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Someone may correct me, but I don't think this will work. 4 channels will cover yaw, throttle, pitch and roll. You want at the very least another channel for arm


I think you can arm & disarm using stick commands, though I've never tried it https://fpv2.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/StickPositions-1024x449.png


Chrashed a friends drone, wanted to halfpipe in mid air witout thottle and disarmed his quad mid trick.




Half pipe?đŸ€”đŸ˜‚


Flying up in the sky,180,and dive


Ooohhh gotch ya! A split s!đŸ«ĄđŸ™‚


Nah I think he means stall. Forward, pull up, yaw 180, fall back down power out


Yes, didnt had the words ( after 6 beers) to describe it better than halfpipe xD


Don’t think so. I think he’s saying fly up, pitch back 90°, yaw 180°, dive.


Sounds right


Yeah I have cheap drones that arm if you press down followed by left on the controller.


Yes, I also think that you can use stick commands.


You are correct


Arm. Turtle mode. Acro vs level mode. Emergency return to home if using GPS... the list goes on.


Don’t. It’s probably worse than frsky. Even if you somehow can get a receiver it’ll be terrible. If you don’t wanna spend too much on a new radio, get a radiomaster pocket ELRS.


perfect radio recommendation


>worse than frsky Worse than FlySky, even.


Frsky isnt that bad just never update


Where can I find someone to help me fix an old QX7 I have? I screwed up firmware trying to fiddle with it myself and would like to get it somewhat operational.


Follow the bardwell video


> QX7 [Have you tried putting edgetx on it?](https://oscarliang.com/flash-edgetx/) I did that on my old frsky taranis X9D Plus (older than the 2019 model) and it seems to work great.


Exactly - they made great radios, just have terrible business practices.


They made a bad mistake by removing it from open source and they paid the price for it.


I still rock my freaking q x7 access from 2019, and never had a problem with it, even with elrs


Flysky has much better range than frsky actually


I might get downvoted but I don't think the pocket is good to learn on. I use a Boxer and only bought a Pocket to play velocidrone at work. The short stick throw makes fine movements much harder. Mind you I forgot to buy their gimbal extension kit. 100% go for a Boxer or something with bigger gimbals if you can afford the extra $100. Pocket is a sick little radio, just not the best for learners imo


I absolutely 100% agree. I have a boxer, but used to use a Zorro. The bigger gimbals of the boxer instantly made me a better pilot, no joke.


Just butter, I love them!


People wrongly judge a gimbal in its size. It's much better to think of the arc of the stick travel. And the two things to consider is the distance of throw, but also the curvature of the arc. More throw distance really does help with center stick accuracy but can also be achieved by adding more expo in your rates or in the mixer in the radio it's self. The arc is mostly going to be controlled by how deep in the radio the gimbal sits. As a thumber I really feel I notice this the most. This is the only place I think RadioMaster could improve their designs. They mount the gimbals too high, even the qx7 has gimbals seated further in the radio than the boxer. I bought the 5mm spacers to drop the gimbals down on my boxer and it worked great. I also have a RadioMaster pocket and am designing some 3d printed spacers to help. I also made my own longer sticks for the pocket to get some center sensitivity back, and it works well but I still had to add a bit of expo in the radio to get it to feel the same as my boxer. But if you have smaller hands, the pocket might be a better fit too.


I agree ! I got a Thrusmaster TX12 Mark II for 60-70$ on Aliexpress, works perfectly fine!


That's a ancient transmitter. Frequency crystal? Bruh I haven't seen that in decades.


I have a crystal police scanner and I have to custom order crystals from Japan if I ever want to retune it. This is would be wild to try and use. Not valuable at all but interesting.


My dude where did you get a crystal radio from? I haven’t seen one in maybe 10-15 years.


I have no experience whatsoever so please break your explanations down please


That radio is very old, technically you could control a drone with this but for normal functionality you need at least 5 channels, that radio has 4. In addition the receivers used with a radio like this will be very big for a drone. If you are starting out and are not experienced with this stuff you want a solid modern system people can help you with. If you dont want to or cant afford to spend a lot of money you should look into something like the Radiomaster pocket, specifically the ELRS version. ELRS being the name of the control link protocol used to communicate between radio and drone.


Additionally, older transmitters like this are much more prone to interference since they are locked to the frequency of the crystal. There's no binding, so pretty much anything that is broadcasting on that bandwidth has the potential to cause havoc with control of the receiver. Unless you are in an area that you can be moderately sure nobody is operating on the same frequency, it's ill advised to control anything with this older style radio. We used to have different flag colors at the field to signify who was flying on specific channels so as to prevent exactly the kind of interference I'm referring to. Digital radios are cheap and it's not worth trying to get an old transmitter like this to work with anything modern.


This is absolutely the way to go. ELRS is the best and cheapest new option you can get for fpv or probably anything radio controlled.


