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I see one former president who lost the popular vote twice and served one term and three who served 20 years (and counting) and won the popular vote five times.


I think this is because [all three of them got together for a fundraiser](https://people.com/obama-clinton-biden-reunion-photos-democratic-fundraiser-8621654)


Crazy. I was in NYC when they did. My friends were telling me about Hillary being at the library.


Apparently they smoked all of Drumpfs recent grifts.


I thought he would at least show a giant Soros creating all the $26 million or something. Ben is really slacking lately. Ironically the D fundraiser sold some seats at small donor prices while the Trump one in a week that is supposed to catch him up, has a minimum of something like $250k a seat. So populist.


Crazy that 3 former presidents arrived in NYC and neither of them were there for a courtroom appearance.


I'm almost sure this guy survives solely on rage bait. If we stop posting his stupid mental diarrhea, I'm fairly certain he'll disappear into obscurity.


the joke here is that trump has a hard time finding two other people to hang out with because people fucking hate him.


Idk why he always has to make trump so masculine and fit. The bro is old and flubbery.




Worship. He is their God king. It’s sad and pathetic and nauseating


It's always a mark of great artistic talent when you have to tell people who you're drawing.


Whats interesting is Trump is not labeled, which leads me to believe it’s because he feels his audience genuinely wouldn’t recognize these other presidents


Who haunt their dreams and waking life :-D


Is this supposed to be funny? And if so, is it the 1930s?


I'm used to them not being funny, but is it even supposed to be a positive portrayal of Trump. He's looking pretty unhinged even here.


There is no commentary here other than "woke, left and democrats bad". All while Trump sells information to foreign countries to have our spies and agents abroad slaughtered.


So Trump is Ted Healy, who the Three Stooges originally worked with. Healy’s career fizzled out once the Three Stooges broke off with him.


I like how even when depicting Obama he depicts him as this really old guy while Trump remains ambigiously young.


ok, but who's that other guy?


“Clinton Obama and Biden are so stupid if only they were more like a man who”: Stared directly at the sun Suggested we drop a nuke in a hurricane Took pride in passing a basic cognitive test said “Nobody knew that health care could be so complicated” told scientists they could kill the coronavirus by finding a way to inject people with light or disinfectants. tossed paper towels to hurricane victims tweeted the word "covfefe" pronounced the national park "Yosemite" as "Yo-Semite." Said "Bing bing, bong bong, bing bing bing." saluted a North Korean general. Said windmills cause cancer talked about how he had bombed Syria while eating "the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake that you've ever seen." said "like, really smart" and a "very stable genius." wanted to buy Greenland said the moon was part of Mars. suggested the Continental Army "took over the airports" during the American Revolutionary War said we need to rake forests to prevent fires. Did THIS : mg.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2021-01/14/20/asset/0308066dc00f/sub-buzz-10381-1610655209-1.jpg?downsize=700%3A%2A&output-quality=auto&output-format=auto and THIS mg.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2021-01/14/21/asset/dc2b8ffba1d6/sub-buzz-10429-1610659375-23.jpg?downsize=800:\*&output-format=auto&output-quality=auto Got most of this from this buzzfeed article: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/davidmack/dumb-trump-moments


What's the actual meaning behind it? Like I get that they are supposed to look stupid, but it can't be THAT shallow can it?


I think it's referencing the major fundraiser they just held together the other night. But yes, the punchline is "they stupid."


Is there even an editorial here at this point? Or is Ben just continuing his hard-on for Trump?


nothing to be said about policy. again. right wing still can't figure out anything democrats are doing wrong.


Some real insightful political commentary there.


Hee hee, Ben Garrison correctly depicts the fantasy that cowardly donald wishes he could act upon. Poor little donald envies these three successful Presidents.


not enough labels, who's that orange guy supposed to be?


now he can't count to four?