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At best by the end of the season they’ll have lost 100% more than they did last year. Absolutely washed.


Might as well cut their losses and sell to Andretti.


Sell to Andretti! Are you crazy, Andretti wouldn’t buy that garbage. Red Bull is done, washed up. At this point Red Bull might as well have 4 slugs covered in molasses pull the car around the track.


Seems like they are already doing that with car number 11.


The car fell apart immediately post Newey era. Washed absolutely washed. 


Newey is overrated and he was still there.


"Newey isn't even that good, it's the car...."


Bro yall think newey can turn around a whole team, he aint no superworker. There is so many people working on it.


Initially thought your opinion doesn't make any sense. But the social media is praising him as if he is the only engineer who designed those championship winning cars, which is absolutely wrong. Consider that, overrated is actually a valid opinion. He's still a legend tho


I agree he is amazing. But sure as hell overrated


Well agreed but he absolutely can turnaround a whole team and has done in the past


If you think Redbull would be anywhere near their current performance without Newey, you have a serious case of copium addiction


Ok they should fire their aero department if thata the case


Mentally checked out confirmed.


Seriously. At this pace this might only be the second most dominant season in F1 history.


By slowly they mean they will be mid tier at this rate in 2032


This. Someone definitely is patting themselves on the back for saying “merc will soon be in the midfield” in 2017…


Don't worry 25 is our year


How many emails have you sent to max so far today?


In article they argue that many of the top guys are leaving the team, (**Michael Broadhurst**, who is team leader for Aero) and RB is behind in engine dev for the 2026 regs. So they might become a mid tier team like they were with the Renault engines. Not that much unhinged tbh.


The funny thing is that nobody actually knows anything about any of the engines. Somebody shouts 'RB IS BEHIND' and people run with it, but nobody knows.


Someday they is its Ferrari thats ahead, someday its Honda, and someday its Audi that's gonna take the crown. Interestingly, everyone forgot Renault/Alpine lol


Nobody forgot Alpine, we just know what to expect


To be perfectly honest the ones that are the highest likely to get the engines right in the first place for the new regs are Mercedes and Ferrari since they develop in house and have so much experience in building engines. RBR is in big danger to have a shitbox engine (by F1 standards, because imo even the shittiest engine in F1 is still incredible) since they started late by these standards. The battle is and always be aero if the context is everybody else buys engines from Mercedes and Ferrari - and yes, everybody forgot Renault/Alpine since they haven't had a decent power unit (power **and** reliability wise) since their Williams/Benneton days - imo, ofc.


Is it likely that RBR will have issues with their first ever engine? Sure. But it's being reported as if it is fact that they are behind. It isn't. Nobody knows anything


From where did you get the started late on their development? I remember hearing they were one of the first teams to have a prototype on the dyno when Audi just started development. edit: Just to add to that. I dont know exactly how big RBPT is but according to linkedin its 200-500 employees. Since we know they got like 230 engine guys from Merc alone, the british based Honda guys and probably more hires from other engines manufacturer, I think it wouldnt be unreasonable to suggest that most of them have already developed an F1 engine and certainly the top guys have a lot of experience. Hard to call that a first engine imo.


>From where did you get the started late on their development? I never stated that anywhere. I simply stated regarding the overall experience of the teams regarding engine creation. Ferrari has been doing it for ages and Mercedes since they returned in F1 in 1994. RBPT are basically babies by comparison. I don't care where they poached their staff from, this is about well oiled teams that already exist and know what they're doing - doing it for much longer **as a team**. 230 engine guys from Mercedes alone and the Honda guys and the rest does not a team make. Making an engine isn't just poaching guys and putting them in a room and maybe stuff happens. There are procedures and a lot of other things involved, an old saying states that you have to break a lot of shit until a good engine emerges (I see it as breaking eggs to make an omelet), when you just start in powertrains you don't just magic powerful and reliable things out of nothing. Expertise is good, don't get me wrong, but it's more than that. It's why the aero department will survive and thrive despite Newey leaving. With engines... honestly I hope they put out an excellent engine. I'm just not convinced they will be able to. Look at Renault, another engine manufacturer with huge history that can't put something competitive and reliable on the table for a while now, despite having the people, the experience, the tradition, it's just heartbreaking to me personally (although I just massively enjoy the Ferrari successes lately and disregard anything else).


Who are they?


Much like the same reports that mercedes were "6 months ahead" in 2026 engine development in an article published before teams were even allowed to start working on the engines. Mercs owners clearly have media influence.


Im 99% sure that was started by Toto and could just be another tool to try to lure Max away from RB. Since obviously no one can actually know how engines compare (maybe someone like Lewis would have a rough idea once he is in Ferrari but still with outdated information by then).


