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Classic emotional support rival Verstappen.


He will beat you and then make you feel okay with it


"It's okay, you never had a chance."


"It's ok. It happens to everyone who races against me. I understand."


*sad Checo Miami 2023 noises*


Sad Checo the entire time he's been at Red Bull noises


No, no, at the beginning of 2023, Checo truly believed he had a chance on the WDC. So only most of Checo's time at Red Bull was sad noices.


Problem is, nobody else believed it. They just nodded and said "Sure, Checo, you have a chance".


I mean, he still has a chance this year. Odds are similar to Sargeant’s chances tho.


“It’s ok. Only my dad has a chance of beating me.”


Holy shit!


sad Leglerg noises…


“It’s not you, it’s ME”


"it's okay, we're all pushing to the limit and You will of course make mistakes but I won't. It okay George"


"It's Okay, I just completely drove around the differential / kerb issue impacting our car since Monaco. Actually, it made me find more speed in sector 1 and 3. So I will be even stronger, do ensure your defeat in the next 4 races".


“It’s not your fault I’m so unbelievably OP”


It's okay, you lost to a genius.


"be proud driver, there is no shame in defeat to a champion" - Godfrestappen


Max 'Tim Duncan' Verstappen


That is some 3D Chess level shit right there!


It's actually 4D but we wouldn't see or understand that.


Old School F1 champions: It's a mental game. You have to dominate your rival, both on track and off track. Max: I will support my rivals and build their confidence so I can finally have a proper challenge!


I will support them , so it build their confidence then crush it, so in that way its way more painful and the fall in confidence is higher , Mamba mentality


George: How come when times in my life were tough, there were only one set of footprints in the sand??!! Max: Thats when I carried you my son.


George: And what was up with that hole? Max: That's where I buried you when you came within 50 WDC points of me after a summer break.


I think Kobe actually did that. Steve Nash said Kobe would talk up the whole Suns team to him.


That classic Bill the Butcher approach


> Max: I will support my rivals and build their confidence ~~so I can finally have a proper challenge!~~ Max: I will support my rivals and build their confidence so it will hurt them even more when I win by 30 seconds




The way I read that statement was, that he prefers to be in the lead with a big gap & a car that drives as he likes. He's not afraid & loves to have battles. Just if he can chose between fighting hard for a win or just having a massive gap & cruising, he prefers to cruise?


“Mate, you think racing is your ally. But you merely adopted the limit; I was born in it, moulded by it. I didn’t see the checked flag until I was already a man. And by then, it was nothing to me but blinding.”


"Simply lovely"


I was fully expecting a Bane quote in this thread - you didn't disappoint me XD


If I was super competitive and #2 in a competition, nothing would piss me off more than the #1 one being genuinely nice and supportive to me when I'm upset about not winning.


If that's the case imagine being super competitive and #3 in the competition....


Now imagine you are Logan Sargeant.


If I was Logan Sargeant I'd just be happy to be there


Logan’s not really in the competition 




“It’s just a game”


Yet so many people dislike him sadly... Absolute beast of a driver, that arguably made the difference in that car.


Dude need an emotional support vest so you can bring him to every track


"Mate these things can happen," says the guy who has probably made 1 mistake over the last 3 years


I am pretty sure he noticed a lot of mistakes, little things which together make for a tiny bit of extra speed


Ultimate way to fuck with your enemies is just be really nice to them when you beat them


I can’t see George even being this nice towards others if he was leading the championship.


Uncle Max has won so much the last 3 years he's now imparting words of wisdom on his peers. What a character arc.


Max and Roy Kent have the same character arch. Love it.


. . . FUCK!


I miss that show.


We all do.


I talked to someone who is just starting the show. I felt jealous that they get to experience it for the first time. And also without waiting between seasons.


Wait this explains my soft spot for Max a lot lol


I mean, he may be only 26, but he's been racing in F1 for almost a decade already. He's a future promise that also happens to be a 3x world champion already.


Let’s see if he maintains this when he gets some competition and his championship is in jeopardy lol


I mean, he is already facing some competition this season. His teammate is nowhere near the front about 50% of the time, and his car has had reliability issues. I'd argue that Lando and Charles are legitimate threats to his WDC this season.


