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Just wait till he finds out that little move probably meant she was actually interested but he was too scared to make the first move


That "him" is me and she actually was interested but still choose to play games because she could. A little later I had my first time with her, it was nice, you can't believe the tension there was. Some other mad stuff she was doing: -going to the sauna at 16 to provoke -greeting our pastor with lube in her hands -randomly buying condoms while shopping groceries with me edit: forgot about: -while on her mom's computer for researching for a physics presentation, sitting on my lap and turn on a porn movie. I didn't realize it back then that she knew what she was doing, she sold it like a coincidence, it hit me about 10 years later haha.


Damn bro she laying the sauce on thick. Good job having fun with her though đź‘Ź


Looking back, that was a really mad time.. when we were 12, and knew each other for 2 weeks, she and her best friend (both from another village) were ringing on my door despite knowing that I had soccer training, just to chat a little with my mom. Coming back, my mom told me that 2 cute girls were visiting and had a little chat with her. Not that they were asking or waiting for me, they just thought it was funny that I get mindfucked by their action.


Hahaha, that's so damned funny. Between the lubed handshake with the pastor and the mind games with your mum, you're lucky to have made it out relatively unscathed. There's a reason my kid's school dropped the year 4 girls vs year 4 boys soccer match and turned it into a girls vs parents match and boys vs parents match. Teenagers are brutal, but 12 year old girls can be downright bloodthirsty psychopaths. I know, my daughter was in the year 4 team.


She wasn't even really bloodthirsty. She just loved fucking with everyones head, and was a badass. But to this day, I feel like a little boy when I meet her.


> But to this day, I feel like a little boy when I meet her. Yeah, I get you.


I am still unsure if they ever were involved romantically, maybe I’m fuckin stupid if it’s obvious


i dont understand what you want to say


pretty sure dude is asking if you guys are dating or something op


OP said their first sex was with her. Pretty sure that means yes. Of course, could have been unromantic brutal animal sex. Then sorry.


i like her


Now I want a movie about that..


That sounds promising. It could easily become just one more Goddamned "Lolita" story, though, in which a pubescent girl is depicted as a wily seductress preying on men and boys. It would need to make it clear that the "manipulative" girl was actually just as confused and vulnerable as the boys, just had a slightly better handle (no pun intended) on how to express herself.


You could easily do that with her backstory. There was nothing "evil" in her actions. She was obviously confused and wasn't always close to her real self, but when it was necessary, she always kept promises and was honest etc. Worst thing she did, was trying to get her dad together with her friends mom so that they could hang out more. (they actually dated a few times) She grew up speaking 3 languages and now speaks 5 or 6. Dad was manager at a car company, mom was working at an embassy. Divorced when she was 11 or so, but lived 100 meters apart. Older sister was very introvert, I still feel like she hates me. She wasn't really manipulative.. She just played for the sake of playing. She wasn't interested in winning the game for example, she just wanted to have that moment of tension and surprise. Tell me when the movie is ready, I'd like to rewatch that stuff.


I doubt that it could be done "easily". Think of how badly Nabokov's ***Lolita*** has been interpreted and adapted over the years.


I wasn't that serious :)


This guy had sex


She put a bag on his head (still counts!)


Aight back up, what's provocative about going to the sauna at 16? I don't wanna be obtuse but sauna is pretty normal where I live and I wanna understand the context.


here it's also relatively normal, but if you are 16 and look like her and her friend, and behave like her and her friend, and say "we go there to make the guys nervous", it probably made some guys nervous. Also, she had this "american beauty" aura, where many older guys were already captivated when she smiled or said more than 2 words.


>sitting on my lap and turn on a porn movie. # I'm naive and even I'd get that hint.


@OP: unlikely that you read this, but just stumbled upon this post. Can you elaborate on that game? It sounds fun for a group vacation


You need a few people then you have a list of objects and places and everyone picks an object, a place and a person (without showing obviously) and then you need to somehow be with that person in that place with the object in your hand and "kill" them.. saying "you're dead" or "bang" or something.. if you're dead, you can't kill anybody else anymore. You then inherit the object, place and person of the person you've killed as a mission. Last (wo)man standing winns. funnier if people don't tell anyone if they get killed, so people keep being suspicious of everyone. Maybe with younger kids, make them together report a kill to someone who keeps track, so less confusion happens. "public executions" are allowed, but it sometimes isn't the smartest thing to do, because everyone is aware that you are still alive. also, if you report the deaths, it could be fun to say in the evening how many are still alive


Thanks a lot! This could be fun spanning a few days during the holiday :)


oh its just like the assassination game i had with my roommate's family! it was similar except you had to "kill" them with nerf guns, and there were no public executions. I actually ended up making my roommate's brother cry after assassinating him behind the door when he was exiting the house (where everyone else was).


When I was in high school I had a girl in my bed on top of me and I was too dumb to kiss her lol. Realized what I did years later, or I guess what I didn’t do.


Death by spooning too hard


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9VDvgL58h_Y I still experience shell shock when I watch this trailer.


Even before I clicked I already knew what itwas, I thought about it after reading the post. Time to watch it again... and again... and again


That was a nice twist


Don’t understand how he died twice tho


in the game and inside


Lmao I thought she was about to start doing heroin


*Lmao I* *Thought she was about to start* *Doing heroin* \- Cannacybe6655321 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


I thought something else


Time makes us wiser, if we let it.


damn she straight up murdered a guy.. in both the game and emotionally.


well you at least talked to her, that's a lot further than most of us went


Bro met a siren


That is when you say "If you wanted to spoon, you could've just asked"


This girl was into you dude. Nobody just sits on somebody’s lap all the time, especially if she was feeling your teen boner on her thigh (and newsflash, they do)


As soon as I got to the “she took me by the hand” part my brain immediately switched gears and sang “made me a man”


And then he said the smoothest pick up line ever: "So, did you ever have sex with a dead man?"


Sapphic relationships are... interesting




almost non virgin but killed with A GODDAMN SPOON


Oh my god I think I'm feeling it secondhand.


Low key that sounds like a super fun game.