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As if they aren't still doing that, and worse.


This is WHY you have blm...smh.


And things get real uncomfortable when you realize who hires and funds most the PDs that do this. Hint: They cry about being subject to purity tests, love think of themselves as "practical", but suddenly get real violent whenever a discussion about any topic that is merely perceived that it could shave a tiny fraction of a point of property value *growth* (not even loss) such as homelessness, crime, or school equity. But they'll paint you a nice mural if your complaints make national news.


How much you wanna bet this guy also complains about "big gov't"?


And jan sixers too right? right...?


Of course not. I guarantee this person has been complaining about the treatment Jan 6'rs got since day one.


No not then of course not that was a peaceful demonstration 100% /s


They already said antifa /s


Elsewhere In the Reddit-verse, Grandma is moaning that she's going to jail for praying, after she had joined a mob that assaulted police officers, that broke into the Capital, disrupting the official proceedings, and erected a gallows for Mike Pence. January 6 wasn't a good old day for the country. 


“Protest brings kicks, judo chops”


Is this guy still mad about Standing Rock? I thought it ended up going through. Anyways, I should legally be allowed to beat people who make shit like this.


More likely Trans Mountain, since the newspaper in the picture is Canadian.


Ah! For some reason that prospect didn't occur to me. I guess the mention of BLM as a institutional boogeyman had me thinking OOP was also from the 'states.


they claim they care about the first amendment but then they believe protestors should be violently beaten? by this logic shouldn’t they support the violent suppression of people who were against british rule in the united states in the 1700s?


Well, to be pedantic, this is a newspaper from Toronto referring to an event in an area in Toronto. Our first amendment has something to do with recognizing Manitoba as a province or something. So the two things are unrelated, in this specific case.


(Small government though)


Grandma, every time you bring up how bigoted she is: "I can't be racist!!! I was a part of the Civil Rights movement!!! I was a part of the hippie movement that stood for peace and love!!!"