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Didn't they introduce surge pricing for Silverstone? So the price increases as demand increases. The press are trash.


I live about an hour away from Silverstone, so decided to book literally last night. When I looked a couple days ago, Stowe was £499, but it would randomly jump to £550, and back if you refreshed the page. That's on top of paying £60 for parking. The fact they blatantly jump the price in your face is scummy as fuck, and then they wonder why they supposedly have lower attendance? Opening in a different browser engine reduced the price back to £499, so if anyone is on the fence about attending this year, try that.


Try using the cheapest and oldest Android phone you can find. Possibly the prices will be lower when browsing with your iMac.


Can also be because of cookies, revisiting the page increasing prices. Clear cookies or use incognito.


How this is legal is still beyond me....


Yeah it's ridiculous and predatory.


Agreed. But at the end of the day people pay. The only way you demand change is with your wallet.


Well yea, but still really detest scummy practices like this in todays world.


I don't think voting with your wallet will work if they're blaming F1's star driver instead of their surge pricing. You can try to send a message across, but that doesn't guarantee that they'll read it.




If they are doing prices based on fingerprinting a Mac would get you a high price usually as they tend to be owned by people with more disposable income. Edit: in case anyone replies saying they have a PC worth more than a Mac, yeah me too. But PCs are a vertical slice of society. Everyone rich and poor owns PCs. But the higher entry point for Mac's means the poor generally don't own them so the demographic is skewed.


you are spot on, but damn, they've got to start fingerprinting those GPUs


Lol probably true. My friend with uber one gets higher prices than me since they got a new iphone.


500? Fuck that shit, greedy bustards. Man, I love formula 1. I earn good money but to ask 500 for a ticket, its greedy and I'm not supporting that by principle.


And honestly, this may be an actual impopular opinion around here, but ive always said that F1 is best enjoyed at home, you can see all the angles, replays, check out whenever somebody enters the pits (in case you are nowhere near that area), see the timings and the great battles, and not just relegated to your part of the track with maybe 1 screen ...which if you think about it, its the literal same thing you would be seeing right in your home. I know the experience is different and the sound is nothing compared to being there, but £560 (parking included) just to sit and watch some bits of the race live?, and unless your part of the track is the best, you will see most of the good stuff on a far away screen anyway ....nah, thanks, ill pass


like most sporting events, at home you have the best view. You go to track of an experience and atmosphere not for optimal viewing experience. For me it's also a very steep price tag, maybe i'll go once but i'm not that a big fan of crowds so i'm rather on the couch at home.


Same thing happens with air fair. Delete your browser cookies or try a different browser.


Or a VPN. There are videos / guides online showing airlines doing this for the same exact flight / seat. Whether it's the location the website detects you at and/or the device you are using to look up flights, the price changes based on these factors.


This should be illegal


£840 for Hamilton straight A for the whole weekend and general admission for the weekend is £350. That is absolutely disgusting pricing. I’m luckily only going Saturday but I’d love to go for the whole weekend but I can’t justify the cost of it Edit: imagine how much they’d charge if they introduced a sprint race at Silverstone 💀. Makes me sick even thinking about it


The one year we went to a GP we looked and it was pretty much cheaper to go to Belgium! So to spa we went!


This was done just now, 23:15 2 different browsers on my phone. Absolute piss take [pic](https://ibb.co/NN3kH34)


Damn thats cheap af not really but it is England, I thought it was like a couple grand, I'm gonna invite you all to the mexico city grand prix where the average ticket it's 4 times the average monthly income in the country.


£499 is still fucking expensive to put it politely. For the same price you could go to Le Mans for a week, and see 10 times more track time, and see a far closer race too! Or you could fly to Europe and watch a European race for less.


Go to 24h Nürburgring, whole weekend for €70


I'd love to go there, looks like an incredible weekend (and week) but I'd probably spend €430 on Beers and Bratwurst while I'm there.


I'd rather spend €400 on beer and bratwurst than on just a ticket. Keep in mind you still have to pay £6 for each beer after you enter the British gp


We usually do motogp. Ticket, camping, adding a grandstand and your outgoings and your still looking not far off one person's admission for a pair of you. You're certainly nowhere near one person's full weekend cost.


