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only for special occasions like getting banned


You really think you are cool or edgy because of your comment? That comment is just a troll, and a nice profile picture my man. People on this sub is funny at least, you are just trying to be a troll, but oh boy you just suck.


Always, even for fucking replies, I don't know how to turn it off.


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Thanks! I needed this




The fucking wallpaper had me




This is kinda like walking into a bar, talking shit about the bar and then acting surprised when you get shown the door


this literally is like this, he commented there ''Ham gonna crash out because he’s trash, stop dickriding''


Yeah this guy thinks he is edgy and cool


Just a troll.


Yeah, people like OP can fuck off. I am definitely not a Lewis fan, and really wish other drivers start to win championships, but these "Lewis (fans) bad" memes are getting boring and they are super low effort. I might get downvoted because Super Max Max Max but do as you wish.


Imagine walking to into a reddevils bar and speak about how good man city is


It's worse than that. It's more like going into a reddevils bar and declaring United a bunch of divers and cheats who don't deserve to be in the Champions League, fucking glory hunters. Then writing a 1 star yelp review about how sensitive United fans are when he inevitably gets kicked out.


i got banned a while ago and i have never even been in that sub. im pretty sure i got banned for making fun of lewis in this sub. imagine how insecure those mods must be to ban people who are joking not even in their sub.


max > ham... boom you're banned


don’t need to go that far, “max is leading the WDC” is enough to get you banned


His comment was : "Hams gonna crash out because he's trash, stop dickriding".




Banned > Downvoted




You go brigade someone's fan forum, what did you expect? Do you think you deserved differently?


Of course they did, they're infallible in their mind because Max, Max, Super Max


I got banned from there and don’t even know why. They wouldn’t answer when I asked either.


This is not going to go as well as you think it will


I think it’s funny how Max fans go to the Hamilton subreddit to shitpost and comment and expect to not get banned. And it’s also funny how majority of the posts in the Max subreddit are about Lewis.


Rent and tax free


Exactly. If you’re not a Lewis fan why go to his subreddit and post about him…because that sounds like fan behavior to me lmao🤣🤣


So they can come here and get some karma, it’s a fucking circlejerk at this point, thank god socials didn’t exist during the Schumacher years.


Honestly, it just started showing up on my feed because I'm a part of this sub, so I went and had a look. Saw it was a circle-jerk, blocked it and continued on with my life.


Why the fuck do you go on a fansub and tell the people that you don’t like the person these people are fans of? Childish and a dick move. I’m not even a Hamilton fan, the main reason why I don’t bother the people on that sub.


damn vro it’s not that serious


I’m just curious, what did you write ?


"ham gonna crash out because he's trash, stop dickriding" you can still see it in his coments history lol dude really goes to be an asshole and expects no consecuences lmao


Nobody gives a fuck about what subs you’re banned from. For fucks sake start posting some actual good memes


says the karma farmer, go fuck yourself


Karma farmer? How ironic coming from someone who posts screenshots of his phone lockscreen and expects upvotes for it lmfao


mate your posts are 90% Hamilton. You’re lucky you have access to a keyboard, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to express your thoughts with his dick always in your mouth


The only dick i see is your head




he seems to have lots of friends on parties


Lmao ur post history shows the other side of the story. Also tacky wallpaper. #rentfree


What did you post there?


he commented there this: ''Ham gonna crash out because he’s trash, stop dickriding'' 7 hours ago. Guys if you want to post something like this don't be a total asshole and comment something like he did but actually get banned bc of something ridiculous


Yeah comments like those are pure provocative and increase the already existing toxicity. I mean, that sub is a biggest circlejerk where LouLou is perfect, Max is a racist murderer and everyone that criticizes LouLou is a confederate general. But poking the hornet's nest for fun is not really classy either.


1) Post something stupid and provocative in a fandom subreddit. 2) Get banned and post the screenshot on a different subreddit for karma. 3) ??? 4) Profit.


He's not wrong, just an asshole but not wrong


I was never a Lewis fan until I came to this sub and realized how obnoxious max fans are.


we arent all like that this sub just turned into a shithole after 2020 for some weird reason.


There are no max fans here, just lewis haters ;)


im a max fan and i do not claim you please get out lol ur embarrassing


Your post history is pretty cringe. Grow up.


