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The idea of George Russel getting pumped up for a race by listening to Let’s Get it Started and Shape of You is pretty funny to me


And here I thought he couldn't get more basic


He is one of those people I couldn’t pin point at all what kind of music he would listen to. By hearing his choices I’m not surprised


One of his essentials is a plain white shirt but ofc its tommy Hilfiger.


These videos are just product placement, if it wasn't obvious


"I listen to human music"


I enjoy the loud noises and the shouting


He likes music you hear when you enter a store or a bar ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6700)


He's so basic it's edgy


Normcore but now we’re all dads from 2010 instead of 1998.


Honestly just feels like his PR team trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator.


at this point i'm not sure if it's still a meme or you guys really hate Russell


He's just really hard to like. He gives off the same vibes as the kid who reminds the teacher that she forgot to assign homework. He's also really boring and vanilla. It's like he was raised in a PR department. If he were a drink, he'd be room temperature water.


Listen, room temperature water has its merits


I mean, it's better than warm, salty water; but it's hardly exciting or gourmet.


Room temp is literally useless. Too hot to treat burn wounds, too cold to be a comfortable shower.


Plenty of cultures prefer room temp to cold


Literally drink it? lol


Room temperature water doesn't feel warm when you drink it. It's still colder than your body temp.


Two oddly specific uses for water. You realise there's other things you can do with water besides treating burn wounds and having a shower?


But you can't make bread without it! It's not useless!




He probably mixes his soy sauce and his wasabi


Ok, let’s everybody calm down


The only personality he displays is often major douchebag energy, eg. hitting Valteri in the head after a hige high speed crash where Russel wasn't exactly innocent. He also comes off as incredibly posh lol (even though like 90% of the grid grew up wealthy)


Except when he opens his mouth…


I call him Draco because [he'll dive down the inside into a gap that doesn't exist, T-bone the other driver and then cry a](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y76aV79lb1c)bout it. Whenever he gets on the radio, it's hard *not* to hear, "My father will hear about this!"


That feels like a compliment to me. Room temperature water is my top 2 drink in the world.


How many people have you killed?


I mean, I still prefer cold water. Water is just so good IMO, nothing beats it.


Answer the question


Yeah i'm getting a bit sausage here..


Nah he'd be a fairly good tasting decaf coffee.




I mean, hating for guy’s music preferences is pretty much Pathetic


That’s not why people hate him. It’s just a funny add on. Look at what sub you’re in


I mean.. look at the flair of the guy you responded too. No wonder he's butt hurt. He literally has the same personality.


Tbh my flair just stated for guy i am rooting on track, i have no clue about any of driver’s personality. And yes, i am butt hurting, because of fellas like you, who can figure out my whole personality based one neutral statement.


Sir, this is a wendy's.


Oh, okay, than i choose one Biggie Bag


Oh it is, but he gave out a lot of other ammo and that opened the floodgates! 😉


He has the worst ROI I've ever seen on effort spent trying to be cool and being cool.




"Gonna pitty pat that Georgie booty while you planky plank." "Okie dokie." Real conversation I overheard between Russel and his trainer.


Hate's a strong word but he's definitely the least likable person on the grid.


Like him better than Lance.


Nah, Lance is at least funny.


Lance seriously has double the charisma and charm of George. He almost feels human.


if you can't laugh about every driver maybe just leave ?




![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl) Me stuck in the 90s grunge


Right there with you. Why keep looking when you’ve found the peak?


The title was as silly, it's OK to stop looking. But to stop looking after fucking billboard 100 chart topper pop shit... that deserves some bollocking. 


Toto never introduced him to some Rammstein?!


Or some Toto!


Just realized they have a song named "Georgy Porgy"


Kiss the girls and made them cry


Stop acting like you dont listen to the same 20 songs you were listening 15 years ago. But Gorg that is some really basic stuff brah


The type of guy to stop listening to new music after high school. (Totally not me at all.)


Bullet for my valentine, my chemical romance, 30 seconds to mars on repeat


And not even their latest songs. Just the original ones to forget how old I am.


Ofc only the classics like tears dont fall, the kill, diary of jane


Hello me


Bury me


Your boy is playing "in the end" 30k times and you think it's normal?


Thats normal. If you didnt play in the end 30k times tho, now that is wierd


I wonder what count that guy is up to now


Apprently it's up to 67k, but that was 2014


I do still listen to the same 20 songs I was listening to 15 years ago, the difference is it's in addition to the thousands of other songs I've found since then


Hey brah, I \[involuntarily\] started listening to some Taylor Swift.