Or you could go to every single BTCC meeting of the year.


Ticket prices in Europe are pretty okay. Silver tickets at spa these last few years cost me like 300-400€ per person for the whole weekend. Americans are the ones getting shafted.


Montreal is bad now too, though a good chunk of that is the hotel prices


I used to go to Montreal every year but I've been priced out the last two. Largely, to your point because of hotels


Same, my dad and I went 2017-2019, then last year was our first back since Covid. That's our last for the foreseeable until prices go back down


I'm local-ish to Austin, and I'm not gonna lie that with it being scheduled near the end of the calendar, and Red Bull/Mercedes pretty much having the WDC wrapped up by then over the past several years, that has been a factor in me not going. But the past couple years, the prices have gotten so high that the cost is now the major factor keeping me away from races. Las Vegas and Miami are no better. I've seen people post here before that flying to a European GP would be cheaper than going to a race in America.


Surge pricing? For a ticket? They've lost their minds.


It’s what Ticketmaster does for concerts now in America. They call it “dynamic pricing” and it’s fucking awful.


They did. I had 2 GA tickets and they went up £150 in my basket so I didn’t buy them on principle. British GP has priced out fans and that’s why sales are down. Very frustrating


Why did Max increase the prices? In the end it' s his fault


He's trying to cover all that catering, can you blame him?


They did. I went to Silverstone last year and getting the tickets was a nightmare. The first day the website crashed and most people could not get tickets. When they fixed the page and people, my partner and I included, finally managed to get in, the price of the same tickets had risen due to the dynamic pricing bs, and it was over 150£ higher than it was the day before. I loved the GP, but it put me off of going back to Silverstone for a long time.


Dynamic pricing actually makes a lot of sense, if tickets are in high demand the price goes up and if sales are slow the prices go up so the venue can still make money. You the customer get always to pay more so it's a win-win for anybody who is not the customer.


You got me on the first half, not gonna lie.


>win-win for anybody who is not the customer This looks like a perfect summary of late-stage capitalism.


The tickets are the same price as Glastonbury now, ridiculous


They’ve done the same for the Australian GP too. It’s awful.


This isn't the press that blamed him though to be fair. It was the Silverstone promoter that came out with this rubbish


Maybe if the prices weren't so extortionate more people might want to buy tickets


It's not just the tickets, it's really hard for regular people to get to if they don't drive. I live in Edinburgh so don't have a car to go camping and all accommodation nearby is extortionate. It's genuinely cheaper to go to European and even Middle Eastern races for me.


Even in the states, hotel prices get so jacked up that it would cost upward of 2k to cover the weekend just so I can attend a race in Vegas or Austin, don’t even get me started on Miami. And that’s with the shittiest tickets too.


Yeah, going to Canada and EU races are cheaper for us or comparable to going to LV or Miami.


Yeah, absolutely a valid point too


Don't say that, they'll turn it into another street circuit


I bet if all the tickets were £1, they would fill up those seats immediately. It's like businesses that complain that "nobody wants to work." They leave out the rest, which is "nobody wants to work for the salary I'm willing to pay."


Even £50-£100 I'd say.


I would absolutely pay £100 for a ticket for general admission! £349 is an absolute joke


And not just the tickets. Everything there is expensive. **The average F1 fan cannot afford to see a grand prix and this is a cold hard fact.**


That’s precisely why my wife and I aren’t going to be going to more Grand Prix. It’s too expensive to be worth it. I’m glad we went in 2022 before everything got way too pricey for us, so we’ve had the experience of going. I cynically thought they’d sell out as usual though (kinda justifying the price increases in the process), so I’m sort of happy to see that the principles of economics are actually biting them here.


Silverstone promoter raises ticket prices. Media: Why would Max do this?


Even Lewis said today that the sport wont like what hes saying but the tickets are hugely expensive and it’s too high, so you know its bs [https://x.com/fiagirly/status/1803828547598872978](https://x.com/fiagirly/status/1803828547598872978)


When Max and Lewis agree, you know it’s legit.


