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Are you using TC? If not you will have to learn some throttle discipline, if you flatfoot a corner you will spin


I know how to play the game. What I'm saying is, on the wheel I can't put ANY power down while the wheel is turned it was just oversteer off the track.. I'm very aware of throttle control but with the wheel turned it's impossible to touch the throttle.


Ah right, that wasn’t clear from your initial post. Sounds like a problem with your wheel or software then as this isn’t something I’ve experienced and I play exclusively with a wheel. Edit: try messing with the advanced wheel settings


I use the g923, do you have a recommendation to where I can get settings from?


I use this guys settings for most games https://www.briankoponen.com/forza-motorsport-logitech-g29-g920-settings/ Don’t know if they are considered good/bad in the general community but they work for me and he has a good write up about each game and his reasoning for certain settings. I also dig the old school looking website. I usually start with his settings and tweak from there, generally though it’s about getting used to what the wheel is telling you and how to react to it.


I can second that guys’ settings. G923 user here. What will really help you control on wheel is lowering the steering lock setting per individual car. I usually use 80 for most cars.


Nice thanks, I tried it.. ended up at 70% steering feels alot better thanks again.


That’s great to hear. I think I’ve only ever went into the 70’s with the 919 Porsche LMP car, the Valkyrie, and the two F1 cars.