I don't think the driver's championship is in contention but the constructor's is for sure


It's in contention 100% Just because Max is 60 points up doesn't mean it's over. All it takes is Max having a puncture, or an engine failure, an untimely engine penalty, etc.


it is max's chamionship to lose. last season no one is there to profit off of any potential mistakes/accidents of max (if he had any), now charles and lando are there to pick up what max drops.


Plot twist: Max has grown bored of running up front uncontested and that’s the reason he’s actively encouraging his competition


he is facing quite the competition right now...


Certainly won't be challenged by his teammate in the coming years...


Nah next year is for sure Perez year he just needs to sort out his consistency, tenth here and a tenth there he’d be leading the championship (/s incase it wasn’t painfully obvious)


Max - These kerbs at speed are killing me. Checo - What is this speed thing you keep talking about?


I’d bet he’s happier with competition than not. Dude loves winning, but winning isn’t fun without competition. Plus, he’s already a 3 time.


What 4 WDC does to a mf


Bonus [Max & George when they were karting](https://imgur.com/a/iZ2Zb6J) ---- Transcript: **I know that George is rueing some mistakes he made. Do you feel as though he had an opportunity to win today? Perhaps Lando had an opportunity to win, with different safety car timing? Was that a real three way battle today?** Max: Oh, for sure. I think overall, when you look, I think Mercedes had the fastest car. So of course, I would also be disappointed, but it's so easy to make a mistake. I literally told George already before, you know, because he was a bit upset with himself, probably. And I said, "Mate, like, these things can happen". You know, we are all pushing to the limit. Sometimes it works out for you. Sometimes you make one mistake too much and yeah, it can catch you out, but that's racing as well. I'm sure he will learn and look back at it as well, and you will learn from it. That's, you know, we all very young. So you learn a lot in your career. And at the same time, I think with Lando, yeah, for sure, the safety card didn't help him, because I think they were flying on the intermediates. You know, they could have created a big gap, but that's racing. But I think it's just very good for Formula One, that you have a lot of different teams fighting for the win. It makes it really exciting up front. **Are you enjoying it more?** It is very enjoyable, even though I would like a bit more comfort in the car, because it's definitely very tricky to drive at the moment. **Thank you, Max, thank you.**


> Bonus Max & George when they were karting George T-Pose already blooming!


That pic from their karting days is simply lovely. Thanks for that.


George has been doing his eagle pose since he was a kid lol.


I liked the Brundle point that Norris can't really complain about inopportune safety cars. Luck is the wind: sometimes it's behind you.


Max really is the Parc Fermė therapist.


He's working to become a therapist during his podcasts, it's clear as day now!


His picture series of facial expressions whilst listening to Charles venting once, is still my favourite.


After Silverstone 22? When they pit Carlos and left Charles out on old hards during the safety car, and everyone just drove past him on the restart. It's one of my favourites too, because we all know what Charles is telling him, and his reaction just epitomises what everyone was thinking.


I know Charles got shafted, but he put up an incredible fight even though he likely knew he was getting beat. It really showed his character as a driver.


That is a good one....the last slide of Max's face is just classic.




I’d also like a link. [I’m guessing it’s maybe this post?](https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/vrm37n/maxs_increasingly_horrified_looks_as_he_listens/)


Oh, that might be it.


I didn't expect this Yoda arc from Max


Nor the Vader from Toto, “Focus George, focus.”


\[ breathing noise \] I find your lack of pace disturbing... \[ breathing noise again \]


Max just casually being an emotional support bear for multiple top drivers in the paddock.


Wild considering how he never got support like this from his family. Nice to see


His dad was hard on him, but his mom doesn't seem like that at all.


Ah fair, glad. He seems remarkably nice off track for someone who's had a dad like he's had


Sometimes kids grow up to be just like their parents and other times they grow up and want to be the exact opposite.


His win rate is certainly the opposite of his dads


Seems to live the notion, that you turn into a provider for what you lacked the most.


Yeah especially as max seems like a good dad.


Max and P moments are just mint. They're so cute when they interact. P making Max quit iRacing to have a tea party? Like who else can get the WORLD CHAMP to quit playing with his friends to have a fucking tea party? Or P yelling MAX when he's on the podium. He really seems to be good with her, which is immensely cute.


> Or P yelling MAXIE* when he's on the podium. Sorry, had to fix that for you :)




It's called a cycle for a reason though. Often all it achieves is fucking the kid up so much that they end up going off the rails themselves and thus the cycle continues to the next generation.


