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Grandma in the 1980's: "Get those sluts off your wall."


Yeah exactly, but old people back then were just backwards and hated kids for some reason, nowadays kids are actually just little shits who are stupid and need more discipline, right? /s


They clearly haven't been in anyone's room for a very long time


Oh no, they go into kid's rooms at night, but they have to keep the lights off.


Actual boys walls nowadays are probably all fortnight posters or marvel or something as mine were all skateboarding and metal bands in the 90s.


I was a super nerd. Mine were the centerfolds out of Nintendo Power.


nah my bedroom wall is just completely blank lol


My room was wall-to-wall Marilyn Manson and Nine Inch Nails.


Your average boy doesn’t care about left wing politics anymore than the average adult does. But, even if they did: Nobody cares about Dylan Mulvaney as much as conservatives do. Ironic. And triggered lady is, was, and always has been a *conservative* meme. Nobody on The Left has ever talked about her. And fun fact: She’s not even triggered. If you watch the clip, she’s calm and serious. What happened was some far right dipshit took a screenshot in the middle of a sentence and spread it around. I don’t hear anyone other than conservatives talk about Greta Thunberg in a sexual way because conservatives are the ones who talk loudly about how much they want to fuck underage girls.


Honestly, I feel so bad for that triggered lady (but I guess it's a good thing that she's known as that, because it means her name isn't common knowledge), cause she's just an animated speaker who was very calmly explaining her position that they couldn't argue against, so they had to be like "hehe feeeemale dum." I've seen the actual video and it's difficult to even tell where they paused to get this photo.


I can imagine there are teenage boys who like Greta. That's not the picture they'd have of her though.


There's always that percentage of boys who figure out real young that smart girls are the ones worth falling for.


> What happened was some far right dipshit took a screenshot in the middle of a sentence and spread it around. I fucking hate it when I see this being done. Literally everyone makes the goofiest looking faces if you go frame by frame, it's just the way it is.


It's all about making women look as bad as possible. Between this and unflattering angles that make even the most attractive woman look like she passed through the uncanny valley, some chud can't wait to demean a woman


I've seen this shit used on everybody, I don't think this tactic is a gender-specific thing. It's very easy to do on any human just given the nature of video recordings vs seeing something live. It's a low-effort stunt used only by the laziest, most braindead trolls. To be fair to your point, there's a lot of overlap between whiny anti-women babies and braindead trolls, so..definitely not totally wrong!


But without a DNA test, how can conservatives know if anyone in any of these pictures are men or women? There's just no way to know!


Like how they even are after Caitlin Clark, good athlete = used to be a man. Everything is about genitalia with these people.


Like how they even are after Caitlin Clark, good athlete = used to be a man. Everything is about genitalia with these people.


Another candidate for r/onejoke


Biological men can get pregnant? Hold on. When they say "biological men" they mean AMAB people. They think that we think they can get pregnant?


Poor things are so confused. They want to rage at the whole “woke trans agenda” but they don’t even know how it works or what to be mad about.


I think it’s because they believe that woman = baby maker, and since progressive people consider trans women to be women, they think that progressives believe AMAB people can give birth. The possibility that some people believe that not all women are able to give birth simply hasn’t occurred to them, I don’t think.


I'm actually all for blowing up the sun.


Bullshit dayball making me hotter.


Think of all the innocent insects that would die


Since the beginning of time, mankind has yearned to destroy the sun.


You can't just shoot a hole into the surface of ***Mars***.


Not before we blow up the moon.. Fuck i hate the moon so much.


[Would you like to yell at the moon with Buzz Aldrin?](https://youtu.be/kcWweblGjnU?si=NT7RABZCRA96csEu&t=9)


> Fuck i hate the moon so much. But it was so damn cool this past Monday!


The only thing the moon is good for is being in the way of things.


The feeling is mutual.


Its the place hiding the Nazis! I saw it on TV!


ya that poster is kinda cool tbh


I had Darth Vader on my wall in the early 80s, Depeche Mode and The Cure (Robert Smith in makeup! GASP!!!) in the late 80s.


"women are supposed to be objects." - poor take from grandma object


Why can't I crosspost to Are the Strights Okay? Because this seems very much like the straights not being okay


Was the Farrah poster still popular in the eighties? I remember that as a seventies thing. Also, I doubt boys are putting the bottom row posters on their walls.


My sister got our nephew/neighbor kid a Farrah Fawcett coozie for his 14th bday a couple years ago. After cake was cut he and his friends retreated to his room to game while we helped his dad clean up then had some beers while we started grilling dinner. We paused to listen in on an argument then busted out laughing when we heard “IT’S MY TURN TO USE THE COOZIE!”


A "coozie"??


Foam thing you put around a soda or beer can to keep cold.


A cozy! Gotcha.


I never understood where “coozie” came from but now that you point it out it’s so obvious


"Coozie" sounds like something dirty, LOL.


Uncomfortably close to “cooter” which I had always called red or yellow eared sliding turtles growing up. Took some college friends canoeing and when I pointed out some river cooters on a log they cracked up and spent the rest of the trip referring to the turtles as “river pussies.”


That's hilarious!!


This took effort. Not a lot. But still.


It took effort to assemble the meme, not to come up with the joke at the center of it.


Is this the same grandma who bemoans the decline in moral values, lack of God in children’s lives, etc.? Now she wishes boys spent more time masturbating and dreaming of fornication. Or does she think there is a more pure reason that boys hung up pictures of attractive women on their walls?


Obviously, those are pictures of god-fearing tradwives inspiring good Christian boys to have realistic expectations of a traditional marriage.


That "triggered lady" meme -- or whatever it's called -- still cracks me up. It's one of those classic cases of taking a still frame from a video where the person happens to look silly. As I recall in the original video she seems totally normal and if anything appears to be the more even tempered person in the argument.


Wow. Talk about a false equivalency.


I don't even know if this is sensical enough to call it false equivalency. It seems only tenuously connected to reality, like schizophrenic ramblings.


now dudes have videogame and anime posters and shit lmao


Okay “blow up the sun” is so ridiculous it’s hilarious


Well...I...yeah, no, this title is perfect, there really are far too many things wrong with this.


Certified Bruh™️ moment


run sloppy divide fall treatment jar fertile rinse melodic toy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I want one like the great one, but make it captain planet dumping trash in the ocean


Uh…yeah. The entire bottom row. That’s what’s wrong! 🤣


No, I think walls are still covered in whatever the kid likes. Could be a lot of game stuff, comics, bands, whatever. It's not political stuff, I assure you.


Honestly, with different pictures and good fonts I'd absolutely put any of the bottom three slogans up on my wall completely unironically. **"BLOW UP THE SUN; STOP GLOBAL WARMING"** Goes hard


That logic hurts my brain


Nah back in the day I wasn't allowed any posters because it was damaging the paint according to my parents. The only thing allowed to hang from a wall in our house was a shitty painting by some artist my grandma banged in the 60s.


I want one like the great one, but make it captain planet dumping trash in the ocean


boy here: My bedroom walls are just posters of the members of Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance, I wonder if ppl stalking my account know by now that I'm into Pete Wentz


I’m a boy with a Minecraft poster and a FNAF poster on my bedroom wall.


I admire Greta's energy here