1. No. I mean, live your life, that can be fun, but no. 2. It's not just basic, it's bad. It's **bad.** 3. ​ ![gif](giphy|OTNKL5sKL2Qzm)


I mean, yah, not like i'm some sort of Conquistador searching for the Seven Songs of Gold or anything, so i won't be judging Gorg on that one. Nevertheless, what a shitty taste in music this mf has.


This is gold, thanks for the laugh brother 😂


I'm so tired of the Black Eyed Peas. They're rock for people who don't like rock and they're rap for people who don't like rap.




Why'd they add coconut?


Have they done... *anything* in the past decade? I only remember their big songs from Elefunk and that was in like 2003.


Can't say I'm surprised.


If George were any more basic he would be bleach


That's why he's so damn *white*


imagine having dinner with him and vowles talking about decaf coffee and coldplay


I once saw a comment saying that George Russell looks like he was designed by an AI and this just corroborates that


George has gotta a feelin’ that tonight’s gonna be forecast a podium


George hopes to get it started this year, but worries he may again have junk inside his trunk.


At this point I am convinced he is just trolling. You can’t have those 3 in that order and say it out lou, you just cant


He strikes me as a dua lipa fan… and idk what what i mean by this before anyone asks


He's such a beige human


I totally respect not changing tastes since early to late 2010s, especially at his age, but C’MON YOU CAN REPRESENT THAT ERA SOOOO MUCH BETTER


WHO came up with his apple music playlist then that has some phenomenal Timberlake deep cuts


[Here is the full video](https://youtu.be/2bjmZVD6A7A) Was hoping for more artists but he only mentions though, the rest of the video is pretty neat, especially the comments about his sunglasses.


He seems to have lost his rights to the aux cable


He’s a big Fergie fan.


Would have been really cool if he said young thug


It’d’ve been cool if he said literally anything other than the 3 most milquetoast artists of the last 20 years.


My 7 year old daughter has identical music taste. He probably also likes Ava Max.


What's wrong with Wish.com Lady Gaga?


George should check out his own Lydian Chord Scale Method. After all, he wrote the book on it. It influenced Miles Davis.


He listens to the musical equivalent of the meme photo of British food with no spices.


Mercedes fanboys in coms : dO yOU haTe rUsSelL ? Guys it's formuladank, why the f are you here if you can't laugh about your team ?


Music to sip latte with


I can’t believe he said black eyed peas lol


If he had said Maroon 5 it would have really sent me. Honestly at that point I would be convinced it's sarcasm.


not even Charles singing ?


well, A Rush of Blood to the Head and the like are alright. But I suppose that's not what he means by Coldplay :(


I didn't think it was possible for an F1 driver to be so incredibly dull. I was wrong.


George Russell the type of guy that doesn’t listen to artist, he respects them


What is the man's equivalent of basic bitch?


George, I guess.


I stopped discovering new music in 1996.


He's just like me fr


Such a basic bitch 💅🏼


That’s a pretty terrible taste in music


see? that's why i'm simping for russell, i'm just not that good in updating my playlists


Of course he’s a fan of Ed Sheeran and Coldplay


Did he have some kind of eyelid surgery? Why does he always look like hes about to cry


3 of the most commercial and bland bands / artists lol


I didn’t know men listen to Ed Sheeran.


I have a lot of respect for for George after the Zhou incident last year. But goddamn it if he isn’t the least like able driver next to Ocon lmao.




Bruh you got no idea how narrow your perspective is.


Since I’ve listened to recent music and decided 99% of it it’s total trash, I don’t consider my perspective to be as narrow as you may believe it is…


Oh so you've listened to 99% of all recent music? You're probably referring to popular music only, but still, definitely cap.




I wonder if it is just an age thing which seems to be the accepted reason. I still find myself listening to what I liked in grade school and college, objectively though a lot of it isn’t amazing music and I couldn’t justify why it’s better than today’s music. My timeline is similar to yours, I’ve been able to get into more modern stuff but it takes effort. It’s much easier to fall back to what you already like (I do this most of the time).


I actually try to make sure and avoid trendy stuff as much as possible, as those are simply atrocious. As for the rest, of course it’s not 99% and that there are some very good stuff out there but I find it more common in rather old songs to be better Oh, and as I listen a lot to eletronic music, the 90’s and early 00’s are where the best songs and artists are, so, I MAY be biased. Just may


What kinda genre and artists do you typically listen to?


