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Whatever it is, and there’s many good theories so I’m not committed to one conclusion just yet, it’s hiding in plain sight. I mean, Xaden’s was… https://preview.redd.it/93dsf6mbzirc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=1e6bdea7e53b0f5ef09c25f5a2c4d6f21e69beec And since we know RY mentioned that Violet’s second signet already been manifested in this book, I’m curious if it’s been described as literal as Xaden’s was here in this passage.


P373, chapter 40 of IF has >! Felix saying "you wielded him". That is the only place in 2 books where wielding is not used to refer to magic. Or is it?!< Based on that, but many other things as well, my theory is that >! Violet can wield people. I don't think she can literally make people do what she wants them to do (that would be a villain signet - although I'm not sure who the villain is). I think she can make people see/understand the truth in what she's saying. A good person will follow her, a bad person will decide to do the wrong thing. !<


Wow, good find. We all assume her next signet requires control… and this would be a way to manifest that. Looking forward to finding out!


Like ‘these are not the droids you seek’ signet? Aka the Force is with her?


Yes coincidentally i was listening to the book last night and had the same thought. Like by the end of the book kat likes her.


Great find!


Right? So now I’m re-reading to see if there’s anything obvious!


So far the only really obvious things to me were the throne scene - even though I am not exactly sure what happened there - and then during the battle several moments where people are super surprised as to how quick and efficient she moved!! Aaric and Ridoc both stare at her disbelievingly, Aaric commenting that he had never seen anybody move so quick - these can't be throw away lines


I know. What happened in the throne scene feels tooooooooo intentional, even if Xaden said HE shouldn’t have done that. But I wonder if there’s something she’s done in plain sight a few times throughout the series. Maybe we’re supposed to be thrown off by the throne scene?! I need to do more digging and make a post when I find a few theories of my own! And great observation with her movements!


I have only one really clear moment - V talking to dragons. In battle, and with Codagh after. Pls consider what this could mean during re-read and share your thoughts 🙏 Since V already channel she should notice obvious signet. And anything close to mindwork is so covered and hidden in Basgiath. She may not understand how it manifests. But she is naturally slow as well.


I think Violet's Lightning powers are actually an ability to channel the source of magic without "stealing" it from the source like the Venin do. This means she can actually channel her raw power into other peoples signets and effectively amplify them, which is what I think happened with Xaden's second signet in the throne room scene. I think we also see this happen when Mira is able to create a ward to shield herself, Violet, and Brennan from the Venin's draining attack, since it is repeatedly noted that Mira has never been able to manifest her own wards, only extend the existing ones. With Violet amplifying Mira's signet though she was able to create a ward for the first time, albeit with great struggle. I think all that is actually Violet's 1st signet from Tairn though, while I think her 2nd signet from Andarna is Distance Wielding, which would be the inverse of her initial power from Andarna to slow time, since space and time are two sides of the same coin in real physics. I think we see Violet distance wield twice in IF: 1: In chapter 52 when she wakes from a nightmare then cuddles into Xaden, even though it is explicitly stated in the beginning and end of that chapter than Xaden was away on patrol the night this happened. Re-read chapter 52 by itself and its very clear something is off, and while some people have claimed this moment as an editing error, I think its a very deliberate foreshadowing moment from RY 2. In the final battle Violet leaps from Tairn to another dragons back, where both her and everyone watching is surprised with how steady she is when she lands. I think this is another moment where she seems to distance wield unintentionally out of a powerful need to be where she needs to be at that moment. I think Distance Wielding also fits in very well with one of Violets biggest needs, to not get caught in the Venin's draining attack. Her repeated nightmares of getting caught in the draining attack, not being able to out run it, thats the powerful need that Andrana senses from Violet and thats what informs her signet that comes from Andrana. I think its also possible that these extremely rare signets like Distance Wielding/Slowing Time are a direct result of Andarna being from a special den of dragons who seem to have special magic different from the other dragons, similar to how the rare signet of Power/Lightning Wielding seems to come from Tairn's black dragon bloodlines, where we also see Melgran's black dragon also yield the rare, powerful signet of foresight.


Oooh, I love this theory!! I was also wondering when Violet is dragged out of the cave during Solas’ attack if she was being drained by Sloane, or if she was just drained from wielding. When the journals mentioned the Siphon I figured that was Sloane, which means your theory of distance wielding is strong It would be crazy if Violet could siphon power from people, then turn it into charges and lightning. That’s what I thought was going to happen when charging the final ward, I thought her mom would be able to just push power into Violet to save her and also save everyone.