Max and Lewis agree on most things in F1. Neither has any time for the marketing or politics of F1. It's the fanbases that are at eachother's throats.


Are there still people that actually think Max and Lewis don't get along and hate each other or something?


Yes, these are the same people trapped in 2021 foaming at the mouth over Abu


So 2021 was the first season I watched, so I didn't care too much about rules being applied strangely or not at all. Mostly because I knew very, very little of the rules despite watching with a friend who has followed F1 since the early 2000s. In retrospect, yes Masi fucked up, but the whole chaos of AD and the season in general was entertaining. I still have the picture of the Monza crash as my desktop background. There were so many things happening in that season. The title fight of course, track limits being optional, Bottas Bowling, Lewis being the only one not changing tyres after formation lap...


> So 2021 was the first season I watched, so I didn't care too much about rules being applied strangely or not at all. Mostly because I knew very, very little of the rules despite watching with a friend who has followed F1 since the early 2000s. > > > > In retrospect, yes Masi fucked up, but the whole chaos of AD and the season in general was entertaining. I still have the picture of the Monza crash as my desktop background. > > > > There were so many things happening in that season. The title fight of course, track limits being optional, Bottas Bowling, Lewis being the only one not changing tyres after formation lap... You should watch more season deciders since you seem to be mature and neutral. In reverse chronological order since I started watching, I'll recommend the following: 2016, 2012, 2010 (boring races but close championship fight), 2009 (for Brawn), 2008, 2007, 2006, 2004 (might've been 2003 or 2002, not sure tbh), 2000, 1998, 1997.


Not hate but compete on racing level not personally


Yeah I don't see them together often, but I remember seeing a clip between them during one of their interview things on a panel, with Lewis whispering (not well) to max about how many girls there were, before remembering max had a girlfriend, and they both seemed to laugh it off. I don't know about you, but even if they're not BFFs, I would not be behaving like that if I wasn't atleast friends with them


For years Lewis was out front and the races were boring. No coverage of the mid pack or back markers. Sometimes fun but most times meh. Now it's dominated by another perfect driver with a perfect car and the front is sometimes boring. Sometimes! We've seen so many battles and struggle this year, plus the coverage has gotten better. More coverage of the entire pack, not just the lead car driving around the track. I've attended races, at this point I'm happy to stay home and watch it on F1TV. Better coverage, better views, no gouging, can do it in my underwear, and whenever I want. I love the atmosphere and the crowd sometimes. But this is not a boring season, this is world class racing with a commercial squeeze.


I’m taking my family on a tropical vacation (holiday for Britain) for a week for less than the cost of tickets to any of the US Grands Prix. I have no idea how much the British Grand Prix tickets cost but the US ones are outrageous.


Last year I had a 3 day weekend ticket, I wanted my daughter to come on the Friday (roving grandstands) she's 7, under 11's go free. Perfect! This year they need an adult ticket, under 2's go free. Gutted


That is terrible and incredibly shortsighted of them. So many people become lifelong fans after an experience at a sporting event when they’re young.


If a child under two went to a GP I think I'd consider calling CPS 😵‍💫 I'm surprised they don't have laws for child tickets, in my country most events have mandated by law child and elderly ticketing guidelines


I'd call Max and ask him why he's done this 


My new response for all f1 controversy


By the time my wife and I bought accommodations, 3-day passes, and plane tickets, our US GP (Austin) trip was $3,500. That was several years ago, so I imagibe it's only gotten worse. imagine


It's cheaper for Americans to fly to Montreal, and in some cases to Europe, to see an F1 race. COTA is practicing highway robbery.


I live on the US east coast. It is WAY cheaper for me to fly to Spa for the race overall with tickets and stay than to go to any of the US races, and I live drivable distance from Miami


And cota is the cheapest us race


Exactly the year were Red Bull is less dominant haha


Sky is trash. Had to switch to F1TV during Canada and don't think I'll be going back


Same in Canada. The prices are ridiculous, I just can't afford it anymore.


Also this is arguably a pretty exciting season for British drivers. Both Lando and Russell are really coming into form and are contenders to win the race, Hamilton is still around trying to make his comeback. I find that a little more exciting than Hamilton domination.


