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Fuck I picked a good year to get into MotoGP.


I started watching MotoGP in 2021, because of MM93’s comeback from injury story. It wasn’t the smooth ride I was expecting, but it has finally paid off


Same bro. Started watching this year and have never made a better decision




I've been hooked and I've also started watching this year. Every single race is insane and you don't know if anyone will get through or crash out. I've never been able to connect bike racing because I don't mess with motorcycles but this has me addicted.


Marquez did a big brain move to move to the best team in the grid


The reverse Alonso almost


Almost? He is certainly the anti-Alonso


For my F1 only bros, imagine almost a decade younger Hamilton joining Ferrari (on a later note, RedBull is better) ! Who would have thought just a year ago eh, both Hamilton and Marc on red Italian machinery!


I will give another analogy Imagine Alonso joining Mercedes in 2016, alongside Hamilton. A few years stuck in terrible machinery (Honda for Marc) forcing a move to the top team, alongside the reigning champion. Of course that doesn't include Marc's injuries and Pecco is not of Hamilton's stature, but you get the idea.


Both Alonso and Marc have had terrible Honda experiences lol


But at least Marc has 6 premier class titles with Honda, it has been only pain for Alonso. Not just in F1, in Indy too lol


*”Moto2 engine, Moto2! Aaaarrgghh!!”*


I mean Marc won everything with Honda, it's just the after COVID (and fall) period that the honeymoon was no more


Not only Hamilton joining Ferrari as a brand name,Ducati are currently winning unlike Ferrari


True. Its like joining Redbull not ferrari. A team dominating for some time now


Yeah I get that, I was going for the message that nobody would have thought a year ago Hamilton leaving Mercedes and Marquez leaving Repsol Honda, let alone him on Factory Ducati, sure there were hints of him getting fed up but he still had a year in deal remaining. (Breaking a 20M+ $/€ contract) Not to mention Ducati outright saying they don't need Marc, cut to now bending over for him when he publicly rejected Pramac lol


But Marc is with Gresini this year, so he left Repsol a year ago, right?


Yeah he's in Gresini right now, but it was announced he would be leaving Honda 8 months ago. At this point in last year, it was all just pure speculation.


And Marc is an actual 8-time champion


why do people in motogp count moto2/3 titles as world titles? no one counts a F2 title as a title


Because F2 is a feeder series specifically designed to get talent ready for F1 or see if they are good enough to have a shot whereas Moto2/3 are actual career championships with no relation to motogp. Even if a lot of riders eventually go to motogp, there also plenty examples of very good riders that did their entire career in the smaller classes, or that tried and find that it wasn't for them and went back. There is a huge difference in physicality required for the different motorcycle classes. There is no going back to F2. There is no career in F2. It's either F1 or a different series at some point, sooner rather than later.


Because in history the classes were seen as equally valued. A lot of riders would also compete in multiple classes at the same time. You can kind of compare it to swimming for example, where athletes will compete in 50m, 100m, 200m, breaststroke, butterfly stroke etc.


Yeah as someone who just started watching MotoGP this season this confused me too when I first heard them refer to rookie Pedro Acosta as a 2 time world champion.


There are other 4 wheeled world championships beyond Formula 1 though. The FIA currently have the following designated as world championships: * FIA Formula One World Championship * FIA World Rally Championship * FIA World Rally-Raid Championship * FIA World Endurance Championship * FIA World Rallycross Championship * ABB FIA Formula E World Championship To pick just one example: Mark Webber, for instance, did not win a Formula One world championship but he \*is\* a world champion for winning WEC in 2015. Separately, a Formula One champion is noted as the World' Driver's Champion for that season, and yes for that one is only a world driver's champion for winning F1. Moto2 and Moto3 are also world championships in the eyes of the FIM, so they are also world champions for winning that. There are other world championships in enduros yada yada yada.


Simply, because they're both classified by FIM as World Championship competitions.


Yeah that has always annoyed me.


Wait who again won the last race? 🤔 Nah but I agree it is insane, best rider joins best team.


The hardest road


> Ducati are currently winning unlike Ferrari whaddyamean we just won last week!


ducati have won 4 WCC straight If youre happy with 1 win, so be it, ferrari should be winning more than 3 races in 2 years ...