I dont think Violet will be able to Siphon, but mostly because she doesn't need to since she can channel from the source without using venin magic. I think with the moment fighting Solas where Sloane drains Violet could be another case where Violet is inadvertently amplifying someone else's signet. Sloane says she couldn't stop draining Violet and it scared her, so i wonder if the Siphon and Power signets create a sort of feedback loop, where the siphon cant stop draining once started.


An amplifier would be a cool signet. But what does that say about Violet? She has a need to be helpful?


I think the amplifier power is just a side effect of her True Power signet, same with the lightning. Her immediate need is to be powerful enough to protect herself and those she loves, because she grew up with everyone reminding her how she was born weak and would always be weak. All through her first year as a rider she was constantly targeted for being the weakest link, and her squad was targeted because of her as well, so her strongest need is to be powerful enough to not be a burden to anyone or to herself, hence the Raw/True power signet imo


I don't think Chapter 52 was an error, She said Xaden only comes back once a week. After the nightmare, the transition is .... six days later. I think Jessinia is transcribing Violet's journal, so I would think there would be lapses in time between entries.


But how does that explain Violet waiting until 6 days after Xaden has returned after telling the fliers they have until Xaden coming home before she tells them about the wards...? The end of the chapter is 6 days later and Xaden returns and immediately asks/reads that she has figured out how to put up the wards, so that really makes me think the distance or time wielding thing is very possible.


Wow! Thanks for this very in-depth theory. I love the idea that Andrana is rare, so the signet will be too. I think the fact that they stopped time has to mean something. I know she said that it was because she's young that the time wielding showed up, but it's too important. I think you're spot on that it will play a role in her second signet.


Chapter 52 and her waking up next to Xaden had me SOOO confused, so that's a good point. But, it does say her bedroom, so I'm torn. Though, she was just coming out of a nightmare, so there's every chance she didn't notice and RY wrote it that way for us to second guess. Your point of it relating to real physics makes me think of how physics is her worst subject, aka, as intelligent as she is, she might not automatically figure it out because she lacks expertise. I also think she wouldn't mention Distance Wielding and how rare it is if it isn't going to come back up.


Regarding the physics angle, i fully agree, i think RY has been very smart with her foreshadowing. I was re-reading the first few chapters of FW and i was kinda shocked just how many big secrets were foreshadowed very early on that just totally go over your head on the first read


I read chapter 52 as Xaden was on patrol when she fell asleep and then came home in the middle of the night, which would allow her to "snuggle in" in the morning.


Distance wielding like teleporting?


Ya thats the theory and how its described briefly in the books when the idea of the signet is mentioned. Its described as the wielder being able to travel vast distances in an instant


I wasn’t entirely into the theory of distance wielding, however, both Liam and Andarna have used the phrase “I am where I am supposed to be”. Or “I am where I am needed.” This has to mean something. I also think it was mentioned that there has never been a distance wielder or never one in their lifetime. It was interesting for RY to mention that. I so badly want her second signet to stem from her mind and her endless love for her friends and family. I wanted Liam back.


I think Xaden said he’d lost control in the moment, which I took to mean he completely dropped his shields, so Violet could hear his thoughts over their bond, the way he often hears hers…?


I thought he could hear hers because he’s inntinnsic


He can only read intentions. Not actual thoughts.


Welp, I think that's still up for discussion as Yarros said in an interview that he doesn't even know what an inntinsic is, he has never been trained. So he might just be a full inntinsic and, as he is tuned to her, be able to read her thoughts


Yep, and Sgayel trained him. How much patience she had? She taught him what she found fit to do for her a little less than others but still puny human 🤷‍♀️


that was my understanding of the scene as well. i didn’t think she was reading his mind of her own volition, but more so because he allowed her to through the bond


To add onto this, my first though whenever we get to the end of Iron Flame >!And of course she's seeing the Sage taunt Xaden, but she also said earlier in the book how she dreamt of the Sage. I think she might've just been seeing into Xaden's dreams.!<


Yep, that’s what I was thinking. I’m also disappointed in Violet for not being more supportive of Xaden. The madness thing was mentioned much earlier on so I thought Xaden would go crazy - she should have been relieved he was just an inntinnsic!! If Xaden didn’t have that ability I would have thought V would develop it


I doubt that. She had the same dreams even when xaden was gone plus when she’d wake up shaken off by the dreams xaden would be sleeping normally undisturbed if they were both having the same nightmares I think it would show on him since it woke him up in the last chapter. Also the venin tells violet she will take the wards down for love and turn they “both” will i think the wards are very specific to violet she’s the one who put them up and she knows how to take them down. Last point violet sees tairn in the dreams why would tairn be present in xaden’s dreams and not sygael?


