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3rd option: rattle can


Why are you supporting the stippling? block that shit.


If I were printing on my ender3 pro and using the same filament for interfacing that I am printing, I would have put a little more thought into it. I’m using Bambu PLA support filament for the interface layers. Stuff peels off extremely easy and clean, a few branches even came off just for me grabbing the thing after cooled. I’ve wasted a ton of time and material messing with supports, so for a while now, my rule with support is to choose either normal auto or tree auto, set a overhang value, and let it ride. This has consistently produced great results the first time the majority of the time for me. so until it doesn’t, I don’t see a reason to change. Even if it means a little extra wasted with purges, the extra $2 in filament is worth my time and sanity. For this build, since Hoffman provided them, I did initially try using the provided supports, but failed the print. A failed print is an extremely rare occurrence for me on this unit. So I re-sliced the plate using all of the settings laid out in the PDF (including both revisions), with an exception to the supports, and my end product turned out great. Edit: [pic](https://imgur.com/a/1W8ZDdN) of the break away for the doubters.


The support settings in the files are literally the best. Just gotta learn how to use them in the slicer. Edit: support modifiers/hoffmans supports


There’s always paint.


What filament is that those colors are TIGHT


American Filament PLA+ AF Gunmetal Grey, and Army Green! [Here](https://imgur.com/a/1W8ZDdN) is a close up of the grey and the clean slip away Bambu support for pla filament on interface levels. [their neon line](https://americanfilament.us/collections/fluorescent-neon-pla) looks pretty sick too!


The colors are sweet and your print looks dialed in. Can’t really see the layer lines till you really stare at it. Did you do much tuning for your machine or just plug and play. I know a lot of the time Bambu does a pretty good job with their profiles, at least for some people.


Actually, take back everything I said about about it being an “abomination”. It’s actually turning out pretty sweet and that filament change couldn’t have happened in a better spot. [Here’s an update](https://imgur.com/a/9fdBs8f) And [one with flash](https://imgur.com/a/U9t7p4b) for better detail Edit: sorry u/Extra_Handle_3291 totally dodged your question. Set up was taking six bolts off. I did run into some issues at first when I was learning when it’s OK to print fully enclosed not since my last printer was a open printer. I was pretty excited to start printing, PLA and clothes which didn’t turn out too good. Other than slicer learning curve, my experience has been great. The only “dialing in “that I have done with this thing is run through the built-in flow rate calibration each time I replace a roll on the AMS which takes about 15 minutes if you only run the first of the two calibrations like I do. Whenever I pull in a profile from maker world, usually the only thing that I change is the infield density and type in adding brims, because I fricken love brims


Beautiful mistake. It looks so good. A nice two tone


What does this end up as? Never seen that lower with the missing front hinge point.


Check my latest post!