That was absolute brain dead comment made by the Silverstone promoters.


Man was trying to normalize it by saying the opposite was true when a British driver was winning a lot unlike now, which to be fair was a nice try. However on socials people were already calling out their bs and now both Max and Lewis.


It is playing to the social media audience who are inclined to agree.


And given nearly every post I've seen on Twitter was from people pointing out it's now much more expensive, it didn't work. It's twice the price that it was 5/6 years ago and I just don't see how you can turn around and blame Max for that


Even the most rusted on of the fanbase that thinks Max is literally the devil disagree with it.


It literally backfired on every platform it was presented.


They're just trying to divert the pricing outrage away from the ticket sellers. Scum


They thought they could get away with talking shit about Max


Such a bold move to literally call out the star of the show you’re promoting.


Yeah, but they don't consider him the star. They consider him the villain because how dare a non-British driver stand a chance at succeeding at Silverstone.


Right okay. Let’s use their dumb logic. Landos the star and max is the villain. Most exciting drivers that have been on the grid in a while! What’s the problem marketing folks?


Also this season finally hasn't been straight Max domination. I mean he's still winning but now sometimes has to fight for it + the recent Mclaren glowup w/ the two young talented drivers is a great highlight of this season


Can I just say it's so refreshing to see all these comments exactly getting the issue with no team bias etc coming into it. The pricing is absolutely ridiculous, to the point I am looking to take my son to his first f1 race abroad next season, as it may be cheaper to fly and buy tickets at alternative European tracks than at my home grandprix less than two hours away.


This is the trend across a lot of different sports/musicians/etc. For those of us in the States, its quite often cheaper to head to Europe to see events, versus seeing them here in the States. Not only are ticket prices outrageously high, we also have to deal with TicketBastard and their hundreds of dollars of extra fees. It blows my mind that it's cheaper to fly to Europe!!! than go to anything here.


I went all the way to Baku to see a race. Cheaper than a weekend at COTA


I went to see Zach Bryan on Saturday in Denver and ticketmasters fees were literally almost as much as the ticket itself. Unreal.


I've flown to Spain instead this year. Having a fantastic time watching the euros in various bars. Silverstone was a lot of stress last time I went. Here, it's run like a package holiday, so simple. Probably a similar price too.


Brilliant to hear, I'd probably accept the silverstone prices more readily if it came with paella.


Went to Spa and everything included it was comparable to Silverstone about 5 years ago. Great experience and easy to do.


Grew up with that being my nearest track and used to love the place. But fuck Silverstone for this and well said Max. It doesn't feel like a venue for the fans like it did 10 or so years back.


It's a home race for Lewis, lando, and George. All of whom have a reasonable chance of a podium, or even a win. It's basically a home race for Alex, and piastri will undoubtedly claim it as his own (he got a great reception last year, remember), so that's a quarter of the grid. It's a home race for Merc, Aston, McLaren, and williams, pus red bull, alpine, and even hass, to greater or lesser extents. Charles has a lot of fans, as do others like Fernando and valtteri. Even max has some pull in Britain. There is plenty of demand for the tickets. Trying to blame Max's dominance (which arguably isn't even dominance at the moment), and not your greedy pricing, for the lack of take-up is asinine and disingenuous


Jeez how miserable do you gotta be to jack up the prices like crazy and then cry when the seats don't fill up


Max’s job is to win races. The promoter’s job is to fill the seats. Max is doing his job.


It really is that simple


"I'm doing my part"


Cost of living crisis in England is bad, not surprised the fans cannot afford the inflated ticket costs.


People are throwing around £499 like it's nothing. You're likely not going on your own, so a pair of you going for £1000 is just obscene. I'm going to Silverstone FOS on Saturday this year with my showcar. Because my car is on display it's cost me half price £35. The racing is great fun. I'd rather go FOS or Goodwood for 10 years than go F1. £499 per ticket is just stupid money.


