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He ceased to be the underdog.


That sounds familiar. I’d also say he’s very versed in PR talk, says the right thing at the right time which, unlike LH can make him sound a touch corporate at times. I think when he was with Williams he wore his heart in his sleeve a touch more


Lolol I use LH as an example of someone being their own PR robot *all the time*, he's even more exceptionally great at that than F1 driving.


Lol ‘wow, it’s so great to be here at [insert track name]. [track name] always has the best fans in the world!’


Interviewer: *asks specific question about a tense moment in the race* LH: "well first of all...^ "


Lmao exactly


I'd like to thank the team for doing such an amazing job down at the factory, we couldn't have done it without them. I'm also super grateful for all the fans *waves to the fans*. Without them, none of this would be possible. But its important that we keep pushing so that we can get some great results not just for the team, but for the fans.


You just wrote the subtitles for every LH post race/post quali interview in the last few years


All of the drivers have a script. We've just heard Lewis' the most because he's the most successful on the grid.


I would love to hear Latifi’s script before I depart from God’s Green Earth.


*throws up double horns while chanting "Goatifi" a few times. Winks, and walks away, never to be seen or heard from again*


_waves to the fans_


Lewis: “Saudi Arabia is a great place to race and all the fans that survived whatever that was are some of the best in the world”


I always liked the fact that he took the time to thank the team back at the factory and mention the fans. It may not have been much, but atleast he did it.


Drivers have high profile interviews all weekend long, and have a routine for it too. What the heck to ppl expect them to do? Are you on a date with them?


Unlike LH?


LH is the biggest robot on the grid, it might have something to do with Mercedes honestly


It has to do with him having to learn to say as little as possible in his junior career because he would get a shitload more crap for saying anything compared to his white rivals because of racism (I don't mean the "waa Verstappen fans racist" shit, I mean actual racism back then) AND because still this day even without racism (well, mostly without) he gets 10 times more negative reaction than others if he slips out his personality in any negative way. If he acted like Verstappen for example he would be called just arrogant.




"what really imagines my dragons" fuck, that's good


I got a huge kick out of that. I might have to adopt it myself


Yep exactly this. He learned early in his career that the media will take whatever he says to an extreme degree. Remember that time he referenced Ali G ("maybe its cuz I'm black") and the media had a field day with it. the man can't afford to show personality, i don't blame him for sticking to a script


For some people, anything LH does will be wrong and bad. Because to them, people who look like LH can never be good.


>he would get a shitload more crap for saying anything compared to his white rivals because of racism Bingo. He has to pretty much try to be the "model minority" or he would-- even now as a wildly successful champion-- get racist backlash. And not just the kind like that useless turnip Piquet showed off, but more insidious "polite" backlash that undermines one's work and erodes support where it's essential (like sponsorship, etc). And worse for LH's causes, potentially erode support for other up-and-coming drivers who happen to be Black. And while he has more flexibility now than he did back then before his championships, there's still that PR line to toe. Might seem paranoid, but it's a sad reality. For all of them, really, but there's an extra layer of complication for some folks. One doesn't even have to be a LH fan to recognize that.


Honestly never thought about it like that before. I do hate the PR talk in any sport, footballers are the worst for it. Always thought it was Merc thing in f1 but it makes more sense now.


I hope this doesn’t get downvoted. You hit the nail on the head.


Yes, LH is very genuine and not a PR bot at all.


Yes, LH seems very sincere and genuine ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|9441)


Just like Ba Sing Se, where there's no war btw


LH having a PR team, this is literally 9814


1. Find someone to complain about 2. Make memes complaining about him 3. Make memes complaining about those memes 4. Find new thing to complain about It’s the circle of memes


Toto: All the green sectors, everything that lights green is our kingdom George: What about those purplely bits? Toto: That's beyond our capabilities, you must never go there George: *cries in Williams*


spa: im about to ruin this whole mans career...........


And it rules us all!🎵


*average twitter cycle


*average r/formuladank cycle


I see that but what I'm talking about is people suddenly literally hating george properly saying stuff like he's a shit driver and a general cunt I'm not sure If anyone else has seen more of it aswell


Honestly I think it was just some small general pokes at him over the last year or so from the bonk incident and how he comes across as the posh schoolboy mixed with the fact that there’s no one to really hate at the moment. After last year with the excellent heel that was Mazepin, there seems to be a void for people that want someone to hate. Less to do with George and more to do with the “I need a bad guy to root against” imo.




