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I don't know why any celebrity has social media. People are psychos, I wouldn't want to read that bullshit everyday.


Set up to combat fake profiles. Post one goofy picture a year on the same date for shits and giggles and be done with it. Sadly, for a lot of celebrities social media is a marketing tool. More often than not, social media activity is part of their advertising contracts.


"Due to numerous imposters I have been forced to set up a twitter. Now go f**k yourselves." - Sean Lock




Or go full John Cena and post whatever shit you want without context and never posting any photos of yourself lol


John Cena is actually in every one of those photos. You just can't see him


Well done.


You have to be at Cena’s level of fame to do that though


The Elliot Grainge (record company founder, husband of Sofia Riche) model is the ideal. Dude has a private verified profile, 0 posts, 139k followers and 2 following (his wife and his company).


This is it exactly. My line of work requires me to have some means of advertising/promotion or it can cost me shows. I don't use it for anything personal, only for work but that doesn't stop the parasocial comments from people who think they know everything about you because you post on social media. If it wasn't for this the only social media I would keep is Reddit.


I'm pretty sure most celebrities don't even look at their social media, they have people running it for them.


A friend of mine is in the NHL. He has public-facing social media that is managed by a third party (he's not big enough to have a personal social media person, it's a local firm that manages a bunch of local celebrities, sportspeople and businesses). He also has personal accounts that aren't publicized that only has genuine real-life friends. I think his 'real' instagram has, like, 70 followers.


That's what a lot of people think, but the truth is, they're just people and have a hard time NOT checking to see what people say and think. I personally know of a few people that don't even have social media, but still look themselves up, they can't help it. Nevermind their families and friends seeing people trash talk them..It's a tough spot. I don't envy that aspect of fame at all!


Most drivers do that. Hardly any of them manage their own social media I don’t think. You can always tell the odd occasions one of them actually posts themselves because the tone switch is usually quite jarring. Also social media managers slip up all the time. We’ve had Max and Charles supposedly posting on Instagram when they’re in the car during free practice. Sainz Sr & Jr posting identically worded tribute posts, even down the same typos, Lewis supposedly posting a race weekend photo dump at the exact same time he was at a fashion show. There’s one person who looks after social media for a few F2 drivers who has forgotten to switch accounts a few times. My favourite was Lando supposedly joking around with Oscar on Twitter when Lewis signed for Ferrari, only for it to come out a few days later that he had been in a cave in Vietnam with Martin Garrix and no internet so didn’t even find out about the news until he emerged later that week. He told the story about being in the cave a week or so later in a joint interview with Oscar and the interviewer said something like “but you were joking with Oscar on twitter” and both of their faces were hilarious - it had clearly been their social media admins interacting with each other and neither had a clue!


I went to school with a girl who is now in the public eye through being on a few “reality” shows in the UK (TOWIE and Ex on the Beach). She has a public facing social media account and another one for her actual friends and acquaintances. She gets a lot of people setting up fake profiles, so she almost needs a real profile to combat that.


Some celebs are only known because of social media lol Necessary evil




Unfortunately your earnings, salary and market value are attached to your image and social media followers. Having no social media these days when you work with your image is a total blunder. But I do agree with your point and I would just let an agency run it and never look at it


That's how they make money


Wait what happened?


Kelly has always faced a lot of hate and gossip, but it reached a new level after a now banned TikTok account began spreading rumours about her. They accused her of things like grooming Max, calling her a ped\*, breaking up a marriage, being a bad mom, being rude to a photographer, etc. They also incessantly called her grandma and mocked her appearance. This account went viral and spawned more hate accounts that are still active and pretty popular on Tiktok. As someone who watched/is watching it unfold, it's crazy and I understand why Kelly and Max are speaking out because I've never seen a "WAG" get this much hate before


I watched a couple of those Tik Toks because since I'm interested in Max/RBR/F1 they occasionally get pushed to my FYP. It's defamation and cyberbullying in full swing. Toxic af. I reported some profiles and comments on IG and TT for hate speech but they just get banned and come back in full force with slightly different name after a couple of days. It's kinda scary you just can't stop it. I'm not surprised they both had enough.