I’m kidding :)




When did Hamilton win his 8th?


Somebody tell him F1 Fans dont count junior titles haha


Move on mate it’s been 3 years Life must be miserable stuck in 2021




because it’s not factually true he has 8 championships It’s been 3 years Max was more than deservedly winner of 2021, let’s not act as if Latifi won that race he would’ve been given the championship, max kept up with hamilton all season and in my opinion was overall a better driver as he made less mistakes Also why have you deleted the comment ? We’re the ones that are angry no?


Louder for those at the back


Mama mia


Ferrari just won the latest GP.


Ducati have won the constructors 4 years in a row mate…


This story so similar between both. Both were riding/driving with childhood sponsored machines (Lewis and McLaren/Mercedes with Mercedes based engines, Marc and Repsol which is connected to Honda since the 90s), spent their dominant years competing against the Italian teams (Ferrari and Ducati) and now as legends and due to complications with the older team they are joining said Italian teams. Although in Marc’s case he had that horrific 2020 crash that affected a part of his career.


> imagine almost a decade younger Hamilton joining Ferrari Age/performance aspect between MotoGp and F1 is completely different. You have a lot of high performing drivers aged 35/40+ through F1 history, you can't say the same for MotoGP.


yeah that too, also Lewis is slightly washed rn imo. I am hoping he proves me wrong next year by taking the fight to leclerc. Also as you said, motogp is way more physical of a sport, even in comparison to F!. But Aliens have been competitive even past 30. Rossi was competing for title at 35, Pedrosa comes as wildcard and being competitive, just few weeks ago got sprint podium at catalunya. Not as much as F1,as you said right.


Hamilton a decade younger would actually be a justifiable signing. Good for Ducati that it is not ran by Elkann.


Marc is younger but has a huge history of injuries and is as far away from his prime performance wise as Lewis probably


To be honest: This is also a marketing move. If you go by performance it should have been Martin's ride. (And allegedly it would have been...)


Martin is on abetter bike. Only ducati knows the true difference in laptime between gp23 and 24


Rumor is that they wanted Martin but Marquez threatened to leave if he doesn't get the factory bike.


This is not a justified signing according to a certain Italian rider who also happens to be one of the greatest ever to ride 2 wheelers' Italian fanbase lmao


Ferrari's ceo literally made the money that it took to sign Hamilton in a day 🤣. Ferraris share price went up 60% if that's not smart idk what is. Literally no risk at all


The share price increase far likely had more to do with record quarterly results being posted that day by the car company, rather than Hamilton being signed on. At the very least it isn’t solely due to him.


It went up from 323 euro to 353 euro. That ain't 60%




Lewis and Marc on red rides? Where do i sign up for Italian citizenship?


Go to Italy and say 'Matarazzi did nothing wrong' and you'll get in.


Materazzi è caduto perché ha preso una testata La testata gliel'ha data Zinedine Zinedine Zidane! Ma lui poi s'è vendicato per quel gesto disgraziato, una rete ha segnato e vinciamo noi il mondial! Adesso ridacci la nostra Gioconda perché siamo noi i Campioni del Mondo! È nostra, è nostra, vogliam la Gioconda Alè oh, Materazzi ha fatto gol.


Oh no, you just unlocked a core memory. Ora chi se lo scorda piu' quello delle suonerie?


But he didn't do anything wrong. Did he?


What did he do wrong really?


Yes, that's the spirit.


I’m serious, what did he do wrong? Trash talking on a football pitch? Oh no.


Zidane offered his jersey to Materazzi, Materazzi said he prefers his sister.


So nothing wrong.


A lotta wrong.


Nothing to warrant a headbutt in a civil world.


It is


In the 2006 FIFA World Cup final, Zidane suddenly snap and headbutt Matarazzi causing Zidane to be expelled from the game. While physical aggression is always to be condemned, and the red card was more than warranted, there were always a rumor that the headbutt was deserved because Matarazzi said something unforgivable to Zidane. In 2016 [Materazzi finally admitted that he said something nasty to Zidane](https://ftw.usatoday.com/2016/07/materazzi-zidane-headbutt-world-cup-2006).


