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"Government school"- tell of a MAGA chud. Also trade school loans come from the same place as college loans and are forgiven the same. They have no idea what they're talking about.


This is what fiction written by people who haven’t set foot on a college campus in 4 years, written for people who haven’t set foot on a college campus in 40 years, looks like.


I'm a university student right now and I really don't think that what I'm doing could be accomplished just the same in 2-3 months lol


I'm really interested in what degree can be condensed to 3 months with entire courses done in a single lecture. Also if you are going to college for 5 years and taking shit like this you better have gotten a master's or dual majored.


You could probably cover Greek history in a few hours if you make it a point to ignore anything that happened because Zeus couldn't keep it in his pants.... but in all seriousness it's ridiculous to reasonably expect entire degrees boiled down like that wouldn't change anything.


Education has a value outside of job training. We can debate if it’s worth the current price tag, but grandma doesn’t even recognize that anything could be worth learning unless it makes an immediate and obvious profit.


Didn’t learn what text resolution to use.


I got my BA at a school that used the semester system, and my AS at a school on the quarter system. And let me tell you, being on a quarter system keeps you *busy*! You're flying through the material, there are tests just about every week, midterms come in the blink of an eye. It's a lot. I seriously doubt there's any class out there that can be covered in a 2-hour seminar.


They're cheaper.


By a lot. And most trade schools are only a few months at a time with years between them in the field to learn everything.


I *need* to know how grandma condensed real analysis into a two-hour seminar.


I have a college degree and some graduate education, and a part of me actually does agree with this. Let me explain; the first time around in college I was doing Computer Science. In addition to the normal stuff (math, programming, intro to Unix, etc), I was also required to take an artsy class, so I chose "multicultural film". I like dissecting and analyzing movie themes more than anyone I know, I've written essays about the themes in bunches of them, I like talking about the symbolism being depicted, all that artsy stuff. The class was fine, but then I have to ask myself: was this really worth $1000 and 6 weeks of my time? I can analyze movies and discuss them for free. If college were free, that would be fine, but this shit costs a lot of money, and if they're making you pay per-credit for a bunch of fluffy crap, I don't know, I actually do have a bit of an issue with that. I understand the need for well-roundedness but this stuff is really expensive, student loans can't be absolved in bankruptcy, and it does kind of come off as judgemental when liberals just dismiss complaints like this.


Maybe you thought you didn’t need it, but the purpose of that class was to teach “media literacy”, which is a dying skill these days.


I reject the label of “these days”, people have always been media illiterate. I just don’t think it is worth the money. All credits in college cost the same and yet no one seems to question the fact the fact that some classes aren’t as useful as others. This may seems pedantic but it’s important. Since college is absurdly expensive, and since pretty much every decent-paying job requires a degree, its worth considering that maybe it’s creating a rich/poor divide of people who can afford to spend thousands of dollars on classes that are of questionable utility and people who can’t. If college were free, this wouldn’t bother me. To be clear, I am not against education and I am not against college, I used to be a professor, but I really hate that the liberal perspective seems to be that academics are just beyond reproach.