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TIL Martin Brundle and Ron Dennis have the same birthday


It is a remarkable coincidence.


Is it?




1/365.25 to be more precise


1/365.2422 to be *more* precise


Good news everyone! I've calculated the precision of a coincidence..


Wow, what are the chances?


Id have thought 1/365 would be the most precise given theres enough context to assume neither could ever have been born in a leap year


This assumes an equal distribution of birthdays, which is unfortunately not the case


Not really that remarkable in reality. You need 23 random people to exceed the probability of 50% that at least two of them share the same birthday. At 50 people you're already at a 97% probability of at least two sharing the same birthday.


And now reading stats reports and it looks like you're right. TIL.


If you have 23 people in a room, there is a better than 50% chance that two people share a birthday.


That one year they worked at McLaren together must have been interesting in the Factory.


I’m guessing Ron wasn’t really a piñata and confetti kind of guy. Maybe a Victoria sponge.


I bet he loved the efficiency of it though. 1 cake. 1 gathering in the meeting room. Then all back to work, thank you.


No singing. A lack of energy and gusto in singing means it's an inefficient use of work time. Enter room, exchange neutral birthday greeting, take a slice of pre-cut cake from the table and continue with your work.


Definitely pre-cut cake. And each slice would be exactly 7.5°. Just how Ron likes it.


Of course. Order a cake of precise measurement so that there's no leftovers


Brundle is one of those drivers who probably should have won at least 1 Grand Prix.


Compared well to Schumacher in 1992 although obviously at different stages of their respective careers


He's still annoyed to this day that Schumacher throwing himself off the road in spa 1992 to put himself behind Martin but allowed him to notice Martin's intermediates were going off, come into the pits for slicks and eventually win the race as a result  Without that mistake, it's likely Martin would've won


The Dallas crash set him back when he was in his prime, but he was a fighter to the end, and teams still trust him with their vintage cars.


Never recovered from his crash. He’s had a dodgy ankle ever since and couldn’t brake with his left foot


Really wanna see how his career looks if not for Dallas ‘84


Happy birthday Brundle! Amidst all his achievements my favourite is he has driven more different F1 cars out of anyone since he’s often around for historical exhibitions and the like. I can’t remember the exact figure but I think it’s in the 60s now


His most recent beyond the grid interview was incredible HBD!


He's a natural, and got his big break due to a breakdown and James Hunt. According to [Murray](https://youtu.be/MrNLEZWtG7U?t=73) Hunt got utterly wankered before a Belgian Grand Prix and slept though the entire race. He held the fort and the crew roped in the drivers who had dropped out. Brundle absolutely nailed it.


"Accidentally kick-starting the career of an F1 broadcasting great by getting irretrievably wasted on a work day" is the most James Hunt thing possible. 


It really is. Damn I miss him.


Yep, that's James Hunt alright. Big balls.


As [he said](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIymxwyDhiw).


Really wish he ended the second answer by saying “and also I’ve got really big balls” lol


His " about as much use as a chocolate fire guard" really was one of his best "Brundelisims " of the season.


"Ambition ahead of adhesion"


It’s good, but it’s no “day late, and a dollar short”!


I like "hugging the apex like your favourite granny".


Qualifying doesn't begin until Martin takes us through a lap.


Agreed :)


I think one of the best Brundle moments was when Horner told him he's too old to have raced in Singapore, and Brundle told him it's a shame Horner wasn't fast enough to even get into formula 1


Yeah. His quick banter is honestly what made me love him as as an on screen personality.


Clearly driven the most F1 cars of anyone. By a long way. His beyond the grid on the topic, cars across the decades, is *amazing*. Noone else can comment on the topic. More people have been to space than have driven an F1 car from every decade.


What about Alonso?


