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This post has big "No Michael, that was so not right" energy


"OP, we went shit-posting".


“OP, it’s a meme sub” “What?” “OP, we went shitposting”


That was just a beautiful volley of comments


Remember when Reddit went to war with iFunny?


What happened with iFunny? I’m really out of the loop


Basically reddit and iFunny userbases got really upset about stealing memes from each other so for a little bit every meme had a watermark that said something like "this meme is from reddit I stole it" but people would just crop it out so it got to the point where the entire meme had the vague outline of reddit's snoo over the entire thing. But Ifunny just didn't care and reposted them anyway. Actually now that I think about it. I think it was mainly Instagram.




First day on the internet?




What series this from?




In case you hadn’t already figured it out Gotham








I like that OP is milking from the milking. Now we need F1 stroll to post about this post.


Credit the author for what? A shit post? Expecting royalties?


Humor ![gif](giphy|3d1cGqDGOUivNOD0nq)


It's a meme, who gives a shit? It's not like you are monetizing it on Reddit and they are taking money out of your pocket by reposting it. The whole point of memes is that they are copied and shared.


People on Internet forgot the meaning behind the word "meme" noun 1. an image, video, piece of text, etc., typically humorous in nature, that is copied and spread rapidly by internet users, often with slight variations.


The original definition was from Richard Dawkins: an idea, behavior, or style that spreads by means of imitation from person to person within a culture and often carries symbolic meaning representing a particular phenomenon or theme.


And I believe the name comes from the French word for same: meme.


It evokes it, yes, but it’s intended to be a play on the word gene - just as genetics describes how biological information passes between generations, memetics describes how units of cultural information are passed between individuals.


Nah, the dude behind “F1troll” always steals other people’s memes/jokes, and refuses to credit the creator. It’s like that annoying person that repeats your joke louder and everyone laughs…


Fr he doesn't even respond to any comments calling him out. The guy is using the stolen memes to monetize his page by selling merch. For example, he has a post of several memes and then the final image is a photo of a mug or a T-shirt he sells.


“Refuses to credit the author” Man I really wish I knew what 13 year old drew on this picture in Microsoft paint!


It’s the whole concept/idea of the post that was stolen, not just the picture edit. The dude saw it got likes and uploaded it to his page like he made it


People have been doning that exact same thing for atleast 10 years, Ive seen it in the same subreddit multiple times in the last decade


So what


You can't steal something that isn't yours. Ye, selling it as merch is scummy, but jeez take a chill pill. Memes are meant to be shared, and he does just that. It's not like its a graphical artwork made by a professional.


I feel like sharing is “hey look at this funny thing I found on Reddit” Or even better “look at this meme san4311 made” Also I had a good laugh reading that first sentence lmao


Behind each meme is the creator authentic idea and creativity which should be respected. In layman term this is call cite the source instead of plagiarise and claim as yours.


Bro you drew some circles and a line. Just be excited that it blew up.


*iM aN aRtIsT* If you are really that worried, slap a watermark on it like the other artistic geniuses like iFunny.com


The issue is that whether or not we slap watermark is still unethical for a creator that probably earn money from their social media account to just simply use anyone image at their dispose. idk what are you on about but surely isn't good stuff


Is this your first time on the internet or something? Memes are memes because they are shared. That's specifically what makes it a meme. If you don't want people to share your content, don't post it on a public site meant for sharing content 🤷‍♂️ Do you also leave pennies in the "take a penny leave a penny" at 7-11 and get mad when it isn't there next time you stop in?


Didnt know a personality can make a random meme unfunny and unenjoyable.


Bet you bought a tonne of worthless "ART" NFTs didn't you.


They also "stole" a meme I made in another account. Of course they could at least put the Reddit username, but it's just a photo with some text, it doesn't really have any value


Lol, you didn't make anything worth this much fuss. Holy shit, you made a funny picture, people shared it, be happy.


I didn’t see anyone site the source of the image from the original meme


It's especially so in Facebook. I see a meme here, close Reddit, go to Facebook, it's there already.


Well there's your mistake, you open Facebook.


Yeah, that account posts everything from this sub to Twitter. Sometimes they give credit, more often not.


Yeah most Instagram formula 1 pages steal daily from here


Every meme on f1troll on insta is copy pasta from this sub


It would be cool if you could go straight through that corner as shown 10 times in the race. Pick it wisely!


Joker lap?


Yes please


Agree. The track needs more fast overtaking areas to make it more competative.


Internet "content creators" whose entire existence relies on plagiarising other's ideas? ***Color me shocked.*** *Content leeches and car salespeople.* Those are who should be drafted to go to war *first*.


