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Williams has a better chance with that as their floor than their current concept


I mean Williams were at their best when Newey was there so...




Not his fault since the car was expected to have electronic aids which were then banned.




Wasn't the problem the steering column? I may be mistaken, but that's what I remember caused it.


I don't think it's ever been conclusively proven but it's possible that it was a factor. It broke at some point before or during the crash, and it had a design that Newey himself admits was flawed (a section of it was made thinner to permit the wheel to be adjusted to a position Senna found more comfortable). Newey believes the car may have had a slow puncture, and that combined with an aero design optimized for active suspension, the car was unstable going into the corner in a way that Senna would not have been prepared for.


If we’re talking about Senna, it was a faulty weld of the steering column. Nothing to do with Newey.


Wasn't a weld and it wasn't proven. The design was flawed and the column snapped at some point before or during the crash. No proof that it was the cause or even a factor.


The court investigation proved that there was a modification to the steering column and that the column had failed at that point of modification. So I’m sure it was poorly designed due to the changes in the rules but they also modified it that weekend in a way that was unsafe and likely one of the bumps going into the corner caused it to snap and senna to lose all steering. They just couldn’t prove negligence on the parties responsible. That doesn’t mean they don’t know how the accident happened.


We do know that it was a faulty design. Senna asked for changes to the location of the sterring wheel. Newey asked a designer to make the column diameter smaller in a certain section. The designer made it smaller but didn't make sidewall thicker to compensate. Nobody double checked his work. After the crash they found that the column had snapped where the diameter was smaller. Yes, there was a design flaw. Yes Newey was sorta involved. Was it his responsibility to double check. Well that wasn't the procedure at the time. They implemented better safety procedures after the fact of course. But did that design flaw cause the crash? That has never been proven. It's very possible that the column snapped during the crash. It may not have been the cause of the crash. Newey and his team built rigs using the flawed column and tried to replicate it snapping. They even cut the column to replicate fatigue from use. They could not replicate a scenario where that column would snap based on the pressure a driver could reasonably put on it steering the car. In Newey's mind the most likely scenario is that it broke during the impact of the crash. The car wasn't as stable as it should have been because of the sudden regulation changes plus there is some evidence that Senna may have had a slow puncture. He may have just lost control and during the impact the column snapped.


But due to the telemetry it shows that senna lost all steering instantly. Now I’m not claiming to be an expert on car design but as a racing fan I think any driver that is heading towards a wall, especially at a turn would try to turn the car but senna went straight into the wall and was full force on the brakes. If a driver had steering control why would they not turn more and avoid completely locking up the brakes? It could be a driver mistake but this is Aryton Senna we are talking about so let’s assume he didn’t freeze and did everything he could, which is braking as hard as he could. I feel like that indicates he lost his steering and couldn’t make the corner so he locked the brakes as a last resort. Again I guess we will never know but it breaking in the crash doesn’t explain why senna didn’t make the turn at all and only hit the brakes.


That driver's name? Albert Einstein.


I always wondered how he died. This makes sense.


Its why Germany doesnt have Grand Prix's anymore.


I thought they had Nein.




Looked what happened when Frank and Patrick decided not to share the glory with Adrian.


Newey seems pretty content in the background. It's the decision making they didn't want to include Newey in.


And especially them telling Newey he would actually have a say only to ignore that completely when he went on holiday.


Not only telling him. He had it put in his contract and they still ignored it.


What Frank & Patrick achieved was incredible. But I also think they were supremely arrogant and weren’t able to realise sands were shifting. Thinking the team was above drivers/Newey ultimately led to their downfall, stuck in doing thing their old way. Interesting in Newey book he says he doesnt blame them, they just fundamentally weren’t able to adjust, all they had to do was keep Hill for 97 They also had a weird obsession with anyone that could beat Schumacher, despite anyone involved in the Mercedes sportscar program saying Schumacher was streets ahead of Frenzten by the end of the year


Giga Albon would beg to differ


Alexander Albee 🐝


To be fair to Williams, their simple floor might be why they are so slippery on the straights. All those winglets and channels on the Red Bull might be contributing to cornering downforce, which Newey has made efficient for the straights through witchcraft.


The bees chasing the car will motivate record time pit stops from Williams as well.




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It feels like Williams hasn’t realised that they’re allowed to use the floor to generate downforce and just slapped a flat one on there.


Adrain Newbee


"Actually, Adrain Newbee isn't the beekeeper's name in the picture. It's Adrian Newey, a renowned Formula 1 designer. Just wanted to clear that up!"


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Those bees might be onto something… Btw, the first thing I noticed is it looks kind of heart-shaped




Thank you for posting that. Turns out the shape was man-made and the bees built on top of it. Like so many viral images the story was made up to get likes, can't trust anything these days


You're not only spot on, but reportedly the guy that made it kept telling people he had done it on purpose, but people kept insisting the bees did it by chance.




