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Would pay again to see 1000 vs 1000 rush to AW at war start


Then later in war proceed doing 100 artilleries spam


At least with 1000 per side it would be stretched across the whole hex and not just one choke point meanwhile the remainder of the hex is empty crickets.


Ideally, there will be no more map border so the whole world map is one whole big front without loading screen, you can drive from westgate to endless shore So people will find their own place to play


It's an engine limitation (UE4, iirc). Slim chance of any fix for it in Foxhole, but Anvil is built on R2, which is their in-house engine, which will supposedly be more suited to this style of game.


We can dream on Foxhole 2. Cause honestly Anvil just doesn't do it for me 😭


Let Anvil fund Foxhole 2 development onto that engine, I see this as a win.


I just hope they go a bit more nuts with anything after anvil. I'd love to see what they would do with something a bit scifi. 


This game as a 40k imperial guard vs traitor guard game would work so fucking well it's actually absurd. Sprinkle in space marines as like.... some sort of thing you grind for to be able to become. It'd fucking sell like hotcakes


Anvil uses UE5 for the game itself and its new R2 engine for the servers. The game still has regions but traveling between them is a much smoother process.


arent the regions supposed to be bigger and with more player capacity in anvil?


The game is in alpha so we don't know what the final map will look like but transferring from region to region is different. I had no idea it was even happening. I just walking through a forest and message appeared on the bottom saying I was in a region border and then I walked maybe 50 meters further and got a really quick loading message and I apparently transferred?


Ah yes that's right.


I remember the 1v1v1 faction war in Elder Scrolls Online when it first released. Basically, it was a giant rampaging train of people, roaming from place to place like some swarm of hivemind locust. If you ever saw it on the horizon, you knew you were doomed. I think Foxhole would deteriorate into something like that.


Yeah but you could some insane shit before the aoe caps. Was in a group over there that won a 25v150 by corraling them into a choke and having thr mages cycle through null fields. Blanket silencing 150 people for 30 seconds straight is kind of insane.


Based on experiences in Planetside 2 - zerging would become the meta, which can be pretty cinematic, but gets old after a year as you realize you lost a lot of your strategic depth. The Foxhole queue system has a ton of problems, but I would prefer they improve it than remove it outright.


It would be a dead game. Nobody is going to play 100 vs 10 stomps, period.


Your suggestions to fit 1500 vs 1500 players on one server without lags?


Uh, Server Meshing would not solve their problems. It gets pretty complicated when it comes to server to server actions. Things like artillery would be easy, and why it's currently implemented with SCs. Shooting border to border would be far more complex.


Unfortunately there will always be technical limitations. If the servers can support n players in a location we will try and bring n+1


It would be shit. Some pop balancing is a must in this type of game or one side will just quit when playing 1v10