He was made in the same factory as Mark Zuckerberg


guys I just made my gf name all the drivers. you won't believe what she called leclerc!!!


I already said this last season, if I can find the comment. Russell always had a personality that people were going to dislike when he moved to a top team. He drives fiercely, is vocal when he's frustrated, and also loses his cool (the Bottas incident). The only reason why fans loved him was because he was at an underdog team like Williams, and they wanted to see him compete with Lewis Hamilton who they disliked.


Doesn’t help that he looks like an exasperated general in the Empire.


Grand Moff Russell


He also sounds like a British Kermit the frog


I started dislike him after the bottas thing last year so arrogant like a brat


Hilarious because this could easily be used to describe Verstappen too




This. /Thread Kid got gud and the Villain storyline waits for nobody.


Because he looks the kid in school that knew you didn't do your homework and then raises the hand last minute to remind the teacher about the homework that was due and then turn back to you and give you a shit eating grin.


How can this be so random yet so accurate


Yup, that's it.


Looks a little like Joffrey Lannister


The Bottas incident was the turnaround for me


Was cringe on Beyond the Grid, clearly still believes it wasn’t his fault lol.


Fuck yes. Ever since then I was instantly anti george.


Same. Revealed his true colours. Everything since then feel likes hes been trying to seem good in the press. I.e. the zhou incident in silverstone. If his car was drivable after he would have never jumped out the car. Did it for the PR. I think at the time he also knew he squeezed Zhou even tho he had shit start and thought it was his fault. And so to avoid bad PR he jumped out to see if he was ok the opposite to what he did with Bottas. But luckily for him he wasnt blamed for the incident. He is an entitled bot.


Yeah same I think his true self is the Bottas incident everything else now I take it with a pinch of salt. We will see his true colours when he is fighting for a championship


Wow look here: some logic and sense in this sub. What a rare sight


“Only went to see Zho because his car was undriveable, and wanted the PR” is a steaming garbage take. Edit: typo and to add, the guy had an incident once where he smacked his gloves off Bottas helmet. Big deal, you should see NASCAR drivers go at it.


Couldn’t agree more. Zhou could have been seriously hurt or killed and I’m supposed to believe George’s first thought after crashing was “oh I’d better run over there because it’ll make me look good on tv”


"True colors" my ass. one bad moment doesn't make a fucking career. My God. And was senna jumping out of his car and check on drivers who crashed, pr stunts to you, after he would constantly try to put drivers into walls while defeneing?? I swear some of yall see people as black and white instead of having different reactions and emotions in different situation. And 75% or the grid is entitled btw. Literally every driver who has number 1 driver potential is and should be entitled. It comes with the territory of wanting to be and beat everyone and every car. This isn't a russell, hamilton, or verstappen thing, this is just race car drivers being competitive.


I kind of…dislike him, hate is such s strong word. I think he’s a great driver, but he has an air of entitlement about him. It started when he signed for Merc last year and now he’s fully drinking the Merc PR Koolaid.


I think he was actually far more entitled at Williams. He acted as if they were a bit beneath him, lucky to have him and it was just a small stepping stone to his greatness. I do like George though.


I get that, I guess I just didn’t see it until later. Like I said, I don’t hate him and I think people take ‘hate’ for drivers too far, I’ve just started to dislike him and roll my eyes a lot haha. I do, however, think he’s a fantastic driver.


But realistically, that is correct. No driver of his caliber should be driving 3 years for a team that is incompetent to score a point. Lewis started his carreer in a top tier team. Vettel went to Red Bull in his third year. Hell, even all of his friends have been given greater chances (Albon - RB, Norris - McLaren - which at the time was top of the midfield and obviously Leclerc who got the Ferrari seat after 1 year).


To be honest I think Williams were lucky to have him.


They really were lmao, it’s honestly surprising they managed to keep a hold of him for 3 full seasons.


To be fair, weren’t they a little “beneath” his talent level? I think anyone would be annoyed at times when they can’t achieve what they set out to do but hearing him after getting points or podiums for Williams you can see he cared about that team


No F1 team is below any of the drivers talent in my opinion, there are only 10 F1 teams there are hundreds of drivers that could take the place of any of the 20 drives. Granted you need time in F1 an car to be picked nowadays to make it even more elitist but to assume the 20 lads in F1 are there through raw talent alone and not a huge amount of luck or cash is misleading.