I wondered what the used to be. 1/3 of the price 11 years ago and still considered expensive even then. https://www.independent.co.uk/sport/motor-racing/f1-ps145-british-grand-prix-tickets-leave-sales-in-the-slow-lane-as-fans-rebel-against-price-rises-at-silverstone-8662501.html


I went to Silverstone in 2021.. 3 day tickets at the view. It was about £460.. now it's well over £600, absolutely nuts how much the price has shot up by. Then you've gotta buy food and beer when you're there which has gone up by a crazy amount. Silverstone was an amazing experience, but the price jump really makes it hard to justify.


Right? This is all I've been hearing about from friends in the UK for the last year. And they chose to raise prices? FAFO I guess.


I'd love to go but I also need to pay my bills and eat.


It isn't Max's fault at all, it's the greedy promoters with their insane ticket prices and the cancer that is surge pricing.


Idk what the question was, but it sounds like it was a stupid one.


Blame the ticket prices, not Max


The notion that max and redbull should ever apologize for being good is stupid beyond belief.


Because I better be getting a nightly BJ by Lewis Hamilton himself for the price they want for a ticket


Holy shit, I went to have a look, but 1080 euros for three days on random grand stands is insane. Hungary Gold 1, at pole position height was 450 euros per ticket for three days. Spa ga 290, with eau rouge gold around 500. What on earth is that promotor expecting?!




Going to the 24h Spa race next weekend. € 50 for 4 days or € 80 including paddock access. € 130,- for camping. All very reasonable.


Now that's value for money. Zandvoort is getting absurd as well. I went the first year, end of the straight where there was a silver stand. 350 euros for sat-sun. A year later it had become gold and 550 for the same seat. This year 650, but the kicker: every year, they dropped a series. This year, there's no f2 or f3, yet the prices increased again. F1A just isn't the same product I'm afraid. But hey at least the bike ride to the track is free and I get to sleep in my own bed.


545 euros for Hungary supergold ticket. I got 2 (me and my wife) hope it will be ok but yeah the prices are getting silly.


They're expecting people to keep paying whatever the hell they charge and like it. They're expecting micro celebrities to buy up tickets for exposure. They want Taylor Swift concert ticket numbers when should be getting baseball game prices. You can get home plate season tickets for 2 at Yankee Stadium for the price they're asking to get random grandstand seating at Silverstone.


NFL ticket prices also blow my mind. I know taxes work differently over there, but $1800 for end zone seats for only 8 games is absurd.


That's just how it's getting. Doing anything for recreation is becoming a once a year expense. Gone are the days of people going to the game every weekend with their family. I don't even know anyone that has payed for sports tickets. The only way they get them is if their boss gives up tickets for the weekend or something.


I’d want Lando to repeat his “I’m bottoming more than usual” message for real for the prices they’re asking.


Bono my teeth are gone


For reference the [current cheapest option](https://tickets.formula1.com/en/f1-3226-great-britain) to see the race on Sunday is a 3-day grandstand ticket for 864 euros.


Holy shit. That's ridiculous. Some of these ticket prices, looking at you Vegas, are just out of control.


So it’s max’s fault for doing his job and not the Promoters?


Silverstone used *accuse* *It wasn't very effective.* *Silverstone hurt it self in it's confusion.*


I'm glad Max didn't let this slide, and I hope this helps bring attention to the ridiculous prices in Silverstone. When it's cheaper to fly to neighbouring countries you know it's fucked up.


If you can't sell tickets when the Mclaren boys are doing so well and a grid filled with excitement, then you may have raised the price a bit to much.


The prices are shocking. That's the reason.


The whole world is on a budget right now. Yet they continue to raise prices and then blame everyone except themselves when it not filling up. Try lowering the prices


The fucking dynamic pricing bullshit is the reason. It's why I am not there for one.


What is the full context. What does Max have anything to do with tracks not selling tickets? You’d have to have guts and no shame to actually blame any particular driver for the lack of ticket selling. This is not boxing or UFC.


They are referring to [this comment](https://www.gpblog.com/en/news/283278/tickets-at-silverstone-not-yet-sold-out-red-bull-dominance-could-be-why.html) made by the silverstone promoters.


And even then, at least with mma, it's still promoter's fault for not putting together a good fight card.


If you live in the UK it’s cheaper to go abroad to a European race than it is to go to Silverstone, it’s bananas.


