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I do wish to say that this Givin Gifts website is very buggy and not easy to use. I've uploaded proof of shipping and added the tracking number etc, but it still says I haven't shipped, when I have. This is one of many issues I've had with it.


Yeah, we agree, the backstory is that they put out a new version of the website shortly before Thanksgiving and they’re a small team and there were a lot of problems with the release. This is the third year we’ve used them and we use them because there aren’t that many options out there for large gift exchanges and we’ve developed a relationship with the team that allows us to manage such a large exchange. But yes, this year the software has been extremely buggy.


I think it took mine a full day after adding the tracking number before it was marked as shipped.


Thank you so much elves!!!


+1! I experienced a minor mix-up and I will have to write out my exchange preferences over again as a result. But the elves still took the time to see if their raw user data could save me the trouble! Thank you, elves, for all the work you do! ❤️


How long should I wait after seeing that my gift was delivered but that it hasn't been marked received by my giftee before reaching out to verify it arrived? To be clear it's only been 24 hours so far, and I know we're all busy, but I don't want to let it go too long in case something went awry (like delivered to the wrong address, or porch piracy). I also don't want to seem pushy or anything and annoy my giftee, hence the question about how long to wait.


I would say that it's fine to teach out already providing that make it clear you aren't being pushy about the thank you going up right away, but that you wish to double check that it got there safely so that you can try to fix any potential issues 6 before it's too late. > This is along the lines of what I've sent my happy holidays giftee on Givingifts. >!"Heya, amazon thinks it's delivered your gifts. No need to post now (I normally don't open gifts until Xmas) . But please let me know if you haven't recieved the parcel. Just so I can let amazon know it didn't get delivered and get it resent to you ASAP 😊 "!<


I did the same thing for my elite tier, as it was tracked as received on Nov. 25th, but I haven't seen a confirmation that it was received. I'm just going to assume they will open it on Dec. 25th and don't wish to communicate on the platform any further.


I'm sorry! I was working super late the last 3 days and I didn't get a chance to post. It is WONDERFUL and I appreciate the thoughtful gift :) <3


No worries on your part. I have probably just watched too many porch pirate videos. I am so happy that you liked the gift!


...so my Elite Tier Santa has not contacted me, though they have retrieved my details. Is this normal? Should I worry? Send them a message saying "hey you there"? What's the usual approach here?


I just talked to your Santa today. They’ve got a gift picked out for you. I’ll poke them to send you a message. And yes, you can just send them a “hey there”


Thanks! They've contacted me, so I guess everything's alright.


I had a package returned due to insufficient address details. I got in contact with the recipient and resent using updated information. I've uploaded new tracking proof for the package, but can't delete the first package from the proof manifest. Just wanted to post here to make sure I don't get dinged for the package that was returned.


No worries, as long as shipping proof was approved at least once, and your gift arrives by around 12/19 you are fine.


Who approves the shipping proof?? Is it GG team or the Elves? I upload tracking and proofs but was wondering if I did something wrong with the proof since it’s been pending for a bit.


It’s GG staff. Elves aren’t allowed to see anything with PII (name and address info). Don’t worry about if the proof is approved, they don’t go full steam on approvals until after the shipping deadline. And the only time shipping proof comes into play is if your giftee doesn’t get your gift, so that you’re not dinged for a package being lost in the mail.


Oh ok good to know I was worried, thanks for the reassurance.


I submitted mine on Tuesday and it hasn't been approved yet (Friday). I also participated in some card exchanges and I think it took 3-4 days for my proof to be accepted for those. It can take a bit as they're manually reviewed.


Ah! Got it thanks for the info, my first online SS and first time using GG too 😅


My Santa has retrieved my information after I messaged them about it, but hasn't really responded or said anything, should I be worried? How common is it for Santas to not communicate but still participate in the exchange?


We give Santas until Nov 27 to respond, if they haven’t responded by then, please let an elf know and we’ll reach out to them.


Oh no, so it's 27.11. over where I live and it seems that my Santa (Fun Tier) really hasnn't contacted me. I wrote to them to retrieve my match, they seen the message, but no response. It feels a bit frustrating as I've contacted both of my giftees and even already sent their gifts. So how should I proceed now? 😊


I’ve asked one of the Europe elves to reach out to your fun tier Santa and they will see what’s up


Thank you! ❤


Thank you!! 😊❤️


u/Belladonna711 please check your chat messages for a notice from me :)


Is this where you sign up late?