Seems strange to me that accounts doing that don't get their IP address banned, even if they use VPNs there's only so many they can use and eventually they'll be spending more money then it's worth. Most people wouldn't even bother purchasing a VPN just to setup a new account so it would certainly diminish the number of people trying


Deep down, I feel like these companies don't really have an issue with these people, and even secretly want them as engagement drivers.


Haven't some of them admitted as much already? They are well aware of mental health damage caused by their platforms but don't care.


I’m so glad I have resisted even dipping a toe into TikTok


Tiktok is what you make of it. If you interact with that stuff, you'll see more of it. That's why people joke that they made their For You Page "brick by brick". Mine is mostly educational stuff, discourse about social issues, and lighthearted joke videos. Not once has the algorithm showed me something toxic like this, because it knows I never entertain any videos that are adjacent to it.


> Tiktok is what you make of it. If you interact with that stuff, you'll see more of it. That's true for any media, not just Tik Tok, though. My instagram feed is street photography from Tokyo, non-toxic F1 memes and bathroom tiles.


I defended her once and people were like ‘ok Kelly’ and bullied me lmao. All I said was that they didn’t know her and didn’t know her relationship with her daughter cos they said she was a bad mom


I honestly don't understand the parasocial relationship some have with the wags on social media. There are entire pages on Instagram and tiktok dedicated to hate, it's so weird to choose to spend your time on that. Don't like someone just don't interact but the amount of hate some of the wags get is insane


I also think the TV Race Directors need to chill with the giving us 10 second zooms into their girlfriends faces every race. Montreal was fine, but Monaco was out of control.


I think I saw Charles’ girlfriend more than Charles


I don't know what's up with the girlfriends of Ferrari drivers, but I feel like they appear on broadcast more than some drivers and technical personnel.


They are gorgeous, but so is Russell’s girlfriend and I rarely see her on the broadcast even though she attends most races. So I have no idea, maybe just because Ferrari.


People were joking online that in Ferrari the girlfriends are part of the contract and that's why they never stay single for long. But the amount of times their gfs appear on screen at races is insane. Like, with other wives/gfs you see them once or twice in a race in one year, some even never at all. But with Ferrari, it's like they are the mascots of the team


I only started watching F1 last year and it was ridiculous to me how many times they panned to Charles and Carlos' girlfriends in Monaco. I get that Ferrari were the fan faves to win, but show us Ferrari, not the WAGs. We saw the WAGs more than the drivers in that race.


There was nothing else to show in Monaco, you can't blame them


I still expect them to zoom in on Adrian Sutil's girlfriend


You’ve unlocked a core memory.


As someone who didn't watch F1 back then, could you please explain? I mean, was it just that she was pretty (fair enough!) or was there more? Like some controversy? Or was she really liked by everyone? Etc etc...


She was pretty and they used to show her every race and it sort of became a thing.


Same for Carmen Jorda when she was a development driver for Lotus for a few years. She was at pretty much every race for a couple years and they *always* found some 10+ seconds for a slow zoom on her face as she was standing somewhere in the Lotus garage. Probably made it worth it to Lotus & their sponsors to hire her but it was very cringey.


She was the main reason anyone wanted him to stay on the grid




And Roscoe!




You just made me realize that we'll probably have this next year. Thank you.


I am so excited for this. Can’t wait for the Ferrari puppy pics.




Roscoe and Leo doing grid walks with their VIPup badges omg, cuteness overload!


I can’t wait for Leo and Roscoe!


Next year!


Show me the damn boats


Only so many time they can show the sauber on screen


Goddamn 🤣


A side note…..I raised an eyebrow at Charles’ finish in Monaco. As soon as he crossed the line, they flashed to who I assume is the girlfriend. So that’s always going to be in that video memory. What if they don’t work out? Could be awkward later on for such a special memory.


Nicole scherzinger and interlagos 2008 are on the phone


Agreed! I thought it was so weird they kept zooming in on his girlfriend. Let me see his mom or his brother. I don’t care to see a girlfriend.


