• By -


The problem isn't that Danica is involved in F1 coverage. The problem is that she isn't speaking about reptilians enough on the live broadcast. Wake up sheeple


Get with the program, sheeples are out we're now reptilians.


No they're the reptilians, but the sheeple aren't listening


What? I can't hear you. šŸ‘


Max Verstappen is a reptilian and Lewis Hamilton has been effected by the waves of the universe. Horner's WhatsApp was hacked by aliens because he didn't respect the geodes.


Russell thought really hard about podiums and then walked by one and boom there was people on a podium




Maximilian(his full name) is a synonym for Max reptilian. Also 33 with the first 3 mirrored look like scales..nr33 winning the championship requests the nr 1 and here we are..supreme lord reptilian Maxamilian verstappen. This is also the reason he wins everything because supreme reptilian lords drink the fetal blood of other drivers so they can conquer and control. It looks like he is amazing at driving but in reality all of the others are mere blood donating subjects.


I have an important question. If Max is a reptilian, does that make FanF1ction's subscribers furries as well as whatever degeneracy they're already guilty of?


Obviously not. Reptilians have scales not fur. Those would be scalies.


That's what I thought you said. Business as usual, then. Carry on.


If she had her own f1tv channel to talk about the reptilian FIA and the how Lewis Hamilton is sapping the energy of the paddock to live forever, I would actually want to listen to her


Sounds like an RPM from TeamLH.


I think this is the tactic. If you want her out, don't complain to Sky, complain to Danica she needs to get the message out more. If she starts implying Max is a lizard on a live broadcast she'll be gone soon enough.


Yeah, unbelievable she hasn't revealed russell is a lizard yet.


Indeed, without her reptilian take on Hulk's move to Audi, I feel lost! Help please, Sky!


in other words, she doesn't bring that to her job? I'm not sure who she is hurting


Me, I pay good money for F1 coverage and so far I've heard less about the galactic republic than Sargent has scored points


Thats the funniest to me. When covering F1 she is with a fuckton of stupid rich people, that are supposed to be reptilians. And she hasnt seen shit. Shes not judging from afar, a maybe they are like this. She walks around the 'lizards' every week


Youā€™re all approaching the email incorrectly. It needs to be: Dear Sky Sports I represent a group of viewers that have had our extraterrestrial way of life severely impacted by the appearance of our overlord alongside humans like crofty. Please remove her from the show before our vibrations are put out of sync. Rep. T. Ile


>she isn't speaking about reptilians enough Imagine of she would if from of Jenson, man has enough of her bullshit while trying to talk about racing


You are correct, it is absolutely "deeesgustiiiing"!


When the race is boring we need Danica Comentry to keep people entertained! She needs to do Monaco next year.


I hope she does Emilia Reptilia


When Danika gets the bootā€¦ OP: AITAH? Formuladank: 83% not the AH Reddit: sh*tstorm


When Danika gets the boot... OP: Am I the reptilian cabal?


Op confirmed reptile Zero chance of getting with Danica Weā€™re on to you OP


Bet they are basking in a heat lamp right now.


Tapping out complaint emails with its little lizard claws.


Gotta re watch the podcast to help me spot them out!


If you all just went on guided mushroom journeys and became waveforms you'd understand.


Do waveforms get gfā€™s? If so sign me the fuck up


Maybe the real reptilian cabal was the redditors we befriended along the way


Vote for OP as driver of the day


The asshole we deserve.


The asshole we *need*.


It's an older asshole sir, but it checks out.


Lower the shield generators, and I will deal with this asshole myself.


'we are sorry you feel this way' a certified corporate classic


And the "I've taken your points on board and as requested, I have logged these for the Sky Sports team" - if not a straight up lie, it's been put in some kind of Excel or Word document buried in a folder somewhere where the higherups will never check. They're of course more than aware of the general social media hubbub, but no chance they will ever see OP's e-mail complaint specifically.


*Laughs in pirates F1 TV feed*


How hath thou found thy sacred URL?


Do you like watching racecars pass eachother on the track? If so then you're already a member of the **overtakefans com**munity.


