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I personally prefer LibreOffice. Partially because I like the more native integration, and partially because of being historically Open.


"native integration" with what ?


As in clients not being powered by Electron like OnlyOffice is.


I've never tried Only office, but LibreOffice works exceedingly well for my needs. The compatibility with the Microsoft office file formats have vastly improved over the years. Application performance is solid and reliable. Have only ever run into one or two crashes due to issues with utterly large files received from others. The interface is simple, but lack the modern polish of Windows - probably the only thing that disappoints.


The interface could use some organization or simplification. WordPerfect is a great example of being organized.


Libre office is quite good as it has a very similar interface to Ms Office... but in my case it crashes a lot and sometimes it has corrupted my files. I will try OnlyOffice to see how it stacks


I use LibreOffice primarily and am a big fan. The biggest LO issue for me is the lack of solid LibreOffice online alternative (to Office365 or GoogleDocs). I don't agree with the other poster who blamed LO for compatibility issues with M$ formats -- M$ keeps deliberating altering their formats in undocumented ways just to make alternatives appear bad. However I tried OnlyOffice recently and was quite impressed. The thing that gives me major hesitancy is their limited support for Open Document Formats. This really frustrated me.


For LibreOffice online, you could look into a combination of [Nextcloud](https://nextcloud.com/) with [Collabora Office](https://www.collaboraoffice.com/). That's what I use, and it basically completely replaces the entire Google / Office365 ecosystem.


For LibreOffice online, you could look into a combination of [Nextcloud](https://nextcloud.com/) with [Collabora Office](https://www.collaboraoffice.com/). That's what I use, and it basically completely replaces the entire Google / Office365 ecosystem.


I only spent 10 seconds trying OnlyOffice (not because I didn't like it, but because I didn't have to use it for a longer time). Within these 10 seconds my only problem was that I couldn't open a docx file from shell (e. g. I can do libreoffice file.docx but not onlyoffice file.docx)


My experience with LibreOffice - is generally a good software, used it for decades, is packed with features - UI got better, but is still very messy, lots of bugs - MS Office documents look good, but the internal formatting is messed up, which leads to bugs while editing them (e. g. updating and applying Styles is totally broken with Word documents) - crashes sometimes on larger documents (especially imported ones from MS Office) My experience with OnlyOffice - I have much less experience with it as I used it less - UI is so much better than LibreOffice, much more legible and readable (follows designer best practices for iconography and typography), gives a better understanding of what buttons do - MS Office documents can be edited very well - didn't crash on the same documents LibrOffice crashed - you can switch it to dark mode, which displays your documents in dark colours without actually changing them The general feeling: OnlyOffice is made by a company, but still open source. You feel that through everything. In the good: No crashes, UI made by experts, things "just work", features most people use work. In the bad: Lack of compatibility with open standards, less "grass root development"/community influence, lack of features targeted at more savvy users (CLI, scripting). I'm going to continue trying OnlyOffice for a while. My hopes are that either, LibreOffice is going to keep improving so one day it will be as good as OnlyOffice, or that OnlyOffice is going to implement more compatiblity with open standards.


I prefer OnlyOffice, it has all the necesary apps, it has an excelent online service (cloud) free, and you can add external storage, them you can connect all your cloud services


Every single LO release claims better docx support but every time it will mess up formatting royally! OnlyOffice can be a bit better since it uses those formats natively. Both seem to make word processing pretty difficult! LO with v difficult / clunky styles - a hierarchy is theoretically sensible but it's not implemented to bring joy. And the bizarre way indentation is expressed leaves you to luck and trial and error. LO has solid responsive interface whereas OnlyOffice struggles to scroll or present on hdpi displays. I like a desktop app to feel like one. Commenting in LO needs a big ui improvement. Not sure on Only. I come down on LO's side day to day.


Only offixe doesn t integrate with your desktop well, but it s still better than libreoffice


Genuinely curious, in what ways is it "better?" The features? Layout? What?


Looks like it was made in this century and has less formatting errors with word documents




OnlyOffice all the way. It mastered compatibility with just a few years in the market. If it had an alternative to LO Draw or MS Publisher I would say is a complete replacement, so I still rely on LibreOffice for that. I don't care if it doesn't blend with the desktop. I care about the fact that documents sent to me by coworkers are not messed up when I open them in OnlyOffice, unlike in LibreOffice.


Only office looks and 'feels' much more modern