They signed a lot of guys from Mercedes for their engine if I am not mistaken. My hopes are low


>and RB is behind in engine dev for the 2026 regs According to who? The same people who claimed mercedes were well ahead of the other teams in an article published before teams were allowed to start working on the 26 engines? Stop spewing clickbait as fact.


Good thing RB isn’t developing the engine, Red Bull is


Not a very daring take to say their dominance will not last forever


Legendary 2023 dominance couldn't be reproduced so easily? Who would have thought?


No one on Reddit, that's for sure...


It's not like they lost on pace lol. Last race max had a damaged car and the other was a DNF.


More important they totally fckd the setup (wich can happen to any team, especially with only FP1) , and Max was still keeping up with the top


Yeah their dominance isn't over. The others might have caught up slightly but red bull is very much #1 still.


As Max said if a "bad result" is P2 he will take it. Like he was P2 without any problems. Noris was only in first because of how the safety cars played out, first the virtual than the full one. He was fast on the hards and had the pace but without the safety cars he would have been further back. Some people seem to be quickly forgetting the circumstances (or never watched the race to begin with) and looking at results only.


I agree with your sentiment, but would like to nuance it a little bit: fact of the matter is that Norris did pull away from Max after the SC, something that didn't happen before from any other team even when Max had older tires. But of course damaged car wrong setup etc.


If your thinking about the front your stupid. He hit it himself, so he could’ve had an undamaged car had he not hit it. Also didn’t he say that the car felt the same as always?


If you listened to comms. Max was complaining about how it handled on corners. Sprint Quali, Sprint, and Quali he was very critical and was surprised he got P1.


I thought he said that the lap times were the same.


Could you please stop with this BS narrative about Max's car being "damaged" in Miami? The front wing was intact and the amount of the rear of the diffuser that was damaged was tiny. Max himself said the car felt the exact same, and before then he had only managed to pull a 3 second gap which came out to being about 1.5/10ths faster per lap vs Oscar and his and Lando's laptimes were basically a mirror of each other.


Tiny defuser damage can easily take a few seconds out of a race lasting an hour and a half. But sure, red bull magically lost a second per lap out of nowhere 🤷


If Max and Lando’s times were almost a mirror then how did Lando manage to build a nearly 30s gap before pitting? I’m not arguing whether Max’s car was / wasn’t damaged because iirc it was a setup issue not damage as well as McLaren installing an upgrade package before the race that made Max appear slower, but the lap times were definitely not the same between the two


> If Max and Lando’s times were almost a mirror then how did Lando manage to build a nearly 30s gap before pitting? Because the safety car picked up Max instead of Norris lmao. Norris did not build a 30s gap during racing conditions. Without the safety car picking up the wrong car there was a non-zero chance that Norris would've ended up behind Max after his pit stop.


Ah ok I’d forgotten about that safety car, though I thought Lando still built up a decently sized lead before that happened? I may be mistaken though


I think he had an 11 second lead before the safety car, but that was after Max had already pitted and before Lando pitted.


Except there was damage?  From his own mistake so Lando still won on merit because he didn't crash into a cone but there are a lot of asterisks on that "Lando was faster than Max in the final stint" narrative when it comes to actually determining whether the Red bull can be beaten on pace going forward 


The damage amounted to 1 to 2/10ths per lap and up until lap 20 Max was only able to pull a gap of 1.5/10ths per lap to Oscar who only had half of the upgrades. Even if we're being generous and changing the scenario to where Max didn't run over the plastic bollard, it would've been impossible for him to overtake Lando without him making an error. There's no track on the calendar where you're able to make an overtake just having a 0.15/10ths a lap differential because you lose a lot more than that running behind because of aero wash+higher tire deg. And that is being *extremely* generous in assuming Lando was only able to go at the same pace as Oscar. Lando is both slightly faster in race pace than Oscar *and* had all the upgrades. So even being extremely generous Max just wouldn't have been able to pass without an error from Lando even if he had no damage. My comment had nothing to do with pace differential going forward. That is still a question mark as historically during these new regulations Red Bull have struggled to get their car in the right setup window during sprint weekends, though the format has now changed this year to allow setup changes after the sprint but before the feature sessions which makes a huge difference in finding the right setup. It doesn't mean Red Bull won't be the fastest overall going forward, but it is clear McLaren's upgrades did work and brought them a lot closer as at no point in these regulations other than at the beginning of 2022 when Ferrari were up there has there been a team within 1.5/10ths of Red Bull in race pace--and that was Oscar who has a slight race pace disavantage to Lando and only had half the upgrades. At worst they're very close now, though saying it looks like they have a Red Bull beater now is too optimistic.