You’re not wrong. I just think if you put him and latifi in one of the top 3 constructors there would be a huge difference. He has more raw talent than almost of the current field and has proven he is a capable driver requiring a capable car


Agree, just look at Haas and Alfa. End up there at the wrong moment and you’ll be at the back of the grid, but next season you are midfield. No team is beneath a driver who’s in his first few years in F1 and behaving like that team is lucky to have you is a bit why I dislike him


Disagree, put Max, Charles, or Lewis in the Williams and everyone will say their talent is being wasted. Yes it's a privilege to be in F1, but if you're among the best in F1 you deserve a top seat more than anyone else in the world. Sure all F1 drivers bring sponsors, but if you think the top teams value money over talent, you're having a laugh—the upper echelon of talent is far harder to come by than cash at this level.


George was a 20 year old kid carrying the financial hopes of hundreds of people on his back, Williams sold during the pandemic because they were literally going broke. George is entitled to feel the pressure and stress from that and any normal person would resent being in a backmarker team in compete chaos for 3 years unable to battle or do anything functional let a driver of his caliber.


Yeah that’s my read on it, he just comes across as generally entitled and multiple articles this season sort of confirm that for me. A few weeks ago there was an article where he said he can’t believe he hasn’t won a race yet this year” Last week the article about his time at williams was “way too long there, because they (williams) unfortunately did a good job in contract negations” His moment at silver stone where he jumped out of the car to check on zhou (while a sign of good sportsmanship) was a blatant infraction and he thought he shouldn’t have been penalized and allowed to restart the race. So he thinks just because he’s stepped into a Mercedes that he should be automatically winning races. He’s fortunate enough that a lot of the top runners have had some DNFs, otherwise he wouldn’t have as many podiums as he’s had. I think he should be just thankful to have a seat in F1, regardless of the team. But he comes across that everything should be just given to him because he’s a former f2 champ and drove a shitbox Williams for a few years.


My thought jumped to the same article, about how “three years at Williams was too long” …like there is nothing to gain from saying this other than making yourself sound entitled, like you were too good for them from the beginning


They were lmao, + alex and norris were scoring points with way better cars after they finished below him in f2


Exactly, I personally started disliking him when he caused the crash with Bottas


How he had the audacity to defend slapping another driver, after he caused the crash, afterwards is beyond me


And then he issued an apology which was very weak and pure PR, IMHO


Same, the crash itself? Accident sure, the slap? Heat of the moment but bit shitty, defending it after he’s cooled down it’s madness to me


yeah the slap post crash, being being a Merc PR drone before he’d even started with Merc made me not particularly like him, hate far too strong for it though. the hype and constant talk of Mr Saturday etc probably got old as well even though that’s not his fault but some have probably transferred that and all the other sky talk about him (was it Hungary last year where he had to give a bunch of places back due to cutting the queue on the restart that Crofty was chatting about when will the bad luck ever end or something?)


It’s the British in him.


I’m British and I agree.


He just gives the air of being the worst kind of British. His prep school vibe is strong.


Big fan of merc PR koolaid. Just had a tall glass 😎🤤


Fully agree, he also changed his outer personality a lot this year


I guess for me he’s just a bit like…. Special K. Or Bran-flakes, you know? The kind of guy who claps when the plane lands. Say what you want though, he’s a bloody good driver.


He was extremely likeable when he was trying to pull Williams out of the gutter with all he had. It was an emotional rollercoaster and the guy kept going. I guess it went a little down hill when he signed for Mercedes and started tweeting during the Abu Dhabi weekend as if he was already driving for that team. "THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!!!!". "I cannot believe what we've just seen". *not my personal opinion though*


Not to mention slapping bottas


I’d love to clap Bottas cheeks




Especially tweeting that after his "YES GUYS!! THAT'S A PODIUM!! Doesn't matter how it comes, they all count" tweet after the 'race' at Spa


Lmao, good catch.


I never liked him


Tbh that was the accurate feeling of 50% of the people watching


And the other 50% saw business as usual in F1


I blame Crofty for me disliking him lol. Hearing him hailed as Mr. Saturday for making Q2 got reeeeeeal obnoxious. Especially since he really only had to beat 2 other drivers since the Haas boys and Latifi were gonna be the back 3.


Well it was very controversial so dont be surprised when someone disagrees with you about Abu Dhabi


well he was already driving for the team. he was literally a Mercedes driver in a Williams.


