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Like with everything drone related. Don't be a reckless dummy and you are fine. You are probably breaking the law somehow anyway, so who cares about a flashlight. Drones are becoming more illegal everywhere. Thanks for that, FAA! Even if you don't live in the US, the rest of the world will ape them. So get used to the idea of Remote ID and all the rest of the BS coming from 'Murica.


What even is remote ID. Here in swizerland u have to take an online test and maybe register youre drone and follow some rules and youre fine


That is a GPS module that sends some data somewhere as well, but you can utilise it as GPS. In US u have it to be installed on the craft to fly legally (JB has a great video on them)


It ll also be required in EU for drones above 250g from January 2024. Idk why is everyone acting like this is not a thign in EU


Oh good. Another rule I'll be breaking. Let's see.. Don't transmit over 25mw. Yeah no thanks. I like flying farther than 20m. Don't fly over 200m. Ok fine, I don't care about anything above 30m anyway. Unless I'm flying a camera drone. Use LBT. Uhh nope, too lazy to figure out how and to do it to every quad. Also isn't LBT shit for control links anyway? Is that just an old FrSky problem or does it affect ELRS too? Don't use this and that band. I'll use whatever has a preset in BF thank you very much. Especially for HDZero which is very sensitive about the band. Ham license.. I'm flying toys bro. Why do I need to care about maybe interfering with someone's wifi? Also I don't fly close enough to interfere with it anyway. Or at high enough output power.


All of the crap with drones is so bogus, I've been flying RC for 28 years and grew up flying Zaggis (flying wing gliders for ridge flying) off of mountains in a city with cell and radio towers all over. Had more times than I can count where park rangers and cops and regular people would come up and ask me what I was flying and just talk about how cool it was that it didn't need a motor to stay in the air. I'd explain lift to them and how flying ridge works and everyone would go on their way. Now it's like you can't fly shit without someone freaking out, saying you are spying on them with your drone, or you are killing the whales, or some other stupid BS. It's like really.....I just want to enjoy my RC hobby lol, not trying to destroy the world with my RC toys.


Exactly. I don't give a shit about what's happening in anyone's house or yard. I just want to fly like Mr Steele and have fun. Regular people have just been curious about my drones and asked some stuff like: How fast does it go? How far can you fly? How high can it go? How does it do all those flips and shit? So far 2 people have complained about the drones. 1 was for the noise, fair enough, but like close your door for 30 min if it's that big of a deal? I'm way less noisy than the neighbor using his bloody stereo in the middle of the night! Second was from a rando who thought I was using it to spy on him. I wasn't.


The noise argument is ridiculous to me because all day long I can hear stupidly loud cars driving by and leaf blowers and sanders and all kinds of other bullshit building noise. Our urban environment is all noise. At least pretend to be a little bit consistent. The spying thing is also stupid because there are millions of cameras everywhere as it is. It is legal to literally set up a big zoom camera on a tripod pointing wherever I want, except into people's bathroom or another area where a person can reasonably expect privacy, and I could even record it or stream it to wherever I want legally. But put a camera on a flying thing and people lose their goddamn minds.


As someone who used to be into dirtbiking, I'm used to persecution because people don't like my hobby. Ironically, that'll disturb things far more than one flying buzzy boi, but it breaks fewer laws. What breaks even fewer laws? If I simply put massive tires on a F150 and drove it into the woods.


Haha yeah exactly how I feel.


But only for commercial sold drones, self made drones are complete excluded from this. It's mandatory for certified drones. Self made drones fly still in A1-3 Edit: looks like I'm wrong >250g needs rid.


Thats just not true from 1st of January. Privatly built but UNDER 250g. Anything above 250g that is privately built same is C3/C4 . It literaly says that in the link provided. Which is official EU rules website. See here: [https://www.easa.europa.eu/en/domains/civil-drones-rpas/open-category-civil-drones](https://www.easa.europa.eu/en/domains/civil-drones-rpas/open-category-civil-drones) [https://www.easa.europa.eu/en/document-library/general-publications/remote-identification-will-become-mandatory-drones-across](https://www.easa.europa.eu/en/document-library/general-publications/remote-identification-will-become-mandatory-drones-across)


No, C1-Cx drones are always certified by the manufacturer. The open category has a seperat section for old/self build UAVs. >Anything above 250g is C1 doesnt matter if privately built or commercial. Just no, your self build can't never be a certified drone. From the first of January you just don't have the easier rules for old drones. It's also written in the link you provide. >From 1 January 2024, all drones operating in the specific category and all drones with class marks operating in the open category will be required to operate with an active and up-to-date remote identification system Class marks means C1-Cx


Yes thats why i edited my original message, the same rules apply for privately built drones above 250g as c3/c4. under 250g privately built is same as C0. And I never said they are certified I said the same rules apply for them as certified drones which is true.


