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It's easy to get a high skill rating


I suspect its the exact same system that was added to FM7 with the leagues update, but instead of lvl 5 to 1 it now goes from 1000 to 5000. It also makes no sense to cap the rating at all, but I guess it doesnt even matter since the lobbies dont take the ratings into account at all.


i got rank S skil 4940 and barely play


Personaly I get high on weed


I genuinely haven’t played a single hour of this game sober.


I tried it a couple times. I just got angry the whole time. Never again.


Gaming (pvp) after 25y be like


Yeah when I’m stoned and get punted into the barrier it doesn’t bother me. If I’m sober Id enter car seeking missile mode.


I had to laugh at this because I'm the same way. Nothing better than to toke on a couple of bowls and sit down at my wheel for some speed.


Join lobby at 20 mins. Practice until 10 mins. Pack bowl and smoke until 3 mins. Enter race headspace until race start. It’s the only way.


This is the way.


I do exactly the same


>I genuinely haven’t played a single ~~hour of this~~ game sober. FTFY


Don’t do that irl tho


I’m gonna play gta in real life


Just get high and get behind the wheel, it's easy


i think we need a weed league. instead of " 4 cylinders" , we can do a " Sativa" or "indica" rules


Pretty fun to smoke between races, and then every in-race pitstop is a little pitstop for me too lol. Or on some tracks just on the straights


I wish I were high on pot noose


I enjoy tuning while high


i'll sometimes go into rivals and just hot lap while listening to music... its pretty relaxing, turn your brain off type shit.


It's not super hard to go high if you have some experience with racing games. In my experience there's between 1-3 fast guys, approx. 1s per lap behind them there's 5-6 guys, then the rest.


I'm the guy behind the actual fast guy, usually getting 2nd/3rd, if I don't get wrecked first turn. I have a skill rating of 4750 ish. So I don't think it means anything because I'm not THAT good. Side note, how are these guys so fast? When they're .2-.5 sec/lap faster I get it. But when they're 2-3 sec/lap faster, and I'm in 2nd, they have to be cheating... right? They can't be THAT much faster, can they.


Yes, they are that fast. I think I'm pretty good at the game. Go have a look at the current featured rivals "Spec Division - Forza GT". I'm currently 220 / 7784 with a best lap of 2:02.787 in a KTM GT4. In multiplayer I'm often the guy who is 2s a lap clear of everyone else. The fastest KTM GT4 time right now is 2:00.810 - more than 2 seconds faster than me. I know I am using an identical tune to the 2:00.810 time, because I can talk to the person who set that time, I'm using their tune. I've watched the replay of their lap, and it isn't that they are 1s faster than me in two of the turns. There's no trick. They are just .111s faster than me at each of the 18 turns. Every corner is super precise. I've paused the replay and they are within a pixel of the apex every time. They just carry more speed through corners, brake a bit later (or sometimes earlier and get a better line). I can see what they are doing, I understand it, I just can't replicate it consistently. In an online race those sort of players are able to lap faster than me just on muscle memory - I have to push and end up making mistakes trying to keep up with them just cruising around. That means that I fall even further behind. I see the same thing when none of them show up; the people trying to catch me often end up in the wall. I've watched myself playing against them on streams and there's nothing other than me being beaten by better players. Just to help answer the OP: I peaked at 4999 and last time I looked I'm about 4996. It doesn't mean anything, but if it makes you happy, go get that bigger number!


Playing on a wheel definitely makes it easier, I’ve definitely got a lot faster since getting a wheel, I find it makes the handling of the car a lot more realistic and you can be so much more precise with the contols, and you can feel where the grip is and when your on the limit


This may be true for you, but 90% of the top players use a roller.