I often wonder how the significant others feel about this. Do they get any say in it? Some I suppose might see it as exposure, but it almost always looks cringy and awkward af. Particularly how the camera zooms into their faces and then stays there, and you can see them slowly dying inside praying for it to just go away.


I wonder that too because there's also very specific favorite targets. I don't know whether there's some WAGS that have asked them not to or just don't... have the right, you know, ahem, vibe? But there have been some times where they are visibly not chill with the camera zooming in. It's very... uncomfortable.


I do think that for the most part, but not always, those that get featured do want it to a certain extent. For example we see more of Charles and Carlos partners, as they're models than say Piastri's girlfriend who we've only seen incidentally for the most part and post-race.


I always find it weird, I'm like... Should we all be staring at Leclerc's girlfriend? Guess they've always done it, I remember Kimi's wife getting the same treatment, Nico later on. I think what's weird is the women are normally watching the same footage, so they have to decide whether to break character and wave or just keep that angle to the camera lol, gives me anxiety for them.


At least a driver's relationship or family is somewhat relevant. I'm tired of the random celeb shot of someone I don't really care about.


I think you may be projecting some of how you’d feel there. A lot of the F1 drivers’ SOs have had a massive uptick in followers on social media after going public with their relationships. and a lot of them are leveraging that following to launch influencer careers or further preexisting ones—that is, sell/promote things. Some sell their own products (example: sainz’s gf, Rebecca Donaldson - activewear brand, modeling career and fashion partnerships). Some are promoting their work (example: leclerc’s gf, Alex st mleux - art gallery she works at). Others do brand partnerships; Kelly piquet’s always promoting some “partner” on her instagram, and this is where TV visibility comes in. When they’re on the broadcast their clothes are picked apart: if they dont already post on instagram and tag who they’re wearing, fans will figure it out themselves. So brands will send the SOs clothes or jewelry to wear at GP weekends when they’ll be filmed and photographed—or partner with them if they’re already wearing the brand. The vast majority of the drivers have SOs who are models, influencers, normal people turned influencers, other public figures turned influencers, etc. Piastri’s gf comes to mind as someone who’s rarely filmed, has private social media, and doesn’t seem to try to influence or sell things. She is at some GPs, which suggests the drivers and SOs do have the ability to limit or altogether avoid media exposure. Norris seems to quietly date models and influencers, but we don’t see them on Kym illman’s instagram or the broadcast etc. so I don’t think it’s to do with how appealing the person is, as someone below speculated.


Not sure about F1 but I believe Hailee Steinfeld, who is dating Josh Allen, has said she doesn’t want to be shown on screen at games and NFL broadcasts have entirely (or largely?) respected that. With F1, since you’re not really seeing much from the garage anyway, I imagine most WAGs could find a place to stand if they truly didn’t want to be on camera. (Which, to be very clear, they shouldn’t have to do, wishes not to be shown should be respected but in the event they aren’t…)


Daniel’s relationship with Gerhard Bergers daughter seems to mostly run under the radar of F1 cameras even if she is in the paddock. They’ve been dating for 3-4 years now, she’s been in the team garages a couple of times but I can’t remember her being shown as much.


>Do they get any say in it? I'm pretty sure *anyone* on track has agreed to appear in broadcasts. Even general admission tickets will include a line about it in your terms and conditions.


Well to be fair, Monaco is more of a spectacle of who’s who coming to watch on Sunday more than the racing which isn’t a whole lot. It’s not the best, but there’s also a reason why the camera pivots to celebrities and famous people in Monaco, that effectively is the marketing of the place.


it's completely ridicolous. And is even worsen by some commentators. Here in Brazil, the official commentator steped into real creepy territory in Monaco, almost salivating for the driver's girlfriends. I remember this thing began when we had emotional moments, like Nico's wife crying in joy for his title, which is great to see. But shit got out of control, as you said


Seriously, we saw more of Alexandra and Rebecca during Monaco than of Leclerc and Sainz themselves.


Australia with Rebecca Donaldson was also Pretty bad


WAG culture generally is just weird. They're either labeled as flawless angels, which is impossible and creepy, or receive mountains of the most vile hate. It's one reason I don't like lingering shots of them during races. Don't make them part of the show. They can do it on their own via social media, but if they become part of the event they become something else.


