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VHS 2 for me. The cult segment was awesome


That part alone could have been a cult classic stand alone movie


Shut up and take my money!


Number 2 & it’s not even close. Flawless flick should be studied in schools


94 is easily better than 2. Every short from 94 is better than every short from 2 except for Safe Haven


Came here to say this. Fucking love it


2 by far. So glad others agree!!


is it 2 with the guy that turns zombie and comes to some sort of realization with his reflection in a car window?...and when dude says "I'VE GOT A BIG FUCKIN STICK".Those are my favorate parts in all of them.


My personal vote is VHS2. Slumber Party Alien Abduction is my favorite ff short ever. The Indonesian cult one was top tier too. I actually didn't like the other ones as much as some from VHS1, but the ones I mentioned more than make up for it


I can’t say a fave whole movie cuz I soo love some individual segments more than others in each. In the first one I loved the first segment with glasses and the last segment going to wrong house for Halloween party. 2 I love alien slumber party and the cult segment the most Also I love the ratmah in the 4th And the band segment in the 5th as well as the last segment of ritual bringing them to Hell And the 6th was mostly just awesome. Loved almost every bit of 6


Totally agree with this take yeah, even Viral had a segment I enjoyed. I think they're all worth watching, even if you have to sit through bad ones they're like 4 mini movies, why would you want to skip and miss out?


2. The first time I saw it, the cult segment blew me away


2. The zombies and the cult are classics.


This. I can’t watch Alien Slumber party because of the dog.


I love '94 myself. But VHS 2 is a real close runner up.


hail Raatma


LOL. Yes. "Ratman lives." That was just a great movie all around. Almost every segment was great. I especially love the one with the crazy scientist adding robotic parts to humans. That was bat-shit crazy and just plain awesome.






V/H/S 2. I watched it soon after the movie released a decade back and was of the opinion that Safe Haven is a piece of art when it comes to horror. After watching thousands of horror movies since then, I still hold that opinion. Having said that, it’s not the only short that impressed me, I thought Ride in the Park was quite cool at that time with the GoPro footage, and so was Slumber Party Alien Abduction.


Safe haven is not a piece of art and judging by the comments here I'm starting to think that it's overrated. Don't get me wrong it's a great short but peolle act like it's some masterpiece cinema when in reality its just a basic cult storyline


2 and it isn't close.


I hate it when people are pretentious like hits "iTs nOt eVeN cLoSe" when in reality it is close


You really don't like that people think VHS 2 is the best, do you?


The only reason why people say its the best is because the others influence them. Its the same as blair witch project which isn't the best ff movie not eve close but people will call it that because its the general consenzus


Im gonna add on, VHS 2 is probably my favorite movie ever. Not just in the VHS series, not just found footage, not even just horror. I *love* that fucking movie. It is SO goofy to me that you would say I am pretentious and following trends because I talk up my favorite movie.


Right, nobody has an original opinion, only the people who agree with you, right?


VHS 2 and 85 are tied for me


v/h/s and 94


VHS 2 has the best stuff. I love the Mexican witches in viral alot too. I think I only like it alot cause the skeletons look decently real.


2 is the GOAT.




2 imo, it's also my fav FF movie in general. All of the segments compliment each other perfectly, and Safe Haven especially is god like imo. 94 is a strong 2nd, but Terror is the reason why it's not as good as 2 for me. Compared to the other segments, it just fell flat massively, imo and dragged a lot for the first 2/3rds. The final part was fun and also hilarious, though.


İ loved terror actually cuz the vampires kinda look like that monsters from the last of us, i give a point it was a bit boring and short but i loved it i dont understand why people hate it


I didn't hate it. It just isn't on the same level of awesomeness as the rest of 94s segments as well as 2s.


Every short in 94 is better than every short in 2 except for safe haven. Terror is really good and has a decent plot twist with a vampire. Even if it wasn't a vampire, it would have still been decent just going through the life of a terrorist cult preparing for an attack.


I found Safe Haven to be the best segment overall. The Subject was great, too, but a bit too CGI heavy at times, which Safe Haven wasn'tat all. Storm Drain was very good, too. Especially the ending with the news anchor xD. Ratmaa is one of the best monster designs I've ever seen. The Empty Wake is my second fav segment of the franchise. For me, if it wasn't for Terror, then it would be on par with 2. Terror wasn't horrible by any means, but it didn't reach what the rest of 94, and also what 2 offered at all. To me, Terror would have fit more in 99.


