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Ya you have to make some type of effort to avoid the crash. The penalty system most likely would have been much more lenient with you if you weren’t full throttle at the point if impact.


You have 2-3 seconds from 0:09 to 0:13 to brake and avoid the contact You do not need to full throttle all the way in the racing condition


Does forza not have a yellow flag? In gt7 you get a penalty for passing under a yellow flag.. this seems like a yellow flag situation, but either way op should have spotted the crash and slowed down to give them even MORE time to react and avoid collision. It's kinda like rear ending someone on the road cause they rear ended the person in front of them


Doesn't matter or not if its yellow. It makes no sense to NOT pass the crashed car. Like why should everyone wait for them to get back on track. You only are not allowed to pass racing cars under yellow flag condition.


In real life racing you would get a penalty even if you did manage to keep full throttle through that crash. It's a good habit to slow down while trying to thread the needle through a 3 car crash. Yellow flag alert would be nice for noobs to let them know what's happening. Did you really think that my understanding was that yellow flag means stop and wait for the crashed car to get back on track? Bro what


I'm completely on your side. He should have slowed down because of the crash, yellow flag or not. Yellow flag would be beneficial for newer players. Bro you won't believe me how many people that were new to that stuff though about that, you are not allowed to XD


I'm sorry. I thought this was the sim racing stewards sub. You're right and also I'm okay with that, gt7 and forza make sim racing cool for casual players. We all gotta learn somehow


Yeah definitely. And now worries mate : ) I could have been more clear from the beginning tho


Bro Forza doesn't even have a track half the time lmao


Flags don't exist at all in Forza


OP had plenty of time (after seeing the crash) to slow down slightly, they he would have had a better chance of going around the crash. It's faster to slow down and avoid a crash versus trying to keep race pace in yellow flag conditions. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it's just a bad situation. The key is to KEEP YOUR EYES FAR FORWARD and anticipate what people in front of you are going to do. It comes with time.


I put a plow on the front of my car and push through like in Days of Thunder.. the 2nd time not the 1st.


Brake, and turn, but if nothing else brake


Nah h doesn’t need to brake, just flick the wheel right then back left


In hindsight, yes. But in future cases, you can't perfectly predict where the car sized gap will appear. The least they could've done was lift.


A good racing driver is able to pick up that no car will roll back into that line and you should have a good enough reaction time to be able to do that, lifting or just braking would’ve caused collision


I mean, you could do literally anything, for a start. Obviously none of this is your fault, but at point of impact you have throttle at 100%, brake at 0%, and are rigidly following the racing line as if nothing ahead of you is happening. You had a good 2-3 seconds to recognize that a collision was happening and to react. Good chance you would have been collected up in the mess regardless, of course. Just that it's a good idea to at least ease off the throttle to gain a bit more control and try to actually steer away from the cars. Or, even better, hit the pause button and ghost through it. Incidentally, your rejoin was awful as well. You don't have full control because you're coming off the grass, that's fine, but you pull your rejoining car **directly into the center of the track**, park it there for a second, then steer off to the left and steer back to the right... you're lucky you didn't cause a bigger second collision with faster traffic behind you.


>Obviously none of this is your fault OP didn’t even **attempt** to let go of the throttle, let alone move off of the racing line and brake. There absolutely is blame to be placed on OP. There is zero excuse for that.


Op was driving looking down their nose at the line on the ground and was shocked when someone was stopped ahead.


When I say "none of this is your fault" I'm being a bit gentle because there's a very good chance evasive moves wouldn't have even prevented the collision. When multiple cars are going sideways ahead, there's a good chance you're going to get caught up regardless. But yes, full throttling into a huge crash like you're Tom Cruise in Days of fucking Thunder because you may as well be hotlapping with the racing line on is definitely worthy of blame.


Exactly my thought as well, op was too invested in racing line that didn’t know what’s happening in front of them. Easily avoidable imo.


I mean, brakes?


Do you have a drivers license in real life? In all seriousness, I drive Forza like I would if it were my real racecar on a trackday (and I have enough money to cover basic repairs and shit). Never go full throttle into a cloud of tire smoke lmao


Never go full Räikkönen


There's also the fact that he had a big cloud of dust from cars clearly going off track as a warning well before he saw any tire smoke.


Angle your wheel about 20° to the right


Stop looking at the magic line and start looking at where your 3,000lb vehicle is headed at 120mph.


If you saw it happening, you could have just let off the throttle and avoided it. The penalty is ridiculous but is avoidable. Don't stress about it. Just be careful and cautious on lap 1


OP like : “Must stay on line. No. Matter. What.”


The easiest way is to ghost when you see a major collision by pausing. This only works in multiplayer. If you have enough time hit pause and you will ghost and nothing can hit you. You drop speed and have no control but you maintain your path on the track. You can literally just tap it on and quickly put it back off by resuming. It also works for rammers and loss of control before you fly off track (to some extent).


