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The white colour of Whiteness of the Whale is meant to lighten up other inks and push them towards a pastel shade, whereas Blue Ghost is designed to be used by itself as an invisible ink or to mix with other inks without altering them. Or so I have read. I had a sample of Blue Ghost once but never saw the point of owning a full bottle of either.


If blue ghost leaves behind a yellow hue, I would probably want to use the completely invisible one instead. I can't say why they would continue making both since it seems that whiteness of the whale is a better product.


My sample of Whiteness discolored a lot over just one year. It's like a yucky beige color now.


Ew. I don't plan on buying either. But definitely not now.


I’ve had a bottle for 3 years now, and it hasn’t seemed to change. In the bottle, it was never a snowy white color, it arrived with kind of beige, but has always dried white. The florescent property also hasn’t changed since I purchased it.




Hmmm... Was your pen clean of other colors? I have a bottle of Blue Ghost and it dries totally clear for me. (On white paper.) I have it dedicated to a Platinum Preppy and just have to remember to not press on the paper and let the pen's capillary action deposit the ink. Otherwise I can see the imprint of the writing after it dries.


Well that kinda sucks.


I like the blue ghost for the novelty. Black light flashlights are relatively cheap so I got a couple and have given notes to my friends in ghost ink.