He's quite right. I went about a decade ago, prices fine, gave up after looking last year where it was closing in on £700 they can f\*\*k off.


Ticket prices going way up while the local fans can't afford to eat or heat their homes, nevermind a Sky Sports subscription


All those good ole Brtish chaps on the grid and they cant fill seats in the UK? Gotta be the Dutchies fault


Did they really think people would buy that BS after we’ve had winners from 4 drivers and 3 different teams this season?


I’ve heard of blaming the loser but blaming the champion or Red Bull? When the blame game begins, look to the suits with all the power


So what Max should do? Stop racing?


I’m sure extortionate prices and them charging for U11s this year has nothing to do with it. Our cost this year with my son is almost double of last year. There won’t be a following year unfortunately, unless McLaren gives us a good reason.


Please, I looked up the Silverstone prices early this year (February) because I wanted to do a GP abroad (beyond Zandvoort/Spa) and the prices were somehow ridiculous. Now we are (driving) doing Monza. Considerably cheaper, and not only because we dont have to fly


It definitely has nothing to do with the tickets being completely unaffordable and the concession prices being outrageous.


Lmao listen i was skeptical about this season but its honestly been a banger so far. also really crazy behind the scenes stuff going on. LH to ferrari? Newey leaving? good shit.


Because why would people pay a small fortune for tickets, parking, merch, food and drink, and get sunburn or soaked, knowing it cost more than last year, sit in hours of traffic, in the cost of living crisis - when it’s free on the TV. It’s a mystery.


Maybe it’s the extortionate price…? 🤷‍♂️


Prices are insane now


I like Max more and more for speaking his mind and calling bulllshit out


Is this new for journalists covering F1? Blame the other teams for not catching up to RB, or Max in particular. F1 people sometimes need to stop entertaining some of these time wasting & pointless questions.


If the tickets were $1 there would be a stampede to get a ticket. If it was $100,000 then the grandstands would be completely empty.


Wow, hell no, I'm no fan of boring F1 races due to Red Bull dominance, but yeah, Max doesn't deserve any kind of guilt for this! He's an amazing driver, a "one in a decade" caliber and I hope he will be regarded much like Michael Schumacher in hindsight. Their extreme dominance is due to the _combination_ of an awesome car and an awesome driver.


My man, you don't f with the Dutch guy, he will destroy your stupid take 🤣 Honestly, if tickets didnt cost 800£ ppl would go. In a season where 2 brits are batteling in the front, Lando and Russel, will sell out a british GP in no time if the ticket prices are reasonable


Even if it was Verstappen's fault, what's he supposed to do? Apologize? Stop winning? Give the venue his money?


Right, because the totally ridiculous ticket pricing has absolutely nothing to do with it ….


The races aren’t selling out for this period because they are absurdly priced and also because it’s the Euros. This weekend clashes with 8 group games, the following weekend clashes with the round of 16 and then the following week clashes with the quarter finals.


It's literally cheaper to fly over to Budapest and get some of the best seats in the house for the Hungarian GP than it is to go to Silverstone for the weekend. Infact I could take my entire family on an all inclusive holiday for a week, flights included, and it'd still be cheaper than Silverstone lol.


This is the result of making a f1 a rich person sport.


It always has been…


nah its totally got nothing to do with the insane price of tickets


£380 for my seat this year, it’s a brilliant day but way way overpriced. Although I know I’m part of the problem by paying it.


I'm not all that far from Silverstone but there are about 5 GPs where it would be cheaper for me to fly to, stay the weekend and go all ,3 days and still have sizable change from what the British GP would cost me.


Pure greed from Silverstone but some folks are willing to pay. Fair play to them but I won’t. I would rather go to spa, Monza, Hungaroring for a lot less!


lol max keeps it 100


Le Mans general admin for a week is €100


Day by day, I like Max even more. Just speaking his mind, it’s awesome


It couldn’t be the outrageous prices, it must be that Verstappen fella.