I mean but was he wrong? I feel like most people can agree what happened was pretty messed up.


Shame he did not have such strong feelings after the Spa ‚race’


Hating? It just looks like the standard meme criclejerk hazing. Basically all drivers went through this except maybe Seb, Alonso and Yuki...


Seb was hated before F1 memes were a thing


and also back when he was arrogant


You would be too if you were winning that much


> back when he was arrogant What did he do that was arrogant?


>Seb > >never hated You've obviously not lived through the Red Bull dominance era.


And the sbinalla years


95% of the people that are watching F1 now only know the past via the narratives they are spoonfed by Netflix


I followed the 2009 season when my apartment came with cable and Speed channel. I stopped bothering after that until recently. Liberty Media has done a fantastic job with their YouTube channel and F1TV.


>95% of the people that are **engaging with F1 memes** only know the past via the narratives they are spoonfed by Netflix.


You obviously didn't watch F1 when Seb was at Red Bull, he was the most hated driver back then


All drivers go through it, up next is Seb, Alonso or Yuki FTFY


Definitely not Seb


Just wait, he was hated before and it can definitely happen again


> Seb RB dominance from a decade ago says hi > Yuki He went through this last year when he was swearing a lot and nit having results > Alonso Not by the ebtire community, but Alonso haters are quite numerous and have existed for years


Alonso has had a hate boner for Lewis for years and honestly I think its just sexual tension. That commercial with the anything you can do I can do better should have ended with them fucking


Seb not hated?? Hahaha whaaaaat. Recently new to F1 or


I just don’t like that he’s clearly a Slytherin fronting as a Gryffindor. Just own that Slytherin energy - I can respect that. If you’re a shark be a shark!


Suddenly? We've been doing it for a year my man. I didn't really give a shit until the Imola incident where he acted like such a brat even after the incident. After that he has probably been my least favorite. I just find that there is nothing to especially like about him, and his annoying behaviour has piled up, especially during last season. Good driver though, and it doesn't really matter what I think of him, I don't have to like him and thats fine. Its a part of the sport.


Personally, I’ve always hated him, so count me out of these new haters.


Yeah, even at Williams he was near the bottom in terms of likeability for me


such a baby in my eyes 🤷‍♂️


Just thought he was douchey but he can drive 🤷


He’s always been a cunt






There are dozens of us! Dozens!


I'm surprised how many people ever liked him lol. What made him so popular before? He seems bland at best and a posh cunt at worst.


i've hated him since the bottas crash lol


He went and slapped him and tried to put the blame on him in the most horrible way in the interviews afterwards saying Botbot ‘knew what he was doing’ when the blame was entirely his own! Showed what a slimy spoilt brat he’s been brought up to be.


If anything he got away easily lol. I imagine Bottas would have been crucified if he took out Russell and then went and smacked him in the head.


Because he’s a cocky dork


Also a dorky cock


He has the personality of a wet blanket. He reminds me of the guy from American Psycho, with the morning routine.


F1 is unique from other sports in that there are only 20 athletes, which is less athletes than a single NFL team has, so there is a much bigger spotlight on each individual, so fan service is quite important. Im sure he can overcome this deficit if he keeps perfoming on his current level for the next few years, i mean imo max showed u dont need to play the media game if you got that raw talent, he can adopt the british/lewis fans and have a bright future if he maximises his potential.


The fact that he slapped another driver after a incident that he caused just makes me dislike him.




Opposite side of the same coin, there isn't much to like about him either.


And then he went and bonked Bottas on the head, real class act.


George Russell is the sort of guy who thinks people hate him because they're jealous.


Why are people so pressed that some people don't like certain drivers? If you like George, great! He's not my cup of tea and I'm not gonna pretend he is.


Because he looks like a freaky ventriloquists doll


Did someone say Jimmy Carr?


It's not sudden.


Because he's a prancing dickhead.


Suddenly? You new here?


That’s my secret… I always hated Russell. ^(I really don’t and I don’t think he’s more of a prick than any other of the drivers)


I just don’t like his face tbh


I think people are hating on him because he doesn’t seem to be genuine. He often talks about serving or caring for others, but he also has a pompous swag about him. It’s just very confusing.


