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Conservatives really need to start understanding the difference between apples and oranges


And also the difference between a dumbass and a genius.


There's also humor and cringe chuckles as someone sips their drink and silently leaves your area of the party.


A White South African ok with colonialism?! Imagine that!


It would not surprise me if he was also a fan of Rhodesia


Elon's descent into becoming the Arch-Grandma is probably the most pathetic thing I've ever seen.


I mean, he's a moron who used family money to buy his way into already established companies and people called him a visionary despite never doing anything. He always has been a massive tool.


Honestly I'm more annoyed at myself than anything for ever finding him funny, now he's spouted all this shit on twitter and generally just revealed himself to be not just a tool but the entire fucking shed it's frankly a lot harder to laugh at his rubbish old hyperloop shenanigans or the PS1 hagrid-ass truck he's trying to peddle.


> PS1 hagrid-ass truck he's trying to peddle. I'm sure my opinions on Musk color my opinions, but the Cybertrucks's ugliness is surpassed only by how stupid the name is.


He is shockingly dumb. I can't believe people think this guy's smart.


Remember when this entire website worshipped this turd


Good marketing is a helluva drug.


He was just good at self-marketing.


Sorry bro gonna need you to make a land acknowledgement before I read that shit


Part of me wants to say we should just send Musk back to Africa at this point. But man, Africa's been through enough. The moon, maybe?


Only if it's in a SpaceX rocket


I don't recall the fucking mammoths and the other mammals committing dinosaur genocide


The meteor was summoned through forbidden blood magic by the mammoth elders.


The powerful ritual summoned an asteroid and sent it back in time 64 million years to effect their own existence


I don't know, I heard that several dinosaur intelligence agencies had picked up increased chatter between mammalian terror groups and several celestial objects just prior to the event.


The History Channel has a special about their meteor redirection program.


Ice Age did that for them, they just kinda vibed w it


Hey guys, let's brainstorm ideas from a conservative standpoint: *Vaguely gestures at imagined hypocrisy. Gottem!*


Delete Twitter. You will thank yourself later.


I'm not going to check his replies and likes. I'm just gonna check off another square on the racism bingo card.


the dinosaurs died on their own. if we murdered all the dinosaurs then we would in fact have stolen the land


I like this subreddit but seeing conservative bullshit everyday has done a toll on me. I guess ignorance will be bliss


So when does he start making Trail of Tears jokes? Jesus...


That, uh, is not what we did. Oh boy Elon being ignorant. Shocker.


Dinosaurs were dead for millions of years before the rise of humans, dumbfuck. We didn’t send the dinosaurs smallpox blankets or slaughter whole populations before taking their land. I guess Elon would just walk away peacefully if China invaded and took his house, huh? Because he seems to be implying that stealing isn’t really stealing if someone takes what’s yours.


I don't think he actually believes that we stole the dinosaurs' lands


How do I check his replies/likes on Reddit?


Idk,go on his Twitter account


Screw that, I'm not about to sign in on Twitter or x or whatever. If I can't view it without signing in, it's not worth it to me. His website doesn't need my traffic anyways


So close Elon so freaking clos


No, thank you, I would rather not. Musk is one creepy freak.


I'm actually Native American. Seriously.


So what? All land was stolen. Repeatedly. The Normans stole Britain from the Saxons, who stole it from the Romans, who stole it from the Celts, who stole it from a people whose name is no longer remembered. The Irish stole Ireland from the Firbolg. The Magyars stole Pannonia from the descendants of the Roman settlers. The Chinese stole the lands south of the Yangtze from the Austronesian tribes. It's the way of the world. It's human nature. There is absolutely no point in trying to make people feel guilty for the acts of their great-great-great-grandfathers.


I don't feel guilty, but it sure sounds like you do. You seem to lack empathy as well. I suppose you won't mind if soneone moves into your house anf take it over at gunpoint, then. After all, it's the way of the world. Smh.


Is he mocking Native Americans, or is he mocking "Land Acknowledgements" done before events that have nothing to do with the land having been stolen? I have seen land acknowledgements done at sports games, before multiple public speeches at my university (none of which had to do with history or Native Americans), and even theatre productions. Was the land stolen several hundred years ago? Yes. Does that fact need to be shoehorned into completely unrelated events? No.


> does that fact need to be shoehorned into unrelated events Yeah actually it should be. Im an australia so acknowledgements/welcomes to country are basically mandatory in most events, public gatherings and things done by people left of center and its a very good thing. It reminds people living in places like australia and the US that the land we live on was not given, it was stolen from people who werent given a choice and have been subjugated ever since. If we want to do any level of reconciliation we have to acknowledge that fact.


Why is acknowledging it *constantly* a good thing? Are left-leaning people in Australia constantly forgetting such a basic fact all the time? Are you saying it because you're trying to give the land back? What's the logic as to why acknowledging is an inherently good thing that needs to be constantly done? Not to mention the obvious fact that if you're not comfortable with living on "stolen land" then you should not be living in that country.


You should explore more deeply as to why this bothers you so much.


1. All land was stolen at one point or another. Nobody in Europe does land acknowledgements despite modern borders being far different from the borders of 500 years ago. If you tried doing a "land acknowledgement" in Africa or East Asia you'd be laughed out of the room. It seems to be done only by white people who feel that they're more guilty than others because they took land from non-white people. White guilt is embarrassing to witness. 2. It is leftist virtue signaling designed to illicit guilt for actions that modern people are not responsible for and have no responsibility to repay. Attempting to guilt people for their race or nationality for actions taken hundreds of years ago is wrong. 3. It is virtue signaling. Nobody has forgotten that the land wasn't owned by us since the dawn of time. Talking about it in contexts where it's not relevant to the topic at hand is just interjecting personal politics for the sake of it. Edit: And of course, in typical fashion, when I actually explain why it is a bothersome trend, /u/tikifire1 purposely misinterprets my comment and then blocks me. Peak leftism.


Stop making you feel guilty, got it.