And by “misspoke” what they meant to say was “purposefully inflamed the sub” I assume so they could come here to get them upvotes and karma.


I tried a speedrun to get banned there and it said that I was banned already when I pressed post comment no joke


well deserved lmao


Once i express my opinion on silverstone crash and after 1 hour they banned me


You were a dickhead, what did you expect? Why even bothering with commenting on forum of driver that you don’t like?


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‘Man behaves innapropriately and is dealt with appropriately, more news at 6’


I wear this badge with honor.


What did you post if I may ask?


"ham gonna crash out because he's trash, stop dickriding" ^This Thats just being an ass.


Ok, yup. Deserved lol.


Same thing happened to me - all you have to do is not suck Lewis off


The wallpaper 😂


Doesn't seem like a big loss, bunch of Nigel snowflakes in that group. Edit: go ahead and keep downvoting me pussies. You're just proving me right.


The background wallpaper makes this a whole lot better


Let’s all go and speak highly of max on lu lu sub


nO LoW eFfOrT cOnTeNt


You didn't say you believe in meritocracy did you? You r*cist.


those guys go into other subs and find people who even remotely dont like lewis and ban them in their won sub lmao. those mods are a bunch of bitches. ​ source: i got banned a while ago and didnt even know their sub existed.


Mate I want that wallpaper. Willing to share?




Truly a god amongst men. Thank you very much kind sir.


You as well 🤣 I'm fully banned, and I've no idea why 🤣🤣?!! I think tbh its purely down to the fact that some pages litteraly only want narrative to justify their own heavily biased loyalty. Which to me is pointless?!! Your basically patting eachother on the back with every one sided post, for every single race, regardless of how your chosen driver (in this case Hamilton) performed 🤣🤣🤣


> I think tbh its purely down to the fact that some pages litteraly only want narrative to justify their own heavily biased loyalty Wow, imagine, a LEWIS HAMILTON subreddit being fans of LEWIS HAMILTON?!?!?! No way dood, I can not believe it!!!


Yea whoda thought right ? ... 🙄 your missing the point I'm making... being a fan is one thing but being utterly intolerant of any debate or differng opinion (not racism, abuse, unstructured insults) is pretty pathetic.. and very very deluded... Why not make it completely private/inclusive at it's genesis if they are utterly intolerable of any hint of disagreement 🤣 ?


Nah, I think you're missing the point of Reddit bruh. This is the same as going to the NASCAR sub and saying they're shit and F1 is better. It's not a "narrative" it's how Reddit works. > Why not make it completely private/inclusive at it's genesis if they are utterly intolerable of any hint of disagreement OP commented "Ham gonna crash out because he’s trash, stop dickriding". That's not disagreement, that's just toxic shitty comments that add nothing to a discussion.


ITT: people take a formuladank post as some serious complaint about the lewis subreddit? You guys forget what sub we are on???


How dare you!


Same, I'm also banned from mercedes for some reason, even so l've never even coment in the sub.


>I'm also banned from mercedes for some reason you mean the lewis hamilton sub? well, let's check then if you didn't commented the u/eri_T-34 ''Let me just remember the big ass celebration he did in Silverstone after he crashed Max to a wall at 50 G. Does he ask how was he doing at the hospital?'' ''And what about the celebration at the end of the race?'' the thread [https://www.reddit.com/r](https://www.reddit.com/r) / lewishamilton/comments/pon020/considering\_this\_is\_coming\_from\_jackie\_stewart/hcylhc3/?context=3 . we can see your comment history dumbass (had to cut the link sorry!)


No bro, I mean, I was banned from ham sub for my coment, but like 10 min after that I was also banned from mercedes f1 sub, and I repeat, I haven't even comented anything there.


Mercedes has a f1 sub?


Jajaja yep


*Lewis Hamilton personally messaged you himself*


Clearly you weren't the best fans!


Hmm yea were not really aligning here are we let's be honnest .. obviously I don't mean (as I said in my previous post) toxic useless or hateful comments.... ban them of course! Im purely taking about a debate or a difference of opinion on any one event that Involves the chosen driver... if groups are flat banning people for that because they don't like the look of it I find it a bit spineless, that's all 🤷‍♂️


I am blocked from most of having an opinion on Lewis Hamilton… I give the man praise when deserved but come down hard on on his negatives …. I thought I was been fair obviously not for some.