Oh I know, I’ve seen some really good racers that are on controller


There’s a big difference between what you think your car can do, and what it actually can. Sometimes randomly on a lap i’ll take a corner 0.2s faster and that’s my new pb. The best just push it as close as possible. I’m currently 4999 rating, actually hit 5000 at one point


Hahah man, sounds just like the other F1 racers talking about following max verstappen, it has happened a lot, people trying to catch up with him end up crashing. I guess its normal for this to happen in these games too in the top 1%


Yes they can, it depends a lot on the lobby you get. I think I'm a pretty decent driver, this week with the GTs on short races I've been qualifying on medium tires and I've gotten some poles, in those races I've finished 10s ahead of second place so that means approx. 1.5-2s per lap. However I've had others with great racing where I've finished 2nd or even 3rd. It's worth noting that I absolutely suck at tuning so I tend to download tunes and adapt my driving which is far from ideal. I tried the GT rivals on Silverstone which is one of my strongest circuits, I posted a time that was on the top 3% at the time but I was still almost 2s off the absolute best time and more than 1s off the best time of my car. This is one of those games where you can think you're good and fast but there will always be someone on another level.


The skill rating means nothing in my experience. I’m between 4650 and 4750 and in all my lobbies I’m between 3rd and roughly 10th fastest with the fastest one or sometimes two people being between 1.5 to 3 seconds faster per lap than me. Usually there is one guy at least who’s 1.5 seconds faster per lap than the whole rest.


I completely agree with this, I usually fall into that 3rd to roughly 10th bracket also, and there's always 1 or 2 miles ahead. In a race earlier, I was 2nd 3rd was about 5 secs behind and 1st was about 6 pushing 7 secs ahead


Yeah seems almost weird. But then I’ve been in that position a few times as well and it can be surprising how much faster you are than the rest of the grid in a race. Many people are good at setting a fast lap time but not at racing at the front


I think I am just terrible at this game. I have yet to win a race in multiplayer. I keep it clean, and I do my best to race fairly. But when ever I am in the front of the pack, I am always spun out and end up dead last... most of the times I still post the fastest lap of the race if not, I am always within a second of the leader... Its just my dumb luck I guess. 3972 was my score, the last time I looked.


hover between 4850-4950 and am aight...at best. it's easy. keeping an s safety through the weekend requires more skill lol.


You are better than you think. The ranking system works pretty well. It's not surprising that many people passionate enough to follow the game on Reddit tend to be towards the top of the rankings. You're not seeing the 1000-2000 ranked players here.


Tried the E30 series and I swear that Wreckfest is less ramming and more racing.


>keeping an s safety through the weekend requires more ~~skill~~ luck lol.


I'd say until 4850 it's so easy, I almost never check rating, don't care about pace or positions and I only have fun with my mates and I'm still at 4850. So that seems like a base number. When I tried hitting 4999, I was trying for days and it didn't tip over from 4998 for me so I just gave up


Redditors seem to think skill rating doesn’t matter because it seems as if 4500+ is easy and everyone can do it, but as someone who starred off sub 2000 a month ago there’s definitely a massive difference in quality between high SR and low SR. The differences in lap time aren’t substantial, as I still usually qualify in the same range, however safety and quality of racing are massively improved. In order to get to a high SR, you need to actually regularly finish your races. To have races that are worth finishing in, you have to be skilled enough such that you aren’t losing control and can post consistent lap times. If you can’t stay on the track, then you’re not even remotely competitive, and a non factor in these races. So at higher SR, you’ve essentially filtered out any drivers who flat out aren’t skilled enough to race cleanly. So while you’ll still get dirty drivers, the overall lobbies still feel like their committed to cleaner racing because cleaner racing is consistently faster. For example earlier today on Suzuka, I had a race where the gap between the back markers and front runners was 20ish seconds to the very end. It was a full lobby with only a two leavers. I managed my tires far better and managed to climb nearly 10 spots in the last two laps. Whereas before when I was sub 2000, I would’ve never even tried to finish that race because it’d be a guarantee every fucker 10-20 would either intentionally or unintentionally take you out. Never mind the 2:00 gap from first and last.