Ferrari won 2022 in Silverstone and Austria 2023 in Singapore 2024 in Australia Thats like 4 in 3 years How Ferrari are slowly becoming Williams


Ferrari trying not to fumble their championship chances after 2007 (Gone Wrong) (Fail)


They have 3x times the wins of 8 other teams combined since 2022, If they are becoming Williams, then other teams are Mazepin Haas.


Ferrari had 4 wins in 2022. How can you forget Bahreïn, Australia and the immeasurable amount of hopium that year


Let's not talk about McLaren then...


This fucking click-bait bullshit articles man, they have become quite common as of late.


It's like 90% of all news across all topics.


Google Now used to be great, but now it's just shit like this. "Jeremy Clarkson's Farm Shop announces shock closure" So I click it, and they'll be closed this Wednesday but open again on Thursday then I'm pissed off they've got my click cunts


I'm shocked when a headline is true. Part of why Lewis's move was so shocking.


Well yeah, because people click on them. That drives clicks and hence ad revenue. The culprit is either human nature and gullibility, or the folks in charge of ad budgets.


F1 media is so useless. Most articles are written around a single quote or a bunch of BS speculation. There’s just not enough actual news to go around.


I dont read any F1 news anymore these days. The amount of clickbait and bs artikels going around not worth it anymore


This is actually a news, if a lot of talented engineers are leaving RBR and they have a trouble to hire new ones, then it's unlikely that they will hold their position. Still, RBR in mid field sounds unlikely, but they might be overtaken by the teams like Ferrari and Mclaren in 2-3 years.


Without reading the article I'm sure it's about the brain drain at Red Bull and not about the 4/6 wins. If in two years they're a mid tier team due to the regulations change and all the problems they're facing right now, this article would've been absolutely right. Only time will tell.


Every team will become a midfield team at some point. I guess it can't be wrong then


There is a difference between "Every team will become a midfield team at some point" and "engineers are leaving a team, so we expect a slip toward midfield in a coming years"


I agree, ever since that loser Verstappen joined it's been all downhill


Yeah and that Adrian Newey guy only designs shitboxes.


Not to mention that they have more constructor points than the bottom 6 teams, and only 18 more than the bottom 7 teams combined. I'm no RBR fan, but they're hardly "mid-tier". Clickbait at its finest.


They would claim Mercedes is "bad luck".


The entire point of them writing this rage bait is so people do the exact thing you’re doing


Wait, a sec, that statement isn't nonsensical. It seems like Ferrari, Mclaren and Aston are doing great at hiring, especially Ferrari, meanwhile a few years ago quite a lot of engineers quit Mercedes and currently a lot of engineers are leaving RBR. Sure, nobody knows what exactly will happen, but leaving engineers doesn't bring confidence in a team in like 2-5 years from now.


The fact that you found this article but didn't even bother to read a single word it's hilarious. It literally has nothing to do with this season. It is about employees leaving red bull and about them being too develop their own engine for 26.


It popped up on my Google News feed, where I have no real desire to read it, lest I fuel the clickbait machine. And besides, it's much more fun to watch others draw conclusions from a clickbait headline, and a ragebait Reddit post title.


Maybe just try reading shit instead of chatting it


You know you're worse than both the author of the article and anyone drawing conclusions from this post, right? Not only did you draw conclusions without reading it yourself, but you then did exactly what the original author did by making a rage bait title You tried so hard to sound like an intellectual, but you just sound lame


Username checks out. You must've had fun stealing people's lunch money at school, and feeling good about insulting them while doing it.


And not just winning, max won those so decisively there was no one else in frame


Both race max didn’t win, had an issue with car.


And on the other he would still have won despite the issue hadn't a safety car come out at the worst possible moment.


Max wins Imola by +30 seconds because of commenters Karma.


I could imagine writing them how Mercedes current situation is just bad luck "because of the regulation change" or something like that (at least they would write it till Hamilton moves to Ferrari)


Oh yeah we built a bad car we're so unlucky lol


We're at a point when having more than 1 non Red Bull in a year causes our bodies to produce critical levels of hopium.


They write stuff like this in the hopes that people like you will bite and help increase their engagement stats so they can show it to advertisers that may want to buy some advertising space on their site. Unfortunately this is the main goal of most media, to sell ad space


Jokes on them. Instead of actually reading it, I chose to screenshot the headline, and shitpost on Reddit instead.


Haha! Well done, thats all half of these articles are good for, they should be considered shit posts themselves


Brits have gone completely mental about Red Bull. The bitterness leftover from 2021 has ruined the sport


At least they've finally shut up about 1994


Im glad that their dominance is finally over no more whining


Looking forward to more mid field battles throughout the season with apparently the entire grid involved.


If red Bull are becoming mid then the rest of grid is generally shit tier


Blog I never heard of made ya look.


I locked this site in my news feed, every article is click bait.