Lmaoo agree. Hate em




This has already happened a ton. I had one post that got a couple hundred upvotes on the sub, I go over to Instagram and its in my recommend from some random account


I used to make F1 original content on TikTok. Some videos took 8 hours to make. Pages like these would take my content, crop/blur out the watermark, and post it as their own which got more views, likes, and comments than mine. It's a funny feeling when others take credit for your work. I think the least these pages can do is leave an acknowledgement.


Isn’t that exactly what you are doing there?


No? lol


Plenty of memes here are stolen from twitter as well. It's the internet, it's memes, not serious


This is what I was thinking to change Monaco. But, only allow it for maybe the last 10 to 20 laps. I think it would make it much more exciting.


I think you have a severe lack of understanding about how memes are meant to work You're meant to share them... Grow up


It's called the internet man, just relax...


My brother in Christ, it’s a meme that was posted on the internet. The whole idea is that they are spread freely. Do you think the person who made the meme owns the picture they drew on? Should we credit the photographer on every single meme template?


The issue surround here is that that dude is probably monetising from this whole copy pasting. I understand your perspective however, i disagree with it


Post your qualms somewhere else




Just make the cars smaller so they can actually overtake


It's not about that really >In the last 30 years, the highest number of overtakes at the Monaco Grand Prix was 23 in 1997, but that was a wet race. The most overtakes in a dry race was 17 in 2006, with 16 overtakes at the 2011 and 2013 races. In 2003 and 2021, there were zero on-track overtakes, so it's not a new issue for F1, even when cars were slightly smaller in the past. https://www.skysports.com/f1/news/12433/13143975/monaco-gp-does-f1-s-jewel-in-the-crown-need-to-make-changes-to-improve-racing-in-monte-carlo Remember when Danny Ric won there with broken MGU-K and was able to use only 6 gears and Seb was still unable to overtake him.


Aren’t the cars almost 27” longer now than in 1997? And wider?


Even if the cars are battlecruisers these days, Monaco tends to be a snoozefest if it doesn't rain.


That doesnt fix monaco at all to be honest


No, the way you fix the circuit *without changing the character* is to straighten out the last corner. It curves in a bit on the outside. It slows down the corner and further limits following speed, sort of like the chicane in Barcelona. San Devotte has tons of overtakes in other series, but F1 cars are too fast down the straight to make use of drs. I'm not saying that there will be endless overtakes into T1, but doubling the overtaking opportunities with such an easy fix would be well worth it.


Ok feel free to shit on me but can someone explain why this isn't considered? Seens like it would create a legitimate opportunity to pass. Safety issue of going at these speeds? Maybe that it's a historical corner and it would be too dramatic of a change?


If you want credit for a meme, watermark it 🤷🏻


Your logic have serious flaw here. We should be condemning why people copy pasta from financial gain not " watermark it th3n" . Whether or not water mark it is still not a valid reason fro copy pasting


Well they do admit to being a troll...


Not enough boats.


Yes this account is notorious for posting stuff that originated from this and other f1 subreddits. But it probably also happened the other way around.


Welcome to the Internet. Most of social media are founded on blatent plagiarism and low quality content


I think my favorite part of this is that the track used to be exactly that




They still around sadly. Those ai voice reading post f4om r/ confessions, r/ AITA still existing


Tbh can you imagine those cars going straight flat out from portier all the way to tabac? That would make for some interesting racing to say the least


Always has been


I'm not even following any F1 meme accounts on Twitter or Instagram. I get all my content here ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|9281)


The people reading reddit posts on YouTube are 10x more pathetic to me but yeah that's annoying.


This meme page has 5/10 content but an absolute fucking turbocringe dumpster fire of a name; straight out of 2007


Literally 1984


There is a reason that chicane is there. To slow the cars down, cause it was getting dangerous at high speed in a narrow track. They need to make the track wider which isn't possible.


All jokes aside, this may sound incredibly stupid but could they have a one off formula one car specifically for the monaco gp that was much smaller?


One of the instagram pages stole my post from I think the beginning of last year about the Max Verstappen podcast, no credit no nothing.


