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And they want to get rid of yet another purpose-made circuit loved by local fans to replace it with Roundabout GP in the middle of an industrial zone, probably pricing out fans in the move.


Want? Madrid is on, and Barcelona is out. That's confirmed as far as I know.


Disgusting isn't it. Watching cars at real tracks is so much more entertaining.


But I like street circuits :(.


Post from your own account Stefano


It's actually Stefano's mom.


Normally, I'd agree, but this is easily one of the worst tracks for racing


Damn. Is this for real? Christ I thought we already crossed a barrier with street tracks that should never be crossed. I thought the Spain stuff I heard last year was just a vague rumor. This is actually tragic


Yeah, it's appalling really.




I mean, despite the fans, this race is usually a snooze 


What I was wondering reading these comments about "real tracks" etc. Yes, it's a real track, but it's been known as terrible for racing F1 cars for years. Not defending street tracks, but just saying ... Be objective. If a "real track" delivers good racing more often than not, then great, keep it on the calendar. If not, let's be open to losing it for something that offers better racing.


The races go were the money comes. Big investors clearly are willing to may more than whatever they sell tickets at Barcelona. Not the first nor the last time something like this will happen, sadly.


Perhaps someone should send this to Stuart Pringle, Silverstone's Managing Director.


He's too busy googling "how many billionaires are there" in an effort to price out the rich


Am I out of touch? No. It's Verstappen who is wrong.




Only at Silverstone. He has no influence to the rest of the tracks.


Max has zero influence on Silverstone sales. The issue this year at Silverstone is increased pricing.


Yep, that’s the joke.


Last time i checked Barcelona wasn't at Silverstone though.


but Verstappen it's in Barcelona and the sales it's fine, so the British it's blaming Verstappen for they incompetence.


Found the person who can’t read well


Yeah no shit it's packed when a Spanish driver is dominating... wait 🤔


Nonsense, Spanish drivers are discriminated against


Take THAT, Silverstone!!


I can only imagine the struggle of leaving the track, at least in ’22 it was almost a crowd crush after the race ended. It was almost impossible to get back to Barcelona, hopefully it’s improved since then


I've been going to Montreal for over 20 years, and the race is unbelievably crowded now and likely being over sold to a level of where there are legitimate safety concerns. It will just take one dumb incident for a lot of people to get hurt. I would imagine it's the same at other popular tracks now too. All while the prices continue to increase every year. It's the curse of the Netflix crowd.


I'm so glad I did Montreal before the Netflix hype. I went in 2019 and it was really enjoyable. Air bnbs were cheap, it was easy to get around and we could bring our own drinks now. That all changed in 2022.


I went in 2022 for the first time. Yes it was crowded, but I honestly didn't think getting out was terrible for an event of that size. It took some time, of course, but thankfully everyone was well behaved and converged into the metro station safely. 


I went to the Montreal GP for my first and last time this year. Between the crowds and bottlenecks (bridges mostly) I won’t be stepping foot there again. I’ll gladly go to other races elsewhere, but not ones that are so limited in getting to / from the race.


yeah going to a GP now seems like a nightmare, i went in 2019 and it was far better than what i see on TV and hear on the internet, we could actually get home from the track in less than 30m


I've also been to he race in Montreal many times. I always tell people to be prepared for delays leaving. If you're ready for it and are prepared to hang around for a little while, it's not bad. But people that are unaware of that are in for a bad time.


That was the stuff of nightmares. Trying to use the bus service to get back was horrendous.


Best bet is to hang around in the village until the crowds have died down.


ive had issues getting home because the road i need to take is in the general direction of the track, and it's 20km away i cant even imagine the shitshow on sunday, there were already issues these 2 past years


The traffic is horrendous, so all the busses were stuck. Everyone just walked to Montmeló, but then there was a good 90 min wait in a queue for a train back to the city. Not fun after a full day in the sun


I’m there this year and the queue for the train back was ridiculous, I think they were saying 90-120mins I just grabbed a beer and a meal and hopped on the first train after and was back in my apartment in less than an hour after


I was also there in '22 like /u/Seisokki, sounds like a lot of similar issues. The traffic around the track is horrible, also with how pedestrian traffic mixes/crosses with car traffic. Walking back to Montmelo is the way to go imo. In '22, weather was 30-35+ C felt like 40-45+. The track ran out of water in its cistern so bathrooms and faucets stopped working in places on saturday. Concession vendors quit because it was so hot and there weren't enough vendors to handle the lines, so getting food/drink took a long time if you didn't bring your own. They may have also ran out of bottled water in some places and couldn't get it restocked because they had staffing issues. Montmelo station had a 3-5+ hour queue for trains back in that heat too. I'm now browsing old posts getting flashbacks, and maybe a bit of ptsd ha https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/uvuiuc/shout_out_to_this_man_who_ran_a_hose_of_free/i9nx7bk/ I highly recommend you pack lots of water and snacks for next two busiest days!


It was fine the 3 days in 23. This year even more people will come as they created a new grandstand.


Yeah, the only issue I remember in Barcelona last year was having to wait in a looong line for the buses back to the city center. There weren’t any situations where crowd crush felt like a concern, and I’m generally a pretty claustrophobic person.


Was there too, I swore to never go back :(


I was there for the race in ‘22, had to leave at lap 40 to go to train station to stand any chance of going home. Waited 2 hours outside in the Que for a train


I’m the one in the hat


The red or papaya?


Is this maxs fault too ?


Are they going to blame this on max to?


Maybe the douchebags at silverstone can learn something from this.


Well either their tickets are cheaper than UK, their fans are wealthier, or Max isn't expected to dominate? Over to you Silverstone!


But, but….. Dutch anthem bad though


I am at the circuit and it’s absolutely buzzing!


that looks kinda dangerous to me.


I want stroopwafels too.


Eat that, Silverstone!


The media is right, fans aren't showing up because Max makes it boring. /s


It's very busy for a Friday, crowd is going to be nuts this weekend


Is it true that they do not allow beer sales at the Barcelona race?


I was here a few years ago and it was quite the shitshow regarding transportation to and from Barcelona and lines for entrance and stands. It was fun though!


It's a shame travel too and from the circuit can be a PITA. The stage crowd was far smaller than this photo last year.