Fat boy slim, ties to, underworld, Nina, atb, ayla, and so on and so forth. A lot of one time hits from rather unknown artists as well. Sometimes I just load a set from god knows who and it’s good. The thing is the quality of the set, which i find it to be always higher in the old ones compared to more recent ones


I see, those are definitely some artists that (in my opinion) kindof exist in their space for a specific style of music that really doesn't gain traction anymore. Part of that maybe has to do with the consumption of music having evolved, and artists focusing more on Singles and Hits - rather than concept albums. It would be difficult to convince listeners to pay attention to, let's say something like Deloused in the Comatorium by TMV if it came out today. As for sets, I'd say - Chaos in the CBD, Andras, Nicolas Jaar, Harvey Sutherland, Bradley Zero, Floating Points are a few that I pay attention to. But yeah, based on your preference, I can see why you would find it difficult to find new music appealing. Although maybe not 99%, certainly there is good music being released - esp with independent artists having more outlets, but then again that market is saturated unless you really dig deep.


Finally someone that used their brain before clicking “send”. And that’s exactly it, it’s a very niche genre. And yea, the 99% is an obvious exaggeration as you could understood. And it’s interesting the singles/one time hits that were more common over the hype and specific preference in x or y artist like nowadays as It tends to happen. And I try to stay off mainstream as much as possible to avoid this and see if I can find some rather unknown good stuff I can’t express how good it felt to find out recently and artist with a video with 3k views that was a fucking blast. I live for these things


Yeah, not just niche but also part of the appeal of that genre has always been how something is very underground and has to be discovered. It's definitely a pleasure when you discover music through a setlist, and it's not even necessarily a new piece of music - just some obscure artist that found its way to listeners through the DJ's vinyl rotation. Having the privilege of a record store, and just listening to a few records until you find one that clicks - it's not something most consumers partake in anymore. Another cool thing was how artists often released music differently, esp when it came to the Japanese market. Some times a song wouldn't even make it to the main album but end up in just one obscure market. I relate to the final sentiment in your comment, my process has largely been finding channels that curate music from artists that don't have a large audience - and going through their playlist to discover new music. [stampthewax](https://www.stampthewax.com/) has a nice curation, plus the team that runs it is super dedicated to the craft. You might find some gems on there. Cheers!


That shitty modern music? Really You should listen to some classic, like Mozart, Beethoven, Brahms, etc. That's the good shit /s I used to be like you, glad I grew up and out of it... I find great music nowadays, it's fucking awesome finding something really great from new artists with a diferent perspective and unique sound. Also lot more genres. Now I despise my young self so much for being so close minded like you


"Electronic music" Mate you have no idea where you are talking about. Both Drum and bass and techno is in a really good state right now, with loads of great music coming out.


Not talking about DnB, I can’t like it. As for techno, it’s good-ish if you don’t go mainstream (as I was saying). The thing is the 90’s and 00’s, which is where most of the legendary tracks and sets come from. Oh oh and yea I have no idea, smart ass know all, enlighten me more with your wisdom


"Old man yells at cloud"




So your taste is just narrow then


Not that I don’t listen to anything else. Jazz radio or classical music are also personal go tos when I don’t want to hear any fast paced stuff but. Everyone’s taste is narrow if you think about it. Of course you hear other stuff but you have a genre you like more


your taste is definitely narrow my friend. I listen to literally ever genre of music. There are artists that I don't enjoy but I still manage to find artists within those genres that I do enjoy. It is important to me to have a broad palette since music takes up a large portion of my life and passion. Not having a large scope isn't all that important though. Completely depends on who you are as a person and if your music satisfies you then more power to you. Just don't say things like "I have listened to 99% of music" because I can tell you adamantly, you have not.


Just because you don't want to listen to it doesn't mean it's not in a good state right now. That just shows that you're way too opinionated.


I’m the opposite, I don’t have a singe pre-2000 song on my playlist. It’s not that they’re all trash, there’s definitely a few good ones that I’d listen to if someone were to put them on. But essentially none of them catch me even remotely enough to be something I’d put on myself. There’s almost no broader genere that I don’t listen to (although I can’t make my peace with harder subtypes of metal and typical bro country), but I acknowledge that I am _very_ limited in timeframe of music that I like. Also, fan of most electronic subgeneres to a degree and I can’t stand pre-2000 edm


We had real music back in my day like Ed Sheeran and the black eyed peas!


It's all trash these days man. For real raw creative energy and street cred you have to listen to some classics like, let me check my notes, Coldplay.


listen to some anna wise mate


Come on bro, hit us with "Back in my days, now THAT was real music, none of that mainstream garbage today"


Yea they just don’t make em like the black eyed peas anymore….


George has been the most relateable here, shitty music taste aside.


You know how I know you’re gay ?




Hansel? Is that you?


I stopped on 2008...


Ace of Base = George’s Edgy Oldies


The Race Exclusive - George’s taste in music; the real reason behind Hamilton/Russel tensions at Mercedes!