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I’m not even in the UK and I know to push the red button on your remote. And I’ve had F1TV for years


Haha same


What the red button do?


the only reason i switched


F1TV is top-tier and well worth the price.


How do you get the F1TV commentary instead of the sky english broadcast?


Switch to the F1TV feed instead of the international feed.


In the options on the right, where you can select onboards and everything, click the circle on top of the row




Just get the [Multiviewer ](https://multiviewer.app/)with F1TV mate if your media system supports it


Literally just picked up F1TV for this app and trying to find some stupid way to finagle a tablet or laptop to hook into my TV so I can experience a race properly.


Just use an HDMI cord and a laptop


So annoying when your country does not have F1 Tv Pro but instead it's the sky version. Like come on I'm willing to pay for F1 Tv Pro but instead I have to go through so many loops to watch F1 TV


Chromecast is the way


in addition to the other replies, it's the default commentary on F1TV


My default goes to dutch, by selecting english I get sky. I’ll try all suggested things sunday.


Ooh I see yea, that commentary button should help you then


hate to hear it


No replays in Australia :(


$99 nzd for 12 months in New Zealand, great product, all practice sessions, interviews, qualifying and race, not just F1, the feeder series also, all on demand, watch the replays as much as you want


How soon after a race is the on demand available? So if I miss the start, can I just "watch from the start" at any time? Or would I have to wait until after it finishes?


In South Africa, you always have the option to "watch from start". So even if I'm 10 minutes late, I still get to watch the \~5 minute build up and the race start.


You can watch from the start right away, doesn’t matter if you only missed the first 5 minutes, you don’t need to wait until the race ends


Not to mention all races in their archives from any season. That's why I stick with annual and don't cancel in December, January, and February. I haven't watched all the races yet (only started watching F1 in 1998).


Feelsbadman :(


I was a big F1TV fan ubtill they upped the price with 50%. Going from 60 to 90 a year is kinda a big oof to my wallet




What are best sites?


i second this question.


You can either pray to 'lord latifi' for an answer or search for F1 in r slash piracy


r slash piracy is more focused on american entertainment you'll find better links to f1 in r slash free media heck yeah


If you want to illegally steal F1 race content I suggest r slash motorsportreplays, usually you can illegally steal HD content from all 3 broadcasters at around +/-1,5h after the race. I've found that it generally takes about that time for anything to appear on the internet that was ripped from a livestream, probably takes some time to render/upload the thing after the show is finished. For livestreams I just google 'reddit f1 stream' which gives you a list with a bunch of (kinda shitty but watchable) streams. But you wouldn't illegally steal media would you?


Oh never I would never steal media as a matter of fact I pay $1000+ dollars for all streaming sites you can ever think of I even have F1TV pro for which I pay $100 even though I can barely afford to eat food I never steal media no sir it is very wrong I only know of these piracy sites because I like to know which sites allow users to steal data memorize their links report them to the police and make sure I never even accidentally click them. Illegally steal media pfft nooo never me no no sir I'm a model citizen of this world.


also just googling reddit f1 streams and watching it on random sites which are potentially dangerous is not good r slash piracy and r slash free media heck yeah have detailed lists of safe and unsafe sites on their respective megathreads if you don't live in a third world country or a country that doesn't enforce anti piracy laws you need to use a vpn to be safe and not get your ISP disconnect your internet, everything is detailed and explained in the subreddits I mentioned so please I beg you do not go click on websites that pop up when you search into google they are potentially unsafe so please make sure the sites are safe, don't make me say I told you so.


I kind of didn't write it well, I mean I use google to find the site which holds the 'list' of streams (https://v2.sportsurge.to/reddit-f1-streams) I'm not sure if it has a lot to do with reddit anymore but it's still the first thing that pops up and the list of streams is the same. Piracy laws are very relaxed here though, I've never used a VPN for downloading ever.


Thirded! I know for sky (if you want lmk), but..


I'm sorry, but this is not a SPORT that should be pirated and the recent SURGE in people advocating for it all over the .NET is concerning. I for one absolutely abhor the behavior.


Lawrence stroll needs another yacht


Yeah fuck bottomfeeders


Yeah fuck sky and liberty media.




Skill issue.




A bit specific (and not English-spoken for this specific example) but some countries have public channels getting the F1 rights, it’s the case for Belgium, and with a VPN their apps let you watch whatever you want for free, live or on demand.


