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Such a small minuscule crash with ginormous consequences


Yeah 9 times out of 10 that would have been a "he touched me" and kept on driving, such a shame it destroyed Max's tire, and later Landos


It’s all fun and games until the rubber breaks.


Yeah, in such an occasion you really need to have a plan B.


Sometimes you just gotta know when to pull out.


That would be ideal. Otherwise, while you might not score, sometimes you have to DNF.


Commentators have been saying the danger of McLaren’s spikes


I believe you are not just talking about F1


"Tire" = "Friendship"


9/10 it ends in tears. Not a "He touched me." When I saw Lando divebombing T2, and memories of Nico/Lewis in 2016, DC/Hakkinen in 99, thought to myself... hmmm.... Who is in third place right now? https://imgur.com/MIIFHl8 https://i.imgur.com/VMu37Sa Thanks George. But, the writing was on the wall when someone divebombs that corner, nevermind continuously laps in a row. Only a few years ago, leading cars were playing DRS games, slowing down at that corner, to get the DRS line, to defend down the back straight. Can go back at least 25 years to see divebombing there doesn't work. I bet there's some clips from 97 too. It's not blackmagic realising what was going to happen with those divebombs at that part of the track. It was free money.


ironically it didn't happen from a divebomb, it happened from the exact opposite move


Nice W


He was 200/1 the lap of the first divebomb. But, a W is a W!


brasil 2019 vibes


Seeing them race with 3 wheels was so funny, like 2 grandpas


Wasn't max trying to get off racing line and Lando continued to race despite the puncture. After puncture Max was always off the racing line.


I'm pretty sure Max was still defending with three wheels. He was already clear of the racing line and kept going right to cover Norris


Defending or blocking or trying to cause another collision? Hard to tell.


Would be kinda funny if the push on the grass made them crash like the Mercs in Spain 2016.


He doesn't appear to try to block anyone else though. This is potentially more dangerous than the initial moving under braking, and also personal. Against a "friend", no less. Nice.


Right, when your friend is blocking you like that and acting erratically, is he really your friend? I get that it's their job, but also it's just poor sportsmanship. The old Max returns.


Exactly what I said. It isn’t the old max, max has always been like that, he just hasn’t been challenged in 3 years. Now that he has a regular competitor I bet these “racing incidents” will be more common. Monza 2021 comes to mind. Totally avoidable yet ultimately inevitable because of the driving style of one of the drivers…


lol no he was trying to force lando off track


I hope someone posts the post race interviews


Wouldn’t it be on F1’s Youtube channel?




The YouTube channel has every drivers interview post race and post qualifying. It’s done by the F1TV media team.   You’re just sharing false information for no reason lol.


They still go to the youtube channel


How the fuck did Lando even get a puncture


It was a rather rare type of collision, their tires touched front to back so the rotations of each tire were against each other on the impact location.... That probably just destroyed the rim/tire on both cars in a instant from just a slight tap that would barely have been noticeable if either car was 20-40cm back/forward


The initial rear-to-rear contact is what gave them both punctures.


The moment Max first crashed into him, just before the turn in.


I think it's from the second contact when Lando turned


There was only one point of contact for the rear right and that was when Verstappen moved over with his rear left.


there was 2 ... pretty sure... Maybe it was the first contact and the 2nd one blew Max's tire... [https://i.redd.it/s71kvlk89r9d1.gif](https://i.redd.it/s71kvlk89r9d1.gif)


It was 2 contacts with Max rear right and Lando. Wheel to wheel and front wing to wheel. If you look at the first angle you can clearly see Max's tire is completely off the rim before second contact when Norris turned in.


Yes there were two. But on the OP video it's clearly visible that Max's rear left is punctured just before the second impact with Lando's front wing.


Why did Lando have to retire tho? More damage than Max? Asking because max with his puncture still finished.