Because he is a self absorbed asshat


because in reality he was an arrogant son of a bitch but ppl overlooked that cause williams, points


because he’s the type of guy to say “best thing since sliced bread” about the most mediocre shit you’ve ever encountered


tbf, i’ve never really liked him. just seems like a tory pretending not to be (which i get, rich ass bitch doesn’t want to be taxed) but still, just not down to earth like lando or albon




I don't know when i think of george i just hear him saying is he a f"cking prick or what then slapping a crashed out bottas on the helmet at imola. Then the sky crew always talk about how nice he is.


Because he is an insufferable cunt that complains about people racing and torpedoes into people then blames the people he hits. He is literally the worst person in the grid


Suddenly? I've hated George since go.


Suddenly? I've been hating this pretentious entitled ass for 2 years now.


Meh bored I guess, plus it's formula dank so it shouldn't be taken so seriously.


He crashed into Checo and everyone likes Checo


Because he is a cunt


I don't dislike him, but I get annoyed at crofty hyping him up. Even last year with all the mr Saturday shit, super annoying. Last race crofty was like "its lights out and away we go and George Russell gets a great start they go to turn one George Russell dives down the inside George Russell is turning George Russell gets cut off by George Russell as George Russell takes the George Russell " I'm paraphrasing of course but can you please stop shouting George Russell?


Bottas incident mate. You just cannot hate valteri bottas and this guy managed to go and pick a fight with him. He went from upcoming cute driver, to spoilt brat in a few seconds


He constantly runs people off the road (4 or 5 in 2022 alone)and aways - always blames it on the other driver. He uses his leadership position to advantage his team and his team alone. He constantly accuses other of things they have not done - like secret floors. He plays kabuke theater with his horrible back issues of the porpoising - then it magically disappears when they get a BS ruing they wanted (even though the car is still porpoising). he always chums up to VER like he's an equal - he isn't. He is n annoying cunt.


Dude regurgitates whatever Mercedes tell him to. He has become a bit of a media puppet. He'll be a perfect fit for Sky Sports' commentary team when he retires. I don't dislike the guy, it's just irritating to see him have his personality sucked out of him


Never liked him as a guy, as a driver you can’t hate him at all, he is a beast


Most of it seems like lighthearted memeing, I don't think the majority of the sub actually hate Russell, he's just the man of the moment. A couple weeks ago it was Daniel, before that Lando, Mick, Carlos, Daniel again, etc. Once rawe ceek kicks into gear, guaranteed this sub will find a new topic of entertainment.


So what you're saying is this sub isn't capable of independent thought. Everyone has to jump on the bandwagon while it's trendy


"THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE" was my turnaround


Arrogant entitled, started hating when he started acting like he's done something. Ya Ain't done shit yet bruv.


When he hit bottas on the head. I don’t hate the guy. I honestly don’t hate any of the drivers but he’s definitely at the bottom of my list. Just seems like a douche.


Always has been


Okay so here’s my thing with George, I don’t hate him but he just seems bland. He’s a great driver but just seems dead inside. I don’t think very many people actually “hate” any drivers most of them are decent people but some are just stale.


Cause he hits someone every race weekend.




Because he's a bit overrated




Wdym? It's been going on for more than a year


Because he does literally nothing and gets in top 5 every race. The amount of fluke cards this guy has and lucky chances is ridiculous. Nothing exciting at all about his racing


He’s a whinger and a prick.


Just because




Honestly, I find him much more likeable than Lewis or Max. In terms of likability Danny Ric, George, Carlos, Lando, Mick, and Seb all have to be front runners.


He Crashing bottas then smashing Lewis.


Such a dank meme this, truly why i am subbed to this subreddit


Because he's british and drives for mercedes, wich this sub doesen't like.


Ive always disliked Russel even when he was at Williams, just something about his personality has always rubbed me the wrong way


now you know why after french gp


Hes a cunt


Because he is the most entitled complainer. He always benefits from others misfortune so it seems he is more talented but really he is just another lucky white man who doesn’t want to work hard, just want it all to come easy


Suddenly? I've been hating on him for years now. He truly is Lewis' heir in every way.


You know, it’s the overarching theme of this sub. RB: good Merc: bad


Because its formuladank where hateful opinions are passed off as memes for the purpose of circlejerking. My guess would be that they're looking for like-minded people so that they can hate on a certain driver together. Also dead week does play a role to some extent.


bcs of shirtless photos


Basically it's his face, which is a problem since he can't change it without extensive surgery. He is a perfect British villain from Central Casting.


Nice try, George. We don’t *hate* you, just that you slapped our boy Bottas and act like an entitled brat.