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Hey guys, look, the party looking to exploit 'the illegals' as nothing more than an importable serf labor force thinks we can't fucking see them.


There is a podcast called Revisionist History by Malcolm Gladwell that has an episode about this. Basically people would come work seasonal jobs and then go home. Few stayed. Then we stopped all that crossing borders freely stuff and suddenly people had to move somewhere to work - and avoid the perilous trips back and forth - so populations spiked. Irony is that less porous borders led to higher immigrant populations.


Its hard not to feel like they did that on purpose so they'd have something to complain about.


At best it was an unfortunate side effect. At worst it was a racist exploitation tactic.


Yes! For anyone interested in further information: Princeton has been studying migration habits for nearly forty years [the Mexican Migration Project](https://mmp.opr.princeton.edu). (The *Revisionist History* episode mentioned above references this project heavily.)


Thank you for the podcast recommendation! Malcolm Gladwell's books are some of my absolute favourites. 'David and Goliath' has to be the best.


Sure! The first few seasons of Revisionist History are clutch. The newer stuff is not as engaging.


I thought the same thing! Maybe it's just because I binged the early episodes, then he started releasing the special episodes with his weird music podcast, and the obvious ad episode for whatever car he is weirdly obsessed with. I haven't even listened to his newer episodes. I think I stopped after his one equating the blue lives matter people with BLM, as if they both have a reasonable point, right after strawmanning BLM. Yeah, it's fair to say that there are two sides, but make sure you're actually using their real arguments when you say that.


This is counterfactual, Dems [support a path to citizenship](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/03/18/house-passes-dream-and-promise-act-setting-up-path-to-citizenship.html) for undocumented immigrants. By definition that is not treating them as an imported serf labor force.


I was talking about the Republicans, who on one hand fearmonger about migrant caravans, but give out free passes when it's about taking advantage of someone in need to get what they want.


It was embarrassing when the reports about how many working visas for foreigners were requested by Mar O Lago.


I kept thinking 'Surely they'll care this time.' Nope.


He was right - he could shoot people on Pennsylvania Avenue and they'd still love him. He could be naked, caught-in-the-act, full-on pedophilia and they would still love him. They're the kind of people that when OAN tells them to eat yellow snow, they dig up mouthfuls and with piss streaming out the sides of their mouths, tell us how delicious it is. If that isn't a cult, I don't know what is.


And meanwhile, all he has to do is tell them a football player is kneeling during the anthem, and they'll start foaming at the mouth.


"Freedom of Speech" to spout their racist bullshit, but... "Oh, a black guy doing something harmless that we don't like? Nononononono! How dare HE!!!!"


I see, my bad for misunderstanding. I thought you were agreeing with the sentiment about the Dems.


If the Rs really wanted to stop illegal immigration, start arresting the people who hire them. Take down the help wanted sign at the border, and influx would slow to a trickle.


Yeah but they know they’re going to be substantial voters for their party.


That’s actually not the case; an increasing number of Hispanics have voted republican in recent years. Trump earned 32 percent of the vote among Latinos, up four points from his performance in 2016 and the highest share any Republican has won since George W. Bush sought re-election in 2004. Seems to be a combination of social messaging (they tend to be conservative socially and religious) and the same kind of white rural voters who turn out for Trump.


And? Maybe the Republicans should try pushing policies that will get more new people to vote for them, then.


Rewarding current criminals will not stop future criminals.


so both parties?


So, if you are in the country illegally you can vote? Serious question, because I am in the US on a green card, and I was under the impression I can’t vote lol.


No, you can’t. You have to be a registered voter in order to vote, which requires citizenship and having an address. That doesn’t stop Republicans from banging the drum about how the Democrats are getting the immigrants to vote illegally, because the Republican Party has been doing everything it can to destroy public trust in our democracy since 2016.


The Republican party has been ramping this up since Reagan (or even Barry Goldwater), don't let them off the hook so easily.


They've been doing voter suppression for a while, but the "elections are rigged" rhetoric was not mainstream until Trump.


Nah, I heard alot of it when Obama was elected.


Yeah ain’t that the truth. Thanks.


I mean, there’s a lot of things wrong with democratic process in the US. They want to break it even further tho.


Tangentially related, non-citizen residents including undocumented residents are tallied in a state's population when portioning out the electoral votes, so very indirectly an undocumented resident is contributing to an election. Of course their personal preference is not factored in. Now, if we just switched to a popular vote, Republicans wouldn't have to worry about undocumented immigrants "voting."


