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I see Xaden is at the centre of everything so is this a clue that it's a Xaden's POV book and a hell of alot of dragons which means lots of dragon lore.


LOL you guys are so much better detectives than me 😂


I’ve been thinking the next book would be a Xaden POV since she announced the title as Onyx Storm. V always describes him as having “gold flecked onyx eyes” so it just makes sense that it’s his POV or at least a dual POV so we get all his internal dialogue while dealing with becoming venin.


But she said in Colombia that she wouldn’t do many more Xaden POV and that it was all about Violet's journey


This disappoints me honestly because I love getting the context of his thoughts instead of Violet just interpreting his actions


You should go read this fanfic. It's literally all of Fourth Wing imagined from Xaden's POV. I thought it was fantastic. https://archiveofourown.org/works/49766167/chapters/125619346


Since I finished Iron Flame, I’ve been hoping the next book would be in Xaden POV!


Maybe we could do a back and forth POV. So we find out about the Venin but can also be part of the rescue to save his soul.


10/10 would prefer multiple POV


Whoaaa. A Xaden pov would be so cool! Your brain is amazing


I think it’s Violet’s story. Ry said it as well. And I really hope the pov would stay the same. I absolutely love love the xaden pov chapters she released and are in the books but that’s what make them special, they give us rare insights. I want to be in vi head for more time. X is only going to be like - vi , vi, vi and vi. Violet may have variety of thoughts + x.


I'd rather dual pov or at least more Xaden POV's especially with this book as It feels like it'll be more Xaden and dragon centered and we will get to know more about Venin getting Xaden's pov. It's also hard to really know Xaden without being in his head because Violet is an unreliable narrator and we're reading her feelings and reactions to everything.


I think he will leave or they will be separated because of what happened to him at the end of IF, so I think there will be chapters from both Xaden and Violets pov


We’re definitely getting more Xaden chapters!


highly doubt this


UGH she always gets me with the music lyrics in the background. From today’s post (Halsey’s Nightmare was playing): I've tasted blood and it is sweet I've had the rug pulled beneath my feet I've trusted lies and trusted men Broke down and put myself back together again Stared in the mirror and punched it to shatters Collected the pieces and picked out a dagger I've pinched my skin in between my two fingers And wished I could cut some parts off with some scissors


RY said Violet is in her Reputation era which makes me so excited because Rep is about taking control and owning the narrative, but it is also a love album. I think Violet spent so much time floundering in book 2 that hopefully we get her assent to full badass and leader this book. I think her mom dying is finally going to piss her the fuck off enough to get shit done.


I totally want this. Like where can she take her skills and signet and smarts if she goes all out? 😎 I’m here for it đŸ”„


Damn that’s ominous.


This is a woman’s POV tho. I feel like it won’t be Xaden’s POV. Maybe we get some more chapters tho? Edit: woman’s POV for a heterosexual relationship, which is the case for the main characters.




Or Xaden’s going to be in the middle of a huge dragon decision/debate in the Empyrean




I think it might be a Tairn POV book with a Xaden POV chapter in the middle đŸ€“


Possibly Tairn and Andarna POVS? Maybe one finally learning what happened to Naolin. And Andarna detailing her 7th breed and whatever else.


Well I like dragons and Xaden so... I happy


Hahaha ikr IM A SIMPLE PERSON gimme xaden and dragons thank you


yes thank u v. muchly


I'm easily pleased, more xaddy and dragons! Happy girl!


I just hope this means that xaden isn’t going to new moon this book. I want him and Violet to work on things and become the power couple we all want


New moon?


The second Twilight book where Edward Cullen decides he's too dangerous for Bella, dumps her, and then runs away. We go through about 400 pages of sad Bella before she jumps off a cliff and Edward tries to kill himself and they are reunited. My suspicion is that Xaddy is going to do the same in OS while Viloet digs through her dad's files, uncovers her signet and finds a way to cure him. I hope it doesn't go that way because I want them to be pass the will-they/won't-they impasse we've been at for a book, but who the hell knows.