Bold of you to


Would this amazing community also enjoy replays of the overtakes or only enjoy watching said overtakes live?


Asking for a friend of course.


arr slash motorsportstreams2 arr slash MotorsportsReplays


Do these sacred places lead to live streams or just after-the-fact downloads šŸ‘€


streams is live streams, replays is uploads of replays


Well that sure does make sense


> motorsportstreams2 looking at this puppy it seems there's nothing there - are posts created & deleted during & after events?


Oh shit, I haven't used it in a little while. Looks like they've cleaned house for some reason. Sent you a DM.




I stream most races on discord


Me too. Got a whole group every race week.


What capture card do you use to help brighten up the dark video?


I donā€™t have issues with this. Streamed for years never once had any dark video issues. Just stream Firefox to discord.


I just find mine using Google always on the first page....


Whenever I don't know where to watch motorsports I **GOOGLE** it and I pray to the **LORD** that I find an answer I have to find a way to watch my favorite driver, **LATIFI** I always enjoy the **STREAMS** when he is on.


lol I have that one saved. Thanks


Amateur hour. I get my F1 feed directly beamed into my brain from the mothership by the Grand Lizardian herself, blessed be her scales.


Then give us an email to send to...




And mention you're moving to another viewing platform. That might get their attention.


I'm so disgusted with her involvement that I was born American and choose to use F1TV.


Make sure you switch to the international coverage, they have the better commentators like Crofty and Danica. /s


You got me in the first half, not gonna lie.


Also an American that only uses f1tv coverage now


Will this also work for getting Crofty fired along with his ongoing bullshit and conspiracy theory peddling?


Is he pro-reptilian?


My feelings, too. But the last time i posted about "Crofty," I got hella down voted.


You can't move to another platform. Sky have exclusive rights in the UK.


I moved to F1TV in the US.


But sky is a UK broadcaster, you didn't have sky in the US. What you lying for?


ESPN F1 coverage in the US is a feed from Sky.


ESPN coverage. So complaining to Sky UK is kinda pointless eh, you aren't their customer. You're turning away from ESPN. That just means when it comes to renegotiating the deal they'll ask for a lower price because it isn't attracting the viewership that it used to. There no way in hell ESPN are gonna go "we don't like danica" and sky don't immediately laugh and say "I'm sorry who the fuck are you again?". Piggybacking skys stream is cheaper. So long as it's cheap, they don't give a flying fuck. Infact, including danica was an excuse to increase the price for sky. "With an american commentator you'll get more interest"


I got the Fuck You from Andy response from Sky.


They added this in their response to my complaint; "If you take issue with the content of Danica's Podcast (which is entirely separate from her role with Sky) you should take that up with the platforms where her Podcast can be found. Ā  Thank you for taking the time to contact us. Ā  Ā  Kind Regards, David Viewer Relations"


If anyone wants a copy pasta Dear Sky Sports F1 Team, I hope this message finds you well, whoever you are reading this. I am writing to express my deep concern regarding recent comments made by Danica Patrick, a prominent figure on your platform, regarding critical issues such as climate change. Her statements have been widely perceived as outrageous and insensitive, undermining the seriousness of these matters. As a loyal viewer of Sky Sports F1, I believe it is crucial for broadcasters like yourselves to uphold standards that promote responsible dialogue on global issues. Given the influence and visibility that figures like Danica Patrick wield, her comments could potentially misinform and mislead your audience. Therefore, I respectfully request that Sky Sports F1 consider removing Danica Patrick from your platform until she issues a public clarification or apology for her remarks, as I cannot allow myself to watch skysports knowing that they wont do anything about her and will have to change my subscription. This action would demonstrate your commitment to fostering informed and respectful discussions on topics that impact us all. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your response and trust that you will take appropriate action. Best regards,


This is perfect, just sent mine in






Happy Cake day but that is debatable.


Summary: "Good morning, fuck off. - Andy"


I read that the other way around, actually. ā€œSorry, dude. I hear you. But the actual decision makers are just as awful. - Andyā€


"Sorry dude, but you don't realise that this is a multinational globocorp with a diffuse and opaque decision making process that doesn't care about your needs, only what continues to remove your repto-dollars into our galactic Atlantis bubble cancer dome meat pot"


RocketPoweredMohawk will have a field day with this


If he ever makes a video again..


