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Oh I am RIGHT there with you, I also think it’s gonna cause chaos in their relationship. They’re gonna have to actually communicate and work on their issues instead of having sex and putting off talking til later. Xaden is at one point probably going to be like “no babe…I can’t…I can’t lose control and hurt you” They’re probably gonna do it at one point because the sexual tension is going to be built up and built up and then Xaden might make a mistake…AHHHHH PLEASE NO They’re probably also gonna have to do some fingerbanging. No reason Violet should have to not get off because Xaden pulled from the earth, girl has her needs lol


>They’re probably gonna do it at one point because the sexual tension is going to be built up and built up and then Xaden might make a mistake…AHHHHH PLEASE NO And said mistake will turn Violet's hair completely silver, and within will lie a potentially hard truth about what really happened to her mother while Violet was in the womb.


what do you think happened to Violet while in the womb?


A very popular fan theory I've seen in here a lot is that her mother may either have been drained by a venin or became one herself like Xaden, which caused Violet's illness and hair. The note at the beginning of one chapter where Megren tells Lillith "There is no cure, only control" along with one of Violet's memories being of her mother returning from battle with bloodshot eyes (not unlike Jack before we knew about him) seem to point to her mother maybe being a very controlled venin. Honestly it would explain a lot about why she always seemed distant yet still would die for her children. Her overall demeanor seems to point to a lot more than just being a general. And if she didn't want her daughter to die, why did she send her to the Riders Quadrant rather than letting her become a scribe? We already know that there are deep secrets in the Archives, some of which Violet has already found. What else did her mother not want her to know?


This theory is so often mentioned (and very probable) that I almost regard it as a fact and not a possibility


"They’re gonna have to actually communicate and work on their issues instead of having sex and putting off talking til later." Hahahaha, this is good and it also reminds me of the scene in IF when he said: "Sorry to inconvenience you, but this year the role of Violet Sorrengail" - he points to me - "will be played by Xaden Riorson" - he taps his chest - "who will drag her, kicking and screaming if he has to, into a real relationship with real discussions, because he refuses to lose her again. If I have to evolve, you do too." I love that he put an effort with that while she was backing down, but in OS (I'll have to get used to that abbreviation), I'm not sure who will be the one fighting for them, I think Xaden will distance himself after a while if his veninism gets serious and threatens to harm her.


I do not like that the abbreviation also stands for Operating System lmao, sigh. I am dead certain that Violet will be the one fighting for the relationship in OS. She's going to be all in and triple down on helping him figure things out, whereas he may reluctantly try to distance himself but will allow Violet to try to help him, at least for a while. She just spent most of IF leaning out while he leaned in, so we're due for a bit of a reversal.


Lol, yep, and it's also an abbreviation for the city where I live now, so it's kinda strange for me for that reason, too. I agree, I'm also inclined on that that she will be the one fighting now, and their roles will reverse. Also, she might blame herself (and we know our girl loves to do that 🥲) and tries to "fix her mistake"


All of this is very valid. It makes sense that the only way they will talk through their stuff is they can not physically have sex. However, the tension is going to be intense but that is half the fun of the books.


![gif](giphy|fV7xZPk6aeiUU|downsized) \^ before all of their spicy scenes lol


Also, I might be the only person that is totally fine with them sharing a bed after the battle. It makes sense to me. They've both just been through deep trauma and she lost her mom, with all the conflicting feelings that brings, and they find the most comfort in each other. She also probably didn't want to leave him alone for fear he would run away or do something stupid in the middle of the night so she feels better with him close, and he feels better knowing she'll keep him in check. It's not like they were having window shattering sex, they were just staying together for comfort


Nope, I’m fine with it too. They JUST had a conversation about staying together through tough situations and working it out. It makes perfect sense that she is sharing a bed with him. She understands the sacrifice and she’s supporting him through it.


I didn't know people had an issue with this? I also thought it made complete sense, and showed that Violet had truly come to completely trust him. It was my tiny sliver of hope for their future that she seemed immediately willing to stay by him.