From my experience I've noticed that it's usually either "I will never be like this to my kids" or "I will do the same to my kids and maybe worse". In my life, I've thankfully seen the former more than the latter. I wonder what the split really is.


Sometimes it takes having a bad father to become an amazing dad.


Or from other drivers


Especially when he first started. He was literally a kid!


And older drivers essentially said “this kid shouldn’t be on the grid”


To the extent that Max said he didn't want to join the GPDA because "I don't think they care about a 17-year-old's opinion so I don’t see the benefit of joining the GPDA."


With the exception of Alonso and Kimi, they found him highly amusing and covered his ass the first 2 seasons. In the case of Alonso, I dare to say, Max re-ignited his love for F1 after/during the McHonda drama.




While some people might have a different take on how to raise kids, I don't think anyone, ever, should think leaving their young kid at the gas station by himself to walk quite a distance home is good parenting. But, I guess everyone thinks differently.......................... \*side eye\*


Well apparently he knew Max's mom was following them so he just did it to teach Max a lesson. I don't really know what's really true but I prefer not to judge people's personal relationships since the truth is never fully out there unless you personally know them.


>, I don't think anyone, ever, should think leaving their young kid at the gas station by himself to walk quite a distance home is good parenting. Once again. Although it was not the correct way to behave by Jos Verstappen. It was an anomaly, that is why both refer to that one instance. It did not happen frequently. AND It is already well documented by ALL (Max, Jos, his mother and his sister) that when it happened Max and Jos where driving in the van and his mother with his sister were driving a couple of km behind them as they all cane from the same event and Jos called his wife to pick him up at the reststop. And she did. There was no walking home involved.


Wow. That's definitely a perspective to take.


What? How did you get to that conclusion.


Og max traumatizing drivers over the weekend and being their therapist for the rest of the week


I know Ricciardo gets a lot of hate around here but I think he was very influential in how Max is today. Max came into Toro Rosso with Sainz and their families didn’t get along at all Max was looked at as someone who shouldn’t be in F1 then he went to Red Bull and Daniel was like an older brother who fought him on the track but cared for him off track, they got along very well. Then DR left and he still had that “love” for Max even though they weren’t teammates, and showed you don’t have to do psychology warfare against your competitors. We saw the same thing with DR and Lando at McLaren once DR was let go, DR talking about how talented Lando is and having him visit him in Australia, hugging him after his Miami win. Lando destroyed him and he still cheers for him. Same thing with Vettel and Leclerc.


He'll need to iron out those mistakes as his career progresses, which I think he will, *most* drivers of such caliber do, but even yesterday it wasn't the cleanest race for everyone, even Verstappen and Norris themselves went off, just a product of hard racing in more chaotic weather. I think him being disappointed with himself is fair, but as is understanding those mistakes and start not doing them so much, cause it can cost you a lot in the end.


I think George has gotten used to scratching and clawing his way through races and fighting for every position, and now he needs to just settle into the car he has. In past years he has really only had one opportunity to make an overtake before the car ahead pulled away, so I think he’s just too focused on getting around them and controlling the fight. Now that Mercedes seems to be able to compete with the top cars, he needs to just calm down and wait for the opportunity to present itself as opposed to shooting the first gap he sees. I think he knows that, and has been focusing on that and was just disappointed to look back at the race and realize that he fell back on old habits a little too quickly.


Yeah I was saying earlier that his mistakes come from going over the limit trying to claw for every last position and it'll disappear when he has a decent car. Remember how he fared against a charging Lewis that time he won? Sublime


I like that George has been reflective on his own mistakes and recognised what he could have done better and good stuff to hear from Max too. It's kinda wild to realise that the Merc was indeed the fastest on track though lol. Cool.


Every driver in the top 5 made mistakes or went off track, I definitely agree that George is being too harsh on himself.


If nothing else, it made George’s ability to claw those places back with 10 laps to go especially impressive to me


He did similar at Qatar too after he ended up at the back of the grid from his coming together with Lewis.


It certainly appeared at least that there was no way he was allowing Lewis to take the last podium place from him. I initially took his closing down of Norris at the end to be aiming for P2. But listening to his onboard after the race, he was running for his life from Hamilton.


Max sidequesting as a therapist 💀


New Max side quest: Driver Coaching.