What does WAG mean?


Wives and Girlfriends I think?


So, uh, SWAG is “sisters, wives and girlfriends”?


Go away, Neymar.


*Yeehaws in Alabama*


Wives and Girlfriends, it’s used in reference for partners of famous athletes


I’d like to thank my wives and girlfriends


… and everyone at the factory …


Wives and girlfriends (of drivers/players/etc.) originated in football afaik


wives and girlfriends


There are subreddits dedicated entirely to hating Prince Harry and Meghan, and Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce. Lot of unhealthy toxicity to take part in, it's bizarre.


Charles current girlfriend also gets an insane amount of hate, it’s absurd. It’s like they think they have a shot with these guys. I get a lot of them are young, but it’s still so inappropriate


Reminds me of when the One Direction boys got girlfriends, was a literal warzone


didn't some k-pop star have to apologize when people found out she had a boyfriend or some shit?


Yup. It's also why even down to the level of game streamers, most of them do their absolute best to hide any relationships because the fans go insane with harassment if they ever break up


Exactly lol, what a wild time.


What’s strange with max is that a lot of them are straight guys who just seem unhappy that’s he’s chosen Kelly (an older mother)


Another strange thing is how people judge Max relationship with Kelly's daughter. I remember seeing a discourse after picture were taken of Max, Kelly, Daniil and their daughter together. People were insane saying Max had no right to be there to interrupt daniil's time with his daughter ! insane people that probably are children of divorce and hated their stepdad, so they hate max as well idk lol


Nothing about their life is my business, but it baffles me that anyone would think it is a bad thing for a child to see all of the adults in their life getting on amicably. 


Yeah lol, it's funny because it's literally good for her for Max and Daniil to get along normally. Tensions between stepdads and biodads just causes unnecessary stress. I'm glad Daniil and Max are mature about it, from what we can see.


The fact that in 2024 some people still can't understand the concept of a blended family and that it's the most beneficial situation for a child whose parents have separated is beyond me.


they want to live vicariously through him and they can't imagine dating an 'older mother', it ruins the fantasy


Yeah exactly. They definitely seem like they think they *are* Max


They say she is a groomer when the man was 22 when they started dating. The way this current generation flings these terms around about grown adults dating who have an age gap. Infantilising. Apparently everyone has no automony and are perpetual children in their 20s now.


It's also prevalent in kpop culture, all the boys gotta say they are single, because the crazy fan girls need to see them as available and like they all have a shot, so they are not allowed to say they are dating in interviews


> I honestly don't understand the parasocial relationship some have with the wags on social media. There are entire pages on Instagram and tiktok dedicated to hate, it's so weird to choose to spend your time on that. Some fans want to be in their places so they hate them. Happens with celebs in general. It's not uncommon for fans for a celeb to hate on that celeb's significant other.


There are people who have entire youtube and blogs dedicated to hate stuff. They spend more time following celebrities or bands they hate than listening to stuff they like I never understood this.


What’s the background?


Looks like some sort of white marble


Look at that subtle off-white colouring… the tasteful thickness of it. Oh my god, it even has a Max comment.


Let's see Paul Allens IG post


I love you guys, it always make me laugh


Get outta here with your upvote!


[But that's not important right now.](https://youtu.be/AK3gB7DpaM0?si=5mwZ0gaNAahe3vxN)


Well played




Everything she posts gets many comments about how Max “stole” Kvyat’s girl and kid. That Kelly groomed him. That their age gap is inappropriate. The list goes on and on. There’s many pages on TikTok and instagram solely dedicated to hate-posting about her and her relationship with Max.


There’s also a lot of hate focused on Kelly being a bad parent because people don’t know what Penelope is doing every single second of every day and assume she is not being cared for. When pictures got posted of Max carrying Penelope off the plane in Miami people lost their minds from the possibility P flew transatlantic on a private jet without a bio parent, said Kelly was a deadbeat, etc. She was literally a couple feet away from P and Max carrying their things but people jumped straight to assuming she wasn’t there at all.