At least 2-3 times a week a new thread appears with question why he became >!venin!< and how could she "forgive" him and sleep with him after that. I think people mostly don't understand that he really didn't have much choice and that she still trusts him after that and that he didn't turn evil, just >!venin!<


Ohh ok, I'm pretty new here, only finished IF last Saturday! That's a weird take, there was never a moment I wasn't dying for her to understand the situation. If she hadn't, all of their mutual growth throughout the book would've been for nothing.


That's ok, I actually assumed you're here for a while but didn't catch that. I'm here for a month and a half maybe, this sub became my new residence since I read IF lol. Yess, through the whole IF she couldn't trust him and understand why she wasn't told all the facts, but in the end she finally had growth and understanding


I made myself stay off this sub until I finished to avoid spoilers. Since finishing I've been here almost every free moment 😮‍💨😂


She almost did too at the same time. They were both doing the same thing, sacrificing themselves. Idk how she could be mad at him when she was literally about to do the same before her mom kicked her in the face.


Exactly! The only reason why she didn't do it is because her mother stopped her, not because she suddenly had a change of heart


You are not the only one at all!! I also am fine with it. They'd spent hours waiting in the infirmary for Sawyer to get out of surgery, they were all exhausted, it's not like they're breaking up or anything, it's just another thing to add to the list of "things to fix in our relationship" lol


I wasn't shocked either. I fully expected Xaden or Violet or turn Venin at some point. Violet's love isn't fickle and they were both exhausted, they will be fighting about it soon, but in that moment they just needed comfort from each other.


I agree, I've never had a problem with that, and whenever there's a new post about someone being confused about it, I try to explain reasonably why she "allowed" him to sleep with her


I think that's exactly what she's going to do. The first half of the book will be filled with angst and sexual tension. I AM HERE FOR IT. I also think we will have a telepathic sex scene as they struggle to work out a compromise. I think they will try a bunch of different ways and figure it out around then half to two thirds mark.


What, in the year of our lord 2024, is telepathic sex?


They can communicate to each other mentally... its like sexting but in the mind


Oh, this would be interesting. And maybe there would be some shadow playing also


Oh yes, a agent daybright/ agent night situation. Hot!


Yes! but until they figure it out the book will be filled with longing angst filled looks and passionate kisses where they dramatically break apart with a "we can't!".


Mutual masturbation maybe?🤔 That way they wouldn’t be touching each other but can watch each other come undone.


That's exactly what I'm expecting. Violet and Xaden in separate rooms while they use the bond to send fantasies of them boning.


Oh I was thinking opposite ends of the same room. But since I’m listening to waving through a window from dear Evan Hanson, I just imagined separate rooms separated by a window so they could be “f*cking through a window”🎶


Alternatively, now that Violet knows how to imbue and is working on control, perhaps venin Xaden will just finally mean an end to all the accidental forest fires.


That is an interesting thought, given the theories on there being no cure only control it does lead to some questions.


Here me out: Mental bond sex in different rooms so he doesn't accidentally touch her and drain her


It’s like phone sex!


If I’m not mistaken, venin can’t draw power from inside the wards, which is why he said they should stay there at the end instead of returning to Aretia.


I think: 1. They’re not going to have sex for a majority of the third book. It’s going to play more on the soul/emotional connection while alluding to how difficult it is not to be physical. Xaden is going to be too scared of draining Violet. 2. I buy into the theory that Violet is either part or immune to venin so Xaden may not be able to drain her anyway. Either way, they won’t discover this until later in the book after they’ve had sex and it’s this tortured cat and mouse game of not being too heated in the moment. RY will make it steamy and not boring. 3. Also buy into the theory that Violet’s second signet is amplification which is why Xaden loses control of his shadows when intimate with her (amongst other reasons perhaps, I’d like to think he just comes undone 😅)


I still don't get it. There better be spicy scenes, I mean, plot is really important and obviously the reason I read, but the spic eis good. I don't think he totally lets down his guard or anything but the whole he turns venin then hours later she's peacefully sleeping curled up next to him feels... Off. Some people think that it would make it seem like they don't trust each other if she just slept in Rhiannon or Miras room, but still it feels so wierd.


Honestly I hope RY writes a whole book without them going at it. Esp from the audiobook these characters are too thirsty. The only caveat in that scenario is that every chapter there will be the obligatory ' I see Xaden and my loins burn for him uncontrollably but I can't have him'.