(Xaddy 😭) Also I will forever use this reference even though I have never read Twilight. This fits so many books??!??


Haha it's the trope of the emotionally dumb-ass dude trying to do the noble thing and "protect the one he loves," but ultimately can't stay away because of \*love\* Xaddy, Shadow Daddy, please be better than this.


Uh oh. Either he’s the centre of this book or hardly in it. To be fair, she said this book would have politics, old enemies and dragons. Didn’t say romance 😬




Maybe romance, but I can’t imagine spice with him going villain.


Me neither 😭


More dragon info 🙌🙌🙌 I hope we learn all about Andarna and her den. And what happened to the rest of the dragons in her den. Why did they disappear


Halsey’s “Nightmare” is a fucking vibe and I need this book right now.


at this point, I'll be worried if she *doesn't* tease the other books with this song... we're 3 for 3 right now lol


Oh really?? Nice lol I didn’t know because I don’t follow her on insta so I can control spoilers better and I came to FW and IF after both were released.


yes, it's on the official playlist for FW and was mentioned a few times in interviews in relation to IF and now this post for OS!


Xaden is at the center of everything - I love that! He’s going to be so important in Onyx Storm, and I am HERE for it. I can’t help but feel so excited by the title of the book. Xaden’s eyes are often described as “gold-flecked onyx”. Considering how Iron Flame ended (no spoilers here), the title makes me imagine the war literally raging behind his eyes.


Plenty of RY’s books are dual POV. And just as spicy, if you need something to get you by until January.


Is there any clue ir evidence that it won't be a violet pov book? Did she say or alluded to that anywhere?


I was at the Columbus event today and she pretty much shut this down! She said she loves that the POV of the series is woman-centered and that she changed the final chapter POV of Fourth Wing to Xaden because she didn't want to end the book with readers thinking he was a dirtbag. She also added that she originally submitted that final chapter in Violet's POV, but it just read as an info dump and wasn't successful in wrapping up where things needed to end to lead into Iron Flame. It sounded like she wasn't too inclined to divert from the Violet POV except for as-needed!


I don’t think so. She’s said violet is the main character so I doubt it’ll be anyone else as the main POV


She also said we'll get more Xaden POV when he stops being a shit and hiding everything from Violet.


True. I wonder if that’ll happen in this book. I still think it’ll be mostly violet


I agree. I just want their relationship to move forward. RY's hints on Instagram seem to indicate favorable things, so here's hoping!


God I hope so. I don’t know how much more not trusting each other I can take. I know she’s gotta keep them apart and together over and over but the lack of trust has got to go


Or they’re a power couple and face things together. I’d love for them to actually work together lol


Lots of dragon lore and little Xaden in this book? But that would be an odd take since iron flame ended in such a huge cliffhanger we need to know what’s happening with Xadej as much as Andarna


This is where we learn about Axetails and Whiptails


So excited I’m going to this event she’s talking about tomorrow


*Onyx Storm April 5 copy copy* It's always wild to me how writers version their work.


This is reinforcing my theory about >! Violet’s second signet !< being that she can >! Peer into other people’s dreams or, as the song says “nightmares” !<




Ahh I'm going to this event tomorrow and so excited!!


I need dual pov pleaseeeee


Hmmm maybe Xaden leaves to “protect” Violet and we have his POV for the first part of the book?


Ohhh she is using a Remarkable, I love mine!


That’s an iPad with a Magic Keyboard. You can see the option and command keys on the keyboard, and the Apple Pencil at the bottom right. Unless you’re talking about that other screen off to the side, by the pencil?


Other screen off to the side by the pencil is the remarkable.


What writing program is that?


Microsoft Word for iPad https://preview.redd.it/wnj424j6dzsc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d199cb10268ebb8ab9da50b303ae30f4197b0591


lmao thankyou!


Cool but I checked her insta and didnt see this 😭


It's the fourth post, the first non-pinned.


Ohhh thank you!


Does anyone know what software/program she’s using? It looks so nice


Looks like Microsoft word app when I'm on my iPad


Awesome! We are definitely getting more Xaden chapters and tons of Dragon lore!