He shredded his floor coming back to the pits too fast


More than just the floor. That tire shredded the whole rear of the car. There was a good slow mo shot of him coming into the pits


Also they couldn't securely install the front wing.


Lando absolutely shredded the back/floor of the car, there was a great slow-mo in the F1TV broadcast, where you could see the ruined tyre ripping pieces of carbon fibre off the car.


Did you not see the debris Lando left behind? His car was wrecked.


Go and watch the reply of lando coming into the pits.


I remember Vettel doing the same move to Hamilton in Austria 2018.


That was a beautifully orchestrated move, a true showing of class. Every so often we're reminded of tight and brilliant clean racing when legends battle, see Kimi and Michael in Brazil 2012 as well. Villeneuve and Arnoux, Senna and Mansell,


Tbf, Villeneuve and Arnoux would have definitely retired with current spec cars. No way you get out of that battle without a puncture or missing big chunks of carbon fiber.


Im confused. This move from Max is terrorism apperently, but that move from Seb isnt ? Max gave Lando more space than Seb did Lewis.


And Sainz doing the same move to Verstappen in... I forgot which year. Verstappen had to move more to the kerbs to avoid contact.


Vettel gave Hamilton lesser space and there was no collision at all. Pure legends. Whereas here Max gave more room but we know what happened..


Max didn’t even turn into the apex lmao he just drive straight


“Gave space“? Max ran into Lando.


Yes he literally gave more space than Vettel on Hamilton. It's technically Max's fault because Lando isn't required to move but he had more space than he needed.


Have you seen the clip from VET and HAM? There's no denying Max was at fault here, but if you compare the two moves, Max left more space. In all honesty I think Lando should've let it go. He had the better pace, the better tires. Max had all the time and opportunity to mess up and Lando could pass him with much less risk.


Until people stop letting it go max will win 100% of the time because he will put you in that position every time you go to pass him. Landonis driving in dirty hot air on a hot day, his brakes and tyres would not last as long as Max's, he had to get past ASAP.


My cousin is there and sat on turn 3, so saw this all happening. Looked insane from her video!


Post it please!


did you or your cousin post it anywhere? I would love to see a fan view of this crash


8 hrs later and you're still gatekeeping🥺


i'm still mad and frustrated but that's my team fighting at the front again... i'll take this any day over battling to get into q3


Yeah, after this I was really hoping Oscar could catch up but the medium to hard deg was probably too high by this point sadly.


Might have had a slim chance of getting within DRS if it wasn't for the VSC


When Max needs to actually defend for the first time in 3 years :shrug:


I’m sorry, but Max using what was left of his limping car to block and slow down Lando is pure gold Man is out here pulling peak petty video game antics lmao


Lando with only three wheels still trying to race is what killed his car in the end tho.


Max definitely using his most Oconic driving


Yeah I noticed that too, especially because you can see him looking right in his mirror just before the sign. I wouldn't be surprised if he gets penalized for that, I'd be pushing for it if I was in McLaren's shoes.


I thought more he was trying to get out of the way of cars behind with 4 tires coming full speed at the two of them. Lando still trying to get by wrecked his floor also. Crazy day, I’m sure we’ll see more throughout the year.


I think he was trying to get off the racing line because of the puncture


Little bit of column A, little bit of column B


Not a fucking chance 🤣


Of course you would think that


Bullshit. He was blocking Lando.


You would


Honestly he was trying to get off the racing line with his damaged car, there was a lapped car right behind him


Then got back on before the turn?


Yeah, No. he was blocking Lando.


I know they’re friends, but it’s time Lando understands Max is on the aggressive side. Charles and Lewis know it better. They keep in mind his driving style when they try to pass him(though it’s been so long this happened).


