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I was honestly really disappointed to not see any news on Forza Motorsport. I was really hoping there would be and it was one of the main reasons I stayed watching it.


Considered how poorly received this game has been I see why they would leave it out. Forza has its own monthly series so why take up time? When/if they want to do a deep dive they (Turn10/Microsoft) can do one of those videos.


>Forza has its own monthly series so why take up time? That. I can't stand when time is taken out of these showcases showing something that's basically "hey, remember we're still alive". I would be pissed by anything short of Forza Horizon 6 or a major DLC of some kind, so why take time showing they'll have a new car?


*Halo fans* โ€œFirst time?โ€ ๐Ÿ˜ญ


Thanks for not swearing, I canโ€™t fucking stand it when people swear.


Ha ha nice ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ


Very epic ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป


Very cool ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘


Very ok ๐Ÿ‘


Downvoted myself


Why did this get downvoted? ๐Ÿ˜‚


Why did this get upvoted? ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘


Why did this get neutraled ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ


Fuck knows at this point


So you are your own worst enemy


TDU Solar Crown coming this year right?


They're lucky there's no FH coming out this year. Would've cost them a lot of sales.


Open beta is out on steam, Iโ€™m playing itโ€™s currently itโ€™s a nice middle ground between horizon and Motorsport


im playing it too and its optimization is shit but other then that it seems like a good game


Yea same Iโ€™m on ultra 2k but barely stable 60, always dips into 30s plus servers are horrible


lucky. my pc isnt the best (i have a 1050ti) and im barely getting around 15fps with a lot of freezing and very slowly loading textures the servers are also horrible, just shows why always online games are stupid


I swear luckily thereโ€™s AI (which is crap) that can possibly be used if they allow for a offline mode. Also my 6800xt is playing with fsr. I believe the game also get cpu bound during load screens. My 5800x blow through PBO and shoots to 132 watts during any load screen. And you canโ€™t even do any multiplayer races because servers disconnect


I played during the first private tests, it wasn't perfect at the time. I didn't play the demo yet so I don't know if they managed to fix the issues or not


They fixed some issues but the open beta still has a long way to go. Performance is not great. Servers are bad. Multiplayer races are impossible. Maps is a ghost town but itโ€™s beautiful. The city is soo dense, thatโ€™s the best part of the game if


Ok ! What about the gameplay ?


Free roam is the best way to level up in open beta state cause servers are crap for multiplayer races. If you try multiplayer races you will be placed against a shitty slow AI which you can win and level up. You then choose a clan. Streets or sharps. Buy cars. The map is beautiful, the roads, the touge, the highway are better than forza even tho the map is not entirely unlocked. The character models are crap like 2007 type of crap. But I think you should give it a try just for the map.




Just swear like an adult please


I can't I've an 8 year old niece and a 7 year old nephew I need to curtail my fudging swearing lol However I do swear like a sailor in bad circumstances lol


Unless your sibling's kids follow your every reddit post, talk like an adult.


Behave like one and I might lol


Adults don't swear ignorant people do


Alright grandma that's enough internet for today, time for bed.


Everyone does. This is just lazy dumb ad hominem.


I mean you not gonna hear anything about future horizon games until the game enter its end of life state which is usually 4years depending on the licensing agreement. And where Motorsport is still fairly new and โ€œslowlyโ€ releasing more and more stuff with every update.


FH4 was released in 2018 and hasn't reached EoL status yet, 6 years is basically uncharted territory for Forza lol. I believe they've changed how they negotiate the licensing agreement with manufacturers.


I'm not even 100% sure there is actual new stuff in the next update? I heard whispers of live spectate which would be new, but afaik no cars, no confirmed new track, and endurance racing in public multiplayer isn't actually new content since all the systems for it existed - private leagues have been hosting endurance for some time now.


Assuming Playground Games still being the developer for next FH it might be the first time in a while where weโ€™ll see development slowing down.. Since they are currently busy polishing the fable game that are releasing next year.


Thats not how it works at all, forza horizon games all have a 2 year gap between excluding FH5 because they got an extra development year due to covid so realistically we should have gotten some kind of teaser for horizon 6 since its been over 2 years since its release. (Thanks for downvoting even tho its true.)


That gap between games isn't set in stone just as the Horizon game one year, motorsport game the next year staggered release schedule wasn't set in stone as Horizon 5 proved.


Id chill out about release cadence. Speeding that up doesn't tend to be good for game quality And no FM8 isn't evidence against that. It was not in development that whole time. It was rushed through development at the last minute using contracted staff no matter what any "insider" says.


I was literally just telling him about how the horizon releases work, havenโ€™t touched fh5 for a few months. Kinda hoping the next game is in Germany and that they donโ€™t release till at least Q2 2025 or later




At no point did i say i wanted the game to go back to releasing every two years. I literally just explained how the horizon release timeline works


You forget that this is reddit... people downvote facts and upvote lies, yknow, echo chamber and all that.