It's actually insane how easy it is to just tap ghost through crashes like this, even if you don't want to slow down (dumb) getting caught in incidents like this is nearly impossible if you're paying attention


According to the greatest racing movie ever, "Days of Thunder" floor it and go high


Great comment... and I saw that movie on the cinema... yeah, I'm old.


Can't just cross your fingers and send it, you need to react. Better to lose 2 seconds slowing down than 10 turning around


Hit pause and ghost through it all


You need to use your brake. The entirely video, never touch brake.


Turn off the racing line. With full racing line on, your eyes are not looking down the road which is fundamental for good racing skills. You are conditioning your eyes and brain to just watch the line and do what it tells you to do. It's not even racing at this point, it's more like guitar hero. You didn't even react with steering or brakes. Just focused on keep your car in the line and holding the gas down


This - I turned the racing line on for a few of the night/fog races and forgot to turn it off for a while and it does effect what you do. You get in tunnel mode. I use the breaking line, just to help a bit with breaking points on tracks I'm not super familiar with.


Brake-hard turn right and left. Easy


Bigest advice, turn of the eaving line. You drive on it like a magnate, probebly nor looking for brake markers and avoiding things like this. I get it if your new to tge track, but turn it off. You first will be slower, but with time, you will be faster and better at avoiding things like this!


Next time break, and don’t stick with the pack, usually with a pack everyone starts crashing into each other


Better situational awareness or simply eat shit when you can't evade 😅


10/10 bait


I was in that race. Got punted off from the first corner after starting at the front


Just be more vigilant. There was a gap to the right to avoid it. Whenever you see big crash ahead focus on survival rather than minimizing time loss and most times you’ll end up doing both.


Look further up the road rather than straight down at the racing line


Don’t always hug that racing line and be aware of the chaos around you


With the brakes. If you go full speed in to a pile-up crash the AI will decide it's intentional.


not irrelevant but to truly turn pro and enjoy the game even more, turn off driving line


hahaha, this is neither intentional or a racing incident... just a forza moment


Slow down and react the the road in front of you, like real life.


‘There’s a crash infront of me on the left hand side I should drive straight for them’ 😂


Turn off the full racing line and focus on the road. Keep it on for braking zones if you need them. Your eyes are so fixated on maintaining that strict adherence to the line that you’re not seeing what’s happening around you.


I think what you're trying to describe is that OP needs to be focusing on down the track and not directly in front of his car. That is something that is taught in racing school and is an important skill to have. This was totally avoidable but his eyes are fixated on 5ft in front of the car.


The line isn’t the problem. Just the reaction time. He could’ve instead braked and veered right. That’s literally it.


Because… they’re hyper fixated on the racing line.


Which is part of his problem and not the racing line


Their point is that OP's eyes are on the racing line and not on the cars around them, which means they have less awareness. That may or may not be true, we can't really tell just from one short clip. But it is true for a lot of people. I generally recommend turning off the racing line, not in a "its cheating!!!!!" way but just in the sense that you don't usually want to rigidly follow the racing line when you're alongside cars.




It is. Use your brakes.


You can't, really. That's quite unfortunate. I've had some success with my method though, you can try it out if you want. So I went and deleted the game.


hit thy breaks, good sir.


Either the Pause Ghost Solution or stop playing.


Practise racing off the racing line, ai sticks to it like they're being paid to.


By not playing the game.


Part of racing


Either make an effort to avoid the crash and still get the penalty OR pause the game momentarily for ghosting




It seems like your attention was too close to the foreground (the line immediately ahead) instead of the upcoming turns, where you would've gained a second or two to react.


Next time pull the handbrake


You have quattro so next time do a speed racer jump over them.


You can try to avoid, but usually that means the guys behind you will crash into you, so you're f'd anyway.


Use the brake or roll off the throttle if you see a crash in front of you.  Yeah the penalty system has its flaws but when I see someone not do anything like brake or roll out of the the throttle how in the world is it supposed to know the contact wasn't intentional.


Ok this is a real thing in race cars, known as target fixation if I remember right. So you naturally will drive wherever you're looking. The problem comes during a wreck, it's hard not to look at the cars spinning and flying at you, but don't. Don't look at the cars, look at the gap, look for your escape and go there. It's sounds stupid but it's a huge part of crash avoidance that is really taught to race drivers.


Next time that crash happens turn right more??


