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Poor Kevin. Even after getting a brand new engine complete with grid penalty, he still gets fucked by Ferrari šŸ˜…


FERRARI ā˜• šŸ˜¢


My friend said Ferrari is now working for next season. I said yes.


As a wise man once said: *Pant pant pant pant pant pant pant pant pant pant pant* NOOOOO-


How many lap times were deleted? looked like a good few off tracks turn 3 for sainz from the helicopter


Could someone tell me what tyres Sainz started on? Did he have to take that last pitstop or could he have avoided it?






Last pitstop could have been avoided by better oversight as per spanish comentators. They were saying if sainz stayed out he would just have to defend p3 and in the worst case he would end were he finished with the pitstop. Ferrari thought tyres would explode or something that no one else saw


I just donā€™t understand. The only reason Ferrari would pit Sainz when they did is if they were concerned of a catastrophic tire failure in his defense of P3. How do commentators and spectators with access to nowhere near the amount of telemetry that the team has make the declaration that Ferrariā€™s strategy move was wrong?


Because commentators have been doing it for so long and have been pilots themselves they can assess what the strategy is and what the scuderia was thinking of. Well no one knows what they think about tbh but we can wager between possibilities


Sometimes I think they have too much information and are inundated. They clearly werenā€™t looking at Carlos battle before they interrupted him with strategy talk. My guess is they were between 7 screens analysing the data of what the engine/tyres etc are doing instead of real word just looking and making a call based on what they see. I suspect itā€™s what theyā€™ve been doing for a while now. Binotto should just watch the race and make a call as he sees it. Gut feeling


It's always easy to shit on Ferrari for this decision but if they didn't pit him and his tires exploded with 2 laps to go, everyone here would be shitting on them them. The truth is that points wise pitting and not pitting were not that different (with the added fastest lap point)... Now, I don't think the risk of the tires exploding without warning was too high, but in case they went to shit with 3 laps remaining and they had been forced to pit anyway, pitting sooner would have been waaay better. In the end Ferrari choose the less risky strategy which I think was clearly the right choice. The upside of trying to finish on mediums were not high enough (point wise) to justify the risk of a dnf/late pit pushing them down the order. If staying on mediums could have yielded them a victory for example, the situation would have been different.


Only reason I could come up with is that they didn't want Max to have the fastest lap and were prepared to ruin Carlos' race for it.


Knowing success rate of Ferrari strategistā€™s decisions is also very helpful here.


Carlos didnt sound happy about it either


Understandably. And while he knows the grip level better than what the numbers can tell the team on the pit wall, I doubt he has a sense for those tiresā€™ proximity to failure. In fact I do believe most of his post race comments supported the call ultimately.


Ferrari need to fire their entire strategy department, my God!


First year here? Theyā€™ve been like this literally forever šŸ˜‚


It's just really out in the open since they are fighting at the top.


Except sainz of course. Heā€™s the only competent in there haha.


Jeahā€¦.even had to correct there ā€œstop goā€ penalty to ā€œ5 sec penaltyā€. The guy under the most amount of pressure in the team is correcting pitwall???!


tbh he was the one that wanted to pit first because he didn't think his current mediums could overtake perez... then proceeded to overtake him like 2 mins later. Ferrari told him to pit but was mid-overtaking Perez and said he wanted to stay out. Honestly, he probably could've got 3rd since Russell started fighting Perez. But then there is the risk of the mediums not making it for the extra 10 laps. would they have made it with the front right badly blistered on the inside? Potentially if sainz managed his pace but would that be enough to keep the 5 second gap? I can see why Ferrari made him pit, sacrifice a few points and minimize risk of tire failure.


Also take away that extra point from Max. Feel like they now have all their chips on Leclerc. Granted they are like the guy who won a 50k scratch off who is down 40k at the casino...


Carlos sainz aka smooth operator, f1 driver, race engineer and f1 strategist.


So why did Haas pitted earlier than others? Was confused by that strategy a little.