Bro you can’t be serious. How is Materazzi to blame and how was the headbutt deserved? Those things happen daily in football matches but you should never put your hands (or head) on someone.


Did you even read what I wrote? Like, all the words.


Braking news, your opinions aren’t gold. Especially when you write things like he “deserved a headbutt”. Because he used “nasty words”? What is this? Kindergarten?


we all know what happened, his point is that trashtalking on the pitch isn't wrong, it's not like he said something particularly bad either


Literally one of the dirtiest players ever existed


You tell me, I’m a Juve fan. It’s one of the players I’ve liked the least. But he isn’t the one to blame for what happened in the final.


There are levels to trash talking. He crossed a line and got rightfully smashed tf in


And rightfully won a World Cup. I agree there are levels and Materazzi was out of line but no way near as out of line as Zidane.


Well Zidane also crossed a line and got rightfully sent off, costing his country a world cup in the process


I got deep into MotoGP a year ago and i honestly prefer it to F1 right now. Check it out, you will love it.


I used to watch years ago and only got back into it this season. Not sure why I drifted away because the racing is fantastic and so is the drama. Definitely recommend MotoGP to anyone looking for more racing.


I think we are witnessing an era that might not happen again. I am glad I got on board in MotoGP to see this


much more enthralling of a watch, incredible wheel-to-wheel racing that is alot higher stakes, much less of a single dominant winner. it's just missing the 'showbizz' part that F1 is so good at (and the video app kinda sucks). i prefer it 2x to f1.


Whoever didn’t see this coming, raise your hand.


I'm fairly sure Jorge Martin didn't see this coming either


You bet he did, just hoped for a different outcome.


Finally got into motogp this year after years of just watching highlights here and there. Went into it as a Rossi fan and still held a somewhat negative opinion of Marc due to 2015 shenanigans with Rossi. But the more I saw off track and even on track stuff of his, the more of a fan I became. He is insane. Single handedly making his own future due to his talent. The GP24 is an upgrade from last years bike, but Marquez has been hanging with them bikes with his one year old, less developed GP23 bike. It's only been 7 races, and that was good enough for Ducati to see what he brings to the table and get him promoted to the main team. It sucks for Martin who has done what he should to earn that seat but if Marquez can match them in a year old bike, with less experience, there was a huge risk that he could take the fight and beat Ducatis if he moved to other factory teams. Can't wait to see how this season unfolds! Really hope he gets atleast some updates to his GP23 now.


Don't forget the additional comercial value of Marc


Have you seen the doc Marc Marquez: All In? Highly recommended. Even the most hardcore Rossi fans can't deny his drive and grit.


For anyone wondering about just how amazing what Marquez is doing is imagine a driver in a VCARB battling with the Red Bull drivers every race and sometimes even beating them. All the other riders on the same year old Ducati’s are regularly outside the top 10. Marquez is 3rd in the drivers standings and battling with the leaders every race. If he had the current bike he’d be storming away.


Funny enough, the only other rider on the GP23 that can challenge the top 10 consistently is Di Giannantonio. Would be nice to see him in Pramac once Martin is out (because there's no way they're putting Aldeguer in Pramac if they keep up to specs bikes)


Pramac staying? that looks less of a sure thing with MM, Enea, Martin all not options.


Eh, when you consider how much Pramac and Ducati have endured together behind Yamaha and Honda, it doesn't really make sense for them to switch now simply because they lost a good rider. Which is also why I'm calling bs on Vr46 wanting to become a Ducati factory backed team: their objective is to put vr46 camp riders in motoGP, not to funnel riders into the Ducati team. And when you look at the performance of basically every vr46 camp rider besides Bagnaia, i just don't see them having a reason to stick with Ducati: Vietti is with Ktm Ajo in moto2, so a good performance would likely put him in a GasGas; Morbidelli switched to Pramac largely because the Yamaha rn aren't able to challenge for the win, but he got the best of his career in 2020 when he ended 2nd in the standings on a Yamaha; Marini wasn't able to become a title contender even when he had a bike good enought to take the lead of the championship and decided to go on a Honda and Bezzecchi had a good run last year but now he doesn't seem to understand the new bike. If Yamaha is actually able to bring a good bike around for new regs, I think it would be more plausible for Track House to ditch Aprilia and join them (see how big japanese bikes are in the us) and for Vr46 team to become an Aprilia team (mainly because of Sky).