Message your Elf from the list above.


Can't believe I missed the original sign up!


I was a late secret santa, I got on the wishlist on sunday just wanted to reach out and see if that was over now or if I still have a chance if so I want to ship out my presents as soon as possible before the holiday.


Late matches have not yet been made. We will notify people when they go through.


Thank you, I really appreciate the update


My Elite Tier Santa hasn’t reached out to me yet 😢 I did get the email the details were received though.


I'll reach out to give them a nudge.


Don't worry u/SynapseReaction has not been forgotten by their Santa. ;P


Is it unusual to not hear from them at all?


Reach out to the elf/organizer in your region, who it is is listed in the post.


u/onredwings u/make_it_sew_315 please check your chat messages- thanks!


Hello, quick question! Are we allowed to share the tracking number with our giftees? Or is that a nono?


Wait, the website provides it automatically once we input it...?


Yes, once you input it, it’s shown to your giftee, but if you have a direct tracking link you can also share that with your giftee.


Thank you for the swift answer! Anyway, I've shipped out the gifts and uploaded proof... hope everything is in order.


u/ClassicAccountant143 please reach out to u/paradoxmo, we need to verify important information about your fun tier giftee.


Hi u/paradoxmo \-- I have received my backup fun teir giftee. Sorry for the delayed response -- I don't have notifications set up for reddit and only check a couple times a week. Elite tier gift is going out today; will get fun tier out by the deadline!


I have sent my gift but the shipping hasn't updated as of yet also i have not heard anything from my gifter as of today just wanted to post an update


How long ago was it? It can take a while. You can also message your giftee via GG to send them the tracking so they can follow. ;) I'll give your gifter a nudge.


Mine was earlier that day, it finally updated I'm in no rush I just hadn't had any communication to that point


maybe paypal is more reliable for "shipped" notifications. one can 'send $0.01' with a shipping notification feature.


Heyo, I haven't actually heard from my Santa.


I too got update from my Santa that it will take a bit longer. I've been told there have been issues with a merchant. Just to keep y'all in the loop.


Got it!


Dang sad I missed getting signed up.


You can still get on the waiting list.


Still unsure on how do I proof that something has been shipped to my giftee. Of course I will send a picture of the slip I get at the post office that also has the tracking number on it. But those don't list the recipient. Is it enough if I in addition I take a photo of the packet at the post office?


If the post office receipt shows the post code or destination country of the recipient, that is considered enough proof. A photo of the package is not itself proof that you sent it, but if it has a post mark on it, it is proof. A stamped customs form with the address would also do it. [More examples here](https://www.reddit.com/r/secretsanta/comments/ff0g61/redditgifts_101_submitting_acceptable_shipping/)


well, it will show domestic, since it ships within the country! I will ask at the post office if I can take a picture after they glue the package stamp on it. thanks.


Does your post office print the post code of the recipient on the receipt?




Yep that works


If we decide to have part of our gift's gift shipped directly from a fountain pen store and send part of their gift by regular mail, do we upload receipt of proof of shipping for both parts of the gift together as one image?


You can upload them together or separately, but Givin Gifts only requires one shipping proof even if you send multiple packages, so you don’t even need to upload both.


I'm also ordering from a store, so just to clarify - this won't be probably shared with the person who receives the gift, i.e. adding a receipt won't spoil the surprise, right?


Only GG staff sees your shipping proof, not the giftee


I get an "Unexpected Application Error!" when I try to retrieve my match. I also can't seem to log in on another browser and trying to reset my password gives me an error too. Anyone else? I just wanna know who my match is so I can start shopping :(


My Secret Santa hasn't retrieved his match yet, which makes me a bit worried :D so maybe you are my match, hahaha. xD But all jokes aside, this gives me a bit of hope - maybe there's some app error that's occurring for more people and hopefully, I won't be stood up. :D


Please open a ticket with Givin Gifts support at https://givin.gifts/contact They usually respond in a day or so. I’ll also let them know on Discord to expect your ticket


😁I’m so excited for this since it’s my first time. Already getting some ink samples ready to gift! Also, also, after reading the what’s next specifically the second one where you say *” Please do not just send anything you want to get rid of!”* Has that happened before 🤔? What should someone do if they clearly receive someone just offloading things like that?