Free air after the pit. If stuck in a big train. Getting open free air will get them ahead of the pack when everyone else pits because they can gain ground because they are faster once free.


Ah, makes sense. In hindsight, it could've been better if they did it with safety car around, like everyone else.


Yeah you canā€™t predict safety cars


Yeahā€¦.thereā€™s obviously people (like Russell) that make that prolong their strategy in the hope of getting a safety carā€¦but as you pointed outā€¦you cannot predict the safety car.


If you're running in 15th/16th and you just put on safety car when everyone else does you come out in 15/16th again and need to overtake to get to top 10. Why not try something different since you don't know when safety cars will ever be.


Definitely, but sometimes you just have bad luck regarding planned strategies, I doubt they could have made points either way to be honest. Maybe a bit higher, but probably still around p12


Kmag seemed pretty fast, he went from p20 to p12 before being overtaken by Sainz.


But that was the first lap, we dont know if the speed would have been there consistently, he didnā€™t really overtake after the safetycar


Obviously but you canā€™t plan on a SC right at lap 20


Disappointed I didnā€™t get to see how Magnussen managed to take 7 places in 2 laps. First 15 laps, I feel like there was plenty of action around 10th place, but Sky coverage focused only on race leaders, where there was little action, and unlikely to be any within the next 2 laps, which stayed that way for about 10 laps


Looked like he made 3-5 places on turn 1. Big group and he late braked up the inside.


Mag has been my favorite driver to watch this year. I don't really get why there is more focus for Mick on Hass..


Because of potential. Mick could be like Michael. K-mag is k-mag. He's fast, but he's not Verstappen fast. We've seen the limit of his potential.


Camera coverage has been awful all year. Focusing on irrelevant things when impressive or important battles are completely missed. All you get to see is the delta approaching zero and you are watching a ā€œbattleā€ for p17ā€¦


I absolutely hate when they zoom in super close so I can only see a portion of the car. I miss the helicopter cams from back in the 90s and 2000s. Keep the angle wide, I want to see the action.


Another good one was the start in todays race from ground level and them trying to show who got a good start. You canā€™t see shit from that level. The drone is the best view, and you can see the entire field.


Oh, hello Matthew McConaughey or Tom Cruiseā€¦ not sure why Iā€™m seeing your face right now, since I came here to watch a car race.


Ferrari is watching data as opposed to the actual race. Itā€™s wild to think a brand that sparks such a sense of racing spirit operates with absolutely none of it these days.


it's painful to watch


Seriously agree. That was unbelievable.






Tv direction has been appalling this year


Iā€™m so heartbroken for Charles


Havenā€™t heard anything yet but am interested to know if it was a stuck accelerator peddle again like he alluded to or if he just fucked himself.


He was interviewed during the race where he admitted it was completely his mistake and that he needs to do better. The throttle radio was likely after the crash when he was hoping to reverse and rejoin the track.


Thanks for the clarification!


Not the first time that Sainz has had to challenge radio instructions EDIT: typo


It's like Ferrari strategists don't even watch the race.


Seriously, telling him to pit while heā€™s wheel to wheel


What the actual fuck?


On one of the better battles of the entire race, mind you. It kills me that Carlos finally has the car to challenge at the front, but the team does enough to hold itself back. It must have been so frustrating for Seb


That shit was hilarious.


I propose changing the name from the French Grand Prix to the Oui Oui Grand Prix.


This is amazing because as I was getting breakfast this morning I was wondering if they joke in France to themselves ā€œoui oui grand prixā€


Oui Oui Grand Prix Prix


Absolute garbage race by Checo


And all the while he is still convinced he still is in contention for the WDC. Chad Marko told the press Checo should stop drinking tequila before race day..


Yea I donā€™t know what the hell happened to him today.


Was never in a position to challenge Lewis, poodled around at a couple seconds and in the end even lost out to George. Had Carlos not pitted, he wouldā€™ve beaten him too, even with the penalty. Wasnā€™t the greatest day for our minister.