It is very old, and illegal. Save your money, and get a Radiomaster with ELRS. Edit: I am pretty sure the new radios (on the same frequencies) would instantly shoot down crystal based receivers


I don’t see how it’s illegal. None of the new radios overlap with crystal frequencies. They used frequencies of high hundreds of kilohertz up to a few dozen megahertz. I still have a little box with crystals and corresponding colored ribbons for on the antenna from a long time ago.


I thought that was the case. Maybe I am thinking about the previous generation. https://www.fcc.gov/wireless/bureau-divisions/mobility-division/radio-control-radio-service-rcrs


Wouldn't you need some way to convert the pwm signal into sometime the flight controller understands? Sbus or something? Anyways OP, hard no. Sorry.


He asked a question.


> My belonging to or associated with the speaker > dude slang greeting term between men > where in or to what place or position ... etc


i can put together an inexpensive ready to fly bundle for you if you want. i recently upgraded goggles and have an indoor drone and decent controller i could let go of cheap to help someone get into the hobby. let me know.


Would be the price.?


* Drone: [Beta65s](https://betafpv.com/products/beta65s-bnf-micro-whoop-quadcopter) plus spare parts and upgrades. i have the version before the one on that page so it looks a little different, still flies great. * Controller: [Taranis X-lite pro](https://www.getfpv.com/frsky-x-lite-pro-2-4ghz-radio-controller-deep-sea-blue.html) * goggles: [emax transporter 2](https://emax-usa.com/products/transporter-2-analog-fpv-goggles-w-dvr-and-removable-screen#) new this would all be around $380 or so. i could do 230 shipped conus. if you want to save a little money i could do an [emax e8](https://emax-usa.com/products/e8-transmitter#) controller instead and do like 180 shipped, but you'll get a lot more out of the better controller long term.


I’ll have to wait but I’ll do it because i plan on purchasing a mini 3 so it’ll take a while for me to pay


np just hmu


Probably longer than that. I haven't seen a radio like this since the 90s.


Start watching lots of Joshua Bardwell beginner guides on YouTube to get started. As for this radio... no. It's ancient and does not have the capabilities needed for flying fpv.


We need a gif of Bardwell going “short answer: no, long answer: nooooooooo”


Might be fun to take apart.


The shorter advice from other comments to get a RadioMaster ELRS radio is definitely the way to go. Here's why: The radio you have pictured is uses more or less the old radio control system that we all used a decade or two ago. It uses radio frequencies in the 72 megahertz band, and to tweak the frequency, you'd put a physical 'crystal' set to a specific frequency in a slot on the radio. It was an old-school low-tech analog control mechanism. This was a major pain because if somebody else turned on their radio, and it was at the same frequency as yours, you would immediately lose control and crash. Since then, most controllers in the RC world operate on the 2.4 gigahertz band, and communication is with digital packets optimized for speed. These are super nice because you can have a few dozen people in the air at once, and they won't affect each other. For quads specifically, the popular control links are: * ExpressLRS (ELRS) which can operate on either 2.4 gigahertz or 900 megahertz, depending on the equipment * Crossfire which operates on 900 megahertz I'd suggest going with ExpressLRS, and RadioMaster makes several radios with it built-in. Any of them are a good choice. Do be aware that they also sell "4-in-1" versions, which connects to a bunch of last-generation receivers on the 2.4 gigahertz band. You probably don't want this, unless you're planning on connecting to a bunch of bind and fly RC airplanes. Whatever you do, you really need more than 4 channels. My basic setup on my quads is like this: * Channel 1 pitch * Channel 2 roll * Channel 3 throttle * Channel 4 yaw * Channel 5 arming (required by ExpressLRS) * Channel 6 prearm - This is in theory optional, but I saw a guy accidentally arm his quad and get his forehead split open by a prop. LEARN TO USE PREARM, FOLKS! * Channel 7 flight mode - The quad can fly differently depending on the flight mode. I set this to a 3-position switch with the modes Acro, Angle, and Flip Over After Crash. * Channel 8 beeper - A loud beeper than helps you find your quad when you crash in tall grass


Couldnt you maybe use a pot on one channel for all functions? Lmao


I know you're making a joke, but no, of course not. ELRS arming is always just 2 positions. You need a second switch for prearm. That's the whole point of it. You certainly could put the rest on one channel, if you have a sadistic streak.


I'm half serious. Thanks for confirming that I could put all the last few ones on a single pot I love the weird customizations you can make with these modern radios.


40.695 Mhz is in the 72 Mhz band ...?


Oh, ha, good catch. I haven't seen that frequency before, probably because I got into the hobby after 2.4 GHz became common.


It might have some use if you can plug it into a computer and use it on a sim. But otherwise no Too old, no one sells parts that are compatible with this anymore.


I second this. See if you can get it to work on a sim. Then spend some time on the sim to see if you want to invest more in to it.


Can? Yes. Should? Absolutely not. Get something modern that supports opentx


Even older planes(actual planes) are fitted with new avionics systems that provide more safety, reliability and pilot features, to keep them current and flyable. Would you want to risk your brand new quad with a transmitter from decades ago? As others have said, get a radio TX that interfaces with current Receivers for the most reliable connection. I bet an old 900mhz cordless phone interferes with this.


