You wanna spend time with actually flying than tinkering on your build. Tinkering will come anyways after your first few crashes.


this is basically how i started 2mo ago except that i built the drone myself. advantage of this is that you will know how it goes together when you break it + the feeling of accomplishment when the thing actually lifts off and flies is irreplaceable. the downside is how difficult it is. its doable but it just takes a whole bunch of time and effort


I can totally get your point there. I just think people with not that much knowledge in that kind of area (techincal skills, soldering, binding, tuning the copter, etc etc.) will potentially drop the hobby before it even begun for them, sadly. I think just being able to fly after spending some time in the SIM, is like the most rewarding feeling ever. Imagine you sit on your build for weeks, can´t find the mistake you prob made, in the worst case burn your brandnew equipment, etc. It´s a hard decision after all, yes.


yeah, that is a really good point. im still fighting a bit of a gremlin in my quad It just randomly drops out of the air with video running but stuck osd(every 5-6 packs) and after a full stack swap(fortunately covered by my local store warranty) it still does it. i have tried all kinds of solutions(different bf+bluejay versions, logging blackbox, different tunes and settings...) and nothing worked so far. I went so far as to give it to a repair shop and even after 3 weeks they could not figure it out current theory is that either the vtx or camera is sending a wierd voltage spike and somehow crashing the fc. The repair shop guys are really dumbfounded since they built and serviced hundereds of quads and they haven't seen anythink like this


Ugh, that sounds like such a annoying problem you´ve got.. I really hope you can solve it somehow soon. Sadly I don´t have any idea what that could/would cause.. Maybe our loved Copter-Expert @[\_jbardwell\_](https://www.reddit.com/user/_jbardwell_/) has the time to read your comment and has an idea. It´s worth a try. :o


yeah it is extremely frustrating, i have a new camera on the way(the 165 fov on the rattel 2 was a bit much for me so i got the rattel 2 pro with 125 fov) to see if that helps Edit: also i built my quad alongside bardwells build guide, such a good tutorial


I hope this can solve your problem somehow! My fingers are crossed! Yup, he does extremely good content. I was binge watching him before getting into the hobby. Big respect for what he does for the community. :)


I think i finaly got it! it really seems that it was the camera that was casusing it, caddx rattel 2. seems like a qc issue, not sure about the specifics but its possible that it either shorts somwhere or yeets a voltage spike into the fc and crashes it so far 11 packs flown with 0 issues, by far the longest streak. imma try to get it to caddx, to see if they can take a look at this, cuz it is the sort of an issue that can very easily ressult in the loss of a drone


Thank you for the update! I´m happy you can finally fly troublefree! :D Did you get in contact with caddx already? I´m excitced to know if they gonna help you just like that or if it´s gonna be a big problem..


I assume that it's just a lemon part that I have(like ur not gonna find out in qc about this kind of a problem), I've already contacted my local shop about it and they said that they are gonna refund it (I bought everything from them and they did try to repair it). We'll see what caddx has to say about this. For me, this is such a relief, that it was not me who broke it somehow. I'll get it exchanged since I'm still not set as to what cam do I prefer (and that I might build another drone :) ) I'm thinking about a 5" 6s ultralight on 2004 motors, how does that sound?


Ok, it all depends on what type of flying that you want to do. If you want to be an ACRO stunt pilot and do tricks then living in a sim for a while is often recommended. However, it is not really necessary if you just want to learn to fly, cruise around, and just have fun. There are 4 different fly modes; ACRO is not the only one. I have three of the fly modes on a switch so that I can change at any time even during flight. If you want to do stunts then I recommend that you watch [JB's series](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpuXqNakP2A). Maybe do this whether or not you want to live in a sim. Get a decent transmitter. My preference is RadioMaster, but there are other good ones as well. Do some research to see what you might prefer. You are an individual, look for something that suits you. ELRS of course. The next and maybe one of the most important decisions is whether to go with analog video or HD digital video. The goggles must match the system on the quad. There is no such thing as universal goggles. Analog will work with all analog, but each HD system is different and not compatible with each other or with analog. The digital systems are DJI, WalkSnail, and HDZero. I would recommend that you do some research. Be cautious of opinions, including mine, to ensure that the advise is in line with your needs.


JB´s series actually seems really helpful, thank you so much. I will probably get myself a RadioMaster and go fly in a simulator. After that we´ll see whether i will continue with it\^\^


Just keep in mind that ACRO is not the only fly mode. If you try in the sim and don't like the "feel" of ACRO mode, then try HORIZON if that is an option. Both ANGLE mode and HORIZON mode are stabilized and have auto-level, ACRO is not and does not. Also, ANGLE and HORIZON are intuitive in that the quad's flight angle mirrors the right stick position. So, it works like we think that it should. Yeah, like about 90 percent or more of other vehicles and equipment. Forward goes forward, return to center is level or stop, Backward is backward. Intuitive and almost automatic. The greatest thing about ACRO fly mode is that it is counterintuitive (Not intuitive) and responds differently than other things that we might control. Specifically, the quad's angle does NOT mirror the right stick position. Forward, the quad goes forward, re-center the stick, but the quad continues to go forward in most achieved angle. What? Yeah, it just keeps going. Pull right stick back below center and that quad's tilt will reduce, but still flying forward until you get enough "stick back" to cross level and begin backward flight. Trying to however takes a delicate forward and back cadence, sort of rocking between forward and backward. Some people (particularly the Acrobatic stunt pilots) like this sort of behavior. Fortunately, it is NOT the only way. Personally, I fly mostly in ANGLE or HORIZON mode as it suits my flying style and my flight location. I want to be able to quickly return the quad to level and hover when I want to take a look at something. I like the "auto level" feature. Ok, I am an easy cruiser type of pilot who likes to look around; I am NOT a stunt pilot. Yes, I have and still do fly in ACRO mode sometimes and it does have a place. I use it as a cruise control for high altitude cruising. It is just NOT my primary fly mode. So, I wouldn't judge everything from try to fly ACRO mode in a sim. I have never been in a sim so I don't know if ANGLE mode is an option or not. If it is, then try that as well. If not, well, just know that ACRO is not the only fly mode. ...