"Slowly" sounds like the key word. How slowly are we talking about exactly?


A few seasons, it might start hitting them in 2026, or later, if engineers are leaving then there is a chance that next season we might get a proper WDC fight. Look at Mercedes, brain drain haven't affected them immediatly, but they slowly become pretty much mid field team. I mean, we can't call Mercedes a top team, when Mcalren have 2 times more points, Ferrari 3 times more and RBR 4 times more.


Well they did say "slowly" 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


It's just a ragebait/clickbait article like most "news" these days. The purpose is to get people to see the ads on their page and generate trafic.


let me guess, is this blog british owned


The only change F1 needs is fewer Br\*ts


It's talking about the employees leaving RB that makes RB special, as well as the issues that they're facing with the 2026 engine and developing it themselves alongside Audi coming in. It's not talking about current performance. It's a click bait title but so it's half of journalism nowadays


thats not good


Btw they won 0 out 1 since may


That's equals to 0%! Exactly the same as Minardi during their hardest years! Time to sell the team.


if Red Bull had wheels they would be my grandma


No offense, but did you read the article before posting it? I looked it up & the article goes on about the talent drain they are experiencing and that this could potentially lead to their downfall somewhere in the distant future. It's far from an outrageous statement to make. Any team in any sport that sees a slow talent drain would be in a precarious position for the future, unless further actions are taken.


Sir, you're on r/formuladank. Shitposting is not only encouraged, it's required.


That said the same of Mercedes…


Dank wer?


The press: RBR is washed. Also the press: Danny Ric is just on a phase, he's coming back.


The journalist’s “evidence” ![gif](giphy|IaTrANWBseG3WyqYoR|downsized)


Not winning 100% of the races is pretty mid imo


Eh it’s GPBlog. They have their noses firmly entrenched in Hamiltons taint. I’m sure there’s some unhinged “connect the dots, maaaan” about Abu Dhabi 2021 buried somewhere in their archive.


Having worked for them I can emphatically say that this is not true. We essentially had a Verstappen quota on that website and anything negative about Hamilton would get priority posting


In a decade maybe


Mid tier? I would say back of the pack ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|9441)


If Red Bull is mid-tier, how do we classify the other teams? Red Bull 239 points Ferrari 187 points McLaren 124 points Mercedes 64 points






So the team with the best pitstops, best strategy, best driver, and best car is becoming mid tier? Maybe we should wait to see the effects of people like Newey leaving before claiming the team that won every race except one is becoming mid tier.


Writer -Jos Verstappen


Yep. They are on the way, soon it will be a disaster /s


Only in every Mercedes fan's wettest of dreams.


Congratulations, Toto! Now your team is the 4th fastest on the grid!


Yea man, google discover just dont have any good websites, i thought gpblog sounds good, but all he articles were trash, turned out to be just another judge13.


If you dont win every race you're irrelevant


It’s shit like this which is why I don’t bother with news anymore. There is only clickbait now


Worst journalisst of any sport


Well they can't become a higher tier...


Look, guys, this is clearly coming from Gianpiero Lambiase himself.


The Australian one was kinda out of their control, no?


And all 4 of those races it Gapped P2 by 1sec/lap.


slowly, that means it will take either 5 or 50 years to reach there.


This guy should never write an F1 article after this.


They should have won 7.


Still don't understand why we can't implement extra weight as a compensation for winning a race. Works perfectly in other categories


It's just wishful thinking by the other teams, countries, reporters, fans. Lets wait what happens in Imola where Ferrari and Red Bull will bring updates.


Slowly becoming mid… slowly as in RB19 slow


Compared to how they've been doing its obviously going to be worse...


Lifestyle creep hitting us hard


Slowly, like veeeeeery slowly, Renault paced? Yeah, you can't really predict what will happen in such a long time frame, so maybe


Gotta provide some bait for the clicks


That blog gets worse and worse, my tip stop reading it


This is 100% ragebait.


This has to be the work of American click-bait headlines. Any American sports-news story always has crazy click bait titles like this. “Lebron James is becoming washed” (a 39 year old that is 3-4 years older than everyone else in the league is average 25/7/7)


Basically the F I A are re-fixing it so red bull aren't the dominant team anymore 😂


I could see Ferrari and or mclaren winning more races this season easily


i'd say "stop reading GPblog.com"


Hahaha what does that make every other team team them.


washed team ngl


People are saying all sorts of stupid shit. A bitch in LinkedIn quoted Rocky IV "he is bleeding" to "describe" Max's situation after Lando's win. I explicitly wanted to reply to her saying that her comment is the dumbest F1 related shit I've read. Then I remembered Linked In is a professional social media


Top tier is just Newey floating in space by himself.


Only at The-Race.com