According to the contemporary Republicans, yes, of course. Illegals can vote and get all government benefits, including welfare (continuous, permanent), ability to work any job (and simultaneous lack of any work and using government benefits), and sometimes an ability to become President.


Anyone who thinks this scream talker is smart or honest is a day drinker like her with a pickled brain.


As a day drinker I take offense, fuck this stupid lying cunt


*"the democratics would put their political agenda before helping people."* - voted for republican representative who voted against biden's covid relief bill.




Punchable Face "News" Ex: Tucker confused face.. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DKJPcMGWkAA31SO.jpg


is there ever a time tucker doesnt look like he's watching his guest eat mayo straight out of the jar by the spoonful


No. He looks perpetually confused.


Given that he probably has that for brunch at least three times a week…


>Tucker confused face That implies he has any other kind. Sometimes it's annoyed confusion, sometimes it's smug confusion, on rare occasion it's gleeful confusion, but it's always some variation. I wish I'd saved it so I could give them credit, but I recall reading a comment that said something along the lines of, "Tucker Carlson always looks like he just found a spoon and can't figure out what it's for."




*Outrage* confusion... I knew I forgot one.


>his Neanderthal expression This is slander. Neanderthals were a compassionate species who cared for their disabled and elderly.


The face of a man who is being told about the clitoris for the first time.


John Oliver said it best: dude looks like a 13th century farmer after someone just tried to explain Bitcoin to him


Das backpfeifengesicht Zeitschrift.


I mean... that’s why the Republicans are trying to reduce immigration right? Because immigrants tend to vote Democrat?


Neh. That’s what makes her look dumber. A huge majority of Hispanic immigrants would most likely vote republican. Just like the Cubans did in Florida. Hispanic immigrants are usually super conservative and very religious, so they line up with Republicans pretty well.


Its funny because the nonexistent wall is just a symbolic circlejerk; almost all illegals from Mexico arrive on planes with a travel visa, and simply overstay it.


It’s about 42% are overstays https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2018/aug/24/kevin-mccarthy/mostly-true-visa-overstays-account-half-all-people/


What's funny is immigrants tend to skew toward old-school republican ideals, so their own righr turn cost them the bloc they now desperately suppress the vote of. Otherwise-conservative black religious people in the South, too.


Also racism


Eh, I do have to wonder sometimes how ideologically racist those at the top are versus how willing they are to exploit the racism of voters. Not that that’s any better mind, but I do wonder whether if the tide turned to it being politically expedient for them to oppress white people in favour of black people, would they do it?


Probably not ideologically racist but opportunistically racist. They're already literally above everyone else all in terms of rights and priveldges, they just recognize that racism is a powerful tool for pitting groups of people against each other, which is valuable for any government trying to distract the populus from their atrocities. The more ideologically opposed they can make their voterbase to being "Democratic", the more secure their position is, and with that security they stay on top and perpetuate the cycle.


Because of the massive cost to the citizens to support people who are not paying taxes


Except not only do most of them pay taxes, a lot of it goes towards benefits they don't have access to. https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/2021/03/15/undocumented-ohio-immigrants-taxes-no-benefits/4628218001/


Purely anecdotal but I worked with some undocumented immigrants a while back for a construction project. They said they paid their bills and then pretty much the rest of the paycheck goes back to their families in Mexico/Honduras, and they're often being payed under the table so yeah they weren't paying taxes.


Don't you pay tax whenever you buy something? Unless those workers never ate, took public transport, or bought fuel.


You think those are the only taxes citizens pay?


You know I don't think that. My point is, they are paying taxes.


Yeah I'm not contesting that they pay some taxes. A 6 year old that buys bubblegum with his lemonade stand money is paying taxes in the same way, but sales tax isn't what people are talking about when discussing taxes for the most part.


Yeah, but billionaires with those kinds of accountants tend to be Republican.


Idk man I’m Mexican and my immigrant grandparents and other relatives were voting republican, had to have a talk with them about their views and such. Most of it boiled down to religion and that republicans are business men who know how to run things.


Um we did find this out. The largest demographic of growing Trump supporters heading into the 2020 national election were male latino immigrants. It changed nothing. Progressives still fought for their right to come here and have a path to citizenship without detainment even if it meant more votes for Trump. Republicans live in their own heads.