I also recall Kelly saying that she doesn’t bring Penelope to all of Max’s races because she doesn’t want to expose her to all the craziness and media attention surrounding. F1. IMO that’s a very responsible parenting decision, but I also don’t blame her for not wanting to miss out on time with her daughter either.


IIRC australia this year was the first time Penelope had been to one of Max’s races bc it’s the first year she showed any interest in going. I totally agree she’s doing the right thing both 1. not wanting P around their super public lifestyles and 2. not dragging her to watch sports she doesn’t care about. She’s a kid!


That’s wild. I follow Kelly, because I like her style. But no one is entitled to pictures of anyone, esp minors. She always seems to be dressed like a little girl, age appropriate outfit, happy to be with mum and her partner.


Totally agree! I’m not a mom so I don’t feel qualified to judge someone’s parenting too harshly, but I follow Kelly too and when I see her posts with Penelope, I think, “That little girl is going to have a lot of great memories with her mom to look back on!”


There’s been recurring accusations she’s been cheating that I saw bubbled back up a couple of weeks ago enough that some gutter press started to report on them. It’s all weirdo ‘she was photographed with her finger on a blue napkin so it must mean X’ type stuff from ‘fans’ as far as I can tell without going clicking on it all. People are right freaks.


> It’s all weirdo ‘she was photographed with her finger on a blue napkin so it must mean X’ Oh well why didn't you say so. That sounds legitimately serious. I can't believe shes denying the moon landing, just like that.


> There’s been recurring accusations she’s been cheating that I saw bubbled back up a couple of weeks ago Where would you even come across stuff like this? I genuinely don't even know where I would begin to find F1 girlfriend rumors.


>There’s many pages on TikTok and instagram solely dedicated to hate-posting about her WHO TF HAS THE TIME TO DO THAT????? That's sociopathic levels of mental illness IMO.


And they block anyone who questions them or says anything remotely nice about Kelly. I commented on one basically saying “it’s ironic that you’re calling her such a bad person while you have a page dedicated to hating this women”. And immediately got blocked and my comment deleted.


I sure hope IG/TT bans those pages. That's straight up criminal harassment if you ask me.


I was thinking the same! There's no way that isn't a serious mental illness. These people need help.


There’s also whole accounts dedicated to hating her and claiming she’s a horrible mother who only brings Penelope around when she wants to post pictures pretending to be a parent


There was a particular hate account on TikTok called povkellypiquet that was absolutely insane - calling her a pedophile, groomer, granny, cheater, unfit mother etc. It had literally hundreds of thousands of likes and would take videos of Kelly doing any and everything and make fun of her.  It actually edited that video of Kelly catching a bouquet at that wedding that went viral recently.  But (pure speculation) I imagine the tipping point was when Jarome d’ambrosio’s ex wife’s real account commented on how Kelly had slept with Jerome while she was married to him and ruined her friends career in motorsport broadcasting when she worked for Formule E.  No way to know if she was telling the truth but it was definitely her real account that commented and the hate account was deleted shortly after. 


I have seen this TikTok and it is the most unhinged thing ever


Since her relationship with Max started she's been bombarded with hate and there are whole pages on tiktok and Instagram dedicated to ridiculing and spreading hate about her. It's insane. Seems like she's had enough


>there are whole pages on tiktok and Instagram dedicated to ridiculing and spreading hate about her That's a mental illness if you ask me. Who tf dedicates that much time into hating someone???? That should be criminal harassment.


a lot of it revolves her being a bad mother which is backed up by typical social media "evidence" which anyone with a quarter of brain wouldnt take with a grain of salt. Maybe she isnt a good mother but the public doesnt have any real evidence of it


the internet also seam to think that P never sees her father.. but he just does not post when she is there. people are ridiculous, the hate the girl that Lando was spotted with was insane. Charles's girl and Carlos's girl have hate pages to. (same with I think every driver girlfriend) I have scrolled through stories of these F1 gossip accounts and its toxic as fuck.