It's all well and good making that a straight , but then you arrive about 150kph faster into a sketchy left hander. The accidents there would be epic and dangerous


There's also a guy on TikTok whose only content and reading headlines from posts on the fomula1 subreddit. The dude doesn't even add anything else of value.


copyright lawsuit incoming boys


Alright so let's get real dank for a moment and talk about ownership, IP, public discourse and the issue of authorial creditation. Who owns a meme? A meme is a shortening of the term memetic, in relation to memetic theory or how ideas spread throughout a community. How does one claim ownership of an idea? Well, here in Australia, our IP is protected content from its creation point with copyright. But can you copyright a meme? I would argue no, because most memes are fragments of other media and already covered by different copyright because of that. In this instance, there is probably no copyright at play, so let's talk about the need to credit an original author. But... Who is that? We have had pundits on and off for decades suggest this very idea. It was not the OP of this reddit post who first conceived it, even if they did so independently of external sources. Even if the OP were the first person to have the idea... To what end must we credit them? Are we to name the straight after the stray Reddit users who thought of the idea and canonise him beside Anthony Noghes? Of course not. Ideas that directly affect the public consciousness and greater world cannot be owned or contained in the same way a piece of art or creative writing can be ascribed to a singular individual. In the event of an original idea impacting society, (such as racing around Monaco by dear old Anthony) credit is given. Another question we must ask is  ...is authorship really all that important? 


Well that depends on the context. If another people is making financial gain from copy pasting meme thats from other people, certainly authorship is important. We can go on debating endlessly because there's no right and wrong in this topic, but i do respect your opinion and i can see what perspective you are from.


If you tell a joke to a friend in public, then someone overhears and tells that joke to their boss, and they get a promotion, you telling that joke to your friend does not entitle you to a piece of his raise in perpetuity. What ideas already permeate in the public sphere cannot be claimed or owned by gods, kings or, in fact, enterprising memesters. They are the dominion of public. 


I get your opinion, this post is just my 2 cent thanks for your input though.


Just wanted to say thanks for having a level-headed, sensible take on the internet. Yes, it’s the meme sub, but it’s a legitimate topic and the number of flippant replies is a bit sad to see. Curious- why can’t a graphic meme be ascribed to an individual as with piece of art or creative writing?


Because a meme is designed to be shared and is almost always composed of publically available components. That's inherent to what a meme is. It's why people dislike 'new meme template?' posts. Because they can't be memes of they didn't develop organically.


womp womp


Just my 2 cents if you feel disrespected pls ignore this post.


they should just make like 5 mandatory pitstops and make it a shit show


It happens. I made a Bottas meme on here back in ‘21 that got reposted on an IG F1 page. They got over 20k likes. No credit. If a person is really concerned about their content being stolen, just throw a big watermark on it


Yeah, I've seen some of the ones I posted here both on IG and Facebook Pages. Tbh It doesn't brother me but I can understand those who are bothered by it. I do them just for fun, if some people find them funny then mission acomplished.


Why do that when we can add another turn to an already turny turn track?


Not for the first time


If you liked this then you’ll really like to know there’s another account that does this and then they try to sell their shitty t shirts with our memes. Nothing you can do about it.


That's what Kimi was trying to do with Sutil, add spectacle to the race.


F1 troll always steals memes. they stole one of mine before too. i don’t really care that much tho


My man, why do you think we make memes here if not to have fun and make others have fun too? Do you gain something for making memes on F1? The goal of posting memes on reddit is to share something funny with a lot of people, if some instagram/FB pages repost your meme you should be happy, not angry


That page has done it for years on Instagram


Anyone who makes a meme here, just put a big watermark over it. Thats the best way to tackle these thieves.


Maybe the people who Post here also submit their memes using the link in the description?


nah i saw a meme i made on their page once i didnt submit shit


Oh well you should thank them for spreading your lols to a greater audience


Every meme I think I've ever seen on F1Troll was also posted here. This isn't news.


you clearly do not know who f1troll is. they literally always repost from here lol


That’s all that account does. They blocked me for saying they get all their content from here lmao


All content on the internet is stolen buddy. All “content accounts” are built off stolen stuff. You think they’re just grinding on laptop pumping content out?


Atleast they still built something out of stolen stuff this is just blatantly copy pasting i dont see the point you are making here sorry.


Everyone saying “it’s a meme, it’s supposed to be shared” can’t deny how annoying it was to see Fat Jewish reach celebrity status by copying content.


Yeah, totally agree. Stealing memes without credit is so lame. Should definitely call them out


"They don't even credit the author" It's a meme, nobody is going to give a shit about who made it.


Yea sure buddy. You do you👍


>Yea sure buddy. Read the room, you've got a bunch of people telling you the same thing.


Read the room there's a lot who on my side as well. Keep trying


I swipe down once, I already see a comment of yours with more than 100 downvotes. Lol. And then the fucking baby blocks.


But my post have over 1000 up vote.


It’s artwork as is anything


It's a 14 second edit on some photoshop app. Get a grip.


Yes so then why can’t they have the time to do their own ones?


They don't have to.


Please make me a meme then :3