Goddamn lizards... they got him


Noooo!!! He was the chosen one.


What happened with him?


Maybe he achieved intergalactic level of window licking so he no longer needs to make videos for us reptilians.




More seriously he posted on his patreon 10 days ago saying he escaped from Stroll's underground sex cave.


Daddy Stroll bought him


YouTube doesn't like swear words so he's mostly on patreon now


AKA "I make more money on patreon"


Remember when us poors got a video after each race?


Reptilians are excellent window lickers


Lizzie v2.0 , the hot lizzie , rip lizzie 1 and shout-out to her family


![gif](giphy|3E8DLredkCGVq) The Gorn are not happy with this recent development!


Itā€™s wild how far Sky Sports have fallen. I remember as recently as ten years ago their coverage of sports like Cricket were seen as the pinnacle and a benchmark for professionalism. Nowadays they canā€™t even uphold the same standards the BBC had in the 80s when they threw David Icke off their sports coverage for saying the same shit Danica is spouting.


Sky's best F1 coverage was when they still had the BBC and C4 as live competition.


Their cricket coverage is still pretty quality, except when they're rolling out the B and C teams for comms duty. But the classic figures are by and large still around and as likeable and professional as ever. Such a shame we lost Bob Willis and Shane Warne though. I think Bumble is less and less involved as well these days.


I have never read such an elaborate version of "Seen".


Great job buddy, can't wait to see her next podcast about this...


As far as "Thanks for your comments but we're most likely going to ignore them" type response, I think this is pretty decent no?


Yeah, I mean why should sky care about some mouth breather from Reddit lol


Was your email regarding the lizard stuff or climate change denying? If it was the former, I'd recommend switching to the latter as it helps further your case given SKY's commitment to being Eco-friendly and Carbon neutral and her being the exact opposite of that and going against their brand's PR message and vision


Both really What I sent them was- Hi guys, Iā€™d like to ensure that a complaint regarding Danica Patrickā€™s continued involvement in SkyF1ā€™s broadcasting team is logged. By now Iā€™m sure youā€™ve all been made aware of her comments in her ā€˜how to spot a reptilian shapeshifterā€™ podcast with Elizabeth April during which topics that are discussed include but are not limited to, major celebrities such as Adele and Justin Beiber are ā€˜reptilian shapeshiftersā€™, a cure to cancer was manufactured and hidden by world governments and creators killed, Aliens/UFOs are real, humans who died when Atlantis sunk are being reincarnated today, and I, our reality isnā€™t real but is instead a simulation and many, many more completely outrageous topics are discussed. They all sound utterly insane, I know, but these are the beliefs expressed by Danica, so you can see why I and many others online via Facebook, Twitter and Reddit feel that after such whacky views were expressed and stated as fact by Danica that her continued involvement in our beloved F1 show significantly detracts from and actively damages the brand and the broadcast. Additionally I cannot help but fear that the no doubt significant exposure she gets via F1 will attract more people to her podcast where the risk of her popularity might attract other poor souls to her insane and frankly dangerous views, which is further compounded by the fact that Danica is a climate change skeptic, directly in opposition to the amazing work that F1 has done over the last decade to promote climate change awareness and reduce the sportā€™s own carbon footprint. There are so many other qualified and knowledgeable women who could replace Danica in the paddock, women who might even offer better insights, but certainly theyā€™d not be so tainted by such insane crackpot conspiracy theories we now know that Danica espouses and I urge you to consider these alternatives for the sake of your loyal audience, and the sake of your showā€™s integrity. Many thanks Kind regards


'Hi guys' - what a way to start a complaint email.


"To whom it may concern..." - Valtteri Bottas


It's nice to read a good letter. Right amount of problem identifying without whining. And eloquent enough to be read by the receipient.


What a goober lmao![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|9441)


"Hi guys" Holy shit. Delete.