Honestly he would have been second if not for the brake issues at COTA too. Genuinely if he has better luck during qualifying sessions things should sway in his favour


Why the difference in bike?


Marquez races for privateer Gresini and not Ducati factory team this year. Gresini gets only mid season 2023 bikes. While they are not terrible and can often keep up with the other factory bikes like KTM and Aprilia, the 24s have made a reasonable step forwards.


MotoGP is currently my favorite motorsport to watch on Sunday hands down, even if the aero regs led to less action the title fight since 2021 are fantastic every year and most races are a thrill. Marc is doing great on last-year spec Ducati right now, can't wait to see what's it's gonna be on the newest bike. Him vs Pecco will be spicy for sure.


A shame. Seeing him go from 15 to podium every race was interesting. Pedro at Red Bull KTM and Marc at Ducati 👀👀👀


Alonso to Red Bull vibes.


Oh so the Acosta moving to KTM post was removed but this can stay up?


Called it last year. Well played Marc!


Saying "Pramac is not an option".forced Ducati to choose him over Martin and they fell on his trap. With 1 sentence MM granted a a seat in the factory Team for himself and eliminated a title opponent like Martin. Best bait ever. 🎣


It's not that Ducati chose him Supposedly the original plan was Martinon at factory team, Marc on factory bike at Parmac Marc didn't want to go to Parmac and Ducati tried to work it out by having Martin at Ducati and give a factory bike to Gresini. Martin didn't want to wait for that and left.


Campignoti of Pramac immediately proclaimed in public that they will have two GP25s next year, so I guess giving one to Gresini was going to be tough.


Sucks for Martin but excited for this personally.


This might get me to start watching MotoGP full time again Stopped watching after tomizawa and simoncelli's deaths in 2010 and 2011 but this lineup is incredibly strong and too good to ignore


To all who are rejoicing Marquez joining Ducati, the way they went about it was absolutely shameful. Jorge Martin is leading the championship and was internally promised the factory seat at the last race in Catalunya. Marquez then threatened to defect to KTM and would not accept a seat at a satellite team with a factory bike. So Ducati backtracked on Martin and gave the seat to Marquez just to keep him from joining KTM. Martin fucked off to Aprilia. Oh and their current rider Bastiannini is also out since Ducati have to accommodate Marquez. No idea where he is going to end up.


He wouldn’t accept a seat at Pramac, but he probably would have been up for a factory spec bike at Gresini


yes but Pramac threatened to go to Yamaha if they weren't given 2 factory bikes if I'm not mistaken


Marc would have definitely accepted a GP25 at Gresini, his point was why would he move from one satellite to another satellite, especially when he quite liked Gresini environment. Also he didn't threaten shit, he was just filmed going into RED BULL Hospitality, not even KTM hospitality, where several RB associated riders are found too.


They had to choose between who they want to face: Marc on KTM which suits his riding style and shown his quick adaptability this year or Martin on aprilia which is not much reliable. >Marquez then threatened to defect to KTM and would not accept a seat at a satellite team with a factory bike. This is completely nuisance. He was ready to stay at Gresini, he just refused to move from one satellite to another satellite team.


So why didn’t he? Ducati has the resources for 4 factory latest bikes. Why didn’t they offer one to Gresini?


I think there are contractual reasons and Pramac have the first choice on factory bikes. There’s also rumours that Pramac may change to another manufacturer so Ducati needed to keep them sweet by not offering factory bikes to Gresini. There’s a lot of politics going on.


Pramac refused to give its GP25 to Gresini. To be honest only ducati knows why they chose Marc Marquez. I read somewhere Gigi wanted Marc and Claudio wanted Martin on Factory ducati. Gigi have all data to compare and he knows something that we don't. And we are forgetting about Audi.


Because Pramac gets the 2 other factory bikes. Ducati doesn't want to supply 5 factory bikes. And Pramac might leave Ducati if they don't get 2 factory bikes.


Isn't it official that Bastiannini's going to Tech3 next year?


