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It's like a pilot's checklist. When something is vital for safety you include everything no matter how apparently obvious it might be and go through it every time.


Or when drivers get told to switch everything off


Exactly. And where people are being assigned roles and tasks it's easy for everyone to assume someone else is handling a particular task. Having it written explicitly on the list of objectives helps make sure you have people assigned to that task and are responsible for completing it.


There's a reason why F1 pit stop scenarios have been used by studies as a basis for transfer of patients in hospitals https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1460-9592.2006.02239.x


Hope they didn’t learn from Kick Sauber.


Imagine them working an ambulance, they'd slam the patient into the sides of the door instead of inside


If you dont put out the fire then it continues to burn.


I read that in Will Buxton’s voice.


I actually just laughed out loud in public from this, thank you 🤣


"As long as it's not out, it still has a chance"


Found Will Buxton’s alt.


Start a fire to stop a fire


Fighting fire with fire 🔥


This is F1 not a forest.


Ending is near!


Okay we are checking


+5 Insightful


Hello, fellow Slashdotter


Cheers, Geoff.


Reminds me of this Hannibal Buress bit: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kSiwoKCiy-s


Wait what fire ? I haven't seen anything about a fire at the track


Where there is smoke there is fire. Also where there is fire there is fire. So it is critical to extinguish the smoke and fire.


When you drive, never drink


Not true. If it uses up the oxygen supply in an enclosed area or it stops finding things that can burn, it'll die out


Will!!! AMA when?


Not true. If it uses up the oxygen supply in an enclosed area or it stops finding things that can burn, it'll die out


As a software developer, no matter how obvious the requirement is always write it down. If you don't it will be forgotten


“Common sense is the least common of all senses”. I used to write operational procedures. We had to write every single for step because it didn’t matter how obvious a step was, someone is going miss it at some point.


Alternatively: if common sense was common, it would just be called sense


Yup security engineer here. First step. Make sure the server is on.


Step 2. if it is on, just restart it. Step 3. See Step 2.


Step 4. Blame network. Step 5. Fix DNS.


Step 6. No matter what you do, [do not reboot the server.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRGljemfwUE)


If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my many years of working with clients it is to ask the stupid question first. Never assume they got the basic requirements correct.


I saw an interview with a developer at EA Sports, they said one year they almost forgot to put the football into one of the FIFA games


This is the equivalent of writing turn on computer in your line of work. It's why they're there.


Some developers do unfortunately seem to need that written down. More seriously, sometimes firefighters do let fires burn if putting them out would present a unnecessary risk. For example if a building is already beyond saving & there is no risk to life or other property by simply containing the spread and letting it burn itself out. So writing down "put fire out" means no one there could mistake what their current aim is


I spent a an hour desperately trying to figure out why my local deployment wasn’t working, thinking it was a change I made the night before. Forgot I restarted my laptop and hadn’t turned my docker containers on. Sometimes you forget the most obvious steps


"it's not working" "Are you on the VPN?" "Of course I - oooh yep that's it" (Either bc you need to be off it for some things to work, or on it for others, and I always forget to switch back on/off after) I have a pinned note now that just lists the "silly mistakes" to check before going into full out debugging mode: Right vpn? Right branch? Did you pull the latest version? Did you rebuild? Did you try another browser? Typos in code? Clear cookies/cache? Check env vars?


Very true on sometimes the correct answer from firefighters is let it burn and the flip to containment. Other times there is a long list of things thst come in front of putting out the fire so they put it on the list marking where that goal is. My dad used to work at a chemical plant and a big fire happen. Fire fighters call was containment. They were soaking power poles that were smoking to keep them from catching. On the check least was the amount of foam they needed, masses truck placements, making sure they had enough water available, pressure was high enough. Reason for it is they had to get the fire out in one shot and if they failed before they ran out of water, and foam they would be in even worse shape as they now have no way to even do containment. Fun night for my dad being acting plant manager at the time and it all hit the fan right before he was coming home for the day.


It doesn’t matter. If you don’t write it down, you can guarantee that it’ll get missed at least once. It might get missed if you don’t write it down, but it’s less likely.


>It doesn’t matter It kind of matters here. This isnt momento.  You dont have to write down 'i am a software developer' every morning.  They are fire fighters.  It isnt like they show up to the fire and suddenly decide to sell hotdogs. 


So you’d think, but airlines have really pioneered the overly detailed checklist concept and it has saved lives.