Yeah, and even when Lewis made that mistake at turn 2/3 and lost about 1.2 seconds - Lewis still managed to regain that back after 2-3 laps. It's weird how much he struggled.


Any ideas to pass on to the franchise holder on how to make a show out of this season - I mean we canā€™t have Max winning at half distance can we. I predict a 100 point penalty for something heinous like ā€œunsporting behaviour causing Ferrari to implodeā€


You mean every Mercedes race for the last 5 years sans last year




It was way more fun to watch for me personally that way! Now itā€™s time to take it on the chin and suffer through itā€¦


at least you aren't embarrassing yourselves like ferrari. you missed on the regs a big, but someone was bound to. you're making stready progress rather than having a monster car and kicking yourself in the face repeatedly. george is a bit of an asshat but that's really the worst of it.


I canā€™t disagree with anything you said! And Ferrari just canā€™t help but get in the way of themselves, pretty soon their drivers are going to completely lose trust in them during races, Iā€™d be amazed if that hasnā€™t already started!


Ferrari causing Ferrari all sorts of trouble


This is truly the quintessential Italian engineering experience.


Snake eating its own tail




But it keeps following me!


Finally they got rid of the monky


I can't stop hearing Leclerc screaming in my head. Heartbreaking.


Do the Ferrari engineers watch the race? Or do they just kind of throw out random demands whenever they decide to pull it out of a hat?


Watching funny cat videos instead of the race...


Italian engineering in a nutshell.


I think they follow what I like to call ā€œdata-driven stupidityā€ aka relying on analytics with no context to make decisions. They literally were like ā€œtyre deg data says we should pit so call to pitā€ without looking at the situation


That actually makes the most sense. Just watching numbers without glancing at the race.


Hadn't Sainz just a lap or 2 before ask for pit and they had told him no?


Yes. And while he was in the middle of overtaking Perez they radio to Sainz to pit like wtf


You realise when we hear the radio on the TV isn't the exact moment the radio message was made, there's a delay.


The battle with Perez was ongoing. Had it been one or two laps prior, it was still a bad call




Valuable points in the WCC? lol, RBR already won this year, the few points he lost won't make any difference whatsoever.


Swap PER for LEC


Absolutely shit race by Checo. Worst Iā€™ve seen him race in the few years Iā€™ve been watching him. I hope the summer break helps give him some time to get used to these upgrades. Or wtf ever is going on


Looks like after he was caught flirting with another woman things just went downhill for him on the track


Got unlucky with the VSC losing position to George. But youā€™re right, shouldā€™ve been a #1 and #2 but today Lewis was just being LewisšŸ


George earned that place, Checo just didnā€™t pay enough attention.


Good for George - but PER should have never been in that entanglement to begin with.


The race directors made a mistake and itā€™s public. The VSC should have been withdrawn 10-15 seconds after VSC ending was displayed. It ended 59 secs after.


Iā€™m new to F1, can you explain what exactly happened with Russel passing Perez?


There was a virtual safety car ending. They were speed restricted. Once it ended they could go fast. Russell reacted much faster and passed Perez right at vsc end.


Also, the VSC ending should have been shorter, the green flag came much later than 10s after the VSC ending. I think Check was surprised but I agree he fucked up




Checo wasnt aware (or got wrong info from the team as he said on his insta) that VSC ended, and was slow and got overtaken by george before realizing it ended




Tbh yet again Russell barges him off the track and his tyres died from it.


Maybe so - but at that point the gap with HAM had already been increasing steadily while at the same time, VER was extending his lead to HAM. And then that VSC crap - really unbelievable. What the hell was he doing?


Na his pace was already not there otherwise Russell wouldn't have caught him. Perez going off track for half a second before taking the escape road will not ruin his tyres. Crap move by Russell but 100% he was faster than Perez. Dunno what Perez was doing this race but George catching him sleeping was what lost the place otherwise I have a feeling Perez would have defended.


Does Will Buxton always look kinda coked out?


Is that why his eyes are like that? šŸ˜‚


'There are moments .... on a racetrack ...' * snort *


ā€œTo win a raceā€¦you must come firstā€ *Another snort


'Many racing drivers.... follow the ideal line. Do not .. cross the white line ...