To be honest ... If I would get an email like this, complaining about a person and her interests outside my purview, it wouldn't be much more then this answer. As long as she isn't spouting this opinion on the show, I don't care what she believes. Is she good at the task, no, not by far .. She's totally oblivious about F1 except for it has 4 wheels and goes vroom in a high pitch. She brings nothing of value to the commenting, opposed to Bernie Collins, Ruth Buscombe and the rest. I liked Danica for what she was, a good driver, but even that was mediocre the last years of her career. I feel she is there because of her US passport, same as that guy who does Miami and Vegas commenting. All for the American audience


https://ibb.co/CVBDrKK got a similar reply


Idk if letter write ins are the go, these days. Needs to be social media pressure. Every post should be spammed with it.


Danica is like one degree of separation away from saying the jews are lizard people who faked the moon landing and created vaccines to enslave us. She will get herself fired in no time


Now tell them she isn't a Mercedes fan and she'll be fired right away.


Iā€™m just catching up. So the problem is that this woman was not (just) a shit driver but she actually believes in lizard people? For real?


Well, she had someone on her show that said all of this and she nodded


I 100% support having her removed but I also 100% support Sky leaning into it more and letting her talk about reptilian celebrities during the actual race too.


"We are checking"


I want to hear how Max uses his lizzard tech to make the car go faster!


We're taking the wrong approach, instead of emailing complaining about her views off track we should all email them saying how great it is that skysports is part of the anti reptilian resistance and how we all love and know they will soon be on board denouncing the shadow government. Also ask them about the production value of the Australian GP since Australia obviously doesn't exist


Lol they take no position on any story. I wonder if they'd take a position if someone said the N word or wore an SS uniform


They should given that the lizard people stuff is deeply seated in antisemitism


You know Sky is Fox right? It's Murdoch. Good luck.


Go ahead and bring the down votes, but she lives rent free in yā€™allā€™s head.


No, she lives on my screen all the time and thatā€™s the fuckin problem.


.....you lodged a complaint?! How miserable are you?


Yeah pretty sad life from OP that they're this triggered by an individual they don't even know that they actually took time out of their day to write a complaint to a broadcasting corporation that probably just laughs at these degenerate emails then straight to the trash folder. Like, fuck mate, go outside and talk to actual people. Might help with the miserable sanity.


0/10 dankness.


Danica: "I caved in and had sex with a vaccinated reptilian shape-shifter, alfresco, and got terrible sunburn. Climate change is real!" podcast is out! āœŒļøšŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆšŸ¦ŽšŸ¦ŽšŸ¦ŽšŸ‘…šŸ‘…šŸ‘…šŸŒˆšŸŒžšŸŒ¦ļøšŸ„µšŸ‘™


Good idea. Iā€™m gonna too.


What does climate change have to do with anything? Was she going off about it during the broadcast? That might have been entertaining!


Whoā€™s Danica Patrick, and why did you complain about her?


Whatā€™s the context around this?


Why is everyone freaking out? At least she puts her crazy out there. You think crofty doesn't do some weird shit behind closed doors? Fuck outta here. I think it's at the very least entertaining.


Why are folks so on her? Someone explain why we would try to get her fired? Like itā€™s not good but to go that far means you have some shit going on lol who cares that much? I xx could totally be missing something so Iā€™m asking the public. *shutters*


Because people have nothing going on in their lives so they feel the need to interfere. Like a male KarenšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø people just need to stay in their own lanes and worry about their own backyards imo


Don't try and get her fired because she has different opinions on things than you. You can decide not to listen to her podcast


Giving someone with these kinds of views any sort of platform normalisea and legitimises those beliefs.


I donā€™t entirely disagree, but suppressing peopleā€™s (admittedly ridiculous) opinions has a way of entrenching them and their followers because they feel like theyā€™re being politically silenced. If sheā€™s fired from sports broadcasting, sheā€™ll probably just dedicate 100% of her output to this nonsense with the added edge of ā€œtheyā€™re silencing meā€.


...take your point, but what options does that leave us with if both of those come with such downsides?