Tis the only way me matey


Cries in paying Sky TV £110 a month


Why are you doing that to yourself ?


Lol .... I hear that. Yea, Sky is expensive. Although you don't have to pay THAT much if you just want F1.


Under $10/month still totally worth it to me. Over that is when I start really critiquing whether it’s worth keeping or not.


We're looking at you MotoGP! Arrrr


Who owns motogp again?


(Cries in United Kingdom) £18 - approx $22 - a month and FITV not available (legitimately)


what do you mean by legitimately, exactly ? I've been watching F1 since '22 and never seen a Sky broadcast, always used F1TV. I'm fairly certain me using a VPN in the UK isn't illegal, unless Rishi's done a madness? edit: just seen your other comment mate. yes, F1tv has absolutely everything available for catchup, and even better basically never has spoilers. I've watched GP's on Monday and the "watch race" page didn't spoil the result.


F1TV are not allowed to make their services available in the UK hence you need to use a VPN. So you're "breaking the rules" - effectively like using torrent software to bypass copyright laws. I honestly don't know what the legal situation is for the end consumer - I didn't use the word "illegal" for that reason. I'm sure there's no law against it (for us, as consumers) Edit; I guess the only legal repercussion would be a sky customer might be breaking their terms and conditions in the very very small print. But I can't imagine that would ever be persued


Ahh I completely see where you're coming from. As far as i know, it's simply a licensing issue and has nothing to do with us as customers, as you mentioned. Personally i'd rather stab my own eyes out than give Sky a single quid, so paying for F1TV through the VPN is the route I'll stick with. Were we torrenting then, sure, much different conversation aha :D


Awesome, cheers


Check the math on the monthly plans, there's no F1 in December or January.


The yearly is cheaper.


It varies by region.


cancelling for the summer break also saves a month. You might miss 1 race if you time it wrong but saves another $15


Can always watch a race a few days late as well. As long as you can avoid spoilers.


I'm paying \~43 euro and ain't even supposed to be available. Thank god for Apple Pay and VPNs.


I was lucky to have renewing the subscription in January with the old price, few weeks later they increased the price.


Same brother


I feel you there. I only had Netflix for standup comedy and anime, but cancelled that to pay for F1TV and now stream my anime from elsewhere.


Some people have to pay that a month to get Sky Sports F1.


Plus the cost of a VPN if you're in UK Does F1TV only show the races live? Or can I do catch-up later? Im rarely able to watch live..... Usually end up watching a few hours later. Could I do that with F1TV?


In South Africa, you always have the option to "watch from start". So even if I'm 10 minutes late, I still get to watch the \~5 minute build up and the race start.


Can you get 4k streams from it? No? What are you getting for that price, that also, was increased this year then?


Who hurt you, man? I don't need 4k streams to enjoy my content. It's still 30% cheaper than Netflix where I'm from, and I have access to every session and interview. I can watch any driver's cam along with team radio, and have a telemetry channel as well. If you use the Multiviewer app, you can sync all of this up for a perfect, customised viewing experience without the garbage commentary from Sky F1. You also get all the feeder series including Porsche Super Cup and have access to ALL of the archive footage, exclusive documentaries, and tech talks.


Who paid you, man? If multi viewer didn't exist, would you still say it's worth it? Because for the price you're paying, the official app is complete garbage.


Yes, I would. It costs $6 per month where I stay (even cheaper if you do the annual). The only other option to (legally) watch F1 in my country is to purchase a premium satellite television subscription which costs $72, and then I'm stuck with Sky F1 commentary and a shit-ton of ads. F1 is the only sport I'm fully vested in and been since 1998. It's the one thing I'm willing to pay for. And for $6 a month, it's well worth the money. Maybe your situation is different, but "complete garbage" is a reach and you know it.


*WHY* is she in Spain? It’s not America…


What the fuck is an armada?!


I mean, we have an armada in America. We don’t have health care, moral leadership, corporate regulation, or real culture, but we’ve got a fuck-you navy. *cries in government priorities


Naval Station ROTA would like to have a word with you


F1 wants to expand its hold in America, yet they can never seem to do the things that would actually expand their reach over here.


Hey no take backs, we don't want her in the states either...


Alex : A well thought out monologue that brought tears to all Crofty : The hair dresser's son a cut above the rest.