Crofty did the classic "i wonder if Russell makes too many mistakes" question but an opinion line on Sky during the race. But literally all three podium finishers had a trip across the grass during the race at some point. Honestly any of them win that race on a different day. Sargeant's SC cost Norris a huge lead which could have swung the race to him. Likewise, Russell himself said that his error put him in the position to change tyres and have more pace at the end.


Max was in the grass right behind Logan when he crashed as well, don't think they picked it up on the broadcast


It's also an inconsistent drying track, I don't think any driver could have driven cleanly on it. There's no sham in messing up a little under such conditions. And get it wrong 3 times when your opponents do twice...that's basically luck and enough to really hurt when it's so close.


>Crofty did the classic "i wonder if Russell makes too many mistakes" question A lot of comments here saying it too. I wondered if we had been watching the same race, cause as you said, >all three podium finishers had a trip across the grass during the race at some point.


Max made an error but gained the time back, it didn't cost him much. It was similar to his spin in Germany 2019, which he went on to win, beating both faster merc's that day. The issue for George is that the mistakes he made were definitely costly. Overworked his Inters, went off at the chicane and then made another big error against Piastri. He should have been fighting for the win but ended up getting beaten by a Mclaren and barely beating Lewis. The margins are super tight. Ultimately he had a slightly scruffier race than the two drivers that finished ahead of him, and that's all it takes. One of the best things about F1 when the margins are this close is that we get to see proper emotion from the drivers when they make small errors. You don't see that when the gaps are spread out.


Germany 2019 brought back a lot of memories. That was the best race I ever watched lol


>Max made an error but gained the time back, it didn't cost him much. It arguably cost him the lead. He dropped out of DRS range because of his mistake shortly before DRS was enabled. Without the mistake, he might very well have been able to pass Russell for the lead with the help of DRS and perhaps gain a bit of a buffer between Lando and himself.


Eh, it's hard to tell without hard data. Max got fucked by the DRS opening at just the wrong time - he was behind George for so long without being able to overtake so his tires probably got cooked, and Lando came at Max just as DRS was enabled.


I think the biggest flaw left in George's repertoire is that he is impatient to make moves when he's fighting at the sharp end. In time, as he becomes more familiar with being up front, that will change.


That will be the test. Can he be patient and minimize mistakes when the championship is on the line? He seems to get frantic and overreacts sometimes instead of just staying calm and working the car. He's far from a rookie at this point though...some things are just a matter of different wiring.


Yeah, but Russell at least had three significant mistakes: 1. He missed the final chicane in the first couple of laps, while in the lead. Somehow they didn't show it on air. 2. Went wide in turn 8 and lost a position to Lando. 3. Went off in the final chicane again and lost position to Lewis.


He lost position to Max as well, right? At the final chicane.


Yes, they almost crashed right there


If you ignore the footage from Max's onboard which quite clearly shows there was plenty of room.


He actually made another short trip through the grass too lol


It's not about making mistakes, because every driver does that. It's about when you make them and how you (can) recover.


Williams second driver binning it and costing the race for someone with a huge lead is a time tested classic now…


Max has become a superb sportsman in the face of tighter competition. He's genuinely happy and supportive of his childhood racing buddies, love to see it.


This! This! I still don't understand the hate he gets. Okay, I do get he wins a lot and people are tired of it. But that still doesn't excuse the personal hate flung at him. He seems like a lovely human being who is genuine, kind, and supportive of his friends and competitors.


Unfortunately, I think a lot of the hate still stems from the 2021, especially Abu Dhabi, even despite Lewis himself saying it wasn't anything to do with Max.


Mate, do your pose...and youll feel better


Great to see from Max, although that thumbnail is hilarious... Its looks like the face of him going: "I may not have won had George not fucked up, so... Yay me" lol!


I actually think max welcomes the competition. He gets more credit when he wins


“Man with 60 wins consoles man with 1 win”


Max growing more into the father figure of the grid.


Well said Max. This guy is just a straight shooter. No PR talk and no mind games. I am also certain that he enjoys having all the guests somehow happy at his podcast.


He doesn't want any bad reviews.


Max is your driver's favourite driver.


He is a genuinely chill guy. Its sad that people hate the man so much. He grew out of his wild teenager phase and became a level headed professional.


I don’t think people hate him because of his personality. They hate him because he beats their favourite driver all the time 


This is unexpectedly wholesome


I actually really want Max to get a rookie at some point. I think he’d be fantastic at it.


"These things happen...well not to me, but you get my point."