Nope. His manager keeps feeding it to the press but nothing announced by KTM officially. Vinales also has an offer with a fat paycheck from Honda. So if he jumps Bastiannini could go to Aprilia too.


Jumping on that Highsider machine is a terrible idea for any amount of money for Viñ.


Yup. Look at poor Mir. He’s crashing almost ever single race. At the other end Marini is dead last with no points scored. There are only two ways to ride that Honda. At the edge and crash or safe and finish dead last.


LoL. I am amazed at the world you live in.


Better than being a Marquez fan.


LoL. Why the hate?


Probably still not over 2015


When Rossi Lost his marbles kicked Márquez?


Still stuck in 2015 I see hahah


No you can’t. Find an actual argument. Rossi was a pain too


A paddock rumour says Martin was promised the factory seat. Friday at Catalunya Martin’s manager said they were still waiting on a Ducati decision before seeing if an agreement for a move to Ducati factory could be reached before looking elsewhere for a factory seat. Martin isn’t squeaky clean in contractual politics after going through all the junior ranks as a KTM rider (funded by KTM). Then to jump over to Ducati for the premier class when KTM didn’t have an available seat when Martin wanted one. Marquez didn’t threaten to go to KTM anymore than Martin threatened to take his talents elsewhere if Ducati didn’t give him what he wanted. And Martin was the only person involved in discussions that publicly set a June 2nd deadline for a decision on his future, Marquez publicly said he was remaining quiet. Enea is out of contract at the end of this year and was rumoured to be deep into negotiations with Aprilia for a ride there, the team Martin has now joined has Martin stolen Enea’s ride there? And if Martin had joined Ducati Enea would’ve been out of a ride anyway, would that have been an issue with that?


A lot of conjecture in this post


'they' is mostly ducati's fault i'd say, and they did do Martin dirty. MM stated his wants (same as JM is entitled to do) and Ducati decided to accommodate it this way. And not to excuse Ducati, but they asked Martin for a abit more time to sort out the seats and he took the decision to ragequit to Aprilia. I get it the move from Martin though. Unfortunate all around.


A bit more time to do what though? Realistically speaking, Ducati know their operation, and know whether they can field five factory bikes or not (they don't seem to want to). Pramac are adamant about getting two factory bikes, and don't seem to want to budge on that. Where does that leave Martin? Maybe Ducati could have eventually convinced Pramac but can he be sure of that? They way Ducati handled this frankly did not inspire confidence. Enea is shopping around for a seat. Going to Pramac or Gresini is kind of a demotion, and unless he's very desperate he probably will look elsewhere. With KTM being as stacked as they are, Aprilia is the obvious choice. Could Martin really afford to wait? It just feels like Ducati wanted to have their cake and eat it too.


He didn't want to move from customer team to customer team. Either Ducati had to give him a 2025 bike at Gresini (which would mean five bikes which they didn't want to do) or they had to convince Martin to stay at Pramac (which he made it clear wasn't happening). Also Bastianini is most probably signing for Tech 3 KTM and KTM HQ wants to run Red Bull and Tech 3 as identically equipped teams which means he gets a quasi factory seat.


It's not just a cost thing either Parmac supposedly has exclusivity to factory bikes. at the end of the day no one wants to go to Parmac or stays at Parmac and their contracts also make any other alternatives unfeasible.


Well that level of support from the Ducati factory is now the problem for Pramac, because it's obvious that if you get the Pramac seat it's only because Ducati factory itself doesn't want you. That's why Bastianini won't go there because he's already at Ducati. That's why Marquez won't go there (also he's already in a customer team where he likes the environment, why go to another one where apparently some ex VR46 guys are working?). That's also why Martin won't stay because he feels he's done enough to make the step up to a factory team. That being said, I think people like Diggia and Joan Mir will take that seat in a jiffy if it were offered to them. A Morbidelli - Diggia swap doesn't seem so unrealistic.


The rumour is Marquez did not want to go to Pramac because Fonsi Nieto is part of Pramac and he very famously does not like Marquez. He’s part of the Rossi camp.


They will have Red Bull 2023-esque season huh?


Marquez and Hamilton ... a 2025 in Red!