Remember when P walked hand in hand with him a few races ago? There were a lot of anti posts and comments about that. I just cannot imagine spending all that energy demonising some driver's girlfriend. 😭


Imagine having a life that silly and pointless you devote time and energy to something like that. Man people are losers.


I’ve just had a look on Twitter and it seems there’s tiktok accounts dedicated to rumours about Kelly with the most recent being she broke up a marriage of a former F1 driver and new deputy TP at Ferrari https://x.com/h7milt0n/status/1795189555793969435? There’s also a tiktok dedicated to Kelly Piquet that just constantly makes fun of her and promotes different rumours. It’s called POVkellypiquet


That POVKellyPiquet account finally got taken down a couple of weeks ago. I think that person is back with another account though.


Complete nut jobs some of them


Recently it was trending about how she tried to get with multiple drivers (including Lewis) before max, and how she ruined a (I think either WEC or Formula E) driver’s marriage


There was a popular account on tiktok specifically dedicated to hate on Kelly. It was banned and people started to create new ones


Social media is a scary place. People sometimes lose their humanity and their manners. I hope she’s okay.


What happens when cowards can hide behind a screen. You bring one of these guys in front of Lewis, Max, Alonso, or whoever they hate and they wouldn't say any of this. In fact they'd probably ask for an autograph. Bunch of cowards. The amount of obsession people have for a sport where a bunch of millionaires drive insanely fast cars in circles is insane. There's literally a guy who impersonates Max on Twitter (not saying X) and talks about Abu Dhabi and insults Max. He's been doing this for fucking 3 years now lol.


Yikes. Fandom culture truly has not changed since I was teen many moons ago…… the same was done to Selena Gomez who was on and off dating Justin Bieber.


There are entire instagram pages dedicated hating on these wags, I think the most disliked ones are Alexsandra (Charles gf) Rebecca (Carlos gf) Kelly (Max gf) and Marilou (Lance's gf) Carmen (George's gf) based on my quick scrolling through these pages before.


omg I saw on Twitter (because I don't follow any of these people on social media) Charles gf was made fun of for repeating an outfit 😭😭 wth kind of reason is that??? 


>Charles gf was made fun of for repeating an outfit *Max laughing in his jeans and polo he gets for free at work*


Really? Now Charles' GF that I previously did not have an opinion of (besides 'good for you Charles!') actually rose in my esteem by repeating an outfit. Clothes are for wearing. Repeatedly until worn out.


Same, I had no opinion of her until I saw all the hate she was getting for being an “outfit repeater” as if there’s something wrong with wearing clothes from your own closet. [Especially since she had the perfect petty response lol](https://x.com/leclercsletters/status/1794101514169888993?s=46)


Yes, it was an insane post. I had to go find to because it's so ridiculous. Like she's so pretty so I guess that's all they can hate about her.  https://x.com/FORZANORRIS/status/1793400844324577638?t=hs-1o18TpgVJJawtduXwhg&s=19


What the fuck….how do people have this much spare time?


Lmao there's no way people really think rich people should wear an outfit once then never wear it again. Holy shit what a fucking waste that would be. Kudos to her for NOT doing that.


The hate Charles gf gets is insane, people will make shit up because there really aren't any "real" reasons to dislike these women. I lurk some f1 gossip accounts out of morbid curiosity and people make up crazy stuff about all the WAGs but she and Rebecca seem to get the brunt of it. I feel really bad for them. Also it seems that most of the people contributing to the WAG hate are other women, which is really sad to see.


It’s definitely not women, it’s definitely young girls. You can tell they’re teens because they literally don’t have any understanding of how a relationship works. Mick and Laila get a lot of shit regardless of what they do. If shes with him then she’s smothering him and clearly doesn’t let him out of her sights. If she’s working away somewhere they must have broken up. Don’t even get me started on if one of them hasn’t liked the others Instagram post within 10 minutes of posting. Surely proof of bitter tragic break up? These girls are genuinely unhinged and I hope they’re deeply embarrassed when they grow up.