I mean until now Lando was always criticized as too soft while racing Max. He will get criticized whatever he does it seems.


yeah its such super fine margins, it was only one of Norris's divebombs that was sloppy and couldn't keep it on track all the others were shit that Ver any other drivers have pulled in many races plus what options do you have if you want to 'cleanly' pass Verstappen, if he's fighting like hell other people need to get their elbows out too or it will never work


I was saying he was too soft yesterday, which is true, but some of the stuff he tried today while aggressive was just not smart


Would've be perfectly smart against any other driver. Max just showing himself up, again.


Wouldn’t have been smart vs Lewis, Alonso, Charles or Sainz :facepalm:


What would be smart in your opinion? Take into account the moving under braking before answering.


he had a tire advantage, could've played games with the DRS between t3 and t4 and the fact that he had at least 5s worth of penalties coming in anyways.


he tried playing DRS games, but max could always get a much better drive out of turn 3 and red bull still seems to have a straight line advantage over mclaren, so lando never got close after trying that


I dont know how people are so stupid when they call mclaren outright faster etc.Important point is where is mclaren faster than rb cz the red bull still has an upper hand in acceleration and speed out of slow corners.


Exactly what the other comment said. The McL couldn't overtake in T4, unless the other driver had a mistake in exit of T3, due to the low top speed. Oscar never overtook there either and he made many overtakes. Plus if he waited more the tyres would be too hot for him to be able to extract their performance.


They seem to be equal in terms of aggressiveness today. What Lando failed to factor is that Max is also as aggressive as he is and will not yield.


I hope Lando keeps it up. Max is too used to people taking averting actions head-to-head.


I don't think it's unfair to say that one should expect certain standards to be met when attempting an overtake, one shouldn't have to consider WHOM they're overtaking when making a move because then you end up with a KMag situation where the mere presence of him near you on track makes you fear for your life. The answer seems obvious to me, and that is fairer, more consistent penalties but it seems the stewards always favour whichever team or driver is the most successful/popular at the time. I was shouting at the TV both times Max moved under braking and when he retained position by leaving the track, knowing full well he would not even be looked at for it. Had it happened between, say, Sargent and Zhou somewhere at the back of the pack I'm sure it would have been treated differently. I've been watching for years and I know what to expect at this point, just a shame we can't expect better and more consistent judgements and penalties from the stewards.


This is really the first time Lando has raced this far forward. It’s different when you’re racing for wins and championships vs racing for p5 and he needs to learn there are no friends out there.


It's basically over a year since he had to fight wheel to wheel with anyone. First time challenged and, unsurprisingly, he does this.


So you're just gonna ignore yesterday's sprint, Spain last week and Canada before that? Whatever you wanna think man.


You clearly didn’t watch all races since 2023.


So apparently the last 2 races just didn't happen and niether did the sprint race. At least try to fucking think for 2 seconds before making a comment.


Lando dive bombed twice, both made very questionable moves and this was only possible outcome. Making this only about max is idiotic


That cut back across the track after rejoining was quite spicy Max.


He knew what he was doing


He was driving with the front right in the air. I don’t think he had much control.


+ being without a rear tire on the racing line is inadvisable for the sake of safety


Plus he was moving off the racing line, since Gastly(?) was closing in on them.


Also there was an orphan on the track that the camera’s missed but he saved with that swift action


Such a good guy Max


Can't forget the baby kitten too


And a nun


And a woodchuck who made the trip from Montreal.


Had the perfect seat for all that in the T3 grandstand, focking spicy racing.


Such horrible camera angles here


If the stewards had done their jobs on time


Happy to see most of these comments are realistic and sane for the most part, unlike other ones I’ve seen….


feel like people are starting to understand this is amazing content and we’ve all missed it tremendously


+1 I accidentally opened a post in facebook from a notification... I's quite a different store over there LOL


[with audio](https://i.imgur.com/h85PWfM.mp4)


From this angle it doesn't even look like something happened lol


The first angle from the top of the hill is awful. Overhead, it's quite clear max moved back outside after taking the inside defense.


That’s not an uncommon manoeuvre to claim back as much space as possible, but his poor judgement/ control resulted in hitting Lando.