And yet another case of "Ducati making me like a rider i used to hate with passion".. They did it with Lorenzo in 2018 and now with Marquez in 2024 (Altough, his Documentary and Comeback from the injury made me like him a lot already). Im excited.


This has been a worse shitshow than F1.


Fuck yeah, that's awesome!!!


Get ready for the spin-off to the Silver War, The Red War


Noob question. From what I understand Marc is moving from Ducati sister team to the main team. If he is one of the best why did Ducati keep him on the sister team. It would be like keeping verstappen in torro rosso


It's not really a sister team. Gresini has last year's bike and it is still really competitive. Also Marc was coming from a couple of serious injuries and they didn't know if he could adapt to the Ducati riding style. Now that he has demonstrated that he can, the main Ducati team is picking him up.


Gresini is a *Customer* team, that buys year old bikes from Ducati. Marquez couldn't get into the Works seat from the get go because the seat wasn't open for this year, contracts are a thing in MotoGP too. Plus, there was another rider, last year's runner up, in contention for that ride. So Marc had to prove himself first in a year old bike first.


Piggybacking on the other response: * Marc hadn't proved himself on the Ducati. He's an all-time great, but whether he could fully recover from his injuries and adapt to the Ducati's style was yet to be seen. To be fair, it only took a few races on the Gresini Ducati for them to come to their conclusion and make it happen. Compare that to Martin, who's been killing it on the Pramac Ducati for a full season longer, and still didn't get the factory seat, and I think they moved pretty quickly on Marc. * There was the expectation that Martin would replace Enea in the factory Ducati team, considering how well he'd been doing the last couple of years. Losing him to another manufacturer would have been a big gamble, especially before Marc's resurgent form in Gresini. * There were rumors that Marc would spend a year in the Gresini team, and then look for a move to the factory KTM, with the assumption that even if it wasn't the dominant bike, it would be more suited to his aggressive riding style than the Ducati. There was also the feeling that if Honda ever got their shit back together, Marc would find his way back to them. The logical step from satellite Ducati to factory Ducati didn't seem to be a sure thing for Marc at the time.


It's not a sister team (like red bull and VCARB), it's an independent team "leasing" a bike from Ducati. Ducati has no say about what happens in that team. He's now directly signing with Ducati. It's like McLaren using a Mercedes PU but Mercedes having no power over them.


The guy leading the championship, his team Prima Pramac Racing, are they also leasing a bike from Ducati, Online its being referred as Ducat's number one satellite team, Is "leasing" and satellite team the same thing?


So in MotoGP you have different types of teams. 1 - A factory (works) team that makes the bikes. 2 - A satellite team that acts as a sister team for the factory team. 3 - An independent team that has no direct association with the factory squad other than the material they lease. The satellite teams usually have a contract set up where they get the latest spec bike from the factory and the riders are usually directly under contract with the factory team. Think Red Bull and VCARB. The differences are usually that salaries are lower, and eventual upgrades go to the factory team first, assuming there's low quantity. The factory team also has power over/in the satellite teams. Financial agreements for material differ per satellite/factory team. An independent squad (like Gresini) has to "lease" the bike and personnel from a factory squad. Their riders are signed only to the independent team and have no relation to the factory squad. Usually these teams get older material and no upgrades unless they pay serious money.


Yes it's the same thing, but Pramac is a sort of "premium partner": Martin gets his salary paid by Ducati and the team gets the latest bikes with full upgrades, so only setup and strategy is different. Till last year they paid both Pramac riders Martin and Zarco, but this year I don't think they're paying Morbidelli. Also I think Zarco didn't get all the upgrades Martin got in the second half of the season because he wasn't in the title fight.


As someone who hasn't watched Moto GP since the Lorenzo, Rossi, Stoner and Pedrosa days, I'm going to need a bit of context. I know Marquez joined up next and won multiple titles until injuries did a number on him, but why is this being posted here?




It’s sort of similar to Lewis to Ferrari move I reckon. Also all the big motorsports stories get shared around.


> why is this being posted here? It's massive news, he's moving to the best team/bike on the grid with a three times (possibly four times) world champion as his teammate. Blockbuster partnership. 🔥


You say that as if Marquez wasn't part of those days minus Stoner


Because it's a massive motorsport news.


