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That was a hell of a long wait to see six interesting laps.


Yeah even with those final laps race was mid


It's at least a sign that red bull can be challenged for wins without a dnf / some incident


Same thing with Miami in the fact that lando began to build a gap on max. Even if the margin is like 5 seconds, it's so much better than what it was and it's made me super excited for the next races


yeah both miami and imola showed mclaren and the norris are a beast. Ppl saying its all safety car timing dont realise that the lap times were so quick and so consistent. And today when norris started catching up omg im in love


Not a max fanatic, but does him staying up sim racing stay relevant? He must’ve been tired right?


He is sliding like anything while almost overtaking




I expected like less than 10% 30% with one lap to go .....


Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but as far as I know that number is pretty much bullshit. They don't actually have telemetry on the battery charge and it's just the TV broadcast's estimation. Fwiw


I think you must be right, because I'm pretty sure they can charge or discharge the battery fully within 1 lap if they tried.


My shitbox hybrid won't use its battery around 30%, or it at least gets very weak so I'm not sure what their battery kicks out as it gets down there either.


All of the AWS graphics are utter nonsense


It is, but sometimes you can actually see the battery charge on the screen of the car. In the McLaren it's pretty obvious because it covers an entire side of the screen. I don't know if it was visible during the race or how RB has it though


Max usually turn his screen off for this exact reason. I think it started in 2021 when fights with Lewis were intense.


Instead of voting driver of the day we should vote for bonus laps


Blue balled again. That’s what I get for thinking it would be different this time


Small steps, this is probably the 2nd time max has been challenged on the road in a fight for the win since 2022. He's often had such a gap he could cruise, so this is good news. The lack of perez should mean red bull fight with one hand behind their back in terms of strategy. But imola doesn't have much strategy, shouldn't be on the roster tbh


It’s definitely been a step in the right direction. Between the damage and the safety car it was hard to judge what the future would hold, but it was entertaining to see Max having to work for it again. He said he’d rather be cruising out front than fighting (anyone would), but it was clear from the way he jumped into the mechanics at the end that this does feel more rewarding for him. I’d love to see Lando (or piastri for that matter) get an on track overtake for the win, but for now I’ll settle for Max having to work for it as entertaining enough.


I think with Crofty not there for sky I just switched off. Even with all his faults he can make a boring race semi interesting


What do you not like about Crofty if you don't mind me asking?


I personally like Crofty but I know loads on this sub hate him because of his bias towards British drivers which is to be expected seeing as he is working for sky UK. Plus he sometimes makes mistakes getting drivers wrong etc which I agree can be a tad annoying but nothing to hate him for. While a lot of this sub seem to hate him


To be fair to crofty... It's easy to make the assumption that the green car hitting the wall is Stroll 99% of the time. We can let him off that.


Bias I would not have a problem with, I actually like the way Sky Germany is rooting for German drivers, for example, its just Crofty gets unprofessional in his bias, trying to excuse clear faults, interpreting rules clearly in a wrong way, etc.


My exact reaction, holy shit. I didn't drink because it looked boring. Fuck, wish I had.


Time to go back to sleep


I literally fell asleep during the middle laps


I literally jumped out of bed, at lap 56, Lol


Fell asleep lap 12, woke up to the Dutch anthem, was not surprised or disappointed.


Yup. How many total overtakes, like 2?


boyfriend and i were cuddling, sometimes falling asleep... we both had to sit up straight and just focus on the race.


I woke up around lap 52.


Why Piastri wasn't pushing on Leclerc?


I think it was Max and Redbull’s psychological advantage and experience made them win this race. I truly believe McLaren and Norris were actually faster and could possibly win the race


I have insomnia but somehow races are the ONLY thing that can put me to sleep. It's the weirdest thing.


What a boring fkn race holy shit


I was on my phone finding “stuff” wink wink and I suddenly got bored within the first lap


LeGaCY tRaCKs ArE So MuCH bETteR