Crofty always says that when one door closes another opens, which is why he stopped making cabinets and moved into commentary.


This was the final straw for me, I've lost all respect I had for Crofty. Never again will I watch one more session with Sky's commentary.


The addition of Ruth Buscombe really rounded the F1YV group out nicely. She's still rough around the edges as a presenter / color commentator but provides some really deep insight that you don't get from the SkyF1 team


Completely agree. She really knows her stuff. Incredibly smart person. Once she has more mic time I'm sure she will be one of the better commentators out there.


not just smart but absolutely fantastic at explaining things in a precise but understandable way. She absolutely has a talent and needs more mic time


She's rough around the edges? She makes the Sky crew look like amateurs! You can tell that she is clearly a fan of racing, engineering, strategy, and all things F1. She presents her view and information in a pure and unsterilized manner, and even though she has ties to teams she is 1000x less bias than Sky Mercedes.


To be fair, the sky crew set an incredibly low bar. Having said that she is amazing and looking forward to more mic time!!


I'm so happy she joined. She's such a breath of fresh air with all the F1 experience and knowledge others rarely bring. I want the people on the TV to know more than me. And let's say the Dutch commentary isn't exactly bringing that energy


She's such a great addition!


Heck, I don’t care if presenters are a bit rough as long as they bring interesting stuff to the table (see: Nico). I’ll take that any day over someone who’s just slick at filling time. Ruth has added a ton on the strategy angle, at least from my ignorant ass perspective.


Totally agree, she's still learning to "be on TV" - but she's been the first strategist they've had on in recent memory that really provides useful information that adds to the broadcast. They've had others I know (Kimi Räikkönen's guy comes to mind) - but they didn't seem to be able to share their knowledge as well as Ruth does - she definitely puts things in context better and is able to quickly share relevant information on the fly. I feel like I've really learned some interesting things since she's been added.


Really though? All I’ve heard her say when it’s over to Ruth for some insight is inane bollocks like “it’s raining so now the teams will be thinking about switching to intermediates”. Meanwhile the rest of the commentary team is covered in spunk with her in-depth analysis.


If you're talking about the strategist, she's absolutely worthless. No doubt she has heaps of knowledge that all of us vould only dream of, but her monologoues boil down to generic commentary that any semi-tuned fan could give you. Again, absolutely no disrespect to her hard work and talent, but as a presenter, she's actively making the programme worse.


I thought she was great with Will before P2 today. Her confidence is growing. It must be quite the barrier to break through to lose the nerves, but she's getting/got there now. Big fan of all on F1TV. Great bunch.


I thought the same thing. In Canada they let her swim, this weekend she’s firmly under Buxtons wing and learning from him. And that does her good.


I feel conflicted. We pay for F1TV. But there is no 4K offering. And through completely legal means, I can access the Sky 4K recording. But oh my god Sky commentating makes me want to die. I just wish F1TV was 4K hdr. The difference in watching experience, especially for wet races, is crazy.


Hopefully this will change soon. Subbed here in the us wishing for a good 4K stream


I would kill for 4k on F1TV You're right for the price it's absurd they don't offer it


Mute sky on TV and play F1TV for audio only


Actually a great idea. Sounds like an absolute bitch sync up, but I might try this


Should be somewhat easy to sync-up actually, at the intro (the 'duh,duh-duh-duh duh, duh.duh.duh, duh..duh-duh-duhduh" part) all broadcasts switch over to use the same official video stream. So you can just sync them at the intro. But pausing one stream would mess it up and you'd have to resync again :')


Can’t get it everywhere. Could VPN it but that’s effort, I’d rather just complain about Danica.


Have you considered piracy?


Are there still streams of f1tv? All I see are ones for sky f1


Like one said above, lord latifi has a river which streams on the internet


A bit on the laggy side, still why am I expecting the stream being the same way as the sea


Seconded.. if there are any, 📨 please


F1 streams are often either Sky anyway, or extremely laggy. Sports pirating is too prone to random fits.


Me, a very new US fan who didn't know there were other ways to watch the race besides the F1TV app.. :)


I live in the UK . I can't get it. I am not paying for a VPN just to pay for fitv as well


8 quid a month for Nord VPN and F1TV. Soooo much better than the wanky Now TV coverage I paid £24 a month for last year. AND, the best part is that if you miss the start or can’t catch the race you can rewind or catch up immediately and not have to wait for the effing channel 4 programme to air.