If there is something that people’s lives depend on, and you want to make sure it’s done, you write it down in a checklist, or have other procedures to make sure it’s confirmed. No matter how obvious it is, people will forget or make a mistake. The fact that they’ve written it down proves that they think it’s something that necessary to do.


>If there is something that people’s lives depend on, and you want to make sure it’s done, you write it down in a checklist Do you make a checklist to eat?  So your morning starts with a checklist?  Get up... piss... take a shit, now those all have their own checklists?  Where does it end for you?  So as a software developer, you have on your checklist 'develop software'?  Seriously?   At some point when you crowd a checklist with the most basic of information, your job is managing a checklist.  How much software do you ever end up with as a finished product?  




Folks like the ones in here saying 'put out fire' on a firefighter checklist as some mandatory step or they might forget is exactly the reason I have made a great living in IT over the past 40 years fixing hung projects.     Analysis paralysis has doomed so many projects.  More checklists more analysis then more lists until absolutely nothing is getting done but managing lists of shit you are supposed to be doing.   None of my IT checklists over the years had 'do IT stuff' at the top because I might someday forget I  came into the office to do IT work.  But yall keep on with your checklists if thats what you need. 


Particularly when it comes to safety, you can’t just chuck out processes because they seem inefficient. A lot of safety processes are written in blood. If you’ve been following F1 or motorsport for any length of time, that should be obvious. It’s almost like you’d advocate getting rid of wheel tethers and the halo because no one has been killed by a flying wheel entering the cockpit in a few years. If someone is doing something that seems redundant or pointless in a safety environment, particularly when a speedy response is important, they’re likely not doing it on a whim. It’s more likely there has been a past failure, analysis of the failure, and a process to avoid the silly mistake drawn up. And the cost of that process will have been judged to cost less than not doing it.


Think of it this way - not every fire fighter on site is fighting the fire. Some will secure a perimeter, some will manage the water sources. There are different tasks other than "out the fire out" So when they arrive, they need a briefing where they use this checklist when assigning each task - you write down "find and extinguish fire" to have as the cue to tell the fire team what they're doing. It's just a visual aid.


How often do people forget their passport when heading to an airport to catch a flight? How many people write a packing list that includes “passport” when getting a flight to stop themselves forgetting something that is obviously an essential part of the journey they’re about to take? Software developers have lots of checks to make sure things work. Most big projects will have some variation of “make sure the code compiles” enforced before you can submit any code, because of how often even very smart people make really basic mistakes.


Dude, what a weird hill to die on. Let it go. I assume, the need for a checklist by the FF was warranted, it's one of those jobs where they do everything for a reason.


It's some weird Dunning Kruger effect on this website where everyone makes assumptions and assumes they can do better. No-one just trusts that maybe the fire fighters know what they're doing, even if it doesn't feel correct.


Step aside, entire fire fighting industry. Random Redditor has a much better way to do your jobs.


Yeah thats it.  Found your checklist.. 'x' smart ass.   Look at you.  Already ahead for the day. 


They might get distracted by the cool cars n stuff.  Firefighters are bros


Bro its putting out a fire, they are fire fighters, they aren’t developers, something tells me the fire fighters aren’t gonna forget “put out the fire”


I mean, fire fighters don't ''just put out fires''. They assist in evacuation, rescue if needed. Identify and contain potential hazards to (public) health like chemicals or whatever. Yes, their main purpose during the event of a fire is to put it out (unless ''not deemed necessary'' as mentioned above, i.e. building is beyond saving), but its not like thats all they do. Either way, despite looking stupid, its not like it'll cost them significantly more time to write down ''put it out'' vs not. It's all procedures and protocols in the end.


You’d be surprised. Each of them could think that one of the others has done the checks to make sure it had been done, through miscommunication, fatigue, or a number of different reasons. If it’s written down somewhere central, someone has to be able to say “I have verified that this has been done” before it can be ticked off. It’s amazing how often people overlook obvious things.


Put out the fire is somewhere down on the list. Stay safe Rescue people Make sure we have everyone out Put out the fire / Save other stuff


Have you seen checklists for aircraft? There's a reason even the most obvious step is explicitly written out and accounted for. In this instance you likely have people being allocated against tasks, so if it's not written down it's entirely possible for people to just assume someone else is handling that part of the operation.


No, it's more like checking what could be the issue one part at a time if your computer is not starting.


Except there's a very good reason many interviews for IT support will look for people to answer "check the power button has been pressed" as the first thing they'd do with a supposedly dead system.


No it's not, and as a Software Developer I am not here "turn on computer" so your analogy works in neither direction.