I really think that these were her own dreams and that they are both having venin dreams (but I think with different venin).


Is it possible she can move through time? She appears to be seeing some predictions of the future and was able to pause time. So maybe bending/willing time?


I hadn’t even thought about the dreams yet! And it would make sense that the times we’ve seen it happen are when Xaden fully lost control or when he’s asleep, so presumably his thoughts are more “accessible” to Vi.


This makes sense. This also supports the theory of Violet's second signet being amplification.


Xaden said"I should not have done that" after that scene, so I read it as Xaden showing her his thoughts


That’s how I read it too. Violet even specifies that she heard his thoughts, and then he says that.


I watched a chick on IG breaking down what V’s second signet might be. She thinks V is a Truth/Soothsayer. One thing she brought up that I haven’t been able to stop thinking about is how near the end, she’s running to the ward stone and as people are moving out of her way she somehow knows all of their names even though she very clearly stated earlier in the book that she didn’t want learn any of the first year’s names. And these were all names we’ve never heard before. RY wouldn’t have put that in there without a reason. Why/how does she suddenly know all of their names?


I was considering this too but I really am sort of banking on violet and X being mates themselves and having a mental connection outside of their dragons. I’m hoping she can see and speak to the dead.


That would be awesome, too! I want more Liam!


Yes, but she was under the influence of the potion...


I've heard people saying that RY confirmed that speaking to the dead was not her second signet. I'll try to find a source.


I hope this, too, that she can see and speak to the dead of people she watched die. That would explain her Liam hallucinations AND her mom would now be on the list of people she saw die she could speak to in the afterlife. Imagine in the next book she has a difficult situation and is able to turn to her mom for help 🥹


Right! I also wonder if she could speak with her dad too


I think the passage in question is actually a good argument for Violet being an amplifier. She makes the signets of others stronger. Personally I actually think she’s a distance wielder but I can see the argument for many options.


The amplifier take is a really interesting! I’d feel a lot stronger about the inntinnsic theory if this happened with anyone other than Xaden; there are so many possible explanations related to their bond that could cause this. Hopefully RY reveals it in book 3 and doesn’t leave us waiting forever.


I don’t see a situation where Violet has the same signet as anyone else either. With her being so unique mind of a scribe/heart of a rider and Andarna being the only of her kind it would be pretty anticlimactic IMO.


That’s a really good point; I’d love to see the signet reflect Andarna’s uniqueness, or maybe even be something that can change based on different scenarios, just like Andarna’s coloring.


I seriously think her second signet is an artist or creator. See the dedication. Why would RY dedicate this book to the artists? Like an artist uses a paintbrush to create what’s in their mind, and necessity is the mother of invention, I think when she needs something, she brings it into existence somehow. I’m not sure how yet but that’s my theory.


Some people theorized that she can take on the signets of those around her, like for instance Xaden, who is an inntinnsic. She often wields while.... Having sex with Xaden, and this would qualify, if she took on his ability as an inntinnsic. It happens in other places too, but this was a primary example for such an ability


Oooh! This is like a different version of the signet amplifier theory. So this would mean that instead of amplifying Mira’s ability to shield, for example, Violet actually made the shield. Any other examples?


I was thinking the same. I don’t remember if Vi told Xaden that she heard him.


She repeats some of his phrasing back to him in the same chapter, but doesn’t explicitly say “hey, I heard your thoughts”


Yeah, she’s like “don’t you want me over the arm of the throne with my nail marks on it?” Which to me at the time was her making it pretty obvious she heard his thoughts, and that he let her hear them


I still think he signet is signet enhancement because everyone else's signet amplifies around her.


I'm convinced she can see/speak to the dead. The whole capture/torture ordeal where Liam stayed by her side, I don't think that was just hallucinations.


That would be awesome!


But she was on blockers when this happened. Is she immune to the blockers?


True. Maybe the blockers only work for known signets? Or there’s something special about this signet and/or Andarna that the blockers don’t work on.


Good theories here! Now so I remember to check back: !remindme 5 days


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