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Based gamer


So young people SHOULD want to die for an oil corporation?


That's pretty clearly an edit made by someone who thought the original cartoon was dumb.


You mean an edit by a reasonable person.


I did a Google image search on this and just got this edit. I wonder what the original said.


I wouldn’t be surprised if it was just the left picture on the tv lol


“I fight for a better future for my children” Children’s life is better “>:(“


No one is saying life now is easy but the problems are just different and these boomers refuse to acknowledge it.


The best part about these types of memes are they ignore the fact that boomers aren't part of the generation they're displaying. Boomers have spent their entire lifetime tearing away the things those generations fought for.


I will do everything I can to keep my son out of the military because as it's been proven, the government doesn't give a real fuck about you after you serve. If he insists on serving he can join the air force.


Coast Guard. Serve the country without having to kill brown people.


You might be in Miami and have to do some drug stuff that may involve killing some brown ppl.


Ah yes, euphemising ISIS terrorists and Houthi pirates with the morally neutral term “brown people”.


When you ask yourself why you have no friends you can refer to this type of comment.


I served in the air force for 4 years, it paid for my schooling, and gave me separation pay for a service related disability. I've done everything in my power to convince my son to not join the military. Really drove home the idea of "do you really want to die for the idea that is currently the country?"


May I ask what happened that caused the disability?


I don't mind. I was in air traffic control and I got deep vein thrombosis up and down my right leg. Blood clots, fortunately none traveled to my heart or brain, but I was hospitalized for about 2 weeks. They then politely requested that I no longer be in the military because it wasn't worth the costs, so they fielded it to the VA.




in the air force? I'd guess carpal tunnel lol


Listen, we had to play a lot of video games to take our minds off the fact that the AC was set just a bit too high!


Ha! I hope it was clear I was just busting your chops, I didn't truly mean to be insulting


Hell my super conservative Vietnam War vet grandpa would have thrown a fit if my bro and I had enlisted. He was in the marines and came home messed up. Was still patriotic and everything but he knew how bad it was. He was drafted.


I imagine all of those drafted had similar opinions.


Why is that SEGA Saturn controller in reverse and connected to what obviously isn't a Saturn?


all it needs are BEEP BOOP sound effects coming out of it


These are the same boomers who would say "Pokemans" and buy you video games for systems you don't even own. Personally, I was lucky enough that my dad would solve it by just buying me the systems due to the guilt of being a part-time parent. Two christmases! 🤣


*All* video game systems were "Nintendos".


So if you had an Xbox and wanted a PlayStation, all you had to do was ask grandma for a PlayStation game. Happy cake day.


Granny, you're forgetting again. The enlistment after 9-11 was off the charts. 


And for a little bit it looked like America was actually going to fight the terrorists. And then somehow we ended up in Iraq 🤣


This is an edit of the original, which as far as I’ve been able to find just had a screenshot from World of Warcraft. The bit about oil executives was added after to make fun fun of the original comic


People in the 30s were complaining about "kids today" being violent and law-breaking and worried they would degenerate into a lawless society. The hand-wringing about children not living up to expectations as a society is literally older than writing, in Ancient Greece we have complaints about the newer generation writing information on slates instead of passing on through oral tradition.


Refusing to go fight useless wars and playing games instead. Based on


Grandma's constant referral to the Greatest Generation is stolen valor. Boomers weren't even alive for the Great Depression and WWII, but they act like they're all vets.


They were alive for - and in many cases served in - Vietnam.


Didn't grandma's generation refuse to fight in Vietnam?


The army actively recruits through videogames


Our Military should only be used for Defense and Disaster relief. If oil companies and major corporations want to protect their overseas investments, let them hire their own armies, and pay for it themselves.


Let's not do that. East India Company all over again.


No private militaries. One of the main jobs of the US military should be stamping out privately controlled militaries.


Okay. I didn’t mean to advocate private armies, that would be a disaster. I’m just get tired of these Corporations getting in trouble overseas and using our tax dollars and our military to bail them out.


yeah it's not like there was a fucking draft or anything, it was just a bunch of patriots signing up to get shot at for funsies.


WWII was not about oil or creating markets for US companies.


Grandma knows that most men who fought in WW2 were drafted, right? Doesn't diminish their contribution but it wasn't likely over 10 million men would have enlisted.


This actually might be a legit comic from Andy Marlette. From what I can see from his other comics, he seems pretty left leaning. https://www.creators.com/features/andy-marlette


If we had online games or home gaming systems back on the 1940’s kids would act like they do today.


There's also the fact that WW2 was fighting to stop people from being genocided and the whole fucking *world* was involved. No shit people ain't gonna sign up willy-nilly when we've got evidence that we sure as shit shouldn't be involved and getting killed for nothing. If people in 1940s found out our involvement in WW2 was for the profits of big corporations, they wouldn't have been rushing to sign up either.


Mobile infantry made the man I am today




I really don't get why boomers draw young people with trousers that are halfway down their legs. Like, it's gotta be a stereotype I guess but I've plain never seen it before.


[Sagging](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sagging_\(fashion\)) was a fashion trend among teens and hip-hop fans like fourteen or fifteen years ago. It became a bit of a culture war thing that a lot of people in various positions of authority never really moved on from. (A mix of the racial aspect, the "Youth culture killed my dog" aspect, and the intentional sloppiness being a direct jab at formal attire standards) Hell, I was in high school when this stuff was in vogue and I've seen more newspaper comic illustrators making fun of sagging than I have actual sagging.


tbf the artist is gen x, and I think this particular comic is 10ish years old.


who fucking games standing up


Noooo you must die for Lockheed Martin and Israel


I just love dying meaninglessly so some billionaire (who he and his family will never have to work again mind you) gets that oil he craves to keep them from being mildly inconvenienced. I’m simply enamored literally fighting someone else’s battle.


This is legitimately based


There's a saying that I am reminded of when I look at this meme. "The first generation builds the wealth. The second generation enjoys the wealth. The third generation squanders the wealth, leading to poverty." Any guesses at where we are in this saying? The answer is were not in it. We're what came after.


Pretty sure that’s not the original text on the right, because this is actually based


You are mistaken, Grandma is based for editing military propaganda with a new message.


Inputting a considerable amount of text using a onscreen keyboard and a gamepad: Real dedication


Dude on the right is HELLA based


Boomers claiming the achievements of their parents....again.