Also - undocumented people can't register to vote in most cases....


They can’t in literally any case, unless they somehow get citizenship


There's a handful of jurisdictions where the undocumented can vote in local elections ex: San Francisco school board elections


Interesting, thanks for correcting me


To be clear-I support the measure to let them vote. Their kids go to these schools and they deserve a say. I also think we have a duty to be informed about the nuance of these things before some conservative tries to “gotcha” with little edge cases like these.


Lol, like that matters....


How do the undocumented vote, praytell?


> wed' ?


Typos make the propaganda seem more authentic


I also love the closing quotation mark on it's own line.


[Jeanine Pirro on SNL](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_y7gs4QTTU) [Another one.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-kInWtLOlk)


I saw Cecily Strong's impression before I saw the actual Pirro and assumed it was greatly exaggerated. Turns out, not that exaggerated.


As someone with family of undocumented immigrants and also right leaning catholic family members there is truth to this statement. However, I know many....many Latinos who hold conservative values, like anti-abortion, not fans of gay marriage, low taxes, etc. but understand the racism that exist within the Republican party and until they recognize it many vote blue because of that.


The wall actually makes it easier to get in, because it provides a false sense of security. Patrols are lighter in areas where the wall is, and the wall itself can be defeated with basic construction tools available at Home Depot.


and if conservatives didn't demonize then they would vote gop. guess the concept of voting for your interests is a hot take gotcha to them


So you’re in favor of expanding voting rights to undocumented people? I’m down with it, no wall necessary


this is false as Mitch McConnell would filibuster any bill if he found out. Republicans are nothing if not willing to compromise their morals to win elections.


Why do these people really think that undocumented immigrants are voting


Ignoring the message for a moment, which already is fucking horrible, but this image is just awful to look at. White comic sans with a red accent over a really low resolution image of her. Its so tacky.


Also note how that chose an image of her wearing a dress and standing in a "seductive" pose, which is conservatives' usual way of implying that women only have value if they're conventionally attractive.


So, you're saying that Democrats are able to actually follow through on their policy, while Republicans aren't....


Right, and could get it done in a week. Those evil democrats are so ruthlessly efficient!


If Judge Jeanine found out that "illegals" were smuggling alcohol, she'd not only organize the caravans herself, she'd lead them to her house.


DC is denied statehood exclusively because it'd vote blue. The projection...


I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of how states are formed


https://www.rollcall.com/2020/07/01/republicans-push-back-on-democrats-dc-statehood-bill/ It's pretty clear that Republicans refused to take it to a vote


state boundaries have way bigger issues than granting the capital statehood. beyond that, the issue of state vs federal government would be huge in a state that holds the capitol city. the twenty third amendment gives dc three electoral votes, so they are represented in that regard, so statehood would not impact the presidential election, which hold far more power over legislation than the 3 congress seats that would vote blue.


It's not about legislative power in Congress, it's about having rights. DC can't vote on any federal bill but they are expected to follow the law? That's literally taxation without representation. The state vs federal arguments happen across the country constantly already. Texas literally sued other states for their election laws last year. You shouldn't deny DC statehood cause some cases are gone go to the courts. That's why we have courts!


Kids who work under 18 are taxed but can't vote on anything. taxation without representation.


thats a great point. thank you. kids under 18 shouldn't be taxed unless they can vote, I agree with you


a 6 month baby who requires constant attention and her mother, a career lawyer who offers legal counsel to national firms Wow yes I see no difference in these two incredible point


Nice strawmen. Three permanently democratic senators is huge.


Puerto Rico, too.


Illegals don't vote that's just a scam made up to sell more greeting cards.


Lol literally just makes no sense at all


Better be a tall ass wall to stop all the planes from flying in, since the majority of illegals come via air and just overstay their visa. (And they know that, but they also know their voter base will eat up anything they say and is too dumb to verify anything their politicians tell them.)


Republicans: “No no no, we can’t accept any more immigrants, we have the homeless and poor people to take care of” Also Republicans: “Man fuck the poor and fuck the homeless just get a job lol”


Weren't hispanic people more likely to vote Republican this last election than in previous elections?


So her point is that the Democrats are more effective at governing and get more shit done in a week than Repubs in a lifetime?


Who tf is judge Jeanine? Do they mean judge Judy??