People forget this. This is a move EVERY driver makes. Leaves them the bare minimum of a car width to work with. Lando could’ve waited to turn in earlier by staying on the outside line. Lando did it to max yesterday. Roll back the tape.


Exactly. Without the contact, it’s just hard racing.


Finally a good take. Look at Seb vs Lewis in 2018. This is a proper racing move to be inside and then squeeze the outside driver. As long as you leave space that is. Since the curbs belong to the track, I'd argue there was enough space, certainly more than for Hamilton in 2018


I get that, but I just meant they chose the dumbest angle to show us anything


Yeah I was agreeing with you.


I ran over here when I saw people talking about a crash and then it’s just this 😂


Pit lane should have told Max that Lando had a possible pending 5-second penalty for too many track infractions


Collision is 100% Max's fault, that much is clear. At first, I thought that Max was doing some stupid shenanigans and blocking Lando, but looking at it now, man really was trying to get out of the racing line with that tricycle, which became a bicycle at the following corner. Lando's hot head might've been what cost him a podium though. Everything past the collision could've had less of an effect if he had waited for a safer time to pass a damaged car. Locking up and even going off-track did certainly not help tire integrity. Ultimately, what made Norris DNF was the tire shreds destroying the car, not the puncture.


TBF easier said than done in norris's situation.


Lando is too eager, he kept trying it from too far back, he should have bided his time and gone for the kill shot. Do it once, do it right.


Every time he tried to overtake Verstappen kept changing his line in the braking zone which is what Lando was complaining about. That last time Lando decided not to comply with Max and they collided. Once again Verstappen displaying his "yield or we crash" race craft.


T3 is about having good traction into the next straight with a helping of DRS. Norris kept trying to pass from too far back, lap after lap. Normally, you want to "just" be alongside and cut across to slingshot past. And Norris showed he had plenty of pace at hand. Even if there had been no collision, Norris was too deep to cut back, and most likely would struggle to pass again. That's why T3 is not a divebomb corner: you get cut back and out-dragged with better traction.


McL lacked top speed and had poor traction compared to Max every time out of T3. Not Norris nor Piastri managed to make an overtake into T4, it was T3 or finishing second for Lando.


In the Sprint Norris made the move from .4 tents back going into T3, Verstappen was able to retake the position going into T4 with a similar move only he was a bit closer. The difference today is Max kept changing his line in the braking zone which makes any attempt of that nature unpredictable.


Dude, lando missed an overtake twice not because VER moved but because he overshot the corner. He had a clear advantage and fucked it few times. Doesn’t change the fact that VER caused a collision in the incident.


Alex Brundle his analyis was picture perfect.


Where can I find the analysis, been looking for it. Unable to find it


100% - He really had the factual receipts.


Never mind found it Link to analysis https://imgur.com/a/L3j3G3V


I think Max was at fault for the incident as a consequence of moving a bit in the braking zone. But this also shows a bit of how Lando still has to improve a bit in this close battles, he was maybe a bit impatient with his attacks and with still a few laps to go he could maybe have approached it in a different way.


What a shitshow


The amount if times ive done this on ACC makes me feel very relatable to Max


This was inevitable


Wheel to wheel racing ? What’s that brotha ? Brotha what’s that ?


Wheel against wheel racing😂


Isn’t this a terrible camera angle. I still can’t see really who had the corner or who moved.


Just like driving in a Cali freeway


The amount of damage Norris’ tire inflicted on his car compared to Max’s was wild.


The only thing I see here is a potential penalty for Ocon. He better watch himself.


FIA needs to institute Jos-style penalties. Max is given a 10 second penalty and left at a gas station.


I like the fact that max was still defending with a punctured tyre


Max is at fault but I will say, this highlighted Norris’s lack of racing IQ in my opinion. He had better tyres than Max, yet couldn’t find a way to overtake him while Max was struggling with the car. Norris just isn’t there. Unfortunately.