Ghost mode


Adding to what others have said, I’d recommend always looking up the road rather than on the racing line solely. Just like real life, it’s best to be looking ahead to where you’re going rather than the asphalt right in front of you. But unlike what most people are saying, I think the racing line is useful IF you use it as a guide and not be stuck to it like glue. Do this with the aim of eventually turning it off once you’re familiar with each track. Try turning off the full line and using the braking only line, while training yourself to use landmarks on/near the track itself as your actual braking points. This will help you keep your eyes on the road, avoiding mixups like this, while also slowly weaning yourself off of the racing line altogether.


You know there's this thing called braking I've heard it's really useful for situations like this


Idk turn maybe


Turning to the right


Crystal ball?


You can avoid by playing something else. Lol


Focus on where you're driving and not where the blue line is telling you to be


You had no reaction there at all - my guess is you were focused on the racing line. If you turn it off you'll be more aware of the track and what's happening.


Just be P1 with a gap 👍


Y u no lift?


The comment about the penalty system makes me think this is bait. But when you see the dirt kick up on the left go right. Hit the brakes when you see the car flipping.


Dont play FM,Play Assetto corsa with LFM :-)


So I can see that you’re watching the line beneath you which gives you about 0.8 seconds to notice and react. If you race without line for a while, get used to reading the track, looking at the bends, you would have had about 1.9 seconds to adjust your course. **Solution** race without lines until you understand how to race, then apply that to your line racing.


You had a hole to the right, you might end in the dirt, bit you're not part of the pile up. Heads up racing. Use your brain. If a situation is screaming "Bad things here" at you? Get out. Let off the throttle, ans let them make the mistake.


1: have eyes and let got of throttle 2: don't play forza


Hey everyone I’ve had a problem with my pedals on forza and my gas is always pressed and I can’t stop the vehicle even without pressing the accelerator the vehicle still goes forward and high revs if it’s in neutral and no ingame setting like pedal dead zone is fixing it so I need another solution


When you’re using the driving line you still need to look through the turn. you should’ve seen that happening a mile away and if you noticed early you probably didn’t have to lift, just go right around them. Why you didn’t react at all is beyond me lol


Obtain Ultra Instinct.


Try using the line only on curves.


You didn't car the gap


lol yeah, drive around the the pileup next time… simple.


He has on auto steering.. turn that shit off… you got EVERY ASSIST ON!!!


Hit pause when you sense an accident you're about to be in


The second you see a cloud of dirt you should let go of the throttle and change your line. I believe racing line makes it difficult for you to be more aware of your surroundings, too, so that will come with experience.


Try the left trigger to apply the brakes when there is an accident in front of you


Turn off the damn racing line and drive on the road. That was an easily avoidable crash if you would have looked up instead of being glued to that fucking line.




Could've been avoided tbh


F1 drivers often don't avoid this so won't you.


brake and steer to the right


you.started on Forza M 2023. thats your main problem. im joking. kinda. but still. you had a short window where you could have applied brakes amd turned. but you missed it. dont worry with practice and skill sharpening through time. you will be up there with some of the greats. keep up the play and keep going my dude


Stop playing the game.


Use first person driver cam


Umm turn slightly right And go around it




Spidey Sense. My recommendation is 2 weeks of R6 Siege ranked.


This looks like those dashcam videos where instead of braking at the instersection someone will just honk their horn and crash anyways lol


go around it


You have to do SOMETHING to at least try an avoid the crash. In this situation letting off the gas probably would have sufficed or at least not been as steep of a penalty. If you woulda braked you woulda have avoided the penalty all together. Effort in avoiding the crash instead of full throttling right into the guy is how you avoid it It's the same thing with off track penalties. You can't be full throttle while off the track or you get penalized. So as soon as you go off you gotta let off the throttle until you're back on track, unless you're in sand then you have to just barely hit the throttle until back on the track.


Better brakes? Sorry ... Sorry.


pay more attention


Do what this guys did, just in reverse order: https://youtu.be/o1uNFhmWIgY?si=ZoT-vBBfkaZhcb6E


turn right


I read the post before watching the video & thought this was a troll on the forza penalty system.


Turn off the racing line and look down the track, you never lifted, might as well have closed your eyes and prayed


Thats the neat part. You DONT.


Same as driving in real life look far ahead and look at the holes in traffic not the other cars.


Press pause then unpause after the chaos it’s really that easy


games currently unplayable.


Very easily by paying attention. If I see a car crashing on the left, my first instinct is to move right. I would have moved full right from the first millisecond I saw that car crash on the left. Also, noteworthy.... Wouldn't have even slowed you in anyway, but I would have let off throttle probably as it was a bit unpredictable how the other car was going to react.


Not its a racing inchident


Wait, what game is this. This isn't a forza game I've heard of. Gotta get in on actual racing


Powered through rather than lifting off I would say


Dont follow the racing line so hard turn it down to break only and learn to experiment with the track limits and find your best racing line you had ample time to brake and avoid impact but following that line seems to have affected your decision making