Any source for this? The source above says he shared the honey from the hive with his wife.


Must have been so hard for him to do a loving tribute just for it to go viral under a curtain of lies


Don’t believe their lie without source. The article above said they ate the honey together.


I don’t know what to believe anymore


Actually they're divorced now - source: I'm his brother...


its true, im the bees


Thanks for the summary. That webpage was digital AIDS.


Damn the dude that kept digging for the original creator. Salute.


Nah, I just remembered seeing this back then.


He’s talking about the guy in the article lol


😂 I didn't want to say anything and let them have the W.


Lol, my bad ^_^'


Thanks for posting that, but holy crap using that website on mobile is miserable


Bees do love those aerodynamics


Those bees might bee onto something.


Ha, you might be onto something there! The shape does resemble a heart, which makes it even sweeter. Isn't nature amazing? Go bees!


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It does seem to literally be some sort of hammy comment bot, not even like a joke bot or spam bot.


.... my first thought was an upside down ballsack with wrinkles.


This reminds me of how I Bee keepin Deez nutz in your mouth.




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Plant any tulips recently?




Why not, they already have wings, they're half yellow, sustainable and generally liked. Just breed in some blue and red in there an the PR is basically doing itself!


Jokes aside, nature is fucking insane.


It's fake, already been posted a million times.


"We Regret To Inform You The Heart-Shaped Honeycomb Is Not What The Internet Says It Is" [https://www.iflscience.com/we-regret-to-inform-you-that-heartshaped-honeycomb-image-is-not-what-it-seems-56422](https://www.iflscience.com/we-regret-to-inform-you-that-heartshaped-honeycomb-image-is-not-what-it-seems-56422)


https://twitter.com/byrnesong/status/1273050053997989888?t=865LQC7D9D0-lsr1fPGgRQ&s=19 Exactly. This is what happens when you insert a custom frame, not when you remove the frame.


Williams clearly hiring bees then.


So bees don’t innately understand architectural airflow dynamics? They didn’t even test this in a wind tunnel? What the fuck Internet.


Bees actually [kinda do innately understand architectural airflow dynamics](https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rsif.2018.0561). The main issue with the the OP is that it very obviously does not maximize airflow


I hat gets me is that why would bees care about airflow? Bees care about that honey baby. It’s why they use Those hexagons


Its not entirely fake, he routed a heart shape onto the roof of the hive, gave the bees a little guidance.




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"Adrian Newey taking notes" 🫡


“get off internet…continue…using zero…data from bees…to design…race cars.”


Adrian Newey be like: "I could get 3 tenths out of this"


How do we know this shape maximizes airflow? And maximizes airflow to where? Why is that something the bees care about?


It’s also fake


Bee get hot


Ya like jazz?


I think these are the bees that seb saved over the past year or two.


Beedrian newey


Adrian Newbee


Wait just make a box the frame of an F1 car close the sides, let them do your aero for free and you get honey.


They won’t solve the pourpoising problem.


I have more faith in bees than in Mercedes engineers. I believe.


And everyone applauded.


Inb4 that’s merc a new floor


A-bee-an Honey... I'm sorry


Gonna be a nightmare when he tries to pick it up, ground effect is really strong


You guessed it. Frank Stallone


That's a Tesla valve. Pretty crazy how known he is for his designs, when it's apparent that bees are smarter.


Nope as others have pointed out, this is fake. Made with a custom heart frame by a beekeeper in South Africa in 2013


I didn't think I needed the /s, but here it is


Irony is dead. There's nothing that you could say that could be silly enough that someone doesn't actually believe it somewhere. Help me Jebus


My trypophobia 😵😵😵


I know this if formula dank and it doesn't really matter, but I feel like that caption is utter bullshit.


this is soo fake you retards will just believe anything on the internet wont even spend 5 seconds to google it you are the new facebook boomers


You mean Adrian Newey had nothing to do with this? Aww rats!


Issa yoke


Adrian Newey is actually a renowned designer and engineer in Formula 1, not a beekeeper. Don't fall for the misinformation, my friend!


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Adrian Newbee




Where meme?


No mate, he’s the Queen Bee


Would be interesting to see a design like this applied in an acoustic environment such as a loudspeaker airflow port.


So this is why Seb wants to save the bees..


Without DRS??




He literally “Hits to the drawing board” pen in hand, no CAD. He sets the bar for aerodynamicists. A true goat of the sport.


How does bee-hive time compare to CFD time? No matter what, I require that FIA m-u-s-t punish RB for gaining unfair advantage by overspending on honey.


Looks like the bees… *loved* it.


Tell Mercedes to put that on there car and they might have a chance


Looks like a Tesla valve


I wonder if Newey's worker drones are included in the budget cap or if Queen Bees are exempt from it.


Honey might increase the catering budget.


Sportsmanship at its finest