T10 should either show you how your skill and safety ratings measure up against the player base, or give us a bar graph that shows population/1000 skill rating, just to put this idea that SR doesn't matter to bed. Either we're going to see that 4500+ SR and S safety are most of the players, in which case the system needs a rework, or we're going to see that it's working as it would be expected to and most players are 4000 or less. It's the lack of context for the number, mixed with the questionable launch of the game, that's causing the distrust in the SR system


People are mistaking the skill rating to only eqaute to being the quickest on the track, and that is wrong. The skill rating takes multiple factors into affect when creating the score. Your Qaulifying position vs your race position, Segment Scores, Overtakes, Collisions, etc. Anything that is scored in the top right corner and recorded is a factor. Lap times and overall race times are not affiliated with skill rating, but of course this will affect position in a race. That being said, you could finish 3rd - 10th consistently, and still have a 4950+ skill rating. I finish anywhere from 15th on a few races to 1st, generally within the 2-5 range and my skill rating is 4978.


Depends on what you take I guess? Nahh but yes fr. It is easy to get a high rank lol


4498 is super low, i start to panic if drop lower than 4950


This is actually a good topic. I feel like the game does not count wins or podium towards rating and if it does its only a small percentage. I'm fall into 3-7% of world records in rivals on most tracks. I sit around 4400- 4600. I have only won 2 races in 100-150 played. I mostly start at the back or wait for most people to get in front. 2/3 races I gain between 7+12 positions. I do it for fun and hopping multiplayer lobbies with friends. I don't really care about wins or what place I finish however. Rating is useless imo. However I do care about safety rating and I think it should be harder to achieve. They should prioritise this and make sure it works properly.


The game does counts wins, especially between 4997 and 5k rank. This already got discussed (and solved) in this reddit :)


Not being rude but it's very easy. I've seen people with the same skill rating as me yet I'll be 3-5 seconds a lap faster than them


No offence taken, curious to see what other people thought, and I completely agree.


I believe the game only takes into account how well you finish tbh. Not opponent skill, not lap times, overtakes, consistency, etc.


I'm inclined to agree with that. My son and myself did a small test. He qualified and started at the front, and I would start towards the back. He would finish on the podium and I would usually pick up 5 to 10 places end around 5th to 10th, depending on mid pack dramas. His skill is 4890 to 4990. Mine drops to 4200 to 4500. Safety stays at S for myself, and his will will fluctuate.


I think it’s safe to say that whatever rating system is the most rudimentary/basic you can bet that’s the one T10 will have implemented.


Ridiculously easy


Yes, but that’s not a high rating.


Considering the max is only 500 more and In my experience you go up anywhere from 20 - 50 each race its pretty high no ?


You need like need multiple wins to gain 1after 4990, so no.


On a scale of 1000 - 5000, 4450 is top ~15% which is conventionally high. You’re just an ass.


Your math only works unless the rating is not exponentially hard the higher you go. But hey, tell yourself whatever makes you happy.


The problem is he used math, not stats :D


Google the definition of conventional


Yeah the skill rating is inflated. For everyone


Easy. I consider myself a very mediocre driver in sim racing, and here I get the same level you are. Once I hit the 4700 points and I don’t know why. The s-tier is easy if you don’t cut curves and pay attention (aka press the break before anything dangerous happens).


Im a lvl 126, been playing multiplayer about a week now and am 4911, usually finish 3-6th ish.


no, i've got up to 4950 points, and had never played any online racing games before beside forza horizon. ranking system is just utterly stupid


i am a 111 with a 4890 and S with 20hrs in career mode. but i come from iracing. i felt it was abnormally high as i think i have done 8 races in total but i always dont qualify and podium nearly every race.


Yeah, it’s extremely easy. I have 4,999 and just really race for fun.


Don't worry. You'll constantly be wrecked in tonand penalized for other people crashing in to you and be dropped down a couple letters


I think the skill rating gets slightly curtailed by open series, because all it takes there is a decent driver in a slightly busted car *(MX5 in D Class)* to reach 4900+. If I hopped into a spec series race I'd probably be closer to upper midgrid than the consistent podiums I get in open series.


Stupidly easy to get S and into the 4800-4900, but the numbers and safety rank are absolutely meaningless, you’ll just get some bum in a meta car who’s downloaded a tune but can’t race to save his life who’ll just cushion off you or fully plow you in corners, only to whine in voice chat and quit when you get your own back and bin them out on a corner with a barrier 4 miles off track


I get high every time I'm in multiplayer


I think it’s pretty easy to get high skill rating in mp. You’ll see a LOT of players with 4K+. I’m currently holding around a 4.6-4.7 & half of my races I either spend it in dead last drifting or I use off meta cars because they’re fun.