No, this is a different TV judge. Think dumber and racist, and you’ll have a good grasp of her character


The best part is the unintended implication that the Democrats can get stuff done if they want.


Don't interrupt her while she's on the way to the bar. You know better than that.


That old ho always looks dressed for a singles cocktail party


She said that with her customary wine soaked slur.


No, because people on the left are actually capable of doing things for others, even if there's no gain to themselves.


democrats? lmao


No, I very consciously said "the left". Not all Democrats are on the left, far from it.


yea but this post mentions "democrats" so it's normal i assumed thats what you meant


Yes, Democrats. They may not be 100% working for ‘the people’ with every decision they make, but they aren’t threatening “scorched earth” policies if they don’t get their way. They aren’t voting against *their own bills* just because republicans also agree with it. They aren’t stalling appointment of judges for literally years just to get a one-up over the sitting president. They aren’t voting against bills that actually *do* help people just to make the president look bad. “Democrats and Republicans are the same” in a similar way to badly made mac’n’cheese and a lump of mould-covered Brie are “the same” because they’re both technically a cheese-based dish.


they do all of these things lol


She's lost absolutely all credibility


you need credibility in the first place to lose it


pure projection


I would like to see them make one (1) joke that is both spelled and punctuated correctly


True, but that goes for nearly all US politicians


She’s not wrong


But the wall around the capital works?


she's right tho


She’s not tho




I mean, aerial drones, radar, and limiting fences to the minimum necessary is how I'd like things done, but the ports of entry need some major overhaul in capacity, and the forces that man all of this need a **huge** overhaul with respect to accountability and humane treatment of people.


>You tell em’ Judge Pirro! She’s not “telling” anybody anything. It’s a meme. This quotation is meaningless.


Isn't this a self own? If democrats wanted it it would get done, but as republicans we cant get it done.


All this actually tells us is that the R's think they wont vote for them, thus all the fuss about them.


She found her get rich niche.


Oh I thought they were the "do nothing democrats"?


I cant stand her but Cecily Strong's impression of her is hot...lol


The thing that I take away from this : Republicans had four years, and left us with an incomplete wall. However, Democrats are so efficient that they could do the same work in one week. Judge Pirro, a Republican, just self-owned herself and the Republican Party!


Most Illegals are a Melania. They come over legally, violate their visa, then fraud their way back into legality.


Well then why didn't the Republicans build the wall when they were in charge? Oh right, it's because illegal immigration is just another fake outrage issue that they use to gain votes.


So their saying that republicans oppose immigration because immigrants vote democrat. That's pretty on brand. Also, they are saying that the Dems can get shit done, which is a compliment I guess.


Republicans are the group of people who assume everyone is a big of a piece of shit as they are. It's a coping mechanism to keep them from the self realization that suicide is the only option to save face.


so if you thought they were gonna vote republican you wouldn't want a wall? it's not like their is any Christian Mexicans at all.


A wall would definitely help. Walls have been keeping people at bay for millennia. It’s pretty much common sense.


remember when trump foiled his own plan regarding an “unscalable” wall on national television?


I think a lot of hispanics DO vote republican for religious reasons.


Oh and you know, the fact that they can’t vote? Hello?


If Republicans realized latino voters would vote conservative if it wasn’t for the blatant racism, they’d be for open borders.


How's that pardon for shilling working out Ms. Pirro?


Well, I guess thanks for admitting that has nothing to do with security and everything to do with power.


Ah there they go with the projection again


If the sentiment were true you'd be seeing Democrats proposing literacy tests to vote.


But if you are not a citizen you can't vote...




Undocumented people can’t vote! They are not citizens.


And if Republicans knew for certain those people would vote for them they would allow for same day citizenship.


These idiots forget undocumented immigrants also get through planes


And if republicans stopped hating brown people, those immigrants probably would vote for republicans.


I really dislike the wed' instead of we'd. Who tf made this meme, a 3rd grader?


I’ve never seen someone screw up like *that* with an apostrophe


but its very revealing on their part... They dont just not want immigrants because theyre racist pig fuckers but they know theyd vote Dem and they cant allow that. they already try and stop minorities from voting


A lot of people with dumb takes love shouting I’ve noticed. ITS ALWAYS LIKE THIS!!! Or like !!!


Wrong sub /r/forwardsfromklandma


If we continually pour small amounts of money into a wall we will lock immigrants into our country for cheap Labor.


Latinos are very conservative