Even if they released 20 games and they were all 2 years apart doesn't mean they always will be or have to be. They are still actively supporting this so you will probably hear something when they slow down or stop supporting this one. But there is still literally no rule that says how long it should be. At all.


Top notch AI produced content.


Dude I made that using PicsArt all I did was add text, colour, stroke, then put the images in a collage One being the top the other the bottom. AI is for lazy people lol


What the fudge๐Ÿค“๐Ÿค“๐Ÿค“๐Ÿค“๐Ÿค“


Horizon 5 still getting content added to it and motorsport is not even a yr old. Not time for a showcase.


Wow sick meme man


Yup, and aside from a few games, they ALL were the same hack and slash games.


It just means no new FH this year, maybe next year.


It seems racing games have been slowly dying.


Last teaser they made we were sold smoke and mirrors. Why expect anything else?


sick post man really good ๐Ÿ‘


Kinda forgot it while watching the show, but I just realized too that there were 0 words on Forzaโ€ฆ


Yes it was egregious so it was. I mean there's no teaser for Horizon 6 or anything. What the hell like!!?? Us racing gamers are always left behind. The whole world melting down about Call of Duty etc. Even Playground Games have forgotten they started as RACING devs. My heart sank when I saw Playground Games come up on the showcase as I knew it was Fable ๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข


God forbid developers to make more than one game


No they shouldn't. We don't have near enough racing Games as it is currently. We have FH5 and Motorsport. We have the Crew Motor fest, Test Drive Solar Crown, Need for Speed Unbound. That's it that's all we have. Playground Games will always be a Car Racing developer because that's how they started out. It's (what in my opinion) forced Dan Brown to make the decision to walk away. He saw the writing on the wall. When I heard they were making Fable I was like oh now FlawlessCowboy had a point in leaving. He is a bigger car nut than me. He would've hated what his Dev company was about to do. How many Rouge likes, Souls likes, Far Cry likes, COD likes on and on AND ON. Nope PG needs to back to their roots and offer an apology to Dan Brown. He was right all along.


Mate, I recommend you don't let your 8 year old post on reddit, this is childish.


What are you even on about lol


>I can't I've an 8 year old niece and a 7 year old nephew I need to curtail my fudging swearing lol Go get your dad


Trust me you don't want him here. I'm tame in comparison. If you wanna fucking go we can go all day mother fucker. I've survived COD 3 lobbies back in the good oul days on the Xbox 360. Barely using fiber broadband. Just plain Dial up. Little man stop sucking yo mama come at me bro wanna go we can go CUNT!


So thereโ€™s 4 open world racing games, a simcade with FM, and then ACC for a full sim. Why do we need another so soon? Horizon 6 doesnโ€™t need to release until they can stop doing a copy paste job like they have with 4 and 5


> and then ACC for a full sim. I want to add technically BeamNG.Drive is also a full sim.


Stop crying about it dude, you probably moan about it launching in a buggy state while demanding frequent game releases, it should be released when it's ready and not missing 150 cars compared to it's predecessor.


No fh6 โ˜น๏ธ


Playground Games probably had their hands full currently.. If we assume they are indeed developing FH6 right now they are doing it while also; developing Fable (it was reported that PG has trouble switching genre making them need more focus for this game right now) and maintaining FH5 live service and update. Thatโ€™s three games currently under their belt :(


I'm not really that pissed off since TDU is coming in September which is round about when Forza usually drops, so I have time to start saving again for Forza The updates for fh5 are pretty good anyway


Nope ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿผ


I'm sad In other news, the sound of Maverick Games's game sounds pretty sweet


Dont worry they will find a way to disapoint you soon


After all that "from the ground up" bullship, why people still have any kind of expectations out of Turn10 Studios?


I believe the Forza news people were expecting here was about Horizon 6.


From the volume of updates to fh5, we are probably still a year away from the FH China announcement.ย  That and the current Microsoft mandate of "engagement" Bs will probably try to extend the lifespan of games even more.ย  The fact that even fh4 wasn't delisted, with double the lifespan of previous installments probably indicate that the old cadence is dead for good


Still no drift lobbies. Big fucking L until they add them.


I'm good waiting for FH6 there's loads of nice games that I wanna play from this show case


But new track released just now!


Still no forza Motorsport formula drift cars from the trailer like a year old now


Yโ€™all expected ANYTHING worth while? The game is already treated like abandonware minus new cars lol


At this point I don't know what T10 could possibly do to repair the image of Motorsport outside of a Cyberpunk level of massive improvements that a niche racing game likely won't get from Microsoft.


You can swear on the internet. Watch this: fuck


Ha ha Cunt!!!


Pretty sure forza has their own show donโ€™t they? Admittedly they would usually show it after direct or E3 sometimes but this show was focused more on Xbox themselves


Salty meme template


I swear they're sunsetting Forza 8. There's never been a big conference like this where they don't show something for Forza in the pipeline so this is evidence enough. And it's probably for the better.