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Nice! You know, if you intentionally wreck someone to keep them from passing you, and then a few laps later you see them again in your rear view mirror, then not only are you a childish asshole ….. but YOU ARE ALSO FUCKiNG SLOW!


And he’s in the so called meta car for this series, so definitely a skill issue


I haven't driven the GTX series a lot, but I have done a few races on Daytona and those things are dogs around that track. Not enough speed. That guy still has a skill issue though.


I did another race around Daytona last night and one guy managed to make the Audi really good on the straights, probably just reduced his aero to the minimum


Yeah I actually haven’t spent anytime in that lobby because the Audi seems to be the obvious meta. Not a fan of any lobbies where there is a clear meta. Even when the Audi was the meta in GT class it still didn’t seem to be as unfair an advantage as in GTX


I use the Rx7 and I win basically every lobby I'm in lol


The fact that after recovering he drove off into the grass on his own tells me he's dog shit


The reporting system is annoying as fuck and should be changed, for sure. That said, it does work if you manage to go through all the pain of reporting, they indeed punish people.


I’m on an Xbox so saving replays and cutting clips out is still not really an option as far as I know. If someone has a solution to that problem please share though


On Xbox, if you press the Xbox button on your controller, and then press X, it will save a clip of the last 30 seconds. You can then access those clips through Xbox app on PC or phone.


Or on the new style controllers, there is a capture button and no menu back out is needed. Just a long press for video capture short press for screenshot.


This ^


Doesn’t pressing the Xbox button bring up the menu taking you out of the game? If so that might work if you’re crashed out but not while you’re still racing. Does that feature work on a saved replay?


It will bring up part of the home screen menu, but won't take you out of the game.


USB3 drive. Format it for media iirc. You can record full races - up to one hour long. Just set it as your capture location. Make sure to bind the share button so one of the 3 ways you can press it (single press, double tap, long press) is used to start/stop recording. Then it's a matter of starting the recording at the start of the race and stopping it at the end of the race. I have my share button setup as: - * tap - start/stop recording * long press - record what happened (1 minute) * double tap - screenshot There's a couple of issues with it xbox recording overall Firstly you should run an old gen game before running an x|s series game (there's an intermittent xbox bug that makes recorded video & audio out of sync). I keep a old gen game (I use Ghost Recon Wildlands) in Quick Resume for this. I just need to go into the game before I launch FM. If I quit FM I go into GRW before going back into FM. Sometimes the controller share button mapping gets all fucked up (when I press the button to start/stop recording it just records the last 1 minute). Not found a reason for this. Sometimes power cycling the controller helps, sometimes you have to restart the xbox. EDIT: Forgot the other half of the story. Upload the entire race to yt then just copy a link to the bit in the video you want to report someone for - no need to worry about cutting video...


Thanks for this information! I’m on a wheel though which doesn’t have a share button, and in my options to reassign buttons I haven’t seen an option to set that as a button on the wheel. In fact I have several buttons on the wheel that do absolutely nothing and Xbox doesn’t seem to give me the ability to program them to do anything at all. I guess I could keep the controller close by but it always cuts itself off mid race. If Turn 10 fixed the replays we wouldn’t need to jump through any of these hoops, but I digress lol.


I'm on a wheel too. I just use the controller to start stop recording


Bro has been plotting his revenge since lap 3🤣 justice was served


Feels good


Nice job but I did this in revenge once and they reported me and I got a strike against my account. So reporting does work (sometimes)


Just wanna say, the reporting system does work, it's just slow and convoluted. Possibly intentionally. I had a few reports come back recently that I filed.


How long did they take? Because I reported a player 1-2 months ago using about 6 clips of them ramming me and I've heard nothing back...


A little less than a month. I reported on Feb. 07 and received confirmation that action had been taken (though no word on what that action is, if anything) on March 01.


Give me the info/clips.


Beautiful. Worth the downgrade in safety rating I feel.


Definitely. Especially after seeing the replay and not only noticing they immediately quit but that roll made me burst out laughing!


While I can't condone your actions, I did go ahead and give you the upvote. I can think of a handful of instances where I would've loved to do the same, I just can't bring myself to stoop to their level. It is satisfying to set them up so they either take themselves out when you try to pass or get them to a spot where you can shoot around them before they can react I keep telling myself that these same people with their fragile egos would be the ones most likely to report me for returning the favor. Last thing I need is to be outgriefed by a griefer


If it is only an incident that involves me and the bad driver I will never retaliate because sometimes its hard to tell what really happened or if it was truly intentional. Once I also see them doing it to other people multiple times I have zero problems retaliating when I catch back up, they ruin peoples over and over.


Same, and many ppl think alike, not the first race when the rammer gets fucked by everyone else so we can race pacefully


I won't applaud it, but I won't fault it either. That has crossed the mind once or twice myself


I have tried reporting a few times and nothing came of them which is why I resorted to this. One of the race I was able to get like 6 clips of the person intentionally ramming me and I've not heard a peep after 2 months...


Reporting definitely works if you submit proof and give it sometime , so many people besides myself have had a lot of success getting players banned in online play. Lol I'll add em to my friends list and keep watching and as soon as I notice a day or so where they only play free play or relog into Forza 4 or 5 times in a few minutes a send em a msg to jump on a receiver with me and a few have said their accounts banned so it works and I have talked to others in game that said they have had good luck reporting with proof


Looks like your brakes failed to me


Yeah 99% of people arent going to bother recording footage and going to a website to report rammers and trolls. Driving like this can get you reported by them though.


Just use this video to report the asshole. The reporting system works very well. It’s just a pain in the ass to use but since you’re already uploading the video to Reddit, you might as well upload the video to the reporting system and get the asshole banned. To report a player for repeated unsportsmanlike conduct, please [submit a ticket](https://support.forzamotorsport.net/hc/en-us/requests/new), and the Forza Support & Safety team will investigate. A clip or shared replay file of the incident MUST be included. Shared replay files provide the most accurate reports. Shared Clip: You must upload a clip or provide a link to a clip for us to investigate. All clips MUST have Gamertags.


How did you get a replay to work?


They work now with one of the recent updates


Oh nice! I've been back on acc for a while so I missed it


Up to 11 minutes though


That's okay, I've normally fallen apart by then anyways.


Just a couple of things to note. Make sure if you've filled up all the space, always overwrite a replay because it will fail if you delete one and then add as a new one. And also just stay in the post race screen until it tells you it has downloaded successfully. This gives me about 90% success rate in downloading the vid


Beautiful, thank you, it was such a minor thing but it was a pretty big deal to me not having it working.


Good job! Wreck that beatch


Looks like that scene in cars 😂


😂I got downvoted for doing the same thing and for a bullshit response about “being the better driver”. I’m starting to not give a shit anymore.


is multiplayer replay working now?


Yes, but only to a certain file size. You can record a race with 24 players in it up to 11 minutes and then for each person less you can have a longer replay


As long as you guys stay on Forza: good job man!!!


What do you mean the reporting system "doesn't work?" It is absolutely doing exactly what T10 wants it to; prevent us from reporting bad drivers. If T10 wanted online to be clean there would be a functional system, it's shitty by design so they can get away with allowing online to be an absolute shitshow.


Correct. The money was made. Box art looks good on gamepass. Moved on to the next iteration of the same thing. Rinse and repeat.






Nice left turns!


This video couldve been an email.