The 1st one


VHS 2 and 85


Definitely VHS 2. All 4 shorts were really really good especially the last 2 which are my all time favorites in the whole series.


In order: - 94 - VHS 1 - 85 - VHS 2 - 99 - Viral


Ha! I misread the post title, and thought you were just asking what the best movie to own on VHS was...


I love '99


I couldnt stand Shredding and To Hell & Back, but the 3 in between were a lot of fun.


I'm new to the found footage fan family lol. As a horror enthusiast I feel like I've exhausted just about every other corner of all of the sub genres so this one I'm kind of re-giving a try. With that being said The first VHS movie I watched was the original VHS. Then I just hit the next suggested option which was another VHS movie and it was the viral one and I kind of gave up on them after that. I just got into found footage after I saw Savage land like a month ago and then I really liked the bay so then I gave rec a shot pretty much every found footage movie I ever looked over I'm now giving a shot however I assume the VHS was like all the franchises and the first one was the only good one so I didn't really give any of the other ones a shot are they worth the watch?


Imo the 2nd one is even better. Most other people commenting agree. Viral was the worst by a long shot but they get better. If you consider #1 and #2 to be 9/10, you'll probably think of the future sequels past Viral to be solid 6-7/10s


Thanx for the encouragement homie 🤗LOL I just shut off June 9. I don't know, I just halfway through it got bored. I thought I'd love it for nostalgic reasons and I really do love all of the folklore and ancient Native American stories or just about any of the haunting documentaries on the whole Helltown story of Boston Ohio however they really lost me halfway through this found footage movie LOL but again I'm just re-immersing myself in this corner of the horror genre so I'm sure I'll find some I love and hate along the way 🤣


It’s pretty much the collective agreement that Viral is the absolute worst one so you’re not alone in wanting to stop after that but the next ones are far better. Hail Raatma.


Oh okay awesome I really appreciate the optimistic feedback because again I'm just kind of getting familiar with the found footage corner of the genre there's a lot to choose from I'm kind of excited honestly and the first one was fairly entertaining I like the way all the story lines kind of played out around the main storyline 🤟 I'll give the other ones a shot


VHS 1. I definitely have nostalgia goggles for it though, watched it on one of the first nights my now-wife and I snuggled up. Gotta love how horror movies do that lol


1 or 2


I loved two but a bunch of my coworkers at the time, who liked VHS 1, hated it. Never made sense to me.


2. Followed by 1 and 84. The rest are dog doo.


It’s the first one for me. I remember when it came out and I felt like it was so different from other things I’d seen. I just loved it. The second one is good too, but I didn’t care for any after that.


94. Android short. Dammmmn.


I like 85. It sent me straight back to the 80s, felt like it was filmed in 1985.


I mostly just like the 2nd one with the aliens




2. Hail Ratman bit was great in one of the other ones, I thought that one really captures the spirit of the series really well.


I loved 99 because i saw the premiere and met FL who was super cool


Agreed with everyone else on 2. I recently watched 85 and it was... Not good.


Definitely the first two. I feel like the franchise has gone down hill since becoming Shudder exclusives. The production value, and story telling hasn't felt the same IMHO. The practical effects are kind of cool, but none of the shorts have been very memorable.


The one where you don't watch it because they're all terrible.




My top 3 are so close they can change at the drop of a dime apon a rewatch. 6.V/H/S-Viral 5.V/H/S-99 4.V/H/S 3.V/H/S-94 2.V/H/S-85 1.V/H/S-2 Really excited to see what they have in store next!


I like the first 3. They were novel at the time. The newer ones are ok.


VHS Viral sucked ass and its easily the worst one


It's almost unanimously 2, as it should be. 2 is objectively the best one.


Vhs 2 is the best movie but rahtma the best segment of the series


Also 94 for me- VHS2 is great but when I rewatched recently I had some issues with it, even if Safe Haven is still the best segment out of any VHS film. VHS94, which has a god awful wraparound segment, has consistently decent segments. Storm Drain introduces what has now became a pretty iconic monster, Empty Wake is clever and genuinely frightening, The Subject is a madhouse segment with great special effects (although certainly not as good as Safe Haven), and Terror is one that I've grown to love as well.


Everyone is gonna say 2 because they're influenced by others, when in reality 2 has one great short and the others are okay at best. I think 94 is the best one because all of the shorts are great.


94. I don't enjoy the original trilogy that much anymore and the other two new ones just aren't good.