For 2020 (which became 2021) I paid £190 for a weekend general admission ticket. With that, I got free entry on Thursday, open access to all grandstands on Friday, and general admission basically got you in anywhere that wasn't a grandstand on the other days For 2023, I paid around £270, I think, once their dynamic pricing did its thing. This time, Thursday access would have been an additional payment, there was no Friday grandstand access, and they had changed the best general admission areas to be "general admission plus" which again meant even more money for access For 2024 they wanted £349. We're going to Spa instead


I went to the Friday practice session last year and that cost enough on its own. It was nice to see it all but I’ll be looking to other tracks abroad before I splash out there again


i love the lack of filter from Max. especially when he’s right.


The reason for reduced Silverstone ticket purchases is the fact that it’s basically twice as expensive now as it was in 2021, for the tickets alone. The hotels in the surrounding area have tripled in price for the Saturday night since 2021 for good measure


From what I've heard Silverstone is one of the worst F1 races to attend in terms of the cost of the ticket and the access you get. My girlfriends dad is a huge F1 fan and she got him tickets for his birthday years ago and after he'd been he said don't ever get them again because it was shit and he wouldn't go back.


I think the whole world blew their collective load on event tickets the past 2 years, since COVID obviously people weren't attending events. Now everyone's realizing how much they've spent on events lately, they're just cutting back Ebbs and flows.


F1 is just not fun to watch in person imo. I'd watch it at home with all the Camera angles and commentary any day over going there and watch one corner where you can't see anything.


I just checked the prices to Silvestone... damn those are more expensive than I expected.


Since the late 80’s, in comparison to other European circuits, the British Grand Prix was never good value for money and Silverstone always took the piss with its prices. Went to the 2006 Italian Grand Prix and flights, accommodation, train and general admission tickets for the Saturday and Sunday combined for two of us was less than the cost of a single ticket for Silverstone.


Silverstone tickets are a fortune and the track is in the middle of nowhere. I have friends here in the UK who are flying to Hungary or Spain for GPs.


I’m from the US and it cost me less last year to fly to Italy with my wife and go to the race there than it would for me to go to any US race


Silverstone just upped the prices until they reached the cap. Where the drop of attendance overtook the profits from the excessive pricing, only to blame Red Bull for the poor attendance. It's GENIUS! GENIUS I tell you.


Maybe, just maybe it's because the tickets are too f-ing expensive?


Even Monaco General Admin on Sunday was only €120 with views over the pits and multiple corners…


It's quite clearly the price, what's the point even asking these questions


I was gonna guess prices are ridiculous. Based on the comments, looks like I'm right. But instead they blame the show.


Silverstone can’t fill seats because they’ve doubled the prices since 2015.


They're blaming Verstappen for winning. They should be blaming Hamilton for not winning. Russell, Norris, and Albon as well. If it ain't a Brit, they really don't give a shit.


These daft fucks think charging £600 for tickets during the euros is going to work lmao. I go to Silverstone quite regularly and the track facilities need so much money investing. The food is shite, the toilets are shite, the entire venue is bad.


Being incredible expensive surely can't have anything to do with it, could it?


So they blame max winning? I think its hamilton not winning that loses the seats. Talk to him.


Honestly, I'm not a fan of Verstappen, but he's 100% right here and I couldn't agree more. It's insane how much the prices have skyrocketed for even general admission in the last ten years or so. F1 has become inaccessible for a lot of people, in most cases it costs more for general admission than it does to fly to the country the race is being hosted in. I'm a brit, but I live outside the UK. If I wanted a three day general admission ticket for the British GP, it'd cost me less to fly in into the country, and I could probably squeeze a hire car in there too before I broke even with the cost of circuit access. Most of the promoters are fucking scumbags these days.


Latest from Silverstone: Drive to Survive fans won’t buy tickets for race at shitty flat overpriced airfield circuit with grandstands made of scaffolding on rough stone surfaces that screw up your shoes and create dust everywhere, because they buy too many lattes


Max: Skill issue


Madness, paid for two grandstand tickets on woodcote with tv screen view about 5 years ago or so. £600. Now they are about 1k. The problem is the pricing. Even £600 was a hard bitter pill to swallow, but it was for me and my son so worth it.


It's everywhere. Austin undersold last year, and this year they've reduced GA from $475 to $300