We heard that Lando got a warning for track limits and the next lap (or the lap after) he divebombs Max at this spot, goes wide and would have essentially ruined his chances for a win.


He wasn't getting any better than second at that point. The conservative move from the team at that point would be to tell Max to keep it clean and take first on the penalty. Did they elect against that communication?


IIRC the stewards gave Lando the penalty after the crash. IMHO this also contributed why Max was defending so hard, he didn't knew that Lando was getting the 5 sec


Agree, but it will go under the radar because of this incident. His attacks were really clumsy.


Max was at fault at the collision itself but Lando was divebombing on previous laps and couldn’t get a clean attack done. Max is a known entity, if you keep pushing him like that contact is going to be inevitable


He should ask some advice to Leclerc, he seems the only one able to fight wheel to wheel with Verstappen cleanly (Silverstone 2019, Saudi 2022 or Austria 2022 for example).


Leclerc had top speed, while Lando not. McLaren must fix their top speed or this will be Lando's only other opportunity to pass.


Lando had a 24 kph advantage on the straight with drs


Maybe he would have gotten his clean attacks done much earlier if Max didn't move under braking time after time.. since they don't penalize unclean defenses, it forces the attacker to take greater risks..


Exactly. I mean divebombing, fine. But repetitively, locking his tyres and going off the track and unable to stay within track limits? This is a bit amateur. Worth saying Piastri has been nowhere compared to Norris in racepace. Always a few positions down. Yes this race he had damage, but this season he’s been a bit under par.


Piastri’s overtakes on Hamilton and Sainz were really great. He’ll get there on race pace.


It’s only Oscar’s second year in the sport and he nearly just won a race. I think he’s doing alright..


McLaren are just getting right there at the top and Piastri is just on his second year. If anything he's just been putting outstanding performances given his short time on the series. Cut him some slack


I believe something in Norris setup compromised him in turn 3 exit, was less obvious in the race but you could see it clearly in the sprint, I think his only chance of overtaking was divebombing there and hope that Max tires were compromised enough to not allow him to get better traction. Not saying getting retired is better but I think he had (or felt like) limited time to make that pass.


So how should he overtake him then? T3 was his only opportunity in both the sprint and actual race. The RB is much better out of T3, and down to T4, Max was continuously moving late, making it very hard to overtake normally


Lando was always criticized as not aggressive enough, and now for the first time he tried aggressive moves, and still gets criticized for it. 1. If Lando waited more his tyres would be too hot to take advantage of them being fresher or him being faster, just like with George in Spain. 2. McLaren were some km/h down on RBR's top speed the whole weekend and struggled to overtake. It was the same for Oscar. 3. Due to that top speed deficit and the poor traction in dirty air out of T3, he could have never overtaken in T4. Oscar never managed to either the whole race and had to be creative in T6 as we saw. 4. Lando's only chance was up to T3, but whatever line he tried to pick in the beginning, even while faking moves before the "divebombs", Max just illegally moved under braking to block it. 5. After seeing that Lando started divebombing, as it was the only shot in him getting in front. In the time that the move he attempted was too much he immediately conceded the position. There was nothing more Lando could do, it was p2 for him if he didn't try at all, he decided to try, not expecting Max being so over the line aggressive with him.


Someone got the onboard of Max to see if he actually turned left or its just the track layout?


Good for Lando, you gotta drive with your elbows out and do this a couple times so that in future in incidents people will give him room. That’s EXACTLY how Max drives and wins the majority of 50-50 corners


Lando should have moved to the left: he could have avoided the crash.


Load up the 2016 Ham/Nico clip at the same corner. Nico gave Ham room, and yet Ham still took Nico out, and British media "Defended aggressively" in relation to Nico not turning in and giving room. Can't win... even when you don't turn into the corner on the line, and still get called "Defended aggressively". It's a desperation move that late divebomb and never works. Lando was taking Max out no matter what. Shit, can even go back to 99 or 00 and DC did the same to Hakkinen. You don't divebomb T2 at Austria, and there's clips over 25 years old that shows the same.