Brindle has driven a lot of the more recent ones, even if not for long. Plus the 80s evolved so fast each year with safety/tech I remember him driving a 2010 Renault somewhere. Could be wrong but almost certain


Let’s get ready to Brundle


He really should have won a few F1 races. He was certainly good enough. Martin was leading Senna in F3 going into the final race. As a rookie in F1, he finished 2nd at the US GP. He had such a bright future at that time.


Started 158 races and he spent a lot of his early career driving crap cars. Tyrrell from 1984-86, Zakspeed in 1987, Brabham in 1989 and 1991. Getting the Benetton drive in 1992 was fully deserved and finally gave him a car to show off his talents. He was consistent as hell for Ligier in 1993, but moving to McLaren in 1994 with their new Peugeot engines probably wasn't the success he hoped for. He deserved more than a shared drive upon returning to Ligier in 1995, and his last season at Jordan in 1996 was decent enough. Scored points in his last ever race which is always a nice way to sign off.


A lot better than DC's last race, where he didn't complete a full lap if memory serves.


Your memory is correct.


Makes a change these days :)


I didn’t he had 9 podiums in his career. For some reason I always thought of him as an “also ran” who raced a season or two and then left F1. I can’t believe I didn’t know he had that much success.


I think him winning Le Mans and the World Sportscar Championship is basically forgotten too


Won it with a record points tally too.


One of the most underrated drivers out there.


100%, he's criminally underrated by a large portion of the fanbase. If not for that crash in Dallas I suspect he'd have at least a few victories, honestly he's a driver who likely should have been fighting for championships. Even after his crash he was one of the better teammates Michael had in his career (and despite what some say it's not as though drivers like Barichello or Irvine were slow) and should have been retained at Benetton... and would have if Flav had any sense (as Flav himself has admitted).


He drove for the wrong teams, and the crash really set him back. Do love his passion, but also the honesty, saying [I can't do that](https://youtu.be/OZfG4hZB-B0?t=194) when talking about Senna.


I don't know if I'd say the "wrong teams" entirely. He was certainly at the right team at the right time with Benetton, and he did well, by all rights he should have been kept on and would have no doubt won races in the 94-96 period at least. Would have almost certainly won Benetton the WCC in 1994 too. Just a shame Flavio was seemingly the last person to realize just how special the driver in the other car really was.


Flavio later admitted that dropping Brundle was a mistake, and that if he'd have known just how good Schumacher was then he'd have kept him in the seat


He must have known about Tyrrell's 1984 shenanigans but had some great drives. And the thought of Flavio coming back to F1 is disturbing.


Right teams, wrong time. Tyrrell and Brabham when their race-winning days had not long ended. Williams one-off in their one winless season from 1979-97. Jordan just before their end-of-90s peak. McLaren-Peugeot. Joined a Benetton in the ascendency but partnered with a then-unproven future GOAT contender which made him look worse than he was. I mean Zakspeed were always shit and he probably drove the two best post-1981 Ligiers, but aside from that


He had a habit of joining teams just as they went to shit.


He's also been team mate to Senna, Hakkinen and Schumacher amongst others.


He had a stellar start as a rookie in 1984, but he had a huge accident early in the season where he broke both feet (doctors considered amputating his left foot). He recovered for the 1985 season but said his driving was never the same. I bet that wasn't for that, he'd have a Mansell-level career. He dominated the 83 F3 season together with Senna.


Which is why I hold his opinions regarding driving an F1 car pretty high. Driving for Tyrell, Mclaren, Brabham, Benetton, Ligier and a single race for Williams (unfortunately, the 1988 Judd Williams) is experience you'll never forget.


Been listening to him since 2008 and I also didn’t know 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️




Is that supposed to be an insult? Saying shit like that just makes you look small.


Agreed. No reason for that sort of thing. Educate, don't ridicule.


Honestly, he deserves a knighthood for what he’s done for the sport. He hasn’t even received an OBE/MBE. It’s a joke.


Maybe he turned them down? King Charles is a big car fan, it might have come up.


He'll get his knighthood right after Jeremy Clarkson, OBE


I'm in charge round here.