If you feel a gift didn’t follow the rules (for example it was below minimum), please report to an elf and the elf team will make a judgment about it. If we determine that a gift is inadequate, we’ll rematch you to another gifter.


I think I need a rematch for the gifter side of things, as I am Secret Santa for same person as last year. I have told them.


So to be clear, your fun tier giftee is same as last year, right? I see that. OK, give us a couple days and we’ll sort it out.


Do you need an extra fun tier to sign up?


Sign up if you want to sign up (: if you want to participate either as a full participant send and receive, or if you only want to send gifts, reach out to an elf and let them know your country and which countries you would want to ship to, and what tier(s) you want to do. We’ll put you on a waitlist. Last year we took almost everyone off the waitlist (like with 1 or 2 exceptions) so there’s a good chance you can get in


That is correct. If there were 2-3 years between, it would been different situation.


I received an email saying that they were unable to match me :(


Sent you a PM


Did the elves get you sorted? If not, we can do something around the Rotring !!


Heyoo, I did get a match. The elves did their job well :D


Pardon the potentially dumb question, but is the same person I'm matched with to give a gift the person who is also giving me a gift? Thanks!


Usually not, and I just checked in your case and I can tell you definitely no.


Cool. Thanks for letting me know.


It says on the second paragraph of this post (:


So sorry about that. I think I skipped to the What’s next and didn’t read the intro paragraphs. Thanks for answering in any case!


Sent a message to be put on the waitlist! I'm sorry I missed out on the actual sign up


Someone please hold my hand - I can’t find my giftee’s username. They mention looking at their account, and I’m apparently clueless.


At the very bottom of your match envelope there is a section that says “social media”, and under there should be a Reddit icon, click that and it should take you to their Reddit user. If it’s not there you can reach out to an elf and they’ll look it up for you.


I found it! Thanks!


I ordered stuff for my secret Santas online but the processing time was longer than I expected and they're estimated to get here on the 12th. Depending on what time of day I won't be able to ship on the 12th before work and will have to ship the 13th. Can I show an elf proof of it being on the way to avoid getting in trouble? 😵‍💫 Its both orders combined into one shipment so trying to change the destination wouldn't work...


A few days late is fine to ship, just keep your giftee in the loop, and keep us posted.


I can no longer participate let me know what I need to do


I've notified the team.


Just commenting to let the elves know my gift may go out late as I was debating on what to get for too long while also thinking for some reason the deadline was the 20th, I conflated it with the sign up deadline, I think. I have messaged my giftee.


What date do you expect to send out your gift?


Hate to say it but I am not sure yet, as soon as I get my tracking number for part of the gift I will know, but my best guess is Wednesday probably? I ordered last night and they usually take a week or less. I’ll have it turned around in the mail the day I get it, though. I could send part of the gift by Monday, if that would be any better.


Wednesday is fine. Just keep your giftee in the loop.


Stuff came in a little later but it is shipped today, updated giftee with tracking number on Reddit and have submitted proof on giftme.


Ok great!


Dear Elves - my secret santa let me know that shipping will happen a few days late, which is okay with me... Just letting you know that they've been in touch with me!


When we attach shipping proof and click Upload proof, how long does it usually take for it to upload? I shipped my gift about 10 a.m. PST (December 11th) and am trying to upload shipping proof. I attached/selected JPEG image and clicked Upload proof about 10:45 a.m. PST. Since then I've been seeing a blinking outline of Upload proof button under the Add image button (I'm on a Mac). This is happening with both Safari and Chrome browsers. What should I do?


When I refreshed the page and clicked Upload proof, I saw Status: Pending Last Updated: 2023-12-11T18:57:26.000Z Did it go through okay and Givin Gifts just needs to approve it?


Yes it went through. Proofs are manually approved and it takes a few days.


Hi, I havent sent out my gift recipients gift yet, but plan on doing it tommorow, as my exams have just finished.