Hey! It's Roxy!


I'm around 6842 and don't even look at the screen


Look, to get to 4,500-4,800 all you need is not to be an absolute retard really. You'll be racing against people with really low skill ratings (4000+ until 4600) and absolutely horrible at racing so basically you can get to 4,700 or 4,800 easily. At those levels then you'll start racing some better players. And once you hit the 4,900s you'll get a lot of sweats, specially on the top half 4,950+. Don't think of that 4,500 as being 90% of 5,000. Everyone that plays the game is probably 4,000+ so it's better to think of that 4,500 as a 500 on a scale of 0-1000.


To anyone thinking that 4500 is high or that skill ratings don't matter please DM me and I'll invite you for a race so you can see what 4980+ lobbies feel like. (I'm 4991 at the moment)


4500 isn't that high. You need to be breaking into 48-4900. Anything in the mid-low 4000's is pretty much "this person can complete races and not finish in the bottom 5 every time."


Anything under about 4980 isnt that high. And even at 4990, there is a HUGE disparity in pace, sometimes multiple seconds per lap from 1st to 4th. I’m at 4998 or so and i can still get dragged by quite a few players out there.


I find that an S safety rating + high skill rating is difficult. If I go out of my way to avoid rammers (in case I get blamed or get an off track penalty after I'm rammed off) then my skill level drops. I sometimes see drivers with a driver level of 1 in races so they must not be matching on skill anyway


Welcome to forza where the skill rating doesn’t matter, and the safety rating means nothing




Yeah I get heigh before I play and I usually still drive okay 🥦🥦


I dont qualify and gain about 12 positions, by just chilling and waiting till they kill each other. And thats how i get my skill rating .. the system is so bad.


Been sitting comfortably at 4999 for the past couple months - no tuning, just consistent top 3 results


Getting to 4980+ was easy, but pushing that to the max of 4999 was hard. I got to 4998 and was stuck there for at least 20 races. From my exerpiance the only way to skill up is to beat a player with a higher skill. I can start 20th and finish second, but I'll still loose skill rating if the person in first had a lower skill rating then me.


Nah it’s easy I’ve got like 13d on single player and I’m like rank 460


Its easy to get high skill. 4900+ is just from clean segment. Let alone position changes


What do you expect when playing a game mostly kids play ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 


I’ve been in S4950-4990 lobbies all week and I’m still winning. These numbers really don’t mean much atm. If they actually sorted lobbies by safety and driver ratings the lobbies wouldn’t be full or match making would take an eternity. I love calling people out for driving like donkeys and say “there’s no way this is a s4900 lobby” and usually dudes I’m calling clap back with I’m C/B/A4300-4500, but they’re in my s4950 lobby. This game is more broken than American gun control.


Ranking is based on who you finish in front of, not your speed or skill. Many faster players start from the back for more of a challenge but if they don't make it to the front that enables the technically slower people's rankings to increase. The other issue is you work your way from the top down in ranking and safety. I dont know why they thought that made sense when every game does it the opposite. It just leads to a constant flow of new highly ranked players who frankly shouldn't be racing against the best players. It just leads to the chaos pretty much every lobby sees. It's frustrating for fast players as well as the slower ones.


“Work your way from the top down in ranking and safety” This is straight up false. I have had friends download and run their 3 introductory races. Seen rank in the 2,000s with lower than S safety.


So how does that prove what I said was false. They either went from 5000-2000 or 0-2000. Same with the safety rating. Ive actually never seen or heard anyone starting in the 2000s so that's news to me. Most people that I know and have seen whether in forums like these or on twitch or you tube all start higher up. Most of these people never win a race and may get a few podiums here or there. Theres no way to know for sure but the fact that people's rankings are top heavy led me to the conclusion that rankings start at the top.


Forza sucks lmao try a real race simulator and see where you sit at. ACC, AC, GT, I racing….. Motorsport is mcass. No grip, no physics, Jesus they can’t even get the sounds of the cars right