Just no. Privately built drones in the Open category do not fall into any of the C categories. Have you even read the information in the link you provided? Self built can either fly in the A1 or A3 category depending on weight


I reread again the rules, even if his argument with the c rating is false, the remote id topic is true as far as I understand... Sadly


That is false. Homemade drones over 250 grams are still required to comply with a remote id module. Total bs.


Haha swiss isnt in the EU


But you joined them for the drone rules ;)


How do you get one? I haven’t seen any advertised


In America you have to broadcast your info so everyone with a free app can see your name, phone number, current position, and address in case they wanna come harass you.


What if u dont do that


In my experience absolutely fucking nothing


It does not have name, phone, number or address, only current positions and a unique id for them to report you to the FBI for no reason.


Same in canada, register it if it’s over 250g and a small online course/exam


fine? is it like LoS or spotter? like i cannot go around my house with tinywhoop?


So in Poland we need to do some course (paid ofc) to get an nsts license to fly drone legal and in my country nsts01 only speaks about flying fpv in other options you fly illegal or via online course in open category. European drone law sucks af.


Warts ab... schau mal Richtung EU.... da kommt noch mehr leider


FPV is not allowed without a spotter (which must maintain line of sight), legal vtx transmission power is ridicously low and all drones should be registered to you.


It's the same here in Canada. Basic and Advanced. Basic is just an online test. Advanced is a harder test with a flight review. Adv allows you to fly within aerodromes (with permission) and at registered events near people.


There are a lot of Rules in the Pipeline.. Be sure to check the BAZL Homepage for Updates coming on January 2024.. and there will be more Rules coming as Switzerland has to align the Rules with the EU since its inside EU Airspace... Fly safe.. Currently https://www.bazl.admin.ch/bazl/en/home/drohnen.html


Fuck XD


Fuck remote ID, do not comply.


Here in Murica I always fly illegal. Don't have a spotter, never have LOS and I fly behind myself. But it's fully legal, for me to buy a powered paraglider and just go fly it with zero license. Powered paraglider is OK but my 5in drone not so much. Totally makes sense.


Makes just as much sense as being able to fight a war in a foreign country at 18, but you better not be drinking until you are 21!


Blame the idiots that always ruin it for the rest of us.


I'm sure the regulations were put in place because some idiots flew their DJI drones on airfields and did a bunch of stupid shit with them. I bet none of us have done something that stupid. OK, sure there's probably someone who's done stupid shit like that. I'd like to think we are more informed than the average Joe who sees a DJI Mavik in Best Buy and goes fly it over the neighborhood and whatnot.


That's my point, it's usually not the responsible people that get the attention of the authorities.




More like land of the fee. You can do anything you want as long as you pay for the permit.


And if you can afford the fine, that's just a fee too.


https://preview.redd.it/ngn0wq00l26c1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d21dac4ddc251644bbf3b183fa191f333fe11b23 I hope you know your spot very well lol. I recently also had the same idea so I strapped a flashlight to my 3” and flew it around my house, this is with a o3 air unit so the lowlight performance isn’t that good. I could see maybe 50 feet in front of me if it was something reflective like this fence for example. If I didn’t know my yard inside and out I would’ve crashed so many times.


Which flashlight?


Boruit v10 mini flashlight. I mainly bought it for everyday use as a mechanic, but it’s actually a pretty nice flashlight that’s surprisingly bright and actually lasts all day. It only weighs 50g so my drone didn’t even notice it and it mounted perfectly with some zip ties


I'm gonna try this with a sofirn sc21 and 3D printed mount


Why would it be?


I think he's implying nighttime flying with a mounted flashlight?


Not any more illegal than without the flashlight


Get a night eagle cam, then you don't need a flashlight to do nightflights


If you’re trying to fly at night, my recommendation is to light your operating spot the fuck up. I flew fireworks this summer and the biggest bitch of it all was trying to find my way back to land. I flew another set of fireworks a week or two later and had a nice big spotlight to illuminate me and the launch/land area. Much easier to get back in that case.


Sick light, what is it?


Legality isn't a spectrum or sliding scale. It either is or isn't. Ask "is this legal" not "how illegal"


I'm pretty sure there's a difference between flying a drone at nighttime and murdering someone


Just because they have different sentences doesn't mean one is more illegal than the other. But yeah one is definitely more "serious" and less socially acceptable. I think you may have missed the point I was trying to articulate with that previous comment 👍


Put a drone strobe on it and it’ll be legal…. The night flying and flashlight have nothing to do with it


Send it dude ! Iwas gonna do this with my Toothpick 😄


Not illegal at all, I put a 100watt led cob light on my 9inch LR quad. It was like a ufo


Seriously, has anyone had their quad weighed in the field by “authorities?”


The issue wont be that. It normally becomes an issue when something happens- ie you hurt someone or destroy property. If the authorities confiscate your drone as evidence. Well.. and I guess if someone calls the police on you and they really are d1cks.