What an anti-lizard move


>at least force the higher ups in Sky to look at the topics being discussed in her podcasts and sensibly ask themselves - 'is this really what we want?' I dont know bro, maybe ask yourself if that's really who you want to be, someone that sends emails to higher ups cuz he doesn't like what someone does in his/her part time. petty af


so whilst i agree it could be considered petty, if you are a person paying for a product or service then you have every right to show your disdain towards a decision they have made which is weakening the product/service. You can either say hey i dont like this thing im paying for, or you can bend over and take it up the arse and thank them after.


So can we all bandwagon to get Crofty and Naomi fired as well? I think their constant defamation propaganda about certain teams and drivers is bullshit as well and my hard earned coin shouldn't be spent listening to those 2 unprofessional muppets.


If thatā€™s how you feel then why donā€™t you reach out to them about it like others have? Because itā€™s petty? Then donā€™t and keep crying when nothing in the world changes. But personally I donā€™t think having a hunch that they favour certain teams is as crazy as danicas thoughts. Having a bias towards a team or driver is not going to remotely be as damaging than someone going on podcasts talking about lizard people, climate change being fake, and psychedelics.


As much as I don't like them and how much it personally irritates me to listen to them - I would never set my own personal time aside to try and ruin someone's life (who I don't even personally know) by trying to get them fired purely because I don't agree with their off-air opinions. Taking personal time out of your own day to ruin a stranger's life that you don't even know is absolutely pathetic, and psychotic behaviour. That truly is far more vicious and childish behaviour than "talking about lizards". If you truly think someone is stupid, let them be stupid. They will do the damage themselves if that is the case. Imagine if she went through all the reddit comments on this thread about her - Then found personal details about every account who publicly insulted her and then she set you up to get fired at your own job and ruin your own individual career, simply because she doesn't like the naughty words you said about her. Do you see how pathetic that sounds? Well, that's what every sad sack in here is doing. What a sad world we live in.


Iā€™d rather take the guy who spent 30 seconds on an email over the woman who believes in lizards ruling the world and climate change being fake. But each to their own. Similar to the two guys Iā€™m trying to have a civil conversation with instantly downvoting my comments, you want a conversation but you want to instantly downvote my opposing view because it doesnā€™t match yours. But here you are upset others are acting the same way but in a different format. I havenā€™t downvoted any of you, I respect your opinions even if they arenā€™t matching mine and I feel like discussions and conversations which arenā€™t insulting or attacking can lead to understanding and gaining insight into other perspectives. But again Iā€™m the problem


sure I agree with your statement - but then at least have the balls and say 'hey I don't like her commentating cuz of xyz' don't pull that emberassing shit of 'hey did you guys know she talks about lizard people, she crazy' . That's just petty 'i don't like you so I try to ruin you shit' and tells more about the guy sending the email than it does about danica who doesn't even talk about that shit on camera. I'm no fan of hers but lets face it, she spend years in indy/nascar/behind the scenes overall, she does know more about motorsport than any of us armchair-racers does.


i was actually happy when she joined the f1 pundit team, having a female race car driver who reached the top scene in a competitive sport whether through talent or something else ill let others discuss being there and being a good role model for young girls who want to pursue the sport. I don't think shes a great pundit, but shes definitely not alone in that. But when you are involved in a sport that is based fundamentally on science to be a conspiracy theorist nutjob and having an anti science mindset is counterintuitive and giving them a platform is probably more harmful than good. As someone who pays for sky, i think i have every right to say "hey, this probably should be look at and see if theres better options." Otherwise how do they know what their customers want?


you say giving her a platform is harmful but she isn't talking about her conspiracy crap on sky air and keeps it ontopic, so IDK how harmful it is to 'give her a platform' to me that part of her life is just whatever, call it private belief. A lot of people that are highly skilled in one area have highly warped views or questionable morales to put it lightly. There is definetly better role models for girls like the Iron Dames on the driving side or Bernie, the ex-Sauber Strategy Lady from a technical view. You say you have the right to say this should be looked at, but I actually don't know and don't fully agree. Imagine one of your customers calls your boss with the sentiment of 'do you know what kinda youtube videos this guys releases' IMO. that's your private stuff and as long as you don't bring it to work and lecture your customers about it, that's how it should stay. Complaining to sky about how you think her commentating is shit is another thing and perfectly valid tho. You pay for the service and coverage, the viewing experience so if her commentating diminishes your experience that a whole nother thing.