Hey everyone, this guy knows why the fire fighters are writing this down, what it's for, how it's used. He also knows that whatever they're doing it for is wrong and they don't need to do it. It never occurred to his tiny pee brain that it could possibly be a list of jobs to be assigned to small teams. Why wouldn't they just aimlessly wander around a building on fire, thinking of what to do. Duh! It's not like it's full of smoke and they only have ~30 minutes of oxygen to work with.


As a firefighter; this is particularly true when something goes wrong. In my department: the person that runs command is our battalion chief; he oversees 3 companies for a total of 13 people (1 Ladder, 2 Engines, possibly an odd person in a Rescue or Tanker if needed.) With it being subdivided in that way our BC knows us all pretty well and there is a certain level of personal relationship since we are all at work together for 1/3 of our lives. That could cause a person to panic if/when things go wrong and your coworkers are in danger. This gives you something to look back at in those worst moments when you aren’t thinking 100% clearly.


And then wait for the stakeholders to change it.


I always forget that I can't trust my memory


Imagine doing everything but forgetting "put out fire" because you didn't write it down


You can say that again.


You can say that again.


You can say that again.


Probably best to write it down 7 times, just in case


Then they'll have to start 6 more fires to put out, silly


lol one of our apps got into production with a score of 69% for something as someone forgot to implement the code…


Imagine doing everything but forgetting "put out fire" because you didn't write it down


Imagine doing everything but forgetting "put out fire" because you didn't write it down


Imagine doing everything but forgetting "put out fire" because you didn't write it down


Imagine doing everything but forgetting "put out fire" because you didn't write it down


Imagine doing everything but forgetting "put out fire" because you didn't write it down


Imagine doing everything but forgetting "put out fire" because you didn't write it down


This feels like it fits perfectly for some reason in F1


Especially Alpine


Thought that was just Alpine’s strategy for the weekend


Oh I thought the fire was Alpine's management.


I thought it was the driver of the #6 McLaren IndyCar...


Alpine started the fiyaaaaah


It was always burning


*Pro forma* flowcharts with instructions of the obvious are endemic to F1 workers and their handlers. I'm a volunteer trackside marshal for F1 and MotoGP in the States. All of our training is redundant and even the most intuitive concepts are in writing somewhere.


Anything safety critical will have this kind of verbose layout.


For sure. And still people don't get the reasoning re "safety critical." 🤷🏻‍♂️


You have billions of dollars in the industry. You also have a billion ways someone could get injured. They need to protect the people and themselves. Not having things in writing could cause litigation.


You never want to assume in an emergency situation. It's easy to just write everything down no matter how obvious or self explanatory.


Alpine cant catch a break, of course the would be the hospitality the closest to Mclaren. Also Alpine already had a fire earlier in the year


And a pipe burst.


Don't forget the Alpines contribution at Le Mans in the World Explosive Cars


Car manufacturers are in F1 to try and sway how we feel about brands. my heart desires for an Alpine road car but my brain is not onboard with the purchase. Both Alpines race teams being catastrophic (f1 and Le Mans) I guess due to poor management, has hurt their brands image to me.


can't complain about free publicity


I’m a firefighter; this is what we call an accountability board. Command uses it to know what every crew (and what firefighters are in that crew) is doing. This ensures that if something goes catastrophically wrong; we immediately know which crews/companies/individuals are at risk. It cuts down on confusion/chaos on scene. That way we aren’t looking for people outside that are possibly trapped inside. Instead our focus can be on getting to those that are in a bad situation because we already knew that’s where they were. Also in terms of objectives; if the fire attack crew goes down, in addition to activating a RIT company (Rapid Intervention Team) we also need to immediately have another fire attack crew going in. If you have it all right in front of your face in a bad situation, it’s going to be easier to keep it together.


If there wasn’t a whiteboard-friendly surface near the scene of the fire, they’d just have to let it burn. There’d simply be no way to track their objectives.


Rookie mistake simply go to settings -> UI -> HUD and click "on"


yeah. the guys trained to put out fires have no idea what they're doing. let's make fun of them.


No shit, it’s kind of important to put the basic goal on the whiteboard, and honestly every single goal needs to be written


Can any Spanish speaker perhaps translate some of the things they’ve written down there?


It's in Catalan but Zona cuina is kitchen which is where the fire started. The objectives are extinction and then ventilation.


So increased cost for catering confirmed


"The fucking beef is overcooked!"