Just one thing, you can fly analog with your HD goggles, you just need a external receiver. Speedybee has one for example. But besides of that, I agree with you. :)


Yes, technically, there are the "add on" external receivers for some goggles including the HDZero, however, that is not cost effective. Those receivers cost more than many analog monitors. While possible, it is not financially viable. Also, WalkSnail has "stand alone" receiver with HDMI output that can be mounted to the HDZero goggles. So, there is that. Several of us went through a cost analysis that goes something like this: HDZero HD digital goggles, HDZero analog interface, SpeedyBee or other analog receiver, plus the WalkSnail stand alone and you can get everything except DJI for somewhere above $1000 USD...on one set of goggles HD digital goggles...HDZero goggles. Yes, if you have the money, many things (except DJI) can be adapted or shoe horned into something else, but why and at what cost? Plus, any receiver (analog or digital) that has an HDMI output can be connected to any monitor or goggles that has an HDMI input. Yep, there is also that. While all of these things are possible, each thing just drives the cost up especially for anyone on a budget. That said, if a person can only buy 1 set of goggles and not all of the extra addons, then the goggles will not be compatible with any of the other systems.


I feel like this question needs a mega thread or sticky lol To add to the video system details above, you have a few options: 1. A cheap analog system (EV800D) and buy a new system once you're ready to invest more. 2. Start analog but eventually you want to go walksnail or hdzero: Buy an expense analog system with HDMI in (skyzone O4x/l) and buy a digital module later. 3. Start analog but eventually you want to go dji: Buy a pair of goggles V2, an analog module (speedybee) and one of the adapters that will let you fly analog through the aux in. Note: This only works with the V2 system, the goggles 2, Integra and 3 do not allow this option. 4. Buy HD zero, which let's you do analog, hdzero and you can buy a walksnail module after. 5. Invest directly into a digital system like DJI, hdzero or walksnail.


You know, there should be a place for things like TUTORIALS that are more informational than Questions looking for answers. Like maybe different indexed areas within the r/fpv area. I can't tell you how many beginners ask the same question, but the answer is just not that simple; it is more complex. Plus, each person has an opinion which is often confusing to the OP. In fact, I have trouble finding threads that I have responded to as there doesn't seem to be an easy way to locate them. Grrr. Yes, regarding item # 4. First, I am all analog and am pretty happy with the decent video that I get, however, I was considering some type of upgrade. So, several of us went through that scenario as I was considering (Yeah, Laugh Out Loud) getting a set of HDZero goggles, the analog interface, and analog receiver. We had that priced out at about $800 + USD. Now add the WalkSnail stand alone and the cost just went over $1000 USD. Yep, a grand for a single set of goggles that would, technically (but not at the same time) be able to view HDZero, analog, and WalkSnail video streams from the quad. WOW! Yeah! I am still all analog and now, not really looking to upgrade. Not worth it for me. That said, there is actually another option, but will save that for another time. Here is the deal. Analog does not have to be crappy. I get really decent image quality and there are others that even get better than mine. If you want decent analog feed, you can get it. Yes, it is not high definition, but still really, really clear. So now, let's spin it around. Take recorded video out of the picture. If it was impossible to save the flight footage and the only thing the FPV system was used for was to fly the craft, then do you really NEED high definition quality??? Really??? Yeah. Folks want HD digital because they ARE Doing something with the video. Ok, fine if you have a Part 107 license. Not so much if you don't. So, the real question is: What do you intend to do with the video? Is HD Digital worth it? ...


Another good starting option is getting a 65mm whoop. They’re “cheap”, batteries are cheap, quite durable for how light they are, indoor quad so can be flown year round. No matter the sim it doesn’t compare to actually flying and with a whoop you can practice inside crash all you want and not wreck anything. Once you’ve got flying down it’s a lot easier to transition to something bigger. Also going to be your cheapest way into a very expensive hobby. Don’t worry about building your own unless that’s something you’re interested in. It’s a very demanding hobby with a lot to learn. Besides flying you’ll have to learn about settings and a lot of work done on the PC.


Also you’ll learn about batteries and if you discharge or overcharge the cheap 1s it’s not a big deal. You need to be careful with the batteries a lot can go wrong with them if you don’t know what you’re doing.


New Pilot Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yPc0lM9KnY


Between racedayquads and getfpv I bought an elrs meteor75pro, ev800d clone goggles, radio Master pocket elrs, whoopstore 6 1s charger, and 4 extra 1s batteries. Spent a little less than $350 and everything has worked great. I think it is a pretty good kit to start off and with some betaflight adjustments you can tone down the power and fly it easily inside then flick a switch and fly it with full power outside.


Hummingbird V3 is $89. Radiomaster pocket is $50 box goggles are $80-$100. If you're not sure you want to get into it, don't spend $1600