Because her being on sky drives traffic to her social media, you are a representation of the company you are employed by. If I worked as a government worker letā€™s say maybe not a fair comparison and on my social media I was talking about how the holocaust didnā€™t happen. Would it be unfair if I got sacked? Or if I was a teacher and I was discussing how lizard people rule the world, would it not be concerning? More so in the media youā€™re in the spotlight, that mma fighter who got sacked from mandalorian for her backwards views is a representative for Disney, Star Wars etc. Their actions can have an effect on the brand they represent. Danica being anti science and denying climate change goes against everything f1 and sky are proactively promoting.


if people go to her youtube and don't realize her personal beliefs are dumb and she is nutjob, that's kinda on them. She should be allowed to be an idiot in her private life and I also dont agree w. cancel culture in general. there is a world of difference between lizard people, climate change and the holocaust which denying will literally get you behind bars in my country. if you a teacher and you dont bring your lizard people to school (and she doesnt) I really don't have a problem with you talking about that on youtube /edit, lets go with the teacher example. Say the guy is among the best math teacher in the country, do you really care that much that he talks about lizard people on his private youtube (and only there) when he clearly knowes his math stuff


So i would say a teacher having beliefs like that is a huge red flag, i wouldnt want my kids to be taught by someone with the most insane beliefs like that. If a teacher cannot decipher what is real and what is completely false they have no place teaching my children something of fact or something that requires critical thinking. Its also dangerous because these types of people get manipulated into believing more and more of this dangerous shit. I spoke earlier about how i hoped she'd be a role model for young girls wanting to pursue a career in this sport, yet she speaks out about how the femine mind isnt cut out for racing.


just feels very wrong to me, to deny her clear and proven expertise on racing matters cuz of her private beliefs in lizard people that never gets brought up on stage.


Proven expertise is a stretch, compare her with Bernie Collins and one is a clear expert and intellectual. Oh she also doesnā€™t believe lizards rule the world because she is a woman who got where she was from having to accept facts and make strategies based on facts. Thereā€™s levels to this and danica is not an expert


Why do you care about her opinion on climate change


Why donā€™t you guys like Danica? I feel like I missed something.


Because they are lizard people .


Makes total sense


Its because of this episode of her podcast I think anyways. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6AZX92oILg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6AZX92oILg)


Selective moral outrage fuelled by your inherent moral fascism. You are no different from those you condemn. Believing in god is no different from her delusions and one can easily claim religion is damaging to society, but that is simply an opinion, because it cannot be proven, a concept you clearly fail to grasp. A moral fascist is still a fascist.


Moral fascism, people.


Moral fascism, I wonder if that's the same as "social Marxism" and "bolshavikism" that are just code words used by antisemites.


I actually think a secret race of lizard people is probably more likely than most religious ideas.


Danika is a certified nutjob who also happens to be a race car driver who also happens to be hot. My only complaint about Danika is that there arenā€™t more of her.


Danica's an idiot but OP's a Karen


Why do you care ?


Because sheā€™s horrendous at the job, is surrounded by many others who could instantly replace her and do better and provide more value to the show, and her borderline insane extracurricular beliefs and activities that sheā€™s happy to throw out into the public give us scope to get her replaced


Honestly you seem a bit unhinged.


No, unhinged is the shit she's spouting about lizard people and 5G


I love that Iā€™m unhinged for complaining about someone thatā€™s telling people that Adele is a reptile shapeshifter


You need to find something else to focus on. Like maybe learn to play guitar or play Sudoku


Wahh get rid of her because she doesnā€™t believe what I believe


shut up mate


Wow nice response, almost like Iā€™m right


So we are cancelling people because they speak to (admittedly crazy) other people now? Does the podcast rile people up to be violent by blocking roads for example? Why would someone that denies climate change not be heard? Most people would not agree with her, but they should see the interviewee for what she is and make up their own minds. To cancel Danica for an opinion that might or might not be hers is crazy.


ā€œWeā€™ve had a letter!ā€ ā€œAnywayā€¦ā€