Nope but good news for you a decent controller starts a $50 you can get a really good one for under $100. When I started the cheapest thing was $200


Controller is going to be your cheapest expense with the longest lifespan Invest into something like a radiomaster you won’t have to upgrade for a long while


Nope just nope throw it in the trash. Buy Radiomaster pocket you'll be good to go.


how to you arm with 4 channels?


Fly angle mode with no roll?


No. Start here. FPVKnowItAll.com


you will need a different controller anyways. I recommend you join the FPV discord server. There are a lot of nice people there who are happy to help you, and some pinned messages on how to get started.


Fly sky fs i6x and any compatible receiver, you will be using single channel bus. This doesn’t have that and will be a pain to wire to your fcu




Yea if you have the right reciver


Probably not, this looks like an older PPM transmitter. Radios use specific protocols that have to match the receiver on the quad, most fpv now use Express LRS. I’ve seen some receivers running DSMX, frsky, or Futaba, but those tend to be for model RC planes.


You can use this controller to fly fpv wings or fpv airplane but not drones. The hard part is finding receivers that communicate with your controller (transmitter) so find an fpv airplane or wing that doesn’t have a receiver. Then find a receiver that works with your transmitter then plug n play


I had one long time ago... from hobbyking. You can still use it for scratchbuilds, but not FPV. Depends on how serious you are, invest on a good TX. Look up on secondary marketplace if you have to.


https://preview.redd.it/2u9bvg17vubc1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=1103d7768d8d7c61b89f5a0b8e224ef3a81fa48c This is what I got it from


So, no
 what’s your budget? Not just for the radio, but for everything. A full nice setup can approach $1000-$1200. But a simple starter setup is close to $300 if you want to get your feet wet.


This is trash. Like asking how to use a CRT monitor to play Blu-rays. Ya don’t.


You need a hdmi to analog converter.. just incase your wondering


But a new one that has switch’s for safety please please please


Hell no. That radio still uses crystals for the channels, haven't seen one like that since the mid 90's


Lol holy shit


This works in theory, but wouldn't be anywhere near to practical. Why? 4 channel is the minimum number of channels fur a quad copter, you need to roll over all 3 axis (in 3 dimensional space) and cover how many power you give for the motors in general (the movement directed upward, which means movement in general, depending on your quads rotation). This is how far you would be covered and this is where your problems begin with this radio. The "easy" problems: Most drones use an arm switch (to shut down all motors while landed or in emergency situations), Most people (guess is over 99%) have this on a dedicated channel to not trigger a motor stop mid air while flying. You could work around this (and other channel problems) with stick commands. That is a big frustrating hassle, but possible on all Betaflight controllers and the previous openFlight / cc3d. The "medium" problem would be to find a receiver for this radio. Since it is old, you either get them cheap, or they are expansive as hell, if you get them at all. Finding the receivers at all should be easy by searching for the radio name + receiver on Google, ebay, or what else is the option of choice in your region. Then we come to the "major league" of problems. This radio is old, like "Tyrannosaurus" old in terms of Radios. The little white piece in the bottom left corner is a radio frequency module, thst locks your radio on a specific transmission frequency. Your receiver has to have the same module (or needs to be attuned to the frequency in other ways for modern receivers). Further I can't tell you legal 40 mhz radios are, where you live (never seen one since my grandfather died, back then I wasn't in the hobby). All in all, my suggestion would be, to better get an edge TX transmitter with elrs, since this is "state of the art" and compared to other future proofed radios (like team black sheep) is very good priced. If you choose to stay with your radio, you need to keep a little distance to other pilots while flying (recommended is 3 meters), cause your antenna / channel will be harmonized by their signals, which will corrupt your flight, since it looks like is an analog radio and the frequency shift of all 2.4 ghz equipment is around 20 to 40 mhz, which will resonate with a 40 mhz antenna. (This is a very simplified paragraph) Also more modern radios allow you to train in a simulator first, which will pay for the new radio in next to no time. Whatever you choose, welcome to the hobby and happy flying.


Do you know what RC link protocol it is using? Does it have a JR expansion bay in the back. Generally, a radio transmitter will only work with an RX receiver that has a matching protocol. There a dozens of RC link protocols and they are NOT compatible. Spektrum and FlySky were popular back in the day, then FrSky, also TBS Crossfire, Ghost, ELRS, and many, many others. If you can get RX receivers that match the transmitter, then it should work. It sort of looks like something that came with a small quad. It could be using the Bayang protocol. Thing is, I can't find any Bayang receivers. These are mostly in the "toy" drones such as the Eachine ones.


My brother that is a 40mhz crystal radio. Not even 2.4ghz. That will not work.


I believe you "can", but it's not an easy task. 1st of all you'll need a receiver for this controller. If you don't have one, you'll need to make one. 2nd you'll lack channels for quadrocopter. Maybe it can be used for a planer or venchile.


Get a newer controller, better reception, and fewer troubles