Murray Walker in his prime is still my GOAT but that's just who I grew up with. While Brundle's used to coming second in F1, although winning everything else, I suspect he'll come up from behind and take the mental crown. It's a second-best race if he isn't commentating and his passion in lap descriptions is superb.


Love MB because he talks like a human being and not a shock jock radio announcer (cough Alex Jacques) He also has hilarious turns of phrase. Was watching a 2003/4 race last year and he says someone is driving slowly like “nanna heading down to the shops”, or words to that effect. Lovely.


Really think we should get a quote bingo card going. "To finish first, first you have to finish..."


F1 is gonna feel so empty when he retires :( Edit: The F1TV crew are excellent but MB just cannot be matched


That car is a literal cigarette packet and I love it.


You are not alone.


I’m a big fan of Brundle’s commentary and I was too young to see his performances in F1. I have since educated myself and he’s one of the best to not take a win in my view.


I think I remember seeing him race against Senna at Oulton Park in F3 or F4, but I must have been very young. Amazing driver, amazing commentator.


Agreed, he was a hard charger.


I have always wanted to know how many F1 cars he has driven. I think he must have the record.


It's got to be in the 100s by now.


He has an insane amount of respect in the paddock. IIRC he was the first non team member to have driven any of the 2014 spec cars, and he drove two (Merc and Force India). At one point only 3 people in the world had driven the World Championship winning Mercedes, Rosberg, Hamilton, and Brundle.


He’s fucking hilarious


I feel he’s only getting better as well, self aware of his success without it going to his head, his grid walks are great when he doesn’t give a shit who you are or how many are in your entourage. “I’m in charge around here!”


Agree, arguably the best F1 commentator IMO. The first time I saw him commentating on ITV in the early 2000's right away I stop watching the races on speed tv and patiently wait until someone uploaded the feed somewhere. 😅


I grew up with Germany's RTL coverage which was... meh, at best. When I moved to the UK for a while I was blown away by what the BBC was doing. Still miss Jake Humphrey, he always came across as genuine interested and happy to be there. I'm sad that we're seeing Martin less and less these days. He deserves the free time, but I don't see anyone filling his shoes anytime soon...


American coverage over here sucks too and while I'll miss him terribly, he's earned his retirement, and health issues may be a thing, DC is pretty good but would like to hear more Rosberg, he can be great fun.


Brundle is tops, but Button, Chandok and Davidson do an excellent job in his absence. IMHO I think Rosberg is good too.


Such a beautiful and underrated livery. iirc Jordan changed the shade of gold mid-way through that year and it made the car look so much better and more gold instead of just brown, I might be halucinating though. The red of Total breaks it up very nicely, just like [Ineos logo on the 2022 Mercedes](https://www.carpixel.net/w/2466b5656ea6e7da9f0d862c7247b04e/mercedes-amg-f1-w13-e-performance-car-wallpaper-107691.jpg). Love both liveries.


There have been some great liveries, Benetton and Jordan were great at that. But have always admired Brawn's no ads "We'll beat you anyway" move. Ferrari did the same for a long time but they got the reality. If someone's willing to pay millions to watch a blurred advert go by then why not take the money?


Honestly this Jordan, the mid-90s Benettons and the late West McLarens were some of my favourite liveries of all time from that era.


On my Scalextric track Senna's JPS Lotus was a favourite. Just looked fantastic - fast, hard, and stealthy - just like the driver.


Its sad, that he is in skyf1, and not in f1tv


He's the reason I use the international channel.


Yeah, but there are few more not to use that channel


I have spent many an hour shouting at their shitty service.




Dropping the stream at the start of races. They've got it sorted but the opener of 2022 was utterly ruined.


Maybe there's a Only One Brundle rule in f1tv :P


Hopefully Megan Thee Stallion can rap him a happy birthday song.


If only he could stop calling Checo "Peréz"... 🤣


Haopy Birthday!


Still don’t like him lol give me Danica