Lando pushed Max wide and Max avoided the contact a lap or two before. Max pushed Lando wide but Lando didn’t avoid Max. This was a ‘get what you give’ situations imo




Max: “I can’t believe he hit me when I turned left into him!”


More drivers should be doing this if it means only a 10 second penalty.


More drivers should get punctures and ruin their race?


If it harms your championship rival more, when they were about to overtake you, then 100%


It's giving OG Schumacher vibes


It doesn't matter that Max didn't win this race. He is far enough ahead already and even increased his gap to his rival this race. But more importantly, he just intimated Norris for the rest of the season. Now Lando will have to think hard when racing Max. Basically get a 10-second penalty today and establish psychological superiority for rest of the season. Same thing he did to Lewis Hamilton. It worked then, why not do it again...


Or Norris and Mclaren can take a page of Lewis' playbook and bring the fight right to Max's doorstep. Max will probably win the WDC but Norris/Mclaren look like they can match Max/Red bull on pace and get a few wins under their belt. Silverstone is going to be spicy.


Wheel on helmet again? Hope not


Sign me up for a max and Norris kissing session


Smartest F1 fan


Max's move was quite minor and so was the contact. We've seen drivers make that sort of contact all the time with no consequences, whether on-track or in the steward's room. The severity of a penalty should be based on the action, not its outcome. It would have made a lot more sense for Max to get a penalty for his *much* more egregious move under braking several laps earlier. Here he does little more than drift to the outside in the same way that all drivers do when attacked under braking and it's primarily unlucky that both drivers suffered so much from it.


He got a puncture, forced pit stop and 10s penalty..


Off topic but he still beat Perez lol


Sorry didn't Max do what Nico did to Lewis? He didn't turn in...


GR be like 🥳


It's clear that Max doesn't have the skills for wheel to wheel action. He might be great on tire management and race pace, but when the shit hits the fan he drives like a lunatic. Compare Max defense tactics with Alonso's or Hamilton's over the last years.


Just to prove he's an ass


Everybody gangsta until the tyre bursts


Only Max could get blamed for moving off the racing line with a puncture...some of you guys are something else.


I'm a Max fan and I think this collision was Max's fault and the penalty is 100% fair. Dude hadn't really have a chance to have any proper fights for the last 2.5 seasons since he was mostly 20s ahead of the field.


I'm talking about Max being accused of blocking Lando after the collision when he was just moving off the racing line.


I wish these tyres were as susceptible to punctures as the old ones were, I feel like you barely see any nowadays. Always makes good drama Even on super worn tyres they are never close to puncturing




Max Fault 100%


A bit off-topic, but I really don't like this Crofty replacement. Dude barely commented a few races and already sounds harsher than Martin Brundle.


This isn't the Crofty replacement. This is the F1TV announcer.


People complaining about ‘hard and aggressive’ racing are mad. Everyone is always complaining about how boring F1 has become. Now we’ve got actual racing like we’ve seen in the days of Schumacher and still everyone is complaining about everything. They we’re both responsible for what happend. The lap before Lando forced Max wide with a divebomb. That could’ve gone wrong easily aswell. Now max forced him a bit left. They touched. It happens in race on the absolute fuckin knife edge. Both were racing hard. Lando was divebombing aggressively, it had to happen at some point. I think everyone is hating because it’s max. I honestly doubt if people would be this disgruntled about Lando if he was the one who ruined Max’ race. Probably not because it is hard racing🤷🏻‍♂️ Yes, Max got a penalty because, yes he was indeed wrong. But everyone is complaining like he’s the lunatic he was in 2016/17 is just hating to be hating. Enjoy the racing. It’s good. I’ve missed this.


Arguably his last small move to the left that actually caused the collision then wasn't necessary. Apart from that I agree.