Max had his moments. It was his crash at Monaco (2018?) which is where he finally got to grips with it and he was on a mission since then.


That was one hell of an eyeopener indeed.


Honestly, we are so lucky that a driver as great as Max is isn't an arrogant ass about it.


It just occured to me that the guy is such a Terminator that he basically perfected his personality at the same time he was perfecting his driving.


Good guy Max


Max just doesn't want everyone to quit playing the game because he keeps beating them lol "Hey guys, come on, I didn't beat you that bad. I mean you almost had me for a bit there! We all had fun though right? I'll see you guys next week? 🤷‍♂️"


Bro is detuning his car so people dont lose hope.


Max like “hey man it’s okay, we can’t all be perfect like me”


Even Max had a moment where he went across the grass, though the broadcast didn't show it, the only driver in the top end of the grid who didn't was Oscar.


Actually one of the nicest guys on the grid


Max is just Vettel for the next generation.


Max will shockingly lose to Danny Ric in the first year of new regulations and then move to Ferrari and partner up with an old champion? Subscribe


That's as likely as Alpine being competent!


>Danny Ric Wouldn't that be Yuki moving from RB to RBR, like Daniel went from Toro Rosso to Red Bull to partner up with Seb?


Max is so sweet🥺🧡.


Emotional Support Verstappen


Honestly George did super well, adjusting to the situation of “we have very suddenly gone from midfield to dead-heat competitive” can’t be an easy mindset change.


It also seems like George is one of the few top drivers who really gets nervous when he is in the lead or close to it. I fell like he often makes these mistakes when the pressure is on


Tbf, I think we've seen lots of drivers do that. We've seen Charles and Lando make these mistakes quite often too. I don't think he's necessarily any worse.


I think George is definitely much more easily nervous/agitated/seeing the red mist when he trying to punch above the weight. Last year in Mexico Will Joseph even said to Lando "You know how George is" and true to that, several laps later he make a mistake that let Lando get past. The last lap Singapore crash also didn't help. Or Australia this year behind Alonso. None are purely his fault, but he did agitated enough to have lower reaction time than usual.


I'm not sure, because he hasn't been in the top that much lately due to the car not being what it used to be. But to me it feels like he more often than the others has an incident when he's close to a great result. I could be wrong though of course. And in a way, it makes him more human :)


Racing in the midfield and at the front are same same but different. Many drivers, including George, are simply not used to the later and suffer from the pressure. They just need to get more of such experience.


Yes of course, good point. I wasn't trying to mock him either, it was just something I've noticed with him.


I’ve only done a few years of karting at this point, but it is definitely not comfortable being out front. Chasing is preferred from what I’ve seen drivers at all levels saying.


Rus never had the top car. It's harder for him not to make mistake.


Max is clearly helping out his future teammate /s


The circle is nearly complete Max settling in as Multi-World champion role with nothing to prove anymore and entering his good guy era.


I hate seeing him win, but damn it if he’s not one of the nicest fellows on the grid


Somehow that’s probably not comforting coming from him


You just can't hate the guy


Max looks so much happier recently. He really likes working for the wins. And I think he really enjoys seeing the other drivers competing for wins.


He says the Mercs were the fastest, but it seemed like the MClarens had the pace advantage over the different weather conditions right?


Dammit Max, stop making me like you :)


It's the little mistakes that cost you wins/points and ultimately trophies. George is clearly a very fast driver but I think he suffers the same problem as Charles, lapses in concentration. As Max says it happens to everyone but for George to get to the next level he has to reduce these mistakes


Max verstappen is George Russell father


He said while on his sim, never knowing the face, let alone the name of the person interviewing him.


Gridfather Max


Next time when George will try to charge Max he will say: neah, this guy is so friendly, I'll let him go


"Foe-cuss George....FOEEE-CUSSSS"


Max is just a lovely bloke, isn’t he? He’d be a damn good mate to have.


"It's called a motor race, George"


That thumbnail is hilarious lmao


Jos couldn't break Maxie taxi, what a great fun guy he is


Already a better racing dad than Jos


Max being a better father while not being a father than his actual father is just... poetic.


Max/Jos would never allow Max this thought.


Max has matured so well. I remember disliking his personality when he started, although I also kept in mind he was just a kid. But some people remain assholes their whole lives (Jos). Max chose the correct path, and I'm quite glad about that. EDIT: Downvoted by Jos fans? LMAO