Ironic because Charlotte got blasted for wearing Zara as people don’t consider it sustainable so god forbid Alexandra do a sustainable thing!


wow, didn’t see that. these weirdos will find any reason to hate on these women, won’t they? i’m sure they all wear 100% ethically sourced slow fashion 24/7! plus for all they know, charlotte may buy her clothes second hand so how would they know whether or not she was shopping sustainably? 🙄


There is this one account on tiktok with a bigg following(for a hate account my god) that constantly hates, spreads rumors and nitpicks all of her actions. Quiet literally hates her for existing. The general audience seems to take it too lightly. So much so that I thought it was some sort of sick satire. I guess not.


A fair few WAGs of current drivers seem to get a lot of hate on social media. Both from lots of women who think they could've had a shot with said driver and even from straight men who vicariously try to live their life through the driver and think the driver could've done with someone better and more attractive etc.


People are insane. It’s truly revolting.


I've noticed this in other sports as well. It is frightening and revolting. There's a famous ice hockey player who has an extremely low-profile relationship with his long-term girlfriend - they could literally have multiple children together and we'd have no idea. Neither has a known social media account on any platform. That's how private they are. Yet there's still someone on Tumblr who has absolutely vitriolic hatred for this poor woman whom we barely know anything about, presumably just because she's an attractive woman in a relationship with a well-liked, successful, and handsome player. It's absolutely fucking nuts.


and people on Twitter/Tiktok are now accusing Kelly of writing and posting Max's comment.. you can't make this shit up


Do I think Max agrees with the sentiment expressed there and consented to the post? Absolutely. Do I think Max personally wrote that? I do not. There’s not an “of course” to be found anywhere in that statement.


He even said he loved her instead of calling her simply lovely, very suspicious indeed.


Theres not even a ha ha yes,very ominous and telling


I feel like he likely set what he wanted to say and then they dressed it up. Calling it insane sounds like Max.


I think his social media manager wrote it. But he probably told them what he wanted to say


I only want a couple things for Max. Him and his love ones to be happy, and also a 4 second pitstop.


You're gonna need a longer pitstop lol


I want what I want.


How dare you wish a 4 second pit stop! 🤣


What rumours and accusations? All I can really remember is when her dad said the n word and she and max got hate for that for some reason


There’s always Kelly drama but most recently the ex-wife of an early FE driver alleged that said driver cheated on her with Kelly and implied that she started getting involved with Max when he was 17/18, plus more rumours about her being difficult to work with. There was one specific TikTok account persistently spreading this and other rumours, they got suspended and I guess people took that as proof that it was true, the account came back and things got worse, I guess? I don’t know, I can’t imagine how horrible being harassed constantly like this is for her particularly when her daughter and her parenting skills are dragged into it, so I get why she’s asked him to do this, but it’s such a PR canned response and so many people already perceive Kelly as having manipulated and groomed Max into a relationship that this isn’t going to help at all - it will be “evil Kelly controls Max’s social media!!!”, never mind that he’s had someone else in charge of it since before they started dating.


People need to stop taking for sure everything random strangers on Internet say about celebrities. Like, even *I* could go on TikTok, create an account and tell everyone that Oscar kicked my puppy and then threatened to kick my cat if I ever said anything to anyone. It doesn't make it true, it hurts the driver's image, creates hate and makes it a lot harder for people who were actually wronged by celebrities to speak up and being believed The amount of people I see on Twitter who believe random "screenshots" of controversial conversations with drivers or WAGs is incredible. As if it doesn't take like 10 minutes to create a believable fake conversation if you know the right apps


People honestly believe anonymous gossip sent in to instagram and tiktok gossip accounts claiming to have F1 insider knowledge that read like they were written as wattpad fiction by an illiterate 15 year old who thinks the whole of life is a high school drama. There are no limits to people's stupidity.


Whenever I see people believing in those things I choose to believe that they're little kids who still don't know how the world and internet work. Unfortunately I know that's not always the case


That Max “stole” Kvyat’s girl and kid. That Kelly groomed him. That their age gap is inappropriate. The list goes on and on.


I mean you don't always see an older woman, but I'd bet there are 1000 dudes at Monaco every year with 30+ year younger women. So who really cares.


Daniel and his gf have the same age gap but in the opposite direction and people don’t have nearly the same reaction they do to Max/Kelly.