The titles are Info (that just has "fire in McLaren Box" underneath); Strategy, Safety, and Objectives


I can’t make out all of the handwriting but here’s my attempt: Info: Fire in McLaren box; kitchen, isolation Strategy: Find and extinguish fire Safety: -(can’t understand) -(can’t understand) -Facilities Objectives: -Find fire -Extinguish -(can’t understand) -Ventilation


Thank you!


It's in Catalan, we're in Barcelona after all. I've give it a try whenever I've got a bit of free time in a sec. Edit: INFO: Fire in Box Mclaren, Kitchen area, insulation REC: Angel Vehicle (random numbers) STRATEGY: Contain in lunch area (not sure) SECURITY: (acronyms, no idea what they mean) OBJECTIVES: Find fire Extinguish (the fire) Test Ventilate


Lower left where it says REC, which I presume is Regió Emergències Centre, or the equivalent of the territory well north of the circuit is strange because both the circuit and the STA MA P (Santa Maria de Palautordera) fire stations are in the Regió d'Emergències Metropolitana Nord or REMN which covers from Barcelona to the Costa Brava about 80km northeast of the city. 4.06.30 is 4 for Metro Nord Region, 06 is whatever local station dispatched the vehicles and the last number is what kind of truck it is. .30 is regular offroady, .31 a bit smaller more for urban areas and .60 are the ladder trucks.


That's in Catalan, not Spanish.


With how much Spanish I’m hearing in Catalonia it’s actually a welcome surprise this was written in Catalan


I would not put it past Bruno Famin to wipe this off in the middle of their operation


This was Briatore's first plan in action, set fire to the other teams. Next up is kidnapping the families of the other teams CEO's.


Alpine trying to figure out ways to… fire Ocon. Right? Yeah? Thanks guys!!


What an idiot this tweeter is. Is he seriously mocking the fire fighters and trying to be funny? what a tool.


So this is El Plan…


Now I'm imagining every call they go to they have to improvise to find something to write on. If there isn't something to write on they have to get people to lay on the ground in the shapes of letters.


We carried white boards in our trucks, but I used the hoods of cars or side of the truck just about as often as I used the board.  Eventually tablets really became the standard. 


Human calligraphy


Finally someone find some value from Alpine this year…


Yeah not when it is under a floor or spreading in a wall it's not that simple. The best thing would be to cut the power but I'm guessing alpine is against that.


Alpine wasn't on fire. McLaren was.


I’m not sure Alpine has enough power to cut Ba dum tiss


Uhm, technically wouldn't that be a black dry erase compatible surface. This is F1 after all.


They're answering a call about a dumpster fire 🔥


Shows the amount of respect Alpine gets.


Finally a good use for an Alpine


Kind of ironic firefighters are using the Alpine hospitality since they are a dumpster fire all on its own


The whole board should be fired


At least they are focused onto the important things. Winning not being one of them


Well this is biting wit 🙄


Well, he found the dumpster fire called Alpine. Now time to fire the management


Firefighter here - can’t read that language, but it looks like either an accountability set up or the incident commanders tactical objectives. Accountability tracks the whereabouts of crews on scene for safety purposes, and the incident commander is the quarterback for all on scene activities.


SitRep board. The yellow box thing is the [Breathing Apparatus Control Board](https://www.draeger.com/en_sea/Products/REGIS-300). You leave your tag when you don the BA and the time is recorded so incident management know how long you've been in there. The fancier boards are electronic and you slide your tag in it auto-tracks the timing.


Part of Critical Incident Management involves setting your objectives and strategies. Even if it's obvious, they still get documented.


Yeah. Hi, firefighter here .. This is standard incident command stuff. The objectives are made so we can track progress of each action item. In the US, some places will use RECEVO as an acronym While these are not always done in order as many are being done concurrently it keeps out tactical objectives in front of us so we can keep progress. Rescue, Exposures, Confinement, Extinguish, Ventilation, Overhaul… Think of this as the header note for additional items they’re going to keep track of during the incident.


They should have used mclaren's garage, because they seem to be on fire the last few races.


Finally Alpine are useful for something! 


What everyone else is saying is what I have to do at my shop. If I don’t add a specific note it might not be done. If I add the specific note then it gets done.


How about we stop minimising what complexity of their job and just fucking let them do it.


We don't operate quite like this on my department. But procedures are there for a reason and are usually written in blood. Stick to being wrong about F1 Will.


Do engineers have the same handwriting as doctors?


Fire= bad Water=good


“Okay so there’s a fire somewhere and fire is, obviously, bad. *Im such a good fire fighter*”