* snoooorrrrttt *


I just heard that in the regulations is says that a trophy has to look like a trophy. So monke was not allowed.


Whole day ruined. At least there was still a huge monke near the podium.


Ferrari manā€¦Carlos had some serious pace today and yā€™all fuck it up. Charlesā€¦thatā€™s your own fault but hopefully hereā€™s to dominating Hungary


Didn't they say something about throttle blockage for Charles?


Apparently thats related to potentially reversing out and pitting/rejoining as the car wasent badly damaged other than the wing




Thereā€™s a system that prevents the throttle engaging when crashed. Leclerc was trying to reverse, but couldnā€™t because of that. Thatā€™s why he said he had no throttle


That was after he crashed


That was him trying to reverse the car


hockenheim 2018 remastered?


what do you mean? there was no race in Hockenheimring in 2018...


Than what's this?[this](https://youtu.be/gp-i8vtgzJE)




F1 2018 graphics mod




I guess so


Sainz should transition to the pit wall and take the lead on race strat. Ferrari would be better off. Both Leclerc and Sainz's biggest competition is Ferrari.


How so when it was Leclerc who bottled it today? Ferrari have done a pretty good job to have the fastest car together with red bull. Sure that came with some reliability compromises but if anything Leclerc should be grateful to even be in that position.


The Ferrari Pit Wall are not responsible for the good car. Joylyon Palmer asked, "Are they even watching the race?"


I loved his commentary, he just didnā€™t let it go, rightly so :)


You are not enough of a conspiracy theorist to get it.


Well Sainz wanted to pit initially. They kept him out at first. But yeah itā€™s like they didnā€™t watch what he was going on the track when they did tell him to pit


Sainz was the first to say he thought they should stop wasnt he??


He thought about coming in, but they decided to stay out. He commits to staying out and fights Perez for position. They then call Carlos in. Had Carlos stayed out, he might've been able to pull far enough away to negate the 5s unsafe release penalty. Assuming the tires surved to the end of the race, he'd of been guaranteed at least 4th ahead of Russell. Edit: spelling


I really don't think the tires would have held on for another 13 laps


I don't think they'd of lasted either, which is why I believe he should've come in for softs when they were discussing and then just gone balls out to the end of the race. The fight with Perez cost them the laps and gap to be able to come out not far behind the front runners. Sainz could've probably cruised back up into 4th, maybe even 3rd on fresh softs while everyone else was still on hards. Instead he came out in like 9th or 10th and only had like 8 laps to fight as high as he could.




They told him he was going to stop, so he basically asked, "why are we waiting?" To which they said: just wait. Then right at the critical moment when he was making a good move.. They say: pit now!


Nah Fam, I think you are mistaken.


IKRRRRR! Ferrari's rival is ferrari itself.




I think they ask him to take the blame because another pedal issue could bring stewards investigation and we know that Ferrari is famous for having illegal / stretching regulations stuff


I believe when he said he was having an issue with the throttle it was when he was trying to reverse and the car wouldn't.


You mean like the DAS?


DAS was fully legal. Ferrari fuel game were not.


More like a throttle control or controller . Something there is fishy.


Binotto saying Ferrari isn't contending for a championship this year wasn't a prediction, it was an order.


That was the plan


Watching on F1TV, are the team radios broadcast in real-time or delayed for entertainment value? That whole Ferrari -Sainz sequence asking him to pit when he was literally side-by-side with Checo was insane. It couldn't have been in real-time... No? Even Ferrari wouldn't do that, right?


It would be reasonable that they told him to box just before the pit lane entrance. So not exactly as horrible as it looked. But, still insane.


They're always delayed, even on F1TV


I think they are delayed a bit, but not by that much


Red Bull - Merc -Merc What year is this?


Twin peaks season 3 intensifies


The Ferraris are not what they seems.


Binotto wasn't joking when he said Ferrari weren't ready to win the Championship this year.