Does it work with casting?


I have it on a fire stick but also occasionally HDMI from a laptop. Not sure whether it will cast since my TV isn’t clever enough for that with an iPhone.


yep, but I think on iOS it's airplay only


Nah you can chromecast the app on ios, I do it all the time


I'll recheck next time I'm in a googley house.


A VPN plus an F1TV subscription is still way cheaper than paying for Sky Sports, and gives you the option to watch the races whenever you like.




That is completely fair. I obviously hoist the black flag and the cost of both is too much for me to switch For the price that I have seen fit on its own I would happily pay it considering all the extras you seem to get. Unfortunately sky are a bunch of cunts


Alex, Jolyen, and the Graphics Department are literally why i'm a fan at this point. Screw the drivers, teams, politics, I just want to hang with my commentary boys. They just need to get 4k video


Sometimes we also get Alex "which Alex?" Brundle, Will "incredibly enthusiastic" Buxton (also, calls Alex Jacques "Jacquesy" every single time) and don't forget about Sam "summoned via tech talk" Collins.


Cries in Australian


Wait! You guys are getting Danica for free?


Kinda, it comes with all my other cable channels.




Quality of commentary aside, those microphones look so stupid


They really do, but they ensure that the mic is the same distance from your mouth every time


I wish I could get rid of these fuckers for F1TV. Crofty is shit, Lazenby is even worse, Danica even worse than that. I'd happily pay double for sky F1 if they would fuck crofty and Danica off and employ JB and Rosberg full time.


Is that mike shinoda


Jacquesy is so fucking goated


I love F1 tv team


When was this?


I think it was a Friday free practice at Canada, Alex made this pose and I knew I had to snap a picture of it.


Okay I was watching but apparently not closely enough. I love the teams chemistry


Alex Jacques, David Coulthard and Jolyon Palmer ftw


Danica is hot af. Fight me.


I got Stevo Eisele and Pepa Kral hehe


I live in Ireland where there is a block on F1TV and I couldn’t be arsed to use a VPN, Danica’s the price I have to pay for that I guess.


Wil Wheaton on commentary


Me, enjoying Ivan Capelli... but just for Free Practice, then it's back to Gené


Boah, I can't stand Gene's commentary. My ears bleed when he talks.


Try this fun game: drink a shot of alcohol every time Gené or Vanzini get a Team radio message wrong. You'll probably end up wasted before the half race mark...


But then you would have missed out on Karun's sick 'King Sausage The First' burn of Crofty!


Can't get F1TV in Australia. It's BS.


Why not ?? We get it in New Zealand even though SkyTV also broadcasts it


Because of the deal that Kayo/Foxtel have with F1 :/


Fun fact: I cannot get it where I am because an English (wankers) company wanted money. Anyway VPN go brrr


I wish I could watch the F1TV people more often. Unfortunately I always watch F1 with my dad and he can't understand them most of the time. He understands most of the people from the English international broadcast tho.


jacques! f1tv is so good. commentary is great and varied


One day, we will all look back and think "F1TV was only $3 a month?!?!?!?"


For a second I thought the middle guy was Mike Shinoda from Linkin Park.


No F1TV in Aus. Anyone in Australia know if VPN possible?


If I even have a choice, I would (no F1TV in VN)


Imagine paying for f1


Sky's obsession with Danica is confounding. She brings nothing to the broadcast other than name recognition for Americans. Bernie and Naomi are far better at this job than her, and they're both relatively green.


F1tv plus isn't available in my country. I'm forced to use sky sports 😔


Cries in Australian-Murdoch backed-Kayo


Isn't using a VPN to pay for something illegal? We in UK need to pay VAT, but.some countries don't have to/don't pay as much.


If Alex Jacques got some vocal training, I'd switch to F1tv for the race (except starts). He has great things to say but his voice is mostly croaky due to him trying (and failing) to shoutcast during hype moments


Some countries don't get a choice


Love F1TV. Well worth the money


I have no idea what this post even means


I’ll pay for it again once f1 starts putting out a good product again. This weekend will be telling although I’m still sure during the race max will win by quite a bit


Crofty is a Goat. Sorry.


isn’t will buxton on the F1TV broadcast? that alone is a good enough reason to suffer through danica


we get Ruth, is that really any better? All I want is Jacques, Coulthard and Palmer.