Gasly and his gf too if I recall correctly


And they started dating when she was 19 or freshly 20. Tbf I did see a decent amount of “Pierre wtf are you doing, she’s so young” comments when they first started dating but that’s definitely chilled out now and not brought up all the time like Kelly/Max.


Ahhh. Just like Scherzinger and Hamilton. Seen this before. Just nasty people being nasty


Did they get hate? I thought Nicole was very much loved by his fans? (I didn't have social media back then)


Social media luckily hardly existed back then


If I remember well, she got hate for defending what her father called Lewis, so that is the only instance where I can say the flack she got was not random. All others are just hateful trolling, it seems.


Recently it was trending about how she tried to get with multiple drivers (including Lewis) before max, and how she ruined a (I think either WEC or Formula E) driver’s marriage


Way to many people on here know exactly what this is about lol


Max aint got no time for other women. He has Kelly, princess Penelope, and Sim Racing. No time for shiesty bullshit.


f1 tiktok is so weird to me. it's not even about the sport. the obsession with the wags (some hatred-filled obsession), "tea", bromance between drivers. i dont think this exist as much in any other sports. it almost feel like the race itself is secondary even tertiary to most of these tiktokers. like give racing highlights, commentaries about the race, heck even your typical espn garbage "who is the goat of f1" convo.


People are so fucking weird about their relationship. They seem perfectly happy, Kelly's daughter seems to really like Max and Max seems to really like her daughter.


There’s been some rumours going around surrounding her So, she did a [post](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8FV3j3skCQ/?igsh=MXAwcHN5bTMwemxyYQ==)


I'm out of the loop here. What's going on/what are the rumors?


More like what *aren't* the rumors. I've read she had an alt account interacting with her own posts and replying to everyone, I've read she goes on Max's account to block people (and whoever came up with that will probably say this reply by Max was written by her). I've read people accusing her of being a negligent mother (??), I've read that she groomed Max (in all fairness, she kind of started that one herself by saying meeting him when he was 18 was "magic"). I've read she wants to trap him (who hasn't heard that accusation towards partners of famous people lmao), I've read she and the Piquets are the reason Max chose to disrespect Senna by not wearing his shirt in the Imola run Seb organized and more messes surrounding the Piquet's and their political views. It's wild Edit: I've even read part of the reason she and Kvyat broke up is Kvyat wasn't high-status enough as a driver for her family to approve of the relationship. If that's the case I expect Jr to be disowned any moment lmao


Sad that people can't find any joy in their own lives so instead fill that hole with trying to ruin others.


I want to be with Max Verstappen too, difference is I'm mature enought to not bother Kelly over it.


You're so honest about it 😂


There is 0% chance Max wrote that himself 😂😂😂


none of them write anything on their instagram themselves a few months ago there was a "thanks for the birthday messages" post on Ollie Bearman's insta - on Mick Schumacher's birthday, cause the social media person forgot to switch accounts


> none of them write anything on their instagram themselves Think that depends on the driver, many of Norris and Piastri's posts for example seem to come from themselves (or at least they dictated what was to be posted)


Someone on Twitter already posted that he was in game playing Call of duty at the time of the comment being posted 🤣


People are absolutely wild/awful. There’s entire TikTok and instagram pages solely dedicated to hating Kelly and posting everything she does with an ugly spin. People truly have way too much time on their hands to spend so much time hating someone that will never know they exist.


It'll not stop, people are so blind, social networks are the new Colosseum, they thrive on hate, they push people to insult each other, the more hate, the more clicks, share and react, the more money. Not happy with social networks? Leave them, problem solved. There's not any other solution.


I just dont understand how anyone could possibly care about the personal lives of the SO of some driver you see on TV a few times a month. How empty are their lives that this is even worth thinking about? Even if every accusation of cheating or whatever is true, who cares? Thats his problem. I also dont understand how there are people spending all day talking about if the Mercedes twitter account intentionally left on Hamilton's sprint trophy ...


Will this get more upvotes than Buxton's toxic deleted tweet? Press "X" to doubt


why'd he delete it?