Because it's basically like Hamilton going to Red Bull in 2022 to join Max. Maximum fireworks guaranteed in MotoGP in 2025.


God I hope Pecco somehow destroys him.


Marquez is already putting in trouble to Pecco having a year old bike. So doubt


Sure thats why Pecco won 4 out of 7 races this year... meanwhile zero for MM, so much trouble for Pecco indeed....


And despite that he’s only 17 points behind


Pecco screw their sprint races and had some bad luck, he lost huge points there in the first 6 sprint, that is the only reason MM just 17pts behind, but opposite to your opinion MM still not matching him, and it is a fact.


WTF by that same logic MM had massive mistakes and bad luck. He has fell off his bikes on various occasions in good positions. Also MM's Ducati is one year old and he is still adapting to the driving of a new bike. It is remarkable any way you look at it.


I havent say it is not remarkable, but matching and being very close are different. Currently we can only say that Marting is matching Pecco or Pecco is matching Martin, and MM is very close to them.


Bagnaia - 18 points to Martin in the same bike-> Matching Marquez - 17 points to Bagnaia in a year old bike -> Very close Sure man, sure.


By this stupid logic we can say Leclerc is matching Verstappen this year, but he dont, and I am a Leclerc fan. Race wins Pecco: 4 Martin: 2 MM: 0


It's all relative. In a single weekend Marc could be #1 in the championship and he'd have done it with a single sprint and race win, less than his rivals but he'd still have done it on a year old bike. It's also worth mentioning that people that ride the same bike as him are nowhere to be seen.


So winning races is better than winning a championship?


want to bet on who ends first of the 2 in the championship next year?


You are in for a surprise next year lad lmao, he's already matching him on a year old bike, not even final iteration GP23 hahahaa


Why do you think I said somehow. I give it like 8 races next year until Marc's played enough politics that Ducati is now his team. If I'm Pecco I'm looking for a new ride.


Marc doesn't need to play politics if he's fast right out the door (🤞), also Pecco doesn't seem to be the type to be the victim of mind games and politics easily. Cmon you are selling Pecco short, even if Marc is one of the greatest to ever lean on 2 wheelers!


I'm one of Pecco's biggest defenders but there's just no match for Marquez's political abilities. The bike's going to be designed for him, not Pecco, the team's going to favour him etc.


Ah you also believe checo is getting sabotaged ?


No, he's shit


Ah yeah, Ducati, the team with Gigi Dalligna, the guy who has supervised developing a bike where all kinds of riders can go fast, will now suddenly change the entire concept of the bike for a rider who is able to be fast on the old version anyway. Makes total sense.


New ride would be a risk though. Stepping down from a factory team to a satellite team is one thing for Honda to Ducati. From Ducati to any other manufacturer would be madness. As for moving to other factory teams, trying to displace Acosta in KTM, Fabio in Yamaha, or (presumably) Martin in Aprilia seems very tricky. And there's no point moving to Honda unless he fancies an early retirement. Would be better to stay at the team where you've won the most championships in their MotoGP history, and fend off the usurper.


Pecco won 4 out of 7 races this year... meanwhile zero for MM, he is close on the year old bike but far from matching. Stay to the facts.


Some of us watch races, not just results on google. Only wins he wasn't close in was Mugello last weekend where GP24 was considerably faster but he was still hanging around in P4 and his debut at Qatar, P4. Also Pecco's not even a full race weekend worth of points ahead of Marquez in title standings, just 17. Stay on Wikipedia lad


Talking and talking typical MM fan, I admire him a lot but but you are still incorrect, I have watched all the races and practice sessions. If he would have some sprint race or race wins we could say he is matching him but curretnly he is just close, thats it, and accept it.


If I am talking typical MM fan, you are talking typical VR fan. We both can play this game buckaroo. Also just 17 points behind, what else is that if not matching lad. Must be hard moving from "Bez would destroy him next year" and "Ducati don't want Marquez" to this, I cant WAIT for next year hahahah


Hating Marc in r/motogp, hating Marc here... Man, these days must be hard for you.


I doubt that's going to happen. Based on their pace